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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
REMINDER! Only post racing topics here! [View all]ModeratorVX100Mar-18-02 02:44 AM
by VX100
03344 ---
DRIVING WRECKLESSLY ON THE STREET: Pay attention. [View all]ModeratortekleinApr-16-10 07:26 AM02774 ---
What is your embarassment moment [View all]xEclipsE RaceRxSep-06-14 11:41 PM
by BoostMe97
22127277 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What is your embarassment moment, endless73, Jan-12-02 04:31 PM, #1
RE: What is your embarassment moment, Sabot, Jan-12-02 04:54 PM, #2
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jan-12-02 05:32 PM, #3
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, Doug96GS, Jan-13-02 04:02 AM, #4
           here ya go, ModeratorVX100, Jan-13-02 04:38 AM, #5
           RE: here ya go, SaberKhan, Jan-13-02 06:15 PM, #6
                RE: here ya go, vegasdsmr, Jan-13-02 09:19 PM, #7
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, suburbanstyles, Nov-12-04 02:52 PM, #129
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, Teameclipse804, Jan-13-02 09:52 PM, #8
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, SaberKhan, Jan-14-02 02:46 PM, #9
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, vegasdsmr, Jan-14-02 05:07 PM, #10
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, evan2, Jan-15-02 03:34 AM, #11
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, soldier101, Jan-15-02 01:13 PM, #12
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, RSin oRACLe, Jan-19-02 06:21 AM, #13
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, run4cvr, Jan-22-02 02:46 AM, #14
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, shagnastyek9, Nov-10-07 04:25 AM, #200
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, Moderatorcs82685, Nov-10-07 06:33 AM, #201
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, ThE oRACLe, May-23-03 05:44 AM, #74
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, yzrider, Apr-09-08 02:11 PM, #209
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, red98eclipseRS, May-24-02 10:20 PM, #28
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, Vectorracing_B, Feb-11-02 08:26 AM, #16
RE: What is your embarassment moment, EsiTalon96, Jan-27-02 04:02 AM, #15
RE: What is your embarassment moment, soldier101, Feb-11-02 11:20 AM, #17
RE: What is your embarassment moment, skinny_one, Mar-17-02 09:29 PM, #18
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, 98eclipse_GS, Mar-18-02 02:10 AM, #19
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, fasterGS, Mar-18-02 03:41 AM, #20
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, xEclipsE RaceRx, Mar-18-02 08:38 PM, #21
RE: What is your embarassment moment, matty, Mar-19-02 12:14 AM, #22
RE: What is your embarassment moment, Eclipse148cel, Mar-19-02 12:28 PM, #23
RE: What is your embarassment moment, xeraxes, Mar-20-02 09:27 AM, #24
RE: What is your embarassment moment, IntenseEclipse, Mar-20-02 11:26 AM, #25
RE: What is your embarassment moment, fatchance, May-09-02 06:02 PM, #26
RE: What is your embarassment moment, The1Bill, May-22-02 01:35 PM, #27
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, HadesOmega, May-25-02 08:08 PM, #29
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, HeartOfDarkness, May-26-02 10:41 PM, #30
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, rameencool, Sep-16-02 05:33 PM, #31
RE: What is your embarassment moment, Ballinboy2318, Sep-05-09 04:34 PM, #215
RE: What is your embarassment moment, the_invince, Sep-17-02 01:09 PM, #32
RE: What is your embarassment moment, rameencool, Sep-17-02 02:12 PM, #33
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, fatchance, Sep-17-02 04:26 PM, #34
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, soldier101, Sep-17-02 04:44 PM, #35
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, SaberKhan, Sep-19-02 02:04 AM, #36
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, nappyjim, Sep-24-02 11:59 PM, #37
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, chrysler kid, Sep-25-02 12:29 PM, #38
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, soldier101, Oct-03-02 03:09 PM, #39
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, Forged420a, Oct-04-02 07:03 PM, #40
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, Stormshadow, Oct-17-03 07:34 PM, #89
RE: What is your embarassment moment, derek, Dec-11-02 12:30 PM, #41
RE: What is your embarassment moment, billy mack, Dec-12-02 09:39 AM, #42
RE: What is your embarassment moment, xEclipsE RaceRx, Dec-15-02 11:14 AM, #43
RE: What is your embarassment moment, ModeratorVX100, Dec-16-02 02:19 AM, #44
RE: What is your embarassment moment, vegasdsmr, Dec-16-02 04:17 PM, #45
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, ThePlastik, Dec-17-02 02:05 AM, #46
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, mitifto, Dec-18-02 02:31 PM, #47
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, ThePlastik, Dec-21-02 09:26 PM, #48
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, blitzeclipse99, Dec-23-02 04:07 PM, #49
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, Meet Da X, Dec-24-02 11:28 AM, #50
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, OZ_GS, Dec-26-02 03:05 PM, #51
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, silvreclipsers, Dec-27-02 03:42 AM, #52
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, Meet Da X, Dec-31-02 10:22 AM, #53
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, rydereclipse, Jan-05-03 02:21 AM, #54
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, Meet Da X, Jan-09-03 06:54 AM, #55
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, Dseclipse, Jan-09-03 08:53 AM, #56
RE: What is your embarassment moment, NySpeed, Jan-09-03 02:32 PM, #57
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, derek, Jan-10-03 02:20 PM, #58
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, soldier101, Jan-11-03 05:27 PM, #59
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, Meet Da X, Jan-12-03 01:43 PM, #60
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, Teamner947, Jan-15-03 03:52 AM, #61
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, distort, Jan-22-03 11:51 AM, #62
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, EclipseRST, Feb-06-03 07:36 AM, #63
RE: What is your embarassment moment, docta doom, Feb-20-03 11:13 AM, #64
RE: What is your embarassment moment, EclipseRST, Mar-17-03 09:23 AM, #65
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, WickedESi, Mar-17-03 07:55 PM, #66
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, Vandy420a, Mar-21-03 07:19 AM, #67
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, Teametx, Mar-21-03 09:17 AM, #68
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, drjeff2k, Mar-23-03 03:56 PM, #69
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, Sorry_i_Win, Apr-03-03 03:49 PM, #70
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, EcLIpsInEmCEe7, Apr-29-03 07:25 PM, #71
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, darosa4561, May-08-03 08:46 AM, #72
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, soldier101, May-20-03 07:14 PM, #73
                                         RE: What is your embarassment moment, Uberingram, Jun-27-03 07:00 PM, #75
                                              RE: What is your embarassment moment, keg killa, Jun-28-03 10:06 AM, #76
                                                   RE: What is your embarassment moment, Moderatormicyek, Jun-30-03 09:38 AM, #77
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, 97GoSlow, Jan-01-04 03:46 PM, #102
RE: What is your embarassment moment, RoxJu2, Jul-01-03 05:30 PM, #78
RE: What is your embarassment moment, TeamDR1665, Jul-02-03 06:11 AM, #79
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, xEclipsE RaceRx, Jul-29-03 02:50 PM, #80
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, Remdawgz, Jul-29-03 06:04 PM, #81
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, TeamDR1665, Aug-04-03 12:10 PM, #82
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, eclipsekaiser, Aug-04-03 01:37 PM, #83
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, Vinh766, Aug-09-03 01:22 AM, #84
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, red97rsEclipse, Aug-15-03 03:41 PM, #85
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, BumpinTool, Aug-18-03 01:46 AM, #86
                                         RE: What is your embarassment moment, orzech, Sep-21-03 05:15 PM, #87
                                              RE: What is your embarassment moment, TribalTalon95, Sep-30-03 02:21 PM, #88
                                                   RE: What is your embarassment moment, teamAggressive, Oct-21-03 10:55 AM, #90
                                                        RE: What is your embarassment moment, TeamDR1665, Nov-26-03 05:39 AM, #91
                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, Uberingram, Nov-27-03 08:13 AM, #93
RE: What is your embarassment moment, dsmking, Nov-26-03 03:57 PM, #92
RE: What is your embarassment moment, 97xtc, Nov-27-03 04:50 PM, #94
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, FarOutKucki, Nov-30-03 09:22 PM, #95
RE: What is your embarassment moment, monoxide, Dec-03-03 08:53 AM, #96
RE: What is your embarassment moment, BlackTalboy, Dec-05-03 03:34 PM, #97
RE: What is your embarassment moment, EclipseRST, Dec-14-03 06:12 PM, #98
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, BlackTalboy, Dec-16-03 05:42 AM, #99
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, BlueMoonEclipse, Dec-19-03 10:15 PM, #100
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, TeamDR1665, Jan-01-04 02:47 PM, #101
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, my1997eclipse, Jan-03-04 10:04 PM, #103
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, daniel992gnt, Jan-04-04 12:56 PM, #104
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, ajna_star, Jan-20-04 08:34 PM, #105
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, Elysium GT, Jan-23-04 05:23 PM, #106
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, mrj82, Jan-28-04 07:26 PM, #107
                                         RE: What is your embarassment moment, Breezio, Jan-29-04 03:52 AM, #108
                                         RE: What is your embarassment moment, Johnl1232, Jan-30-04 05:22 PM, #109
                                              RE: What is your embarassment moment, xEclipsE RaceRx, Feb-13-04 01:50 PM, #110
                                                   RE: What is your embarassment moment, widebodied, Feb-13-04 02:57 PM, #111
                                                        RE: What is your embarassment moment, 95GSEclipse, Feb-20-04 04:55 PM, #112
                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, Dracas, Mar-03-04 04:48 PM, #113
                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, TeamDR1665, Apr-09-04 09:42 AM, #114
                                                                  RE: What is your embarassment moment, GTAGRIP, Apr-12-04 09:39 AM, #115
                                                                       RE: What is your embarassment moment, Carbonfiberhooded, May-29-04 01:22 AM, #116
                                                                            RE: What is your embarassment moment, silvereclipse30, May-29-04 05:45 PM, #117
                                                                                 RE: What is your embarassment moment, TeamDR1665, Jun-01-04 11:50 AM, #118
                                                                                      RE: What is your embarassment moment, talonguy2005, Jun-13-04 06:00 PM, #119
                                                                                      RE: What is your embarassment moment, Steve, Jun-13-04 06:49 PM, #120
                                                                                           RE: What is your embarassment moment, 420a-Tnthewerks, Jun-15-04 08:05 PM, #121
                                                                                                RE: What is your embarassment moment, miamilakeseclipse, Jun-18-04 02:36 PM, #122
                                                                                                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, talonguy2005, Jul-07-04 06:55 AM, #123
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, kelvinb1, Dec-26-04 12:50 PM, #139
RE: What is your embarassment moment, Jay F, Jul-11-04 12:27 PM, #124
RE: What is your embarassment moment, reaxion, Aug-19-04 09:38 PM, #125
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, 95GSEclipse, Aug-21-04 07:11 AM, #126
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, talonguy2005, Nov-09-04 01:56 PM, #127
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, 420a-Tnthewerks, Nov-12-04 07:38 AM, #128
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, suburbanstyles, Nov-12-04 03:04 PM, #130
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, ModeratorDR1665v2, Nov-12-04 04:11 PM, #131
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, daman_tbone, Nov-24-04 06:33 AM, #132
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, talonguy2005, Nov-24-04 09:46 AM, #133
                                         RE: What is your embarassment moment, destruckeclipse, Dec-13-04 08:17 PM, #134
                                              RE: What is your embarassment moment, Talontaxi, Dec-19-04 07:09 PM, #135
                                                   RE: What is your embarassment moment, ModeratorDR1665v2, Dec-20-04 06:28 PM, #136
                                                        RE: What is your embarassment moment, Ark, Dec-20-04 06:37 PM, #137
                                                        RE: What is your embarassment moment, ModeratorDR1665v2, Dec-21-04 03:27 PM, #138
                                                        RE: What is your embarassment moment, 420a-Tnthewerks, Dec-27-04 09:01 PM, #140
                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, richlo65, Jan-14-05 09:23 AM, #141
                                                                  RE: What is your embarassment moment, talonguy2005, Jan-15-05 08:13 PM, #142
                                                                       RE: What is your embarassment moment, Dracas, Jan-16-05 04:00 PM, #143
RE: What is your embarassment moment, xEclipsE RaceRx, Feb-03-05 07:13 PM, #144
RE: What is your embarassment moment, silvereclipse30, Feb-03-05 07:24 PM, #145
RE: What is your embarassment moment, 96eclipse2nr, Feb-03-05 07:37 PM, #146
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, TeamDR1665, Mar-18-05 03:20 PM, #147
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, kain_99gs, Mar-19-05 05:52 PM, #148
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, EvMan2345, Mar-28-05 04:09 PM, #149
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, 97eclipse97, Mar-29-05 05:38 AM, #150
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, richlo65, Mar-29-05 11:34 AM, #151
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, 97eclipse97, Mar-29-05 01:28 PM, #152
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, talonguy2005, Apr-10-05 05:37 PM, #153
                                         RE: What is your embarassment moment, CarbonFiberRST, Apr-13-05 03:29 PM, #154
                                              RE: What is your embarassment moment, CrazyEclipse, Apr-22-05 06:42 AM, #155
                                                   RE: What is your embarassment moment, jonhix, Sep-04-05 11:21 PM, #156
                                                        RE: What is your embarassment moment, 1999Eclipt, Sep-15-05 09:48 AM, #157
                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, 96rs-t, Sep-15-05 11:47 AM, #158
                                                                  RE: What is your embarassment moment, BlackMagic, Sep-15-05 03:13 PM, #159
                                                                  RE: What is your embarassment moment, CarbonFiberRST, Sep-15-05 05:18 PM, #160
                                                                       RE: What is your embarassment moment, Moderatorcs82685, Sep-15-05 06:15 PM, #161
                                                                            RE: What is your embarassment moment, gramozeka, Sep-16-05 02:14 PM, #162
                                                                                 RE: What is your embarassment moment, shazow1969, Sep-24-05 07:09 AM, #163
                                                                                      RE: What is your embarassment moment, sd240, Sep-24-05 06:59 PM, #164
                                                                                           RE: What is your embarassment moment, hayesjl, Sep-28-05 12:36 PM, #165
                                                                                                RE: What is your embarassment moment, Moderatorcs82685, Sep-28-05 12:57 PM, #166
                                                                                                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, eclipse7782, Oct-18-05 02:22 PM, #167
                                                                                                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, nonamerat, Nov-15-05 07:22 PM, #168
                                                                                                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, BlackMagic, Nov-15-05 08:40 PM, #169
                                                                                                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, nonamerat, Nov-16-05 05:35 AM, #170
                                                                                                                         RE: What is your embarassment moment, TeamDR1665, Nov-16-05 06:58 AM, #171
                                                                                                                              RE: What is your embarassment moment, BlackMagic, Nov-16-05 07:58 AM, #172
                                                                                                                                   RE: What is your embarassment moment, sike, Nov-29-05 02:52 PM, #173
                                                                                                                                        RE: What is your embarassment moment, EclipseRST, Mar-21-06 01:02 PM, #174
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, Moderatorcs82685, Mar-21-06 02:17 PM, #175
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, goalie40, Apr-28-06 03:33 PM, #176
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, BlackMagic, Apr-28-06 04:04 PM, #177
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, goalie40, May-01-06 09:38 AM, #178
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, TeamDR1665, Oct-18-06 09:21 AM, #179
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, XMasta19, Oct-19-06 01:03 PM, #180
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, Moderatorcs82685, Oct-19-06 04:04 PM, #181
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, Remy, Oct-23-06 05:38 AM, #182
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, Moderatorcs82685, Oct-25-06 04:16 AM, #183
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, Moderatorbullettdsm, Oct-25-06 11:49 PM, #184
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, JayWeezie88, Oct-26-06 03:10 AM, #185
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, Paul_B, Nov-02-06 05:21 PM, #186
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, destruckeclipse, Nov-04-06 06:00 AM, #187
                                                                                                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, pirotlord, Nov-05-06 03:23 PM, #188
RE: What is your embarassment moment, xEclipsE RaceRx, Nov-06-06 06:59 PM, #189
RE: What is your embarassment moment, Moderatorbullettdsm, Nov-07-06 10:50 AM, #190
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, J-Star, Nov-12-06 01:12 AM, #191
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, edxmon, Nov-15-06 01:18 PM, #192
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, Hedge, Apr-16-07 09:32 AM, #193
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, JayWeezie88, Apr-16-07 10:39 AM, #194
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, cc8balla, Apr-16-07 04:10 PM, #195
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, Moderatorcs82685, Apr-16-07 04:35 PM, #196
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, edxmon, Apr-18-07 12:21 PM, #197
                                         RE: What is your embarassment moment, Hedge, Apr-26-07 12:27 PM, #198
                                              RE: What is your embarassment moment, edxmon, May-14-07 07:15 AM, #199
                                                   RE: What is your embarassment moment, justins71, Nov-11-07 06:21 AM, #202
                                                        RE: What is your embarassment moment, edxmon, Nov-13-07 12:16 PM, #203
                                                             RE: What is your embarassment moment, justins71, Nov-13-07 02:47 PM, #204
                                                                  RE: What is your embarassment moment, EventsCo21XL, Mar-09-08 07:23 PM, #205
RE: What is your embarassment moment, slowmitsu, Mar-17-08 09:02 AM, #206
RE: What is your embarassment moment, madmatthew88, Mar-19-08 09:46 PM, #207
      RE: What is your embarassment moment, susafuss, Mar-23-08 11:24 AM, #208
           RE: What is your embarassment moment, nicho919, Aug-01-09 02:19 AM, #210
                RE: What is your embarassment moment, kevox, Aug-17-09 04:21 AM, #211
                     RE: What is your embarassment moment, Moderatorbullettdsm, Aug-17-09 04:52 AM, #212
                          RE: What is your embarassment moment, kevox, Sep-01-09 12:31 AM, #213
                               RE: What is your embarassment moment, slowtalon, Sep-02-09 08:42 AM, #214
                                    RE: What is your embarassment moment, Tuxdreamerx, Sep-07-09 02:35 PM, #216
                                         RE: What is your embarassment moment, ModeratorCorbin, Sep-13-09 03:26 PM, #217
                                              RE: What is your embarassment moment, irregular defect, Sep-24-09 05:59 PM, #218
                                                   RE: What is your embarassment moment, Raine883, Oct-06-09 10:16 AM, #219
                                                        RE: What is your embarassment moment, Remy, Jan-15-14 09:13 AM, #220
RE: What is your embarassment moment, BoostMe97, Sep-06-14 11:41 PM, #221
Finally in the 10seconds! [View all]customrsturboAug-25-15 10:05 PM
by customrsturbo
387760 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, 420agreenvilleSC, Feb-18-10 02:38 PM, #1
RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Feb-18-10 04:06 PM, #2
RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, red95eclipse, Feb-18-10 07:03 PM, #3
      RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, 740 turbo brick, Feb-18-10 11:09 PM, #4
           RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, dalesmitsu, Feb-18-10 11:39 PM, #5
                RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, customrsturbo, Feb-21-10 08:30 PM, #6
                     RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, BoostedEclipse, Feb-21-10 10:32 PM, #7
                          RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, customrsturbo, Feb-26-10 08:42 PM, #8
                               RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, AdministratorCODE4, Feb-26-10 09:00 PM, #9
                                    RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, DSM-ZERO, Mar-01-10 09:11 AM, #10
                                         RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, Cyexmaster, Mar-02-10 12:28 PM, #11
                                              RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, mreigle, Mar-02-10 01:33 PM, #12
                                              RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, customrsturbo, Mar-02-10 05:22 PM, #13
                                                   RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, Cyexmaster, Mar-03-10 10:00 PM, #14
                                                        RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, customrsturbo, Mar-04-10 06:55 PM, #15
                                                             RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, taclipse, May-04-10 07:41 PM, #16
                                                                  RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, customrsturbo, Jun-25-10 04:56 PM, #17
RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, Fotowntalon, Jun-25-10 06:09 PM, #18
RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jun-29-10 02:33 AM, #19
      RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, Remy, Jul-21-10 08:26 AM, #20
           RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, ez, Jul-26-10 01:09 PM, #21
                RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, customrsturbo, Nov-16-10 04:55 PM, #22
                     RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, Remy, Nov-16-10 06:17 PM, #23
                     RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, mreigle, Nov-16-10 07:02 PM, #24
                     RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Nov-17-10 02:14 PM, #25
                          RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, Fotowntalon, Nov-18-10 09:12 AM, #26
RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, neonglh, Dec-12-10 06:21 PM, #27
RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, xiDsmmanix, Jul-23-11 08:25 PM, #28
RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, customrsturbo, Jan-30-13 07:16 PM, #29
RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, red95eclipse, Jan-30-13 09:43 PM, #30
      RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, customrsturbo, Jan-30-13 10:13 PM, #31
           RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, red95eclipse, Jan-31-13 01:15 PM, #32
                RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, customrsturbo, Feb-01-13 10:32 PM, #33
                     RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, red95eclipse, Feb-02-13 01:52 PM, #34
                          RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, customrsturbo, Feb-03-13 06:28 PM, #35
                               RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, Socal420aT, Feb-27-13 07:27 PM, #36
                                    RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, mreigle, Jun-24-13 03:49 PM, #37
                                         RE: Finally in the 10seconds!, customrsturbo, Aug-25-15 10:05 PM, #38
DSM-ZERO goes to the track [View all]DSM-ZEROAug-25-10 03:45 PM
by customrsturbo
236472 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, freelancefool, Sep-13-09 02:39 PM, #1
RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, DSM-ZERO, Sep-13-09 02:46 PM, #2
      RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, dalesmitsu, Sep-13-09 04:53 PM, #3
           RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, Moderatorbullettdsm, Sep-13-09 05:26 PM, #4
                RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, eclipse982nrRST, Sep-13-09 05:51 PM, #5
                     RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, DSM-ZERO, Sep-13-09 08:14 PM, #6
                          RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, Cyexmaster, Sep-13-09 09:14 PM, #7
                               RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, DSM-ZERO, Sep-13-09 09:22 PM, #8
                                    RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, DSM-ZERO, Sep-27-09 11:51 AM, #9
                                         RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, Moderatorbullettdsm, Sep-27-09 05:20 PM, #10
                                              RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, 420agreenvilleSC, Oct-21-09 08:44 PM, #11
                                                   RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, Moderatorbullettdsm, Oct-22-09 04:05 AM, #12
                                                        RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, Cyexmaster, Oct-23-09 09:22 AM, #13
                                                             RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, Moderatorbullettdsm, Oct-23-09 06:16 PM, #14
                                                                  RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, Cyexmaster, Oct-24-09 03:09 AM, #15
                                                                       RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, DSM-ZERO, Nov-18-09 11:29 PM, #16
                                                                            RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, halfasss101, Dec-02-09 09:45 PM, #17
                                                                                 RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, DSM-ZERO, Dec-06-09 04:26 AM, #18
                                                                                      RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, halfasss101, Dec-08-09 01:24 AM, #19
                                                                                           RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, Moderatorbullettdsm, Aug-22-10 07:05 PM, #20
                                                                                                RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, 740 turbo brick, Aug-23-10 10:30 AM, #21
                                                                                                     RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, Moderatorbullettdsm, Aug-23-10 01:38 PM, #22
                                                                                                          RE: DSM-ZERO goes to the track, customrsturbo, Aug-25-10 03:45 PM, #23
98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long) [View all]99EclipseFeb-27-02 08:39 AM
by VX100
465613 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), All4thaN0okie, Feb-21-02 05:24 AM, #1
RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), 99Eclipse, Feb-21-02 08:30 AM, #3
RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), 99Eclipse, Feb-21-02 08:27 AM, #2
RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), ModeratorVX100, Feb-21-02 08:37 AM, #4
      RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), 99Eclipse, Feb-21-02 09:23 AM, #5
           RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), 99Eclipse, Feb-21-02 09:25 AM, #6
                RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-21-02 10:44 AM, #7
                     RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), 99Eclipse, Feb-21-02 12:18 PM, #8
                          RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), DSBLK93GT, Feb-21-02 01:39 PM, #9
                               RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), 9, Feb-21-02 05:48 PM, #10
                                    RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), Fast420A, Feb-22-02 02:33 AM, #11
                                         RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), ModeratorVX100, Feb-22-02 03:27 AM, #12
                                              RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-22-02 05:23 AM, #13
                                                   RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), 99Eclipse, Feb-22-02 02:07 PM, #14
                                                        RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), Twiste, Feb-22-02 03:54 PM, #15
                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), Eclipse148cel, Feb-22-02 05:29 PM, #16
                                                                  RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), 99Eclipse, Feb-22-02 08:00 PM, #17
                                                                       RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), vegasdsmr, Feb-22-02 08:34 PM, #18
                                                                            RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), Fast420A, Feb-22-02 08:48 PM, #19
                                                                                 RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), DSBLK93GT, Feb-23-02 01:59 AM, #20
                                                                                      RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), ModeratorEvuLFleA, Feb-23-02 03:34 AM, #21
                                                                                           RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), Eclipse148cel, Feb-23-02 03:55 AM, #22
                                                                                                RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), DSBLK93GT, Feb-23-02 04:25 AM, #23
                                                                                                RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), Thunderous_Talon, Feb-23-02 04:26 AM, #24
                                                                                                     RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), 99Eclipse, Feb-23-02 09:05 AM, #25
                                                                                                          RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), ModeratorVX100, Feb-23-02 11:56 AM, #26
                                                                                                               RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), 99Eclipse, Feb-23-02 04:27 PM, #27
                                                                                                                    RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), mjbd, Feb-24-02 02:21 PM, #28
                                                                                                                         RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), DSBLK93GT, Feb-24-02 03:20 PM, #29
                                                                                                                              RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), silvreclipsers, Feb-24-02 05:07 PM, #30
                                                                                                                                   RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), DSBLK93GT, Feb-25-02 04:00 AM, #31
                                                                                                                                        RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), soldier101, Feb-25-02 11:07 AM, #32
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), mjbd, Feb-25-02 01:31 PM, #33
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), DSBLK93GT, Feb-25-02 03:13 PM, #34
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), mjbd, Feb-25-02 04:30 PM, #35
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), DSBLK93GT, Feb-26-02 12:55 AM, #36
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), mjbd, Feb-26-02 11:08 AM, #37
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), DSBLK93GT, Feb-26-02 04:50 PM, #38
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), mjbd, Feb-27-02 01:45 AM, #39
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), mjbd, Feb-27-02 01:49 AM, #40
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), DSBLK93GT, Feb-27-02 03:10 AM, #41
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), ModeratorVX100, Feb-27-02 08:39 AM, #46
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), Strauss, Feb-27-02 03:17 AM, #42
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), joshacu, Feb-27-02 03:36 AM, #43
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), TeamXtremeRS, Feb-27-02 04:57 AM, #44
                                                                                                                                             RE: 98 Eclipse vs. SC 97 Camaro SS (long), Strauss, Feb-27-02 05:52 AM, #45
Track times ONLY!! [View all]Keith2172Jun-01-05 07:07 PM
by whttalon95
405589 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Track times ONLY!!, oRACLe063, Feb-07-05 02:17 PM, #1
RE: Track times ONLY!!, boostntofu, Feb-08-05 02:26 AM, #2
      RE: Track times ONLY!!, RST95eclipse, Feb-08-05 04:37 PM, #3
           RE: Track times ONLY!!, boostntofu, Feb-09-05 02:18 AM, #4
                RE: Track times ONLY!!, soulcontroller, Feb-09-05 03:45 PM, #5
                     RE: Track times ONLY!!, HiOnPSI, Feb-10-05 01:54 AM, #6
                          RE: Track times ONLY!!, willmayo, Feb-10-05 11:53 AM, #7
                               RE: Track times ONLY!!, cyan, Feb-10-05 07:09 PM, #8
                                    RE: Track times ONLY!!, senseiturtle, Feb-11-05 03:24 AM, #9
                                         RE: Track times ONLY!!, CarbonFiberRST, Feb-11-05 08:01 AM, #10
RE: Track times ONLY!!, MiztahfooLish, Feb-17-05 05:55 PM, #11
RE: Track times ONLY!!, SilverESiT, Feb-18-05 04:42 AM, #12
      RE: Track times ONLY!!, Justin99RS, Feb-18-05 08:49 AM, #13
           RE: Track times ONLY!!, Blizare, Feb-18-05 12:38 PM, #14
                RE: Track times ONLY!!, Uberingram, Feb-20-05 10:12 AM, #15
                     RE: Track times ONLY!!, Jen, Feb-23-05 03:18 AM, #16
                     RE: Track times ONLY!!, BigBald, Feb-23-05 06:47 AM, #17
                          RE: Track times ONLY!!, UDLUZE, Feb-24-05 06:52 PM, #18
                               RE: Track times ONLY!!, cougar694u, Feb-25-05 07:07 AM, #19
                     RE: Track times ONLY!!, baxsom, Mar-02-05 02:20 PM, #20
                          RE: Track times ONLY!!, sd240, Mar-07-05 05:33 PM, #21
                               RE: Track times ONLY!!, Justin99RS, Mar-13-05 09:17 PM, #22
                                    RE: Track times ONLY!!, wantturbo, Mar-15-05 07:47 PM, #23
                                         RE: Track times ONLY!!, bubsy12, Mar-16-05 06:00 AM, #24
RE: Track times ONLY!!, sdl32, Mar-20-05 10:28 AM, #25
RE: Track times ONLY!!, taloniized, Mar-24-05 11:48 AM, #26
      RE: Track times ONLY!!, Uberingram, Mar-25-05 03:50 AM, #27
           RE: Track times ONLY!!, taloniized, Mar-25-05 09:12 AM, #28
                RE: Track times ONLY!!, Uberingram, Mar-25-05 09:18 AM, #29
                     RE: Track times ONLY!!, CarbonFiberRST, Mar-25-05 10:00 AM, #30
                          RE: Track times ONLY!!, Uberingram, Mar-25-05 10:14 AM, #31
                               RE: Track times ONLY!!, SonySlave269, Mar-25-05 09:15 PM, #32
RE: Track times ONLY!!, CJ_96RS, Apr-14-05 06:30 PM, #33
RE: Track times ONLY!!, RebelRiderR6, Apr-19-05 02:33 PM, #34
      RE: Track times ONLY!!, Justin99RS, Apr-24-05 08:32 AM, #35
           RE: Track times ONLY!!, SaberKhan, Apr-28-05 05:24 PM, #36
                RE: Track times ONLY!!, 97grnRS, May-06-05 07:01 PM, #37
                     RE: Track times ONLY!!, jesse, May-09-05 12:10 AM, #38
                          RE: Track times ONLY!!, oRACLe063, May-24-05 07:28 PM, #39
                               RE: Track times ONLY!!, whttalon95, Jun-01-05 07:07 PM, #40
what will a stage one turbo hang with? [View all]likestoflooritSep-02-03 08:24 AM
by dalesmitsu
715452 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, whoshotya, May-04-03 07:19 PM, #1
RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, dfresh, May-05-03 09:51 PM, #2
RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, ThE oRACLe, Jul-10-03 07:09 AM, #3
RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, icedout, Jul-11-03 02:24 PM, #4
      RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, turbo8u, Jul-11-03 02:34 PM, #5
           RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, 96rs-t, Jul-11-03 07:04 PM, #6
                RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, icedout, Jul-11-03 07:50 PM, #7
                     RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, Remy, Jul-11-03 09:55 PM, #8
                          RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, 96rs-t, Jul-12-03 03:11 PM, #9
                               RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, icedout, Jul-13-03 06:42 AM, #10
                               RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, turbo8u, Jul-13-03 07:04 AM, #11
                                    RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, invaznGST, Jul-13-03 11:35 AM, #12
                                         RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, 96rs-t, Jul-13-03 11:55 AM, #13
                                              RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, el2oCz, Jul-14-03 09:43 PM, #14
                                                   RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, icedout, Jul-15-03 08:08 AM, #15
                                                        RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, ThE oRACLe, Jul-15-03 12:00 PM, #16
                                                             RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, Remy, Jul-15-03 08:12 PM, #17
                                                                  RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, ThE oRACLe, Jul-17-03 08:49 AM, #18
                                                                       RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, icedout, Jul-17-03 09:16 AM, #19
                                                                            RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, Remy, Jul-17-03 09:23 AM, #20
                                                                                 RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, ThE oRACLe, Jul-17-03 09:27 AM, #21
                                                                                      RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, chrysler kid, Jul-17-03 04:25 PM, #22
                                                                                           RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, EclipseRST, Jul-17-03 09:24 PM, #23
                                                                                                RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, icedout, Jul-18-03 05:33 AM, #24
                                                                                                     RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, ThE oRACLe, Jul-18-03 05:39 AM, #25
                                                                                                     RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, EclipseRST, Jul-18-03 07:24 AM, #26
                                                                                                          RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, PowerEclipses, Jul-19-03 10:26 AM, #27
                                                                                                               RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, icedout, Jul-19-03 10:51 AM, #28
                                                                                                                    RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, invaznGST, Jul-19-03 08:22 PM, #29
                               RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, Remy, Jul-19-03 08:55 PM, #30
                                    RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, EclipseRST, Jul-20-03 02:22 PM, #31
                                         RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, icedout, Jul-21-03 09:02 AM, #32
                                              RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, invaznGST, Jul-21-03 02:52 PM, #33
                                                   RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, slodsm, Jul-22-03 06:05 AM, #34
                                                        RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, turbo8u, Jul-22-03 11:35 AM, #35
                                                             RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, 96rs-t, Jul-22-03 07:27 PM, #36
                                                             RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, ThE oRACLe, Jul-23-03 08:26 AM, #37
                                                                  RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, blitzeclipse99, Jul-23-03 12:07 PM, #38
                                                                       RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, EclipseRST, Jul-23-03 06:01 PM, #39
                                                                            RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, Remy, Jul-23-03 07:07 PM, #40
                                                                            RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, icedout, Jul-26-03 08:27 AM, #41
                                                             RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, icedout, Jul-26-03 08:28 AM, #42
                                                                  RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, TeamXtremeRS, Jul-26-03 09:24 AM, #43
                                                                       RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, 96rs-t, Jul-27-03 07:11 AM, #44
                                                                            RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, likestofloorit, Jul-27-03 10:41 AM, #45
                                                                            RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, 1FastEclipse, Jul-27-03 11:50 AM, #46
                                                                            RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, TeamXtremeRS, Jul-27-03 03:23 PM, #47
                                                                            RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, Remy, Jul-27-03 06:54 PM, #48
                                                                                 RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, 96rs-t, Jul-28-03 07:03 AM, #49
                                                                                      RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, EclipseRST, Aug-02-03 05:55 PM, #50
                                                                                           RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, Remy, Aug-03-03 12:16 PM, #51
                                                                                                RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, EclipseRST, Aug-03-03 10:23 PM, #52
                                                                                                     RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, 96rs-t, Aug-03-03 10:26 PM, #53
                                                                                                          RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, Chamuko, Aug-05-03 11:37 AM, #54
                                                                                                               RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, EclipseRST, Aug-14-03 08:56 AM, #55
                                                                                                                    RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, totaleklipse97, Aug-14-03 09:33 AM, #56
                                                                                                                         RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, dfresh, Aug-17-03 10:30 PM, #57
                                                                                                                              RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, HadesOmega, Aug-28-03 12:36 PM, #58
                                                                                                                                   RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, turbo8u, Aug-28-03 02:08 PM, #59
                                                                                                                                        RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, EclipseRST, Aug-28-03 06:36 PM, #60
                                                                                                                                             RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, NCHRGE, Sep-01-03 08:42 PM, #61
                                                                                                                                             RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, soldier101, Sep-02-03 04:54 AM, #62
                                                                                                                                             RE: what will a stage one turbo hang with?, EclipseRST, Sep-02-03 08:24 AM, #63
Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s? [View all]Slow99GSDriverJan-01-02 12:11 PM
by PowerEclipses
415241 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Fast420A, Dec-29-01 12:53 AM, #1
RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Teamicjeclipse, Dec-29-01 03:56 AM, #2
      RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-29-01 05:05 AM, #3
           RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, TragikTSi, Dec-29-01 05:36 AM, #4
                RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Dec-29-01 06:18 AM, #5
                     RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Kory, Dec-29-01 06:39 AM, #6
                          RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, RyaN95i4, Dec-29-01 07:16 AM, #7
                          RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, endless73, Dec-29-01 10:12 AM, #9
                          RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Fast420A, Dec-29-01 10:10 AM, #8
                               RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, endless73, Dec-29-01 10:14 AM, #10
                                    RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Kory, Dec-29-01 01:20 PM, #11
                                    RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Ryan_RS, Dec-29-01 01:22 PM, #12
                                         RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Fast420A, Dec-29-01 04:36 PM, #13
                                              RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-29-01 07:02 PM, #14
                                                   RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Fast420A, Dec-30-01 01:26 AM, #15
                                                   RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, ModeratorVX100, Dec-30-01 02:54 AM, #16
                                                        RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Breezio, Dec-30-01 03:10 AM, #17
                                                             RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-30-01 04:51 AM, #18
                                                                  RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Kory, Dec-30-01 05:36 AM, #19
                                                                       RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-30-01 06:28 AM, #20
                                                                            RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-30-01 06:28 AM, #21
                                                                                 RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, PowerEclipses, Dec-30-01 07:30 AM, #22
                                                                                      RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, endless73, Dec-30-01 08:58 AM, #23
                                                                                           RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Kory, Dec-30-01 09:19 AM, #24
                                                                                           RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, HadesOmega, Dec-30-01 09:21 AM, #25
RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, klipzracer, Dec-30-01 10:11 AM, #26
RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, klipzracer, Dec-30-01 10:11 AM, #27
      RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, ModeratorVX100, Dec-30-01 03:43 PM, #28
           RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Breezio, Dec-30-01 05:30 PM, #29
                RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Fast420A, Dec-30-01 05:49 PM, #30
                     RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Breezio, Dec-31-01 04:48 AM, #31
                          RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Kory, Dec-31-01 07:54 AM, #32
                               RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-31-01 08:19 AM, #33
                                    RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Breezio, Dec-31-01 10:14 AM, #34
                                         RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-31-01 10:24 AM, #35
                                              RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Kory, Dec-31-01 10:32 AM, #36
                                                   RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, SaberKhan, Dec-31-01 10:57 AM, #37
                                                        RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-31-01 11:54 AM, #38
                                                        RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, ModeratorVX100, Jan-01-02 04:50 AM, #40
RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, klipzracer, Dec-31-01 01:02 PM, #39
RE: Can all-motor eclipses break 14s or 13s?, PowerEclipses, Jan-01-02 12:11 PM, #41
what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th [View all]FitzyGSJun-26-05 06:03 AM
by oRACLe063
515138 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, qwad65, Dec-07-03 11:54 AM, #1
RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Justin99RS, Dec-07-03 12:28 PM, #2
      RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, ModeratorVX100, Dec-07-03 02:44 PM, #3
           RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, freddy_00_69, Dec-07-03 04:03 PM, #4
                RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Justin99RS, Dec-08-03 05:07 AM, #5
                     RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, 98Talon, Dec-08-03 02:28 PM, #6
                          RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, projectturbo, Dec-08-03 09:57 PM, #7
                               RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, thedawg, Dec-11-03 11:01 AM, #8
                               RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, TeamMetalJim, Dec-16-03 04:23 PM, #9
                               RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, 98Talon, Dec-18-03 02:12 PM, #10
                                    RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, siueclipse, Feb-24-04 03:03 PM, #11
                                    RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Moderator992gnt, Feb-24-04 03:20 PM, #12
                                         RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Skrilla, Feb-25-04 04:39 AM, #13
                                    RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, siueclipse, Jun-01-04 04:42 PM, #33
                                    RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Mattchew, Jun-04-04 11:30 AM, #34
                                    RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, oRACLe063, Jun-26-05 06:03 AM, #51
                               RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, WickedESi, Feb-25-04 04:07 PM, #16
                                    RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, 98Talon, Mar-28-04 09:15 AM, #18
                                         RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, WickedESi, Apr-09-04 12:09 AM, #23
RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, taloniized, Feb-25-04 06:27 AM, #14
RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, 2g99RSNC, Feb-25-04 09:21 AM, #15
      RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, JWoodley, Feb-26-04 05:50 PM, #17
      RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, TapRooT, Mar-29-04 11:57 AM, #19
      RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, extreme97nt, Mar-30-04 08:38 AM, #20
           RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, elude, Apr-01-04 07:09 PM, #21
                RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Justin99RS, Apr-02-04 08:02 AM, #22
                     RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, 2g99RSNC, Apr-15-04 05:41 PM, #24
                          RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Justin99RS, Apr-16-04 11:17 AM, #25
                               RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, 2g99RSNC, Apr-16-04 12:37 PM, #26
                               RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, 2g99RSNC, Apr-20-04 09:47 AM, #27
                                    RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, oRACLe063, Apr-25-04 12:06 PM, #28
                                         RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, chrysler kid, May-10-04 04:16 PM, #29
                                              RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, evan2, May-10-04 11:21 PM, #30
                                                   RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, 2g99RSNC, May-11-04 08:46 AM, #31
                                                        RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Carbonfiberhooded, May-29-04 12:52 AM, #32
                                                             RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Sorry_i_Win, Jun-16-04 01:20 PM, #35
                                                                  RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, GorkoRacing, Aug-11-04 09:28 AM, #36
                                                                       RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, 98Talon, Aug-11-04 01:33 PM, #37
                                                                            RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Dave41079, Aug-18-04 12:13 AM, #38
                                                                                 RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, UDLUZE, Aug-18-04 02:43 AM, #39
                                                                                      RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, 98Talon, Aug-19-04 08:35 AM, #40
                                                                                           RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Vinh766, Sep-07-04 03:15 PM, #41
                                                                                                RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, SaberKhan, Sep-17-04 12:25 PM, #42
                                                                                                     RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Blitzsuperstar, Sep-28-04 09:43 PM, #43
                                                                                                          RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, RebelRiderR6, Sep-29-04 01:48 PM, #44
      RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, JWoodley, Jan-26-05 04:07 PM, #46
      RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, senseiturtle, Jan-04-05 08:35 PM, #45
           RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, Justin99RS, Jan-28-05 04:54 PM, #47
                RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, boostntofu, Feb-06-05 11:15 PM, #48
                     RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, whttalon95, Jun-01-05 07:22 PM, #49
                          RE: what are you guys or gals getting in the 1/8th, jesse, Jun-24-05 08:50 AM, #50
14.597 Okey Dokey [View all]ModeratorbullettdsmAug-02-06 08:30 AM
by bullettdsm
325088 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Aggression, Jul-11-06 02:55 PM, #1
RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Malenko, Jul-11-06 07:59 PM, #2
RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, CarbonFiberRST, Jul-12-06 08:25 AM, #3
      RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jul-12-06 03:00 PM, #4
           RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, turbo8u, Jul-12-06 03:50 PM, #5
                RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Moderatorbullettdsm, Jul-13-06 12:03 AM, #6
                     RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, dsmmyth, Jul-13-06 06:39 AM, #7
                          RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, cc8balla, Jul-13-06 07:27 AM, #8
                               RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, cougar694u, Jul-13-06 12:03 PM, #9
                                    RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, TeamDR1665, Jul-13-06 02:20 PM, #10
RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Dreamspawn, Jul-14-06 01:26 PM, #11
RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Moderatorbullettdsm, Jul-15-06 09:52 AM, #12
      RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, cc8balla, Jul-15-06 11:51 AM, #13
      RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Moderatorbullettdsm, Jul-15-06 01:03 PM, #14
           RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, talon749, Jul-15-06 04:28 PM, #15
           RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, cc8balla, Jul-15-06 08:15 PM, #17
           RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, cc8balla, Jul-15-06 08:14 PM, #16
      RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Dreamspawn, Jul-16-06 08:52 AM, #18
           RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, TeamDR1665, Jul-16-06 09:52 AM, #19
           RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Moderatorbullettdsm, Jul-16-06 10:10 AM, #20
                RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, talon749, Jul-16-06 10:39 AM, #21
                     RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Moderatorbullettdsm, Jul-16-06 11:59 AM, #22
                          RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, TeamDR1665, Jul-16-06 12:03 PM, #23
                               RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, BlackMagic, Jul-17-06 05:19 AM, #24
                                    RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Moderatorbullettdsm, Jul-17-06 01:22 PM, #25
                                         RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Vengance97, Jul-18-06 08:19 PM, #26
                                              RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, TeamDR1665, Jul-19-06 12:14 PM, #27
                                                   RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, cc8balla, Jul-19-06 12:37 PM, #28
                                                        RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, TeamDR1665, Jul-20-06 09:37 AM, #29
                                                             RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, cc8balla, Jul-20-06 12:23 PM, #30
                                                                  RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, 97eclipse97, Aug-01-06 04:05 PM, #31
                                                                       RE: 14.597 Okey Dokey, Moderatorbullettdsm, Aug-02-06 08:30 AM, #32
13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little [View all]ModeratorbullettdsmApr-10-08 07:11 AM
by yzrider
234800 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropper her down a little, Moderatorcs82685, Aug-23-07 11:38 AM, #1
RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropper her down a little, CarbonFiberRST, Aug-23-07 12:22 PM, #2
      RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropper her down a little, Moderatorcs82685, Aug-23-07 08:41 PM, #3
           RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropper her down a little, Moderatorbullettdsm, Aug-24-07 09:33 AM, #4
                RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropper her down a little, Moderatorcs82685, Aug-24-07 02:26 PM, #5
                     RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropper her down a little, TeamDR1665, Aug-25-07 01:44 PM, #6
                          RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropper her down a little, cc8balla, Aug-25-07 04:02 PM, #8
RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, Fallen4ng31, Aug-25-07 02:59 PM, #7
RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, GTMORRIS, Aug-26-07 04:03 PM, #9
      RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, Moderatorbullettdsm, Aug-27-07 11:40 AM, #10
           RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, 2GeclipseRS, Aug-27-07 12:54 PM, #11
                RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, freelancefool, Aug-27-07 02:09 PM, #12
                     RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, PowerEclipses, Aug-27-07 04:29 PM, #13
RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, darkclark, Aug-30-07 09:14 AM, #14
RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Aug-30-07 10:44 AM, #15
RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, ModeratorVX100, Sep-01-07 03:38 AM, #16
      RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, Moderatorbullettdsm, Sep-02-07 02:26 AM, #17
           RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, Moderatorcs82685, Sep-03-07 11:41 AM, #18
                RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, shiftdrift06, Sep-05-07 08:51 AM, #19
                     RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, shagnastyek9, Nov-10-07 04:23 AM, #22
RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, someeh, Sep-09-07 07:31 AM, #20
RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, RallyEclipse98, Sep-09-07 03:09 PM, #21
RE: 13.863 @ 98.84 NA. Dropped her down a little, yzrider, Apr-10-08 07:11 AM, #23
Top SPEED [View all]coppereclipse95Jan-10-03 05:18 AM
by amljbs
364513 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Top SPEED, phatGS, Apr-29-02 01:22 PM, #1
RE: Top SPEED, Fast420A, Apr-30-02 03:46 AM, #2
      RE: Top SPEED, USAF96, Apr-30-02 07:52 AM, #3
           RE: Top SPEED, CVedEclipse, Apr-30-02 10:00 AM, #4
                RE: Top SPEED, DSBLK93GT, Apr-30-02 10:32 AM, #5
                     RE: Top SPEED, wakebord99, May-02-02 01:31 PM, #6
                          RE: Top SPEED, soldier101, May-04-02 02:18 PM, #7
                          RE: Top SPEED, theallpowerfulme, May-10-02 08:07 AM, #8
                               RE: Top SPEED, DownAzzDSM, May-17-02 08:31 AM, #9
                                    RE: Top SPEED, Remy, May-17-02 02:58 PM, #10
                          bullshit..., Skrilla, Jul-01-02 04:06 PM, #23
RE: Top SPEED, Doug96GS, May-18-02 04:33 PM, #11
RE: Top SPEED, Clay, May-20-02 10:07 AM, #12
RE: Top SPEED, USAF96, May-21-02 12:00 AM, #13
      RE: Top SPEED, fasterGS, May-26-02 03:40 AM, #14
           RE: Top SPEED, CluckeRMC, Jun-03-02 11:47 PM, #15
                RE: Top SPEED, dmotoguy, Jun-23-02 01:16 PM, #16
                     RE: Top SPEED, USAF96, Jun-24-02 02:44 AM, #17
                          RE: Top SPEED, superdavesgst, Jun-24-02 06:53 AM, #18
                               RE: Top SPEED, MiztahfooLish, Jun-25-02 03:05 AM, #19
                                    RE: Top SPEED, USAF96, Jun-25-02 11:45 PM, #20
                                         RE: Top SPEED, USAF96, Jun-25-02 11:49 PM, #21
                                              RE: Top SPEED, TeamMuRiX, Jun-27-02 02:36 AM, #22
                                                   RE: Top SPEED, Lo RS 4Me, Jul-04-02 07:16 AM, #24
                                                        RE: Top SPEED, Twiste, Jul-09-02 03:43 AM, #25
RE: Top SPEED, weepul, Jul-11-02 06:55 PM, #26
RE: Top SPEED, ECLIPSE286, Jul-15-02 04:18 AM, #27
      RE: Top SPEED, Strauss, Jul-16-02 02:03 AM, #28
           RE: Top SPEED, Jarrad_GST, Jul-27-02 06:46 PM, #29
                RE: Top SPEED, coppereclipse95, Dec-06-02 04:06 AM, #30
                     RE: Top SPEED, 96eclipse2nr, Dec-06-02 08:16 AM, #31
                          RE: Top SPEED, Ryan_RS, Dec-08-02 05:29 PM, #32
                          RE: Top SPEED, LeakyMitsu, Dec-09-02 02:53 PM, #33
                               RE: Top SPEED, FlyinEsi, Dec-12-02 03:17 AM, #34
                                    RE: Top SPEED, NX112, Jan-07-03 06:34 AM, #35
                                         RE: Top SPEED, amljbs, Jan-10-03 05:18 AM, #36
14.4 again [View all]taloniizedMar-31-04 08:55 AM
by DR1665
404439 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 14.4 again, Strauss, Jan-18-04 05:28 AM, #1
RE: 14.4 again, run4cvr, Jan-18-04 06:34 AM, #2
RE: 14.4 again, taloniized, Jan-18-04 08:46 AM, #3
RE: 14.4 again, taloniized, Jan-18-04 08:54 AM, #4
      RE: 14.4 again, my1997eclipse, Jan-18-04 09:27 AM, #5
           RE: 14.4 again, taloniized, Jan-18-04 10:18 AM, #6
                RE: 14.4 again, Breezio, Jan-18-04 01:28 PM, #7
                     RE: 14.4 again, thegame, Jan-19-04 04:02 AM, #8
                          RE: 14.4 again, Uberingram, Jan-19-04 09:55 AM, #9
                               RE: 14.4 again, taloniized, Jan-19-04 11:05 AM, #10
                                    RE: 14.4 again, Uberingram, Jan-19-04 11:44 AM, #11
                                         RE: 14.4 again, taloniized, Jan-19-04 11:47 AM, #12
                                              RE: 14.4 again, Uberingram, Jan-19-04 11:50 AM, #13
RE: 14.4 again, taloniized, Jan-20-04 11:54 AM, #14
RE: 14.4 again, AdministratorCODE4, Jan-20-04 01:50 PM, #15
      RE: 14.4 again, run4cvr, Jan-20-04 03:15 PM, #16
           RE: 14.4 again, eclipseman1999, Jan-20-04 03:28 PM, #17
                RE: 14.4 again, CarbonFiberRST, Feb-01-04 03:02 PM, #18
                     RE: 14.4 again, TeamXtremeRS, Feb-01-04 05:27 PM, #19
                          RE: 14.4 again, Initial DSM, Feb-01-04 06:14 PM, #20
                               RE: 14.4 again, taloniized, Feb-02-04 09:48 AM, #21
                                    RE: 14.4 again, Uberingram, Feb-02-04 01:54 PM, #22
                                    RE: 14.4 again, fly1, Feb-15-04 07:25 AM, #23
                                         RE: 14.4 again, HiOnPSI, Feb-16-04 05:19 AM, #24
                                              RE: 14.4 again, taloniized, Feb-16-04 07:34 AM, #25
                                    RE: 14.4 again, AdministratorCODE4, Feb-16-04 08:03 AM, #26
                                         RE: 14.4 again, taloniized, Feb-16-04 12:39 PM, #27
                                              RE: 14.4 again, AdministratorCODE4, Feb-17-04 01:52 PM, #28
                                                   RE: 14.4 again, FarOutKucki, Feb-18-04 12:28 AM, #29
                                                        RE: 14.4 again, TeamDR1665, Mar-03-04 04:35 AM, #30
RE: 14.4 again, taloniized, Mar-03-04 11:47 AM, #31
RE: 14.4 again, TeamDR1665, Mar-04-04 04:32 AM, #32
      RE: 14.4 again, AdministratorCODE4, Mar-13-04 03:31 PM, #33
           RE: 14.4 again, TeamDR1665, Mar-19-04 06:39 AM, #34
                RE: 14.4 again, 420AYE, Mar-19-04 07:27 PM, #35
                     RE: 14.4 again, TeamDR1665, Mar-20-04 04:50 PM, #36
                          RE: 14.4 again, Uberingram, Mar-21-04 10:51 AM, #37
                               RE: 14.4 again, run4cvr, Mar-22-04 05:25 AM, #38
                                    RE: 14.4 again, taloniized, Mar-22-04 08:52 AM, #39
                                         RE: 14.4 again, TeamDR1665, Mar-31-04 08:55 AM, #40
They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!! [View all]ModeratorbullettdsmApr-14-07 03:30 PM
by VX100
244433 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, Moderatorcs82685, Apr-01-07 02:44 PM, #1
RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, kain_99gs, Apr-01-07 02:46 PM, #2
RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, dsmmyth, Apr-02-07 07:14 AM, #3
RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, cc8balla, Apr-02-07 07:16 AM, #5
      RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Apr-02-07 12:17 PM, #15
           RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, jack_of_trades, Apr-02-07 12:42 PM, #16
                RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Apr-02-07 11:28 PM, #17
RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, XMasta19, Apr-02-07 07:15 AM, #4
      RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, eclipse982nrRST, Apr-02-07 07:25 AM, #6
           RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Apr-02-07 09:12 AM, #7
                RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, cougar694u, Apr-02-07 09:28 AM, #8
                     RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, Moderatorxcasbonx, Apr-02-07 09:44 AM, #9
                          RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, ez, Apr-02-07 09:58 AM, #10
                               RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, talon749, Apr-02-07 10:00 AM, #11
                                    RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, vegasdsmr, Apr-02-07 10:13 AM, #12
                                         RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, Remy, Apr-02-07 10:26 AM, #13
                                              RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, WIDECLIPSE, Apr-02-07 11:15 AM, #14
                                                   RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, slowmitsu, Apr-03-07 06:01 AM, #18
                                                        RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, ThePerfectShift, Apr-03-07 08:39 AM, #19
                                                             RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Apr-03-07 12:46 PM, #20
                                                                  RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, jack_of_trades, Apr-03-07 01:22 PM, #21
                                                                       RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, shazow1969, Apr-08-07 04:00 AM, #22
                                                                            RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Apr-08-07 05:30 AM, #23
                                                                                 RE: They are making me wear a helmet now. Broke into 13's NA!!, ModeratorVX100, Apr-14-07 03:30 PM, #24
11's @ 18ish lbs of boost [View all]Crab1092Apr-10-08 07:10 AM
by yzrider
164378 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, Moderatorcs82685, Dec-14-07 03:27 AM, #1
RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, Moderatorbullettdsm, Dec-14-07 10:21 AM, #2
      RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, BoostedEclipse, Dec-14-07 10:39 AM, #3
           RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, eclipse982nrRST, Dec-14-07 01:36 PM, #4
                RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, Crab1092, Dec-14-07 02:12 PM, #5
                     RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, BoostedEclipse, Dec-15-07 05:59 AM, #6
                          RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, soulcontroller, Dec-15-07 10:45 AM, #7
                               RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, eclipse982nrRST, Dec-16-07 02:40 PM, #8
                                    RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, BoostedEclipse, Dec-16-07 03:07 PM, #9
                                         RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, soulcontroller, Dec-16-07 03:55 PM, #10
                                         RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, eclipse982nrRST, Dec-16-07 03:55 PM, #11
                                              RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, Crab1092, Dec-16-07 04:24 PM, #12
                                                   RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, eclipse982nrRST, Dec-17-07 12:39 AM, #13
                                                        RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, Slammed420A, Dec-20-07 06:48 PM, #14
                                                             RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Dec-21-07 08:35 AM, #15
RE: 11's @ 18ish lbs of boost, yzrider, Apr-10-08 07:10 AM, #16
Finally in the 14s!! [View all]740 turbo brickJun-03-12 11:16 AM
by Fotowntalon
124303 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Finally in the 14s!!, Fotowntalon, May-31-12 07:25 AM, #1
RE: Finally in the 14s!!, Moderatorxcasbonx, May-31-12 09:01 AM, #2
      RE: Finally in the 14s!!, Moderatorteklein, May-31-12 09:34 AM, #3
           RE: Finally in the 14s!!, 740 turbo brick, May-31-12 02:35 PM, #4
                RE: Finally in the 14s!!, Moderatorteklein, May-31-12 06:39 PM, #5
                     RE: Finally in the 14s!!, 740 turbo brick, May-31-12 07:14 PM, #6
                          RE: Finally in the 14s!!, Moderatorxcasbonx, Jun-01-12 05:50 AM, #7
                          RE: Finally in the 14s!!, 740 turbo brick, Jun-01-12 01:56 PM, #9
                               RE: Finally in the 14s!!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Jun-02-12 03:13 AM, #10
                                    RE: Finally in the 14s!!, 740 turbo brick, Jun-02-12 11:14 AM, #11
                                         RE: Finally in the 14s!!, Fotowntalon, Jun-03-12 11:16 AM, #12
                          RE: Finally in the 14s!!, Moderatorteklein, Jun-01-12 08:27 AM, #8
169.58 whp + 141.15 tq new NA highs on SAFC [View all]ModeratorbullettdsmSep-24-06 09:02 AM
by bullettdsm
94236 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 169.58 whp + 141.15 tq new NA highs on SAFC, StreetRacer_21, Sep-18-06 02:25 PM, #1
RE: 169.58 whp + 141.15 tq new NA highs on SAFC, Moderatorbullettdsm, Sep-18-06 02:44 PM, #2
      RE: 169.58 whp + 141.15 tq new NA highs on SAFC, StreetRacer_21, Sep-18-06 04:26 PM, #3
           RE: 169.58 whp + 141.15 tq new NA highs on SAFC, 420a-Tnthewerks, Sep-18-06 06:05 PM, #4
                RE: 169.58 whp + 141.15 tq new NA highs on SAFC, cougar694u, Sep-19-06 02:34 AM, #5
                     RE: 169.58 whp + 141.15 tq new NA highs on SAFC, TeamAvenger, Sep-19-06 07:58 AM, #6
                          RE: 169.58 whp + 141.15 tq new NA highs on SAFC, Moderatorbullettdsm, Sep-20-06 09:39 AM, #7
                               RE: 169.58 whp + 141.15 tq new NA highs on SAFC, cc8balla, Sep-22-06 04:53 AM, #8
                                    RE: 169.58 whp + 141.15 tq new NA highs on SAFC, Moderatorbullettdsm, Sep-24-06 09:02 AM, #9
Not in the 14s...yet... [View all]740 turbo brickJun-29-10 02:27 AM
by 740 turbo brick
204139 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., 420agreenvilleSC, May-26-10 11:49 PM, #1
RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., 740 turbo brick, May-26-10 11:59 PM, #2
      RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., PsychO, May-27-10 02:03 AM, #3
           RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., cougar694u, May-27-10 07:05 AM, #4
                RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., 740 turbo brick, May-27-10 01:27 PM, #7
                     RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., cougar694u, May-27-10 02:12 PM, #8
RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., Fotowntalon, May-27-10 10:47 AM, #5
RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., 740 turbo brick, May-27-10 11:59 AM, #6
      RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., 420agreenvilleSC, May-27-10 03:32 PM, #9
           RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., Moderatorbullettdsm, May-28-10 03:45 PM, #10
                RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., cougar694u, May-28-10 03:52 PM, #11
                RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., 740 turbo brick, May-28-10 08:07 PM, #12
                     RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., Moderatorbullettdsm, May-29-10 04:27 AM, #13
                     RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., 740 turbo brick, May-29-10 10:58 AM, #15
                     RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., Fotowntalon, May-29-10 10:53 AM, #14
                          RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., cougar694u, May-29-10 11:05 AM, #16
                               RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., Moderatorbullettdsm, May-29-10 04:36 PM, #17
                                    RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., 740 turbo brick, May-29-10 04:56 PM, #18
                                         RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., 740 turbo brick, Jun-16-10 12:51 PM, #19
                                              RE: Not in the 14s...yet..., 740 turbo brick, Jun-29-10 02:27 AM, #20
Track times FINALLY! [View all]eclipse982nrRSTMar-06-07 04:30 AM
by dalesmitsu
363941 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Track times FINALLY!, EclipseSix, Oct-14-06 02:22 PM, #1
RE: Track times FINALLY!, eclipse982nrRST, Oct-14-06 02:22 PM, #2
      RE: Track times FINALLY!, 96rs-t, Oct-14-06 02:52 PM, #3
           RE: Track times FINALLY!, eclipse982nrRST, Oct-14-06 03:02 PM, #4
                RE: Track times FINALLY!, clipse_2005, Oct-14-06 03:12 PM, #5
                     RE: Track times FINALLY!, Moderatorcs82685, Oct-14-06 04:00 PM, #6
                          RE: Track times FINALLY!, TeamDR1665, Oct-14-06 04:41 PM, #7
                               RE: Track times FINALLY!, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Oct-14-06 05:00 PM, #8
                                    RE: Track times FINALLY!, turbo8u, Oct-14-06 06:32 PM, #9
                                         RE: Track times FINALLY!, BlackMagic, Oct-14-06 08:55 PM, #10
                                              RE: Track times FINALLY!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Oct-15-06 12:51 AM, #11
                                                   RE: Track times FINALLY!, eclipse982nrRST, Oct-15-06 03:03 AM, #12
                                                        RE: Track times FINALLY!, BlackMagic, Oct-15-06 05:34 AM, #13
                                                             RE: Track times FINALLY!, eclipse982nrRST, Oct-15-06 08:33 AM, #14
                                                                  RE: Track times FINALLY!, 1slow97, Oct-16-06 03:43 AM, #15
                                                                  RE: Track times FINALLY!, 1slow97, Oct-16-06 03:47 AM, #16
                                                                  RE: Track times FINALLY!, eclipse982nrRST, Oct-16-06 04:56 AM, #18
                                                                  RE: Track times FINALLY!, WIDECLIPSE, Oct-16-06 04:16 AM, #17
                                                                       RE: Track times FINALLY!, edxmon, Oct-16-06 11:20 AM, #19
                                                                            RE: Track times FINALLY!, Chamuko, Oct-16-06 11:40 AM, #20
                                                                                 RE: Track times FINALLY!, edxmon, Oct-16-06 01:27 PM, #21
                                                                                 RE: Track times FINALLY!, eclipse982nrRST, Oct-16-06 03:11 PM, #22
                                                                                      RE: Track times FINALLY!, BlackMagic, Oct-16-06 04:09 PM, #23
                                                                                           RE: Track times FINALLY!, Moderatorcs82685, Oct-16-06 06:27 PM, #24
                                                                                                RE: Track times FINALLY!, XMasta19, Oct-16-06 10:19 PM, #25
                                                                                                     RE: Track times FINALLY!, wickedtalon, Oct-25-06 07:59 AM, #26
                                                                                                          RE: Track times FINALLY!, Aggression, Nov-22-06 12:26 PM, #27
                                                                                                               RE: Track times FINALLY!, eclipse982nrRST, Nov-24-06 02:56 AM, #28
RE: Track times FINALLY!, dalesmitsu, Feb-01-07 08:16 PM, #29
RE: Track times FINALLY!, 420a-Tnthewerks, Feb-02-07 02:14 PM, #30
      RE: Track times FINALLY!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Feb-03-07 12:20 AM, #31
      RE: Track times FINALLY!, XMasta19, Feb-03-07 03:54 AM, #32
           RE: Track times FINALLY!, kain_99gs, Feb-10-07 07:34 PM, #33
                RE: Track times FINALLY!, eclipse982nrRST, Feb-13-07 04:48 AM, #34
                     RE: Track times FINALLY!, cougar694u, Feb-16-07 03:25 PM, #35
      RE: Track times FINALLY!, dalesmitsu, Mar-06-07 04:30 AM, #36
Autocrossing for the fist time [View all]barza21Apr-25-10 09:16 PM
by barza21
113850 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Autocrossing for the fist time, TeamDR1665, Mar-16-10 06:06 PM, #1
RE: Autocrossing for the fist time, Moderatorteklein, Mar-16-10 06:53 PM, #2
      RE: Autocrossing for the fist time, barza21, Mar-16-10 10:59 PM, #3
           RE: Autocrossing for the fist time, Moderatorteklein, Mar-17-10 03:58 AM, #4
                RE: Autocrossing for the fist time, barza21, Mar-17-10 10:49 AM, #5
                     RE: Autocrossing for the fist time, Moderatorbullettdsm, Mar-18-10 05:24 PM, #6
RE: Autocrossing for the fist time, barza21, Mar-22-10 01:30 AM, #7
RE: Autocrossing for the fist time, Moderatorteklein, Mar-23-10 04:06 AM, #8
RE: Autocrossing for the fist time, Moderatorbullettdsm, Mar-25-10 04:44 PM, #9
RE: Autocrossing for the fist time, barza21, Apr-17-10 12:49 PM, #10
RE: Autocrossing for the fist time, barza21, Apr-25-10 09:16 PM, #11
Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 1/4 mile time (2g) on this site? [View all]97grnRSJul-13-05 04:32 PM
by cs82685
273737 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, turbo8u, May-17-05 11:38 AM, #1
RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, whodatt1, May-17-05 11:38 AM, #2
RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, ModeratoreclipzGST, May-17-05 12:19 PM, #3
      RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, soulcontroller, May-17-05 12:46 PM, #4
           RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, BlackMagic, May-17-05 01:02 PM, #5
                RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, EvMan2345, May-17-05 01:07 PM, #6
RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, Teamner947, May-17-05 01:46 PM, #7
RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, djtrickee, May-17-05 03:10 PM, #8
RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, siueclipse, May-17-05 03:25 PM, #9
RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, TeamXtremeRS, May-17-05 04:55 PM, #10
RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, Collente, May-17-05 04:56 PM, #11
      RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, siueclipse, May-17-05 05:05 PM, #12
      RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, djtrickee, May-17-05 06:45 PM, #13
           RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, ModeratoreclipzGST, May-17-05 07:19 PM, #14
                RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, Malenko, May-17-05 07:31 PM, #15
                     RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, 420a-Tnthewerks, May-17-05 09:30 PM, #16
                          RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, CarbonFiberRST, May-17-05 10:03 PM, #17
                               RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, WIDECLIPSE, May-18-05 03:22 AM, #18
                                    RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, Teamner947, May-18-05 04:36 AM, #19
                                         RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, HiOnPSI, May-29-05 06:44 PM, #20
                                              RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, BlackMagic, May-30-05 09:12 AM, #21
                                                   RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, HiOnPSI, May-30-05 09:17 AM, #22
                                                        RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, 97eclipse97, Jun-08-05 05:47 PM, #23
                                                             RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, Vandy420a, Jun-19-05 04:15 PM, #24
                                                             RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, HiOnPSI, Jul-10-05 10:25 AM, #25
                                                                  RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, 96rs-t, Jul-11-05 11:32 AM, #26
                                                                       RE: Jus wondering. Who has the fastest 2g on this site?, Moderatorcs82685, Jul-13-05 04:32 PM, #27
2.4 pt eclipse [View all]neon11Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
by godusin
13733 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 2.4 pt eclipse, bluespunk, Mar-09-17 03:14 PM, #1
Neon Vs. Eclipse [View all]1FastEclipseJan-13-02 11:53 AM
by evan2
273723 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Neon Vs. Eclipse, flossinpnoyracer, Dec-06-01 07:01 AM, #1
RE: Neon Vs. Eclipse, phatGS, Dec-06-01 07:05 AM, #2
RE: Neon Vs. Eclipse, FuSi0N, Dec-06-01 07:13 AM, #3
      RE: Neon Vs. Eclipse, mitsuman, Dec-06-01 07:18 AM, #4
           RE: Neon Vs. Eclipse, 97_ESi, Dec-06-01 07:25 AM, #5
                RE: Neon Vs. Eclipse, evan2, Dec-06-01 07:41 AM, #6
                     RE: Neon Vs. Eclipse, Mystic511, Dec-06-01 07:45 AM, #7
                          we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, ModeratorVX100, Dec-06-01 08:14 AM, #8
                               RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, PowerEclipses, Dec-06-01 08:46 AM, #9
                               RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, 1TuffRS, Dec-06-01 09:28 AM, #10
                                    RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, CluckeRMC, Dec-06-01 02:16 PM, #11
                                         RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, DSMLVR, Dec-07-01 12:08 AM, #12
                                              RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, bustrblue1, Dec-07-01 04:30 AM, #13
                                                   RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-08-01 05:30 PM, #14
                               RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-09-01 07:20 AM, #15
                                    RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, Super20G, Dec-09-01 04:13 PM, #16
                                         RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-11-01 11:35 AM, #17
                                         RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, flossinpnoyracer, Dec-16-01 07:46 AM, #18
                                              RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, TeamMuRiX, Jan-04-02 02:43 AM, #20
                                                   RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, Mystic511, Jan-04-02 03:10 AM, #21
                                         RE: we have a disadvantage but like everything, it depends, BeefGG, Jan-04-02 03:13 PM, #23
RE: Neon Vs. Eclipse, eclipsers88, Jan-03-02 01:50 AM, #19
raced a rs auto in my 95 sohc neon, LilRed1G, Jan-04-02 07:50 AM, #22
RE: raced a rs auto in my 95 sohc neon, Ryan_RS, Jan-07-02 05:44 AM, #24
      RE: raced a rs auto in my 95 sohc neon, drbalazo7, Jan-07-02 08:03 AM, #25
      RE: raced a rs auto in my 95 sohc neon, LilRed1G, Jan-10-02 07:16 AM, #26
           RE: raced a rs auto in my 95 sohc neon, evan2, Jan-13-02 11:53 AM, #27
First time @ track... NICE! [View all]CyexmasterApr-30-12 02:26 PM
by Cyexmaster
93705 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: First time @ track... NICE!, Moderatorxcasbonx, Dec-30-11 07:39 AM, #1
RE: First time @ track... NICE!, Fotowntalon, Dec-30-11 09:09 AM, #2
      RE: First time @ track... NICE!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Dec-30-11 01:15 PM, #3
           RE: First time @ track... NICE!, Cyexmaster, Dec-30-11 02:36 PM, #4
                RE: First time @ track... NICE!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Dec-31-11 11:51 AM, #5
                     RE: First time @ track... NICE!, Slo2g, Jan-12-12 09:17 PM, #6
                          RE: First time @ track... NICE!, nub, Jan-18-12 01:52 PM, #7
                               RE: First time @ track... NICE!, eclipse420ags, Apr-29-12 01:19 PM, #8
                                    RE: First time @ track... NICE!, Cyexmaster, Apr-30-12 02:26 PM, #9
Think I'm worthy for constant 12's? [View all]420a-TnthewerksAug-13-04 05:52 AM
333604 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 420a-Tnthewerks, Jun-22-04 10:14 PM, #1
RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 420a-Tnthewerks, Jun-23-04 12:15 AM, #2
      RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Uberingram, Jun-23-04 11:31 AM, #3
RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, TeamDR1665, Jun-23-04 02:02 PM, #4
RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 420a-Tnthewerks, Jun-23-04 04:54 PM, #5
      RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Justin99RS, Jun-24-04 02:39 AM, #6
           RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Sorry_i_Win, Jun-24-04 03:25 AM, #7
                RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Moderator992gnt, Jun-24-04 06:35 AM, #8
                     RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 420a-Tnthewerks, Jun-24-04 08:39 AM, #9
                          RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jun-24-04 09:52 AM, #10
                               RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Teametx, Jun-26-04 10:56 AM, #11
                               RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Moderator992gnt, Jun-27-04 08:30 AM, #12
                                    RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, TeamDR1665, Jun-28-04 10:07 AM, #13
                                         RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 95 silver gs, Jun-30-04 03:53 PM, #14
                                              RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Teametx, Jul-03-04 12:58 PM, #19
                               RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Enigma002, Jun-30-04 06:43 PM, #15
                                    RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, DSMeclipseGS, Jul-01-04 09:06 AM, #16
                                         RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Moderator992gnt, Jul-01-04 11:02 AM, #17
                                              RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 420a-Tnthewerks, Jul-02-04 05:23 PM, #18
                                                   RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Initial DSM, Jul-05-04 10:32 AM, #20
                                                        RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 420a-Tnthewerks, Jul-06-04 02:51 PM, #21
                                                             RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Uberingram, Jul-06-04 04:35 PM, #22
                                                                  RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 420a-Tnthewerks, Jul-07-04 12:16 AM, #23
                                                                       RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, HiOnPSI, Jul-13-04 12:19 PM, #24
                                                                            RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, Uberingram, Jul-13-04 01:11 PM, #25
                                                                                 RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 420a-Tnthewerks, Jul-13-04 03:21 PM, #26
                                                                                      RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, HiOnPSI, Jul-13-04 10:08 PM, #27
                                                                                           RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, eclipse982nrRST, Jul-22-04 08:51 AM, #28
                                                                                                RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 98Talon, Jul-23-04 10:45 PM, #29
                                                                                                     RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 420AYE, Jul-30-04 07:51 PM, #30
                                                                                                          RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, kelvinb1, Aug-07-04 12:52 PM, #31
                                                                                                               RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, 420a-Tnthewerks, Aug-07-04 04:05 PM, #32
                                                                                                                    RE: Think I'm worthy for constant 12's?, UDLUZE, Aug-13-04 05:52 AM, #33
2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000???? [View all]flossinpnoyracerFeb-03-02 06:09 AM
by Eclipse148cel
253470 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, HadesOmega, Dec-20-01 12:24 PM, #1
RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, neovb, Dec-20-01 01:33 PM, #2
RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, flossinpnoyracer, Dec-20-01 01:43 PM, #3
RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, neovb, Dec-20-01 02:02 PM, #4
      RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, neovb, Dec-20-01 02:09 PM, #5
RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, Dave_FL, Dec-20-01 02:11 PM, #6
      RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, neovb, Dec-20-01 02:20 PM, #7
           RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, flossinpnoyracer, Dec-20-01 02:23 PM, #8
                RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, HadesOmega, Dec-20-01 04:19 PM, #9
                     RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, optimuspeterson, Dec-20-01 05:21 PM, #10
                          RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, ModeratorVX100, Dec-21-01 01:14 AM, #11
                               RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, ExcessTalonESi, Dec-21-01 10:01 AM, #12
                                    RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, ExcessTalonESi, Dec-21-01 10:02 AM, #13
                                    RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-21-01 08:08 PM, #14
                                    RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, ModeratorVX100, Dec-22-01 07:02 AM, #15
                                         RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-23-01 02:38 PM, #16
                                              RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, fasterGS, Jan-28-02 06:08 PM, #17
                                                   RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, SaberKhan, Jan-29-02 08:26 AM, #18
                                                        RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, FuSi0N, Jan-29-02 08:33 AM, #19
                                                             RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, Dualgen2, Jan-30-02 01:19 AM, #20
                                                                  RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, ModeratorVX100, Jan-30-02 02:45 AM, #21
RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, EsiTalon96, Jan-30-02 03:16 PM, #22
RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, fasterGS, Jan-31-02 02:41 PM, #23
      RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, flossinpnoyracer, Feb-01-02 08:06 AM, #24
RE: 2gnt VS. CELICAS GT 2000????, Eclipse148cel, Feb-03-02 06:09 AM, #25
HPDE Evo didn't come home in one piece [View all]Moderatorcs82685Aug-06-11 10:32 AM
by CODE4
103418 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HPDE Evo didn't come home in one piece, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-10-10 06:37 PM, #1
RE: HPDE Evo didn't come home in one piece, Moderatorcs82685, Oct-10-10 08:20 PM, #2
      RE: HPDE Evo didn't come home in one piece, Moderatorbullettdsm, Oct-11-10 12:42 PM, #3
           RE: HPDE Evo didn't come home in one piece, AdministratorCODE4, Oct-19-10 01:32 PM, #4
                RE: HPDE Evo didn't come home in one piece, 420agreenvilleSC, Oct-19-10 09:07 PM, #5
                     RE: HPDE Evo didn't come home in one piece, AdministratorCODE4, Oct-19-10 09:08 PM, #6
                          RE: HPDE Evo didn't come home in one piece, electrohead, Oct-25-10 09:40 PM, #7
                               RE: HPDE Evo didn't come home in one piece, xiDsmmanix, Jul-23-11 08:28 PM, #8
                                    RE: HPDE Evo didn't come home in one piece, dalesmitsu, Aug-06-11 12:14 AM, #9
                                         RE: HPDE Evo didn't come home in one piece, AdministratorCODE4, Aug-06-11 10:32 AM, #10
I'm so stoopid 11.414@119.62 stoopid, stoopid, stoopid! [View all]ModeratorbullettdsmJul-28-10 10:22 PM
by bagged420a
93403 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I'm so stoopid 11.414@119.62 stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!, 420agreenvilleSC, Oct-23-09 07:48 PM, #1
RE: I'm so stoopid 11.414@119.62 stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!, eclipse982nrRST, Oct-23-09 08:04 PM, #2
RE: I'm so stoopid 11.414@119.62 stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!, Cyexmaster, Oct-24-09 03:00 AM, #3
      RE: I'm so stoopid 11.414@119.62 stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Oct-24-09 03:20 AM, #4
           RE: I'm so stoopid 11.414@119.62 stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!, Cyexmaster, Oct-24-09 06:17 AM, #5
                RE: I'm so stoopid 11.414@119.62 stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!, Moderatorbullettdsm, Oct-24-09 10:15 AM, #6
                     RE: I'm so stoopid 11.414@119.62 stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!, halfasss101, Dec-05-09 09:15 PM, #7
RE: I'm so stoopid 11.414@119.62 stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!, unknsldr, Jul-28-10 01:29 PM, #8
      RE: I'm so stoopid 11.414@119.62 stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!, bagged420a, Jul-28-10 10:22 PM, #9
1/8 mile track times [View all]chrysler kidDec-30-02 07:00 AM
by 1TuffRS
273400 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 1/8 mile track times, vegasdsmr, Nov-17-02 07:21 AM, #1
RE: 1/8 mile track times, chrysler kid, Nov-17-02 01:20 PM, #2
      RE: 1/8 mile track times, 98Talon, Nov-17-02 01:54 PM, #3
           RE: 1/8 mile track times, Justin99RS, Nov-18-02 01:22 AM, #4
                RE: 1/8 mile track times, 98Talon, Nov-18-02 11:06 AM, #5
                     RE: 1/8 mile track times, chrysler kid, Nov-19-02 12:46 PM, #6
                          RE: 1/8 mile track times, 98Talon, Nov-20-02 04:23 AM, #7
                               RE: 1/8 mile track times, chrysler kid, Nov-23-02 03:39 PM, #8
                                    RE: 1/8 mile track times, 98Talon, Nov-24-02 03:50 AM, #9
                                         RE: 1/8 mile track times, ghostESiKY, Nov-28-02 05:30 AM, #10
                                              RE: 1/8 mile track times, 98Talon, Nov-28-02 06:18 AM, #11
                                                   RE: 1/8 mile track times, ghostESiKY, Nov-28-02 06:41 AM, #12
                                                        RE: 1/8 mile track times, 98Talon, Nov-29-02 08:05 AM, #13
                                                             RE: 1/8 mile track times, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-02-02 01:53 AM, #14
                                                                  RE: 1/8 mile track times, qwad65, Dec-05-02 02:04 PM, #15
                                                                       RE: 1/8 mile track times, 98Talon, Dec-06-02 12:51 AM, #16
                                                                       RE: 1/8 mile track times, qwad65, Dec-06-02 03:08 PM, #17
                                                                       RE: 1/8 mile track times, HDW823, Dec-07-02 05:09 AM, #18
                                                                            RE: 1/8 mile track times, chrysler kid, Dec-07-02 06:44 PM, #19
                                                                                 RE: 1/8 mile track times, 98Talon, Dec-08-02 07:34 AM, #20
                                                                                      RE: 1/8 mile track times, chrysler kid, Dec-08-02 10:59 AM, #21
                                                                                           RE: 1/8 mile track times, 98Talon, Dec-09-02 01:15 AM, #22
                                                                                                RE: 1/8 mile track times, chrysler kid, Dec-09-02 02:29 PM, #23
                                                                                                     RE: 1/8 mile track times, mitifto, Dec-18-02 02:39 PM, #24
                                                                                                          RE: 1/8 mile track times, 98Talon, Dec-22-02 04:14 AM, #25
                                                                                                               RE: 1/8 mile track times, The1Bill, Dec-26-02 09:35 AM, #26
                                                                                                                    RE: 1/8 mile track times, 1TuffRS, Dec-30-02 07:00 AM, #27
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