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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
Sensor placement..... [View all]Ryan_HesMar-28-05 05:28 PM
by DR1665
41272 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Sensor placement....., AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Mar-09-05 03:42 PM, #1
RE: Sensor placement....., baxsom, Mar-09-05 04:37 PM, #2
      RE: Sensor placement....., Teamner947, Mar-09-05 05:49 PM, #3
           RE: Sensor placement....., TeamDR1665, Mar-28-05 05:28 PM, #4
Idle help!/ P1390 [View all]TalsysionMar-28-05 11:25 AM
by Avenger
0945 ---
MS and oygen sensor [View all]TeamXtremeRSMar-25-05 12:02 PM
by Michael_97RS
101479 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: MS and oygen sensor, Ducking_Fumbass, Mar-06-05 05:44 PM, #1
RE: MS and oygen sensor, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-07-05 06:20 AM, #2
RE: MS and oygen sensor, TeamXtremeRS, Mar-07-05 12:35 PM, #3
      RE: MS and oygen sensor, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-07-05 12:44 PM, #4
           RE: MS and oygen sensor, Teamner947, Mar-08-05 03:50 PM, #5
                RE: MS and oygen sensor, TeamXtremeRS, Mar-08-05 04:29 PM, #6
                     RE: MS and oygen sensor, turbo8u, Mar-12-05 03:13 PM, #7
                          RE: MS and oygen sensor, TeamXtremeRS, Mar-12-05 03:59 PM, #8
                               RE: MS and oygen sensor, SilverBullet20g, Mar-13-05 04:30 PM, #9
RE: MS and oygen sensor, TeamMichael_97RS, Mar-25-05 12:02 PM, #10
Megasquirt questions? [View all]jayden1Mar-24-05 03:02 PM
by baxsom
21355 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Megasquirt questions?, TeamXtremeRS, Mar-24-05 03:00 PM, #1
RE: Megasquirt questions?, baxsom, Mar-24-05 03:02 PM, #2
I found other options to megasquirt for fuel and timing [View all]rs-pssstMar-16-05 02:26 PM
by BlueMoonEclipse
41155 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I found other options to megasquirt for fuel and timing, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-15-05 05:28 AM, #1
RE: I found other options to megasquirt for fuel and timing, rs-pssst, Mar-15-05 05:35 AM, #2
RE: I found other options to megasquirt for fuel and timing, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-15-05 07:26 AM, #3
      RE: I found other options to megasquirt for fuel and timing, BlueMoonEclipse, Mar-16-05 02:26 PM, #4
Megasquirt setup only for spark [View all]rs-pssstMar-14-05 06:27 PM0893 ---
Placement of Coolent sensor and ManifoldAirTemp sensor? [View all]Therein10Mar-13-05 07:16 PM
by Therein10
31375 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Placement of Coolent sensor and ManifoldAirTemp sensor?, BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Mar-12-05 06:29 PM, #1
RE: Placement of Coolent sensor and ManifoldAirTemp sensor?, TeamXtremeRS, Mar-13-05 07:57 AM, #2
      RE: Placement of Coolent sensor and ManifoldAirTemp sensor?, Therein10, Mar-13-05 07:16 PM, #3
first MS part purchased [View all]baxsomMar-11-05 12:17 PM
by baxsom
161947 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: first MS part purchased, grain, Mar-07-05 02:56 PM, #1
RE: first MS part purchased, baxsom, Mar-07-05 02:58 PM, #2
      RE: first MS part purchased, Teamner947, Mar-08-05 03:53 PM, #3
      RE: first MS part purchased, baxsom, Mar-08-05 04:04 PM, #4
      RE: first MS part purchased, ForceFed, Mar-09-05 12:34 AM, #5
           RE: first MS part purchased, baxsom, Mar-09-05 01:05 AM, #6
                RE: first MS part purchased, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Mar-09-05 05:10 AM, #7
                     RE: first MS part purchased, TeamXtremeRS, Mar-09-05 12:51 PM, #8
                          RE: first MS part purchased, baxsom, Mar-09-05 12:57 PM, #9
                               RE: first MS part purchased, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-10-05 09:49 AM, #10
                                    RE: first MS part purchased, turbo8u, Mar-10-05 11:23 AM, #11
                                         RE: first MS part purchased, baxsom, Mar-10-05 01:34 PM, #12
                                              RE: first MS part purchased, Teamner947, Mar-10-05 02:26 PM, #13
                                                   RE: first MS part purchased, baxsom, Mar-11-05 10:01 AM, #14
                                                        RE: first MS part purchased, XMasta19, Mar-11-05 11:26 AM, #15
                                                             RE: first MS part purchased, baxsom, Mar-11-05 12:17 PM, #16
Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire [View all]Keith2172Mar-09-05 04:59 AM
by dougie2
132502 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, HiOnPSI, Feb-28-05 08:41 AM, #1
RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, MrSlick, Feb-28-05 09:11 AM, #2
RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, Keith2172, Feb-28-05 12:55 PM, #3
      RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-28-05 01:12 PM, #4
           RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, MrSlick, Feb-28-05 03:21 PM, #5
                RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, Keith2172, Mar-01-05 04:59 AM, #6
                RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, TeamXtremeRS, Mar-05-05 07:43 AM, #8
                RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, Teamner947, Mar-06-05 04:14 PM, #11
                RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, baxsom, Mar-05-05 03:18 AM, #7
                     RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, TeamXtremeRS, Mar-05-05 07:44 AM, #9
                          RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, MrSlick, Mar-05-05 08:23 AM, #10
                               RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, ForceFed, Mar-09-05 12:40 AM, #12
                                    RE: Megasquirt question re:fuel pump wire, Teamdougie2, Mar-09-05 04:59 AM, #13
aem engine management system [View all]jimmy169Mar-08-05 04:41 AM
by corsagsbo
162996 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: aem engine management system, Uberingram, Feb-20-05 05:57 PM, #1
RE: aem engine management system, jimmy169, Feb-20-05 06:44 PM, #2
      RE: aem engine management system, rgirard413, Feb-21-05 04:49 AM, #3
           RE: aem engine management system, Moderatormicyek, Feb-21-05 04:58 AM, #4
                RE: aem engine management system, Uberingram, Feb-21-05 10:10 AM, #5
                RE: aem engine management system, donnyb373, Feb-21-05 05:37 PM, #6
                     RE: aem engine management system, marius, Feb-22-05 11:08 PM, #7
                     RE: aem engine management system, MCubed45, Feb-23-05 06:57 AM, #8
                     RE: aem engine management system, Uberingram, Feb-23-05 10:34 AM, #9
                          RE: aem engine management system, SilverBullet20g, Feb-23-05 12:08 PM, #10
                               RE: aem engine management system, jimmy169, Feb-24-05 09:59 AM, #11
                                    RE: aem engine management system, grain, Feb-24-05 09:06 PM, #12
                                         RE: aem engine management system, jimmy169, Feb-25-05 04:57 PM, #13
                                              RE: aem engine management system, jimmy169, Feb-25-05 07:50 PM, #14
                                                   AEM EMS 1050U instructions and other info, SilverBullet20g, Mar-08-05 02:54 AM, #15
                RE: aem engine management system, corsagsbo, Mar-08-05 04:41 AM, #16
BigStuff3 vs Electromotive [View all]rhuiMar-07-05 11:33 PM01199 ---
Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready. [View all]Teamner947Mar-02-05 01:10 PM
by XtremeRS
Replies to this topic:
RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., grain, Feb-18-05 02:00 PM, #1
RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., RxR_Eclipse, Feb-18-05 07:00 PM, #2
      RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., TeamDR1665, Feb-18-05 09:28 PM, #3
      RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., baxsom, Feb-19-05 04:22 AM, #4
      RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., Ready4Dis, Feb-19-05 06:20 AM, #5
           RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., TeamXtremeRS, Feb-19-05 07:59 AM, #6
                RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., djtrickee, Feb-19-05 08:14 AM, #7
                     RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., RxR_Eclipse, Feb-19-05 08:37 AM, #8
                          RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., TeamXtremeRS, Feb-19-05 10:35 AM, #9
                               RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., TeamAvenger, Feb-19-05 10:59 AM, #10
                               RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Feb-19-05 11:44 AM, #11
                                    RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., freddy_00_69, Feb-19-05 03:59 PM, #12
                                         RE: Megasquirt stuff... Looks like I'm almost ready., DSMHybred, Feb-19-05 06:57 PM, #13
Up and running!, Teamner947, Feb-20-05 04:39 PM, #14
RE: Up and running!, TeamXtremeRS, Feb-20-05 04:47 PM, #15
      RE: Up and running!, Teamner947, Feb-20-05 05:31 PM, #16
           RE: Up and running!, widebodyeclipse, Feb-21-05 03:57 AM, #17
                RE: Up and running!, MrSlick, Feb-21-05 10:33 AM, #18
                     RE: Up and running!, TeamXtremeRS, Feb-21-05 12:51 PM, #19
                          RE: Up and running!, MrSlick, Feb-21-05 02:51 PM, #20
                               RE: Up and running!, Teametx, Feb-22-05 08:37 AM, #21
                                    RE: Up and running!, Teamner947, Feb-22-05 09:42 AM, #22
                                         RE: Up and running!, TeamXtremeRS, Feb-22-05 12:38 PM, #23
                                              RE: Up and running!, MrSlick, Feb-22-05 02:42 PM, #24
                                                   RE: Up and running!, TeamXtremeRS, Feb-22-05 04:27 PM, #25
                                                        RE: Up and running!, MrSlick, Feb-23-05 03:35 AM, #26
                                                             RE: Up and running!, Teametx, Feb-23-05 05:57 AM, #27
                                                                  RE: Up and running!, TeamXtremeRS, Feb-23-05 06:06 AM, #28
                                                                  RE: Up and running!, Chamuko, Feb-23-05 06:33 AM, #29
                                                                  RE: Up and running!, MrSlick, Feb-23-05 07:08 AM, #30
                                                                  RE: Up and running!, Teamner947, Feb-23-05 08:30 AM, #32
                                                                  RE: Up and running!, Teamner947, Feb-23-05 08:25 AM, #31
                                                                       RE: Up and running!, TeamXtremeRS, Feb-23-05 12:57 PM, #33
                                                                            RE: Up and running!, Teametx, Feb-23-05 02:16 PM, #34
                                                                                 RE: Up and running!, Teamner947, Feb-24-05 06:47 PM, #35
                                                                                      RE: Up and running!, Teamdougie2, Feb-24-05 07:08 PM, #36
                                                                                      RE: Up and running!, Teamner947, Feb-25-05 05:07 AM, #37
                                                                                           RE: Up and running!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-25-05 06:39 AM, #38
                                                                                                RE: Up and running!, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Feb-25-05 11:32 AM, #39
                                                                                      RE: Up and running!, ForceFed, Feb-25-05 01:43 PM, #40
Got ignition working., Teamner947, Mar-01-05 03:09 PM, #41
RE: Got ignition working., MrSlick, Mar-02-05 01:43 AM, #42
      RE: Got ignition working., Teamner947, Mar-02-05 10:58 AM, #43
           RE: Got ignition working., DSMHybred, Mar-02-05 12:20 PM, #44
                RE: Got ignition working., TeamXtremeRS, Mar-02-05 01:10 PM, #45
Few electrical connection questions for the MS.. [View all]TeamXtremeRSFeb-28-05 06:13 PM
by MrSlick
41835 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Few electrical connection questions for the MS.., MrSlick, Feb-28-05 03:30 PM, #1
RE: Few electrical connection questions for the MS.., Teamner947, Feb-28-05 03:32 PM, #2
RE: Few electrical connection questions for the MS.., TeamXtremeRS, Feb-28-05 05:11 PM, #3
      RE: Few electrical connection questions for the MS.., MrSlick, Feb-28-05 06:13 PM, #4
Big decisions! Deciding on whether to go with megasquirt [View all]jimmy169Feb-25-05 03:04 PM
by XtremeRS
92239 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Big decisions! Deciding on whether to go with megasquirt, Uberingram, Feb-23-05 03:28 PM, #1
RE: Big decisions! Deciding on whether to go with megasquirt, DSMRoadster, Feb-23-05 10:11 PM, #2
RE: Big decisions! Deciding on whether to go with megasquirt, jimmy169, Feb-24-05 07:34 AM, #3
      RE: Big decisions! Deciding on whether to go with megasquirt, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-24-05 08:33 AM, #4
           RE: Big decisions! Deciding on whether to go with megasquirt, jimmy169, Feb-24-05 08:50 AM, #5
                RE: Big decisions! Deciding on whether to go with megasquirt, Teametx, Feb-25-05 08:10 AM, #6
                     RE: Big decisions! Deciding on whether to go with megasquirt, jimmy169, Feb-25-05 02:05 PM, #7
                          RE: Big decisions! Deciding on whether to go with megasquirt, MrSlick, Feb-25-05 02:38 PM, #8
                               RE: Big decisions! Deciding on whether to go with megasquirt, TeamXtremeRS, Feb-25-05 03:04 PM, #9
Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along? [View all]widebodyeclipseFeb-22-05 05:48 PM
by DSMHybred
352788 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, TXTurboGS, Dec-14-04 09:25 AM, #1
RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, Teamner947, Dec-14-04 10:15 AM, #2
      RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, widebodyeclipse, Dec-14-04 12:46 PM, #3
           RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, MrSlick, Dec-14-04 02:50 PM, #4
                RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, JWoodley, Dec-14-04 04:01 PM, #5
                     RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, xtrickedeclipsex, Dec-14-04 08:12 PM, #6
                          RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, Moderatormicyek, Dec-15-04 02:30 AM, #7
                               RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, MrSlick, Dec-15-04 02:44 AM, #8
                                    RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, Keith2172, Dec-15-04 04:42 AM, #9
                                    RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, MrSlick, Dec-15-04 07:36 AM, #10
                                         RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, turbo8u, Dec-15-04 09:12 AM, #11
                                    RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, Ready4Dis, Dec-15-04 10:04 AM, #12
                                         RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, Teamner947, Dec-15-04 10:35 AM, #13
                                         RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, Teametx, Dec-15-04 10:44 AM, #14
                                         RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, MrSlick, Dec-15-04 11:03 AM, #15
                                              RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, widebodyeclipse, Dec-15-04 11:39 AM, #16
                                              RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, MrSlick, Dec-15-04 12:35 PM, #17
                                                   RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, widebodyeclipse, Dec-15-04 12:50 PM, #18
                                                   RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, MrSlick, Dec-15-04 01:02 PM, #21
                                                   RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, turbo8u, Dec-15-04 12:58 PM, #19
                                                        RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, MrSlick, Dec-15-04 01:01 PM, #20
                                                             RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, turbo8u, Dec-15-04 01:04 PM, #22
                                                                  RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, MrSlick, Dec-15-04 01:07 PM, #23
                                                                       RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, widebodyeclipse, Dec-15-04 01:20 PM, #24
                                                                            RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, extreme97nt, Dec-15-04 04:21 PM, #25
                                                                                 RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, grain, Dec-16-04 04:17 AM, #26
                                              RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, Ready4Dis, Dec-16-04 08:22 AM, #27
                                                   RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, MrSlick, Dec-16-04 02:14 PM, #28
                                                        RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, widebodyeclipse, Dec-16-04 03:22 PM, #29
                                                             RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, turbo8u, Dec-16-04 03:41 PM, #30
                                                             RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, ModeratorDR1665v2, Dec-16-04 04:57 PM, #31
                                                                  RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, widebodyeclipse, Dec-20-04 05:29 AM, #32
                                                                       RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, MrSlick, Dec-20-04 06:19 AM, #33
                                                                            RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, TXTurboGS, Dec-20-04 06:37 PM, #34
                                                                                 RE: Mr Slick hows the squirt comin along?, DSMHybred, Feb-22-05 05:48 PM, #35
Interesting. I thought this type of forum would be in the Turbo section. [View all]siueclipseFeb-22-05 09:53 AM
by ez
81856 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Interesting. I thought this type of forum would be in the Turbo section., WIDECLIPSE, Feb-21-05 05:46 AM, #1
RE: Interesting. I thought this type of forum would be in the Turbo section., siueclipse, Feb-21-05 06:38 AM, #2
      RE: Interesting. I thought this type of forum would be in the Turbo section., ModeratorEvuLFleA, Feb-21-05 07:16 AM, #3
           RE: Interesting. I thought this type of forum would be in the Turbo section., siueclipse, Feb-21-05 09:58 AM, #4
                RE: Interesting. I thought this type of forum would be in the Turbo section., MrSlick, Feb-21-05 11:01 AM, #5
                     RE: Interesting. I thought this type of forum would be in the Turbo section., TeamXtremeRS, Feb-21-05 12:48 PM, #6
                          RE: Interesting. I thought this type of forum would be in the Turbo section., BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Feb-22-05 08:03 AM, #7
                               RE: Interesting. I thought this type of forum would be in the Turbo section., ez, Feb-22-05 09:53 AM, #8
Megasquirt [View all]Nitrous_RS1997Feb-21-05 10:39 AM
by MrSlick
102149 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Megasquirt, cyan, Feb-19-05 06:58 PM, #1
RE: Megasquirt, Nitrous_RS1997, Feb-19-05 07:20 PM, #2
      RE: Megasquirt, Nitrous_RS1997, Feb-20-05 11:38 AM, #3
           RE: Megasquirt, baxsom, Feb-20-05 01:59 PM, #4
                RE: Megasquirt, BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Feb-20-05 02:12 PM, #5
                RE: Megasquirt, BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Feb-20-05 03:48 PM, #6
                     RE: Megasquirt, corsagsbo, Feb-21-05 06:39 AM, #7
                RE: Megasquirt, Teamner947, Feb-21-05 07:40 AM, #8
                     RE: Megasquirt, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-21-05 08:55 AM, #9
                          RE: Megasquirt, MrSlick, Feb-21-05 10:39 AM, #10
E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea [View all]neovbFeb-16-05 06:29 PM
by HiOnPSI
121584 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, 420a-Tnthewerks, Dec-13-04 10:35 PM, #1
RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, Teametx, Dec-14-04 04:47 AM, #2
      RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, ModeratorCorbin, Dec-14-04 07:31 AM, #3
           RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, Teametx, Dec-14-04 09:27 AM, #4
                RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, neovb, Dec-14-04 10:13 AM, #5
                     RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, baxsom, Dec-31-04 02:56 PM, #6
                     RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, jsupetran, Dec-31-04 10:42 PM, #7
                          RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, neovb, Jan-02-05 11:14 AM, #8
                               RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, reliant_turbo, Jan-12-05 04:46 PM, #9
                               RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, HiOnPSI, Feb-16-05 06:29 PM, #12
                               RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, Scandelous, Jan-20-05 09:22 PM, #10
                                    RE: E-Manage and Secondary Injector idea, RST95eclipse, Feb-16-05 05:24 PM, #11
MegaSquirt Base Tune with 48#injectors [View all]Therein10Feb-16-05 03:34 PM
by dougie2
31235 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: MegaSquirt Base Tune with 48#injectors, turbo8u, Feb-16-05 07:37 AM, #1
RE: MegaSquirt Base Tune with 48#injectors, Therein10, Feb-16-05 07:48 AM, #2
      RE: MegaSquirt Base Tune with 48#injectors, Teamdougie2, Feb-16-05 03:34 PM, #3
Another Megasquirt question [View all]Keith2172Feb-10-05 06:52 AM
by Keith2172
21587 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Another Megasquirt question, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Feb-10-05 06:45 AM, #1
RE: Another Megasquirt question, Keith2172, Feb-10-05 06:52 AM, #2
Accel DFI Gen. 6 Install/Sensors [View all]version55Feb-09-05 04:48 PM
by fly1
71882 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Accel DFI Gen. 6 Install/Sensors, Teamdougie2, Feb-08-05 07:17 PM, #1
RE: Accel DFI Gen. 6 Install/Sensors, fly1, Feb-09-05 01:49 AM, #2
      RE: Accel DFI Gen. 6 Install/Sensors, version55, Feb-09-05 02:44 AM, #3
           RE: Accel DFI Gen. 6 Install/Sensors, Moderator992gnt, Feb-09-05 07:05 AM, #4
                RE: Accel DFI Gen. 6 Install/Sensors, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-09-05 07:10 AM, #5
                RE: Accel DFI Gen. 6 Install/Sensors, version55, Feb-09-05 08:37 AM, #6
                     RE: Accel DFI Gen. 6 Install/Sensors, fly1, Feb-09-05 04:48 PM, #7
Megasquirt/ big turbo users.. [View all]corsagsboJan-26-05 05:52 AM
by corsagsbo
132225 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., Uberingram, Jan-25-05 10:35 AM, #1
RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., turby, Jan-25-05 10:42 AM, #2
      RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., corsagsbo, Jan-25-05 10:50 AM, #3
           RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., Uberingram, Jan-25-05 10:55 AM, #4
                RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., DJ420a, Jan-25-05 11:11 AM, #5
                     RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., grain, Jan-25-05 11:32 AM, #6
                          RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., MrSlick, Jan-25-05 04:58 PM, #7
                          RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., DJ420a, Jan-25-05 05:04 PM, #9
                          RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., MrSlick, Jan-25-05 05:05 PM, #10
                          RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., corsagsbo, Jan-26-05 02:16 AM, #11
                          RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., Teamdougie2, Jan-25-05 05:02 PM, #8
                               RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., Teametx, Jan-26-05 04:42 AM, #12
                                    RE: Megasquirt/ big turbo users.., corsagsbo, Jan-26-05 05:52 AM, #13
slick and those runnin squirt [View all]widebodyeclipseJan-14-05 12:30 PM
by Michael_97RS
122209 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: slick and those runnin squirt, Teamdougie2, Jan-11-05 07:46 AM, #1
RE: slick and those runnin squirt, Initial DSM, Jan-11-05 08:36 AM, #2
RE: slick and those runnin squirt, widebodyeclipse, Jan-11-05 09:21 AM, #3
RE: slick and those runnin squirt, grain, Jan-11-05 10:03 AM, #4
      RE: slick and those runnin squirt, widebodyeclipse, Jan-11-05 12:40 PM, #5
RE: slick and those runnin squirt, widebodyeclipse, Jan-12-05 04:59 AM, #9
RE: slick and those runnin squirt, SilverBullet20g, Jan-11-05 12:47 PM, #6
      RE: slick and those runnin squirt, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jan-11-05 12:51 PM, #7
           RE: slick and those runnin squirt, Teamdougie2, Jan-11-05 02:11 PM, #8
                RE: slick and those runnin squirt, Teametx, Jan-12-05 05:15 AM, #10
                     RE: slick and those runnin squirt, 97whitESi, Jan-13-05 04:50 PM, #11
RE: slick and those runnin squirt, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-14-05 12:30 PM, #12
any megasquirt familiar people in the Maryland area? [View all]GlaciusJan-09-05 05:26 AM
by MrSlick
71277 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: any megasquirt familiar people in the Maryland area?, BlueMoonEclipse, Jan-03-05 01:43 PM, #1
RE: any megasquirt familiar people in the Maryland area?, MrSlick, Jan-03-05 06:01 PM, #2
      RE: any megasquirt familiar people in the Maryland area?, MrSlick, Jan-03-05 06:01 PM, #3
           RE: any megasquirt familiar people in the Maryland area?, BlueMoonEclipse, Jan-03-05 06:27 PM, #4
           RE: any megasquirt familiar people in the Maryland area?, Glacius, Jan-03-05 07:46 PM, #5
           RE: any megasquirt familiar people in the Maryland area?, madhatter210, Jan-08-05 09:59 PM, #6
                RE: any megasquirt familiar people in the Maryland area?, MrSlick, Jan-09-05 05:26 AM, #7
Mr. Slick Megasquirt? [View all]tim96rsDec-29-04 02:57 PM
by widebodyeclipse
71620 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Mr. Slick Megasquirt?, BlueMoonEclipse, Dec-26-04 05:57 PM, #1
RE: Mr. Slick Megasquirt?, TeamDR1665, Dec-27-04 02:43 AM, #2
      RE: Mr. Slick Megasquirt?, Teametx, Dec-28-04 01:48 PM, #3
           RE: Mr. Slick Megasquirt?, tim96rs, Dec-28-04 02:47 PM, #4
                RE: Mr. Slick Megasquirt?, ModeratorDR1665v2, Dec-28-04 05:42 PM, #5
                     RE: Mr. Slick Megasquirt?, MrSlick, Dec-29-04 01:40 PM, #6
                          RE: Mr. Slick Megasquirt?, widebodyeclipse, Dec-29-04 02:57 PM, #7
Megasquirt [View all]BOOSTED ECLIPSEDec-02-04 01:43 PM
91866 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Megasquirt, grain, Dec-01-04 02:53 PM, #1
RE: Megasquirt, BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Dec-01-04 03:09 PM, #2
      RE: Megasquirt, Chamuko, Dec-01-04 03:52 PM, #3
           RE: Megasquirt, tim97rs, Dec-01-04 04:01 PM, #4
           RE: Megasquirt, BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Dec-01-04 04:22 PM, #6
                RE: Megasquirt, Teamner947, Dec-01-04 06:01 PM, #8
           RE: Megasquirt, BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Dec-01-04 04:17 PM, #5
                RE: Megasquirt, Teamner947, Dec-01-04 05:52 PM, #7
                     RE: Megasquirt, BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Dec-02-04 01:43 PM, #9
Megasquirt - Spark Success! [View all]MrSlickNov-28-04 05:06 PM
by DarKReaLity
262550 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, widebodyeclipse, Nov-22-04 02:39 PM, #1
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, MrSlick, Nov-22-04 03:07 PM, #2
      RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, 405turbo420a, Nov-22-04 05:52 PM, #3
           RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, DarKReaLity, Nov-22-04 06:29 PM, #4
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, TXTurboGS, Nov-22-04 06:45 PM, #5
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, Moderatormicyek, Nov-23-04 04:28 AM, #7
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, widebodyeclipse, Nov-23-04 04:21 AM, #6
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, TeamJasonESi_T, Nov-23-04 04:49 AM, #8
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, MrSlick, Nov-23-04 05:32 AM, #9
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, widebodyeclipse, Nov-23-04 06:37 AM, #10
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, Initial DSM, Nov-23-04 07:18 AM, #11
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, DSMRoadster, Nov-23-04 05:16 PM, #13
      RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, MrSlick, Nov-24-04 05:37 AM, #15
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, Teamner947, Nov-28-04 04:29 PM, #24
      RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, 97whitESi, Nov-28-04 04:30 PM, #25
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, SilverBullet20g, Nov-23-04 08:15 AM, #12
RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, xtrickedeclipsex, Nov-23-04 09:19 PM, #14
      RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, MrSlick, Nov-24-04 05:39 AM, #16
           RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, xtrickedeclipsex, Nov-24-04 06:46 AM, #17
                RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, TXTurboGS, Nov-24-04 07:05 AM, #18
                RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, MrSlick, Nov-24-04 10:31 AM, #20
                     RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, fly1, Nov-24-04 04:20 PM, #21
                RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, MrSlick, Nov-24-04 10:31 AM, #19
                     RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, DarKReaLity, Nov-25-04 06:47 AM, #22
                          RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, Collente, Nov-28-04 04:06 PM, #23
                               RE: Megasquirt - Spark Success!, DarKReaLity, Nov-28-04 05:06 PM, #26
fuel pump requirements with megasquirt? [View all]MCubed45Nov-14-04 01:51 PM
by Cereal5
31597 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: fuel pump requirements with megasquirt?, grain, Nov-13-04 09:54 AM, #1
RE: fuel pump requirements with megasquirt?, MrSlick, Nov-14-04 10:21 AM, #2
      RE: fuel pump requirements with megasquirt?, Cereal5, Nov-14-04 01:51 PM, #3
Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions [View all]ForceFed420aOct-21-04 04:40 AM
by ForceFed420a
152547 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, grain, Oct-18-04 12:11 PM, #1
RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, Teamner947, Oct-18-04 02:16 PM, #2
      RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, Teamdougie2, Oct-19-04 03:14 AM, #3
           RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, ForceFed420a, Oct-19-04 04:44 AM, #4
                RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, MrSlick, Oct-19-04 03:03 PM, #5
                     RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, ForceFed420a, Oct-20-04 02:24 AM, #6
                          RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, reliant_turbo, Oct-20-04 03:55 AM, #7
                               RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, turbo8u, Oct-20-04 09:27 AM, #8
                               RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, Teamdougie2, Oct-20-04 04:35 PM, #10
                                    RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, reliant_turbo, Oct-20-04 05:18 PM, #11
                               RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-20-04 11:18 AM, #9
                                    RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, reliant_turbo, Oct-20-04 05:27 PM, #12
                                         RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, MrSlick, Oct-21-04 03:02 AM, #13
                                              RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, reliant_turbo, Oct-21-04 04:11 AM, #14
                                                   RE: Attention Mr. Slick: Megasquirt Questions, ForceFed420a, Oct-21-04 04:40 AM, #15
All this talk about a Mega Squirt! [View all]widebodiedSep-27-04 02:15 PM
by Eclipse2NR
383096 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Sep-24-04 11:02 AM, #1
RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Administratoradmin2, Sep-24-04 11:10 AM, #
RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, xtrickedeclipsex, Sep-24-04 11:10 AM, #2
RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Eclipse2NR, Sep-24-04 11:19 AM, #3
RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, grain, Sep-24-04 11:21 AM, #4
RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, MR BLUNT 2gnt, Sep-24-04 12:10 PM, #5
      RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Kirby, Sep-24-04 02:06 PM, #6
      RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, xtrickedeclipsex, Sep-24-04 10:32 PM, #7
           RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Eclipse2NR, Sep-25-04 07:39 AM, #8
                RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, MrSlick, Sep-25-04 02:44 PM, #9
                     RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, MrSlick, Sep-25-04 02:47 PM, #10
                          RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Eclipse2NR, Sep-25-04 04:55 PM, #11
                               RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, davo345, Sep-25-04 06:51 PM, #12
                                    RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, MrSlick, Sep-25-04 06:56 PM, #13
                                         RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, er0ckz, Sep-25-04 09:05 PM, #14
                                              RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, xtrickedeclipsex, Sep-25-04 10:26 PM, #15
                                                   RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Sep-25-04 10:36 PM, #16
                                                        RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Eclipse2NR, Sep-26-04 08:40 AM, #17
                                                             RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, TeamJasonESi_T, Sep-26-04 09:11 AM, #18
                                                                  RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Sep-26-04 09:46 AM, #19
                                                                       RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, MrSlick, Sep-26-04 09:52 AM, #20
                                                                       RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, MrSlick, Sep-26-04 09:53 AM, #21
                                                                            RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, TeamJasonESi_T, Sep-26-04 10:02 AM, #24
                                                                       RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, TeamJasonESi_T, Sep-26-04 09:54 AM, #22
                                                                            RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, MrSlick, Sep-26-04 09:59 AM, #23
                                                                            RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, TeamJasonESi_T, Sep-26-04 10:03 AM, #25
                                                                            RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, davo345, Sep-26-04 11:34 AM, #26
                                                                                 RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, widebodied, Sep-27-04 03:50 AM, #27
                                                                                      RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, davo345, Sep-27-04 07:53 AM, #28
                                                                                           RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Teamdougie2, Sep-27-04 08:06 AM, #29
                                                                                                RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, davo345, Sep-27-04 08:11 AM, #30
                                                                                                     RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Eclipse2NR, Sep-27-04 09:47 AM, #31
                                                                                                          RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, widebodied, Sep-27-04 12:37 PM, #32
                                                                                                               RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Initial DSM, Sep-27-04 12:56 PM, #33
                                                                                                                    RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, er0ckz, Sep-27-04 01:31 PM, #34
                                                                                                                         RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Eclipse2NR, Sep-27-04 02:06 PM, #35
                                                                                                                              RE: All this talk about a Mega Squirt!, Eclipse2NR, Sep-27-04 02:14 PM, #36
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