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Oct-05-14 12:15 AM
Anyone heard of thes...
by dalesmitsu
1967 topics
13103 messages
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2gnt Wheel Database Thread [View all]ModeratortekleinJul-08-12 04:19 PM
by CODE4
4117000 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, Moderatorteklein, Feb-28-09 01:24 PM, #1
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, RoninEclipse2G, Feb-28-09 03:16 PM, #2
      RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, AdministratorCODE4, Mar-01-09 07:10 PM, #3
           RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, Moderatorteklein, Mar-06-09 07:13 AM, #4
                RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, Moderatorteklein, Mar-06-09 10:13 AM, #5
                RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, Moderatorjuan, Jul-10-09 09:42 PM, #15
                     RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, Moderatorteklein, Jul-11-09 09:13 AM, #16
                RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, Moderatorxcasbonx, Mar-06-09 10:16 AM, #6
                     RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, freelancefool, Mar-06-09 05:48 PM, #7
                          RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, azdave, Mar-09-09 08:13 AM, #8
                               RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, Moderatorteklein, Mar-13-09 06:57 AM, #9
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, bahhaha, Mar-27-09 08:01 PM, #10
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, Warmage12, Apr-09-09 07:52 PM, #11
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, EclipseOZ99, Jun-23-09 05:07 AM, #12
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, ez, Jul-06-09 11:21 PM, #13
      RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, Moderatorteklein, Jul-07-09 04:47 AM, #14
           RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, ModeratorCorbin, Oct-15-09 06:38 PM, #17
                RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, ez, Oct-15-09 10:52 PM, #19
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, hazard_eclipse, Oct-15-09 07:15 PM, #18
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, eclpeddie, Feb-08-10 05:48 AM, #20
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, AdministratorCODE4, Jul-02-10 05:53 PM, #21
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, RoninEclipse2G, Jul-03-10 10:04 AM, #22
      RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, AdministratorCODE4, Jul-03-10 12:46 PM, #23
           RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, dalesmitsu, Jul-03-10 04:36 PM, #24
                RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, RoninEclipse2G, Jul-09-10 05:58 PM, #25
                     RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, AdministratorCODE4, Jul-09-10 06:43 PM, #26
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, iamnotwhoiam, Nov-04-10 08:40 PM, #27
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, jdm1990, Nov-10-10 07:24 PM, #28
      RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, RoninEclipse2G, Nov-11-10 06:52 PM, #29
           RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, jdm1990, Nov-12-10 02:58 PM, #30
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, Sorry_i_Win, Apr-03-12 07:20 PM, #31
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, jamesnmandy, Apr-04-12 05:07 PM, #32
RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, PsychO, Apr-18-12 06:04 PM, #33
      RE: 2gnt Wheel Database Thread, fast420a83, Jul-08-12 03:54 PM, #34
2G Rear seats [View all]jrprichAug-14-06 06:32 AM
by saikou
112057 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 2G Rear seats, BDTalon, Aug-08-06 09:59 AM, #1
RE: 2G Rear seats, Malenko, Aug-08-06 02:06 PM, #2
      RE: 2G Rear seats, R34Eclipse, Aug-08-06 03:14 PM, #3
           RE: 2G Rear seats, Aggression, Aug-08-06 04:27 PM, #4
                RE: 2G Rear seats, Malenko, Aug-09-06 07:01 AM, #5
                     RE: 2G Rear seats, J, Aug-09-06 11:18 AM, #6
                          RE: 2G Rear seats, Malenko, Aug-09-06 06:21 PM, #7
                               RE: 2G Rear seats, J, Aug-10-06 05:00 AM, #8
                                    RE: 2G Rear seats, dalesmitsu, Aug-10-06 08:37 PM, #9
                                         RE: 2G Rear seats, techboy, Aug-12-06 08:39 AM, #10
                                         RE: 2G Rear seats, saikou, Aug-14-06 06:32 AM, #11
damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right? [View all]datzmineMar-03-04 06:18 AM
112246 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right?, CluckeRMC, May-19-01 02:59 PM, #1
RE: damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right?, 98_silvergs, Dec-22-03 06:28 AM, #2
RE: damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right?, a_miller_76, Dec-22-03 07:40 AM, #3
RE: damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right?, Cereal5, Dec-22-03 08:29 AM, #4
RE: damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right?, farmdogg55, Dec-22-03 08:38 AM, #5
      RE: damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right?, MCubed45, Dec-23-03 09:26 AM, #6
           RE: damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right?, 98_silvergs, Dec-23-03 10:15 AM, #7
RE: damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right?, eclipse_gs_1512, Dec-23-03 11:34 AM, #8
RE: damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right?, H82BLEGL, Mar-03-04 06:16 AM, #9
RE: damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right?, H82BLEGL, Mar-03-04 06:16 AM, #10
RE: damn altezza's meltting. ahh, did i spelled dat right?, H82BLEGL, Mar-03-04 06:16 AM, #11
Does anyone know if there is fronts of fiberglass for Eclipse for drag racing? [View all]piloto465Mar-31-01 11:50 PM
by Stan2gnt
81052 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Does anyone know if there is fronts of fiberglass for Eclipse for drag racing?, BLKOUT, Mar-27-01 05:25 AM, #1
RE: Does anyone know if there is fronts of fiberglass for Eclipse for drag racing?, Teameclipse804, Mar-27-01 08:54 AM, #2
      RE: Does anyone know if there is fronts of fiberglass for Eclipse for drag racing?, cyan, Mar-29-01 07:48 PM, #3
           RE: Does anyone know if there is fronts of fiberglass for Eclipse for drag racing?, piloto465, Mar-30-01 12:42 AM, #4
           RE: Does anyone know if there is fronts of fiberglass for Eclipse for drag racing?, TeamMichael_97RS, Mar-30-01 05:27 AM, #5
                RE: Does anyone know if there is fronts of fiberglass for Eclipse for drag racing?, cyan, Mar-30-01 07:17 AM, #6
RE: Does anyone know if there is fronts of fiberglass for Eclipse for drag racing?, RAIZIN, Mar-31-01 01:48 PM, #7
RE: Does anyone know if there is fronts of fiberglass for Eclipse for drag racing?, TeamStan2gnt, Mar-31-01 11:50 PM, #8
Fiberglass damage or paint chipping? [View all]9D9 MITSU RSJun-21-01 09:43 AM
0716 ---
fiberglass headliners [View all]TopShopApr-06-05 05:08 PM
by Ryan_Hes
172083 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: fiberglass headliners, WickedESi, Dec-17-03 07:32 PM, #1
RE: fiberglass headliners, optikal, Dec-18-03 03:01 AM, #2
      RE: fiberglass headliners, BuckNutty, Dec-18-03 08:39 AM, #3
           RE: fiberglass headliners, widebodied, Dec-18-03 02:22 PM, #4
                RE: fiberglass headliners, TopShop, Dec-18-03 06:26 PM, #5
                     RE: fiberglass headliners, Cereal5, Dec-18-03 08:57 PM, #6
                     RE: fiberglass headliners, BuckNutty, Dec-19-03 02:18 AM, #7
                          RE: fiberglass headliners, The1Bill, Dec-21-03 06:12 AM, #9
                     RE: fiberglass headliners, 95 Mitsu, Dec-21-03 05:59 AM, #8
                          RE: fiberglass headliners, finxster, Dec-21-03 04:58 PM, #10
                               RE: fiberglass headliners, RSClipse9d7, Dec-23-03 01:50 AM, #11
                                    RE: fiberglass headliners, TopShop, Dec-24-03 11:53 AM, #12
                                         RE: fiberglass headliners, lasteclispe, Mar-31-05 10:18 AM, #13
                                              RE: fiberglass headliners, a_miller_76, Mar-31-05 10:25 AM, #14
                                              RE: fiberglass headliners, MCubed45, Mar-31-05 10:25 AM, #15
                                                   RE: fiberglass headliners, lasteclispe, Mar-31-05 10:35 AM, #16
                                                        RE: fiberglass headliners, Ryan_Hes, Apr-06-05 05:08 PM, #17
How should I have my hood done? [View all]9D9 MITSU RSMar-03-04 09:43 AM
by djtrickee
292939 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: How should I have my hood done?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-16-03 07:57 PM, #1
RE: How should I have my hood done?, finxster, Jul-16-03 08:11 PM, #2
      RE: How should I have my hood done?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-16-03 08:54 PM, #3
           RE: How should I have my hood done?, 1998EclipseRS, Jul-16-03 09:16 PM, #4
                RE: How should I have my hood done?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-16-03 09:47 PM, #5
                     RE: How should I have my hood done?, chrysler kid, Jul-16-03 09:58 PM, #6
                          RE: How should I have my hood done?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-16-03 10:02 PM, #7
                               RE: How should I have my hood done?, chrysler kid, Jul-16-03 10:25 PM, #8
                                    RE: How should I have my hood done?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-16-03 10:48 PM, #9
                                    RE: How should I have my hood done?, Mr Mike, Jul-16-03 10:49 PM, #10
                                         RE: How should I have my hood done?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-16-03 10:58 PM, #11
                                              RE: How should I have my hood done?, shuwa29, Jul-16-03 11:06 PM, #12
                                                   RE: How should I have my hood done?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-16-03 11:08 PM, #13
                                                        RE: How should I have my hood done?, shuwa29, Jul-16-03 11:57 PM, #14
                                                             RE: How should I have my hood done?, Remy, Jul-17-03 04:26 AM, #15
                                                                  RE: How should I have my hood done?, farmdogg55, Jul-17-03 09:04 AM, #16
                                                                       RE: How should I have my hood done?, djtrickee, Jul-17-03 10:01 AM, #17
                                                                            RE: How should I have my hood done?, steve0677, Jul-17-03 10:19 AM, #18
                                                                                 RE: How should I have my hood done?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-17-03 10:25 AM, #19
                                                                                      RE: How should I have my hood done?, shuwa29, Jul-17-03 12:09 PM, #20
                                                                                           RE: How should I have my hood done?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-17-03 12:43 PM, #21
                                                                                                RE: How should I have my hood done?, Pitchblack98, Jul-17-03 01:15 PM, #22
                                                                                                     RE: How should I have my hood done?, tireg, Jul-17-03 03:11 PM, #23
                                                                                                          RE: How should I have my hood done?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-17-03 03:35 PM, #24
                                                                                                               RE: How should I have my hood done?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-17-03 05:40 PM, #25
                                                                                                                    RE: How should I have my hood done?, H82BLEGL, Aug-01-03 08:35 AM, #26
                                                                                                                         RE: How should I have my hood done?, shuwa29, Aug-01-03 02:49 PM, #27
                                                                                                                              RE: How should I have my hood done?, H82BLEGL, Mar-03-04 06:24 AM, #28
                                                                                                                                   RE: How should I have my hood done?, djtrickee, Mar-03-04 09:43 AM, #29
how to covert manual windows to power windows [View all]98-eclipse-rsJan-14-08 04:07 PM
by cory matthews
121412 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, eclipse982nrRST, Feb-10-07 09:42 AM, #1
RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, MCubed45, Feb-10-07 10:48 AM, #2
RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, 98-eclipse-rs, Feb-10-07 04:52 PM, #3
RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, boosted60trimrst, Feb-10-07 10:47 PM, #4
      RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, goalie40, Feb-11-07 12:10 PM, #5
RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, Domestic Killer, Feb-19-07 03:28 AM, #6
RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, goalie40, Feb-19-07 09:24 AM, #7
      RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, fourreGsixty3, Jan-06-08 10:45 AM, #8
           RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jan-07-08 06:37 AM, #9
                RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, fourreGsixty3, Jan-12-08 01:21 PM, #10
                     RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, daes_venge, Jan-14-08 01:24 PM, #11
                          RE: how to covert manual windows to power windows, cory matthews, Jan-14-08 04:07 PM, #12
Looking For Eclipse Videos [View all]EclipseTenzoRSep-11-05 10:54 AM
by EclipseTenzoR
41073 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Looking For Eclipse Videos, jdpilot, Sep-10-05 03:07 PM, #1
RE: Looking For Eclipse Videos, 95 Mitsu, Sep-10-05 07:23 PM, #2
      RE: Looking For Eclipse Videos, CrazyEclipse, Sep-10-05 07:34 PM, #3
           RE: Looking For Eclipse Videos, EclipseTenzoR, Sep-11-05 10:54 AM, #4
my new hatch set-up....... stage one over [View all]madhatter210Apr-18-05 03:35 AM
by OCpimp4life
2736 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: my new hatch set-up....... stage one over, Moderatormicyek, Apr-18-05 03:30 AM, #1
RE: my new hatch set-up....... stage one over, OCpimp4life, Apr-18-05 03:35 AM, #2
My page is updated with pics of my new front. [View all]9D9 MITSU RSFeb-21-08 08:49 AM
by Noogabox
61325 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: My page is updated with pics of my new front., 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-07-01 03:48 PM, #1
RE: My page is updated with pics of my new front., 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-07-01 03:49 PM, #2
      RE: My page is updated with pics of my new front., 9D9 MITSU RS, Jun-08-01 01:54 PM, #3
      RE: My page is updated with pics of my new front., Noogabox, Feb-20-08 01:43 PM, #4
           RE: My page is updated with pics of my new front., Slimyjr., Feb-20-08 02:38 PM, #5
                RE: My page is updated with pics of my new front., Noogabox, Feb-21-08 08:49 AM, #6
pics of double spoiler [View all]swhit321Jul-17-04 06:05 AM
by eclipse_gs_1512
383300 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: pics of double spoiler, Moderatormicyek, Jun-29-04 04:16 AM, #1
RE: pics of double spoiler, ToTaLEkLyPz99, Jun-29-04 11:06 AM, #2
RE: pics of double spoiler, JayB98GST, Jun-29-04 01:13 PM, #3
RE: pics of double spoiler, Steve, Jun-29-04 01:17 PM, #4
RE: pics of double spoiler, Blizare, Jun-29-04 01:58 PM, #5
      RE: pics of double spoiler, csmakio, Jun-29-04 08:37 PM, #6
           RE: pics of double spoiler, eclipse_gs_1512, Jun-30-04 01:29 AM, #7
                RE: pics of double spoiler, Moderatormicyek, Jun-30-04 04:06 AM, #8
RE: pics of double spoiler, injendsm, Jun-30-04 05:54 AM, #9
RE: pics of double spoiler, scothern, Jun-30-04 07:15 AM, #10
RE: pics of double spoiler, Steve, Jun-30-04 11:58 AM, #11
      RE: pics of double spoiler, SpreadEagle, Jun-30-04 12:14 PM, #12
RE: pics of double spoiler, eclipse_gs_1512, Jun-30-04 12:49 PM, #13
      RE: pics of double spoiler, vector_racing, Jul-09-04 04:43 PM, #33
RE: pics of double spoiler, EricBss7, Jun-30-04 07:43 PM, #14
      RE: pics of double spoiler, Eclipse97, Jun-30-04 09:29 PM, #15
      RE: pics of double spoiler, Moderatormicyek, Jul-01-04 01:46 AM, #16
           RE: pics of double spoiler, xEclipsE RaceRx, Jul-01-04 07:21 AM, #17
                RE: pics of double spoiler, EclipsedChef, Jul-01-04 10:31 AM, #18
                     RE: pics of double spoiler, Steve, Jul-01-04 10:39 AM, #19
                          RE: pics of double spoiler, SpreadEagle, Jul-03-04 11:32 PM, #20
                               RE: pics of double spoiler, Blizare, Jul-04-04 06:21 PM, #21
                               RE: pics of double spoiler, EclipsedChef, Jul-05-04 07:03 AM, #22
                               RE: pics of double spoiler, Doug96GS, Jul-05-04 03:20 PM, #23
                                    RE: pics of double spoiler, ToTaLEkLyPz99, Jul-05-04 03:31 PM, #24
                                         RE: pics of double spoiler, Doug96GS, Jul-05-04 07:01 PM, #25
                                              RE: pics of double spoiler, Z87RSMan, Jul-05-04 07:19 PM, #26
                                                   RE: pics of double spoiler, injendsm, Jul-05-04 07:32 PM, #27
                                                        RE: pics of double spoiler, bigmcell, Jul-05-04 07:40 PM, #28
                                                             RE: pics of double spoiler, BCIEclipse, Jul-06-04 06:12 AM, #29
                                                                  RE: pics of double spoiler, swhit321, Jul-08-04 07:16 AM, #30
                                                                       RE: pics of double spoiler, TeamDR1665, Jul-08-04 09:02 AM, #31
                                                                            RE: pics of double spoiler, 98EmeraldGS, Jul-09-04 09:17 AM, #32
                                                                                 RE: pics of double spoiler, 420a-Tnthewerks, Jul-09-04 09:50 PM, #34
                                                                                      RE: pics of double spoiler, babybeclipse, Jul-14-04 10:50 AM, #35
                                                                                           RE: pics of double spoiler, oRACLe063, Jul-16-04 04:30 PM, #36
                                                                                           RE: pics of double spoiler, 420a-Tnthewerks, Jul-16-04 05:57 PM, #37
                                                                                                RE: pics of double spoiler, eclipse_gs_1512, Jul-17-04 06:05 AM, #38
R34 Front [View all]AggressionApr-09-03 03:10 AM
by Aggression
6874 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: R34 Front, Aggression, Apr-04-03 03:40 PM, #1
RE: R34 Front, All_Show_N_No_Go, Apr-07-03 12:02 AM, #2
      RE: R34 Front, Aggression, Apr-07-03 02:33 AM, #3
           RE: R34 Front, All_Show_N_No_Go, Apr-07-03 09:02 PM, #4
                RE: R34 Front, Aggression, Apr-08-03 03:08 AM, #5
                     RE: R34 Front, Aggression, Apr-09-03 03:10 AM, #6
Rear strut bar??? [View all]9D9 MITSU RSApr-13-01 07:27 AM
by DeanoD
1618 ---
Replies to this topic:
No, TeamDeanoD, Apr-13-01 07:27 AM, #1
Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners! [View all]TopShopFeb-07-04 10:45 PM
by eclipse804
242136 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, Ozzmosis86, Jan-09-04 11:07 AM, #1
RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, TopShop, Jan-09-04 11:34 AM, #2
      RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, flamineclipse, Jan-09-04 03:48 PM, #3
           RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, Baby-D, Jan-09-04 10:12 PM, #4
                RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, ToTaLEkLyPz99, Jan-10-04 12:34 PM, #5
                     RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, 95dsmrsproj, Jan-10-04 09:27 PM, #6
                          RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, TopShop, Jan-12-04 09:04 AM, #7
                               RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, ZERO1997RS, Jan-15-04 07:27 AM, #8
                                    RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, ToTaLEkLyPz99, Jan-15-04 09:16 AM, #9
                                         RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, SanJacinto6404, Jan-24-04 10:36 AM, #10
                                              RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, TopShop, Jan-24-04 11:37 AM, #11
                                                   RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, Cereal5, Jan-24-04 12:37 PM, #12
                                                        RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, ToTaLEkLyPz99, Jan-25-04 09:32 AM, #13
                                                             RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, ibangdchoeclipse, Jan-25-04 09:53 PM, #14
                                                                  RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, 95ESi, Jan-28-04 09:20 AM, #15
                                                                       RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, Exiled, Feb-04-04 07:35 PM, #16
                                                                            RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, Shockeclipse, Feb-05-04 01:53 PM, #17
                                                                                 RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, Exiled, Feb-05-04 02:37 PM, #18
                                                                                      RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, Shockeclipse, Feb-05-04 02:51 PM, #19
                                                                                           RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, TopShop, Feb-06-04 06:13 AM, #20
                                                                                                RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, 95ESi, Feb-06-04 09:25 AM, #21
                                                                                                     RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, TopShop, Feb-06-04 11:53 AM, #22
                                                                                                          RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, TopShop, Feb-06-04 11:57 AM, #23
                                                                                                               RE: Who would be in on a group buy on carbon fiber headliners!, Teameclipse804, Feb-07-04 10:45 PM, #24
!^&^&@!@ Damn pain in the ass running wires threw door! HELP!! [View all]HondaHater21Sep-13-02 03:37 PM
by rhui
5797 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: !^&^&@!@ Damn pain in the ass running wires threw door! HELP!!, nappyjim, Sep-13-02 11:53 AM, #1
RE: !^&^&@!@ Damn pain in the ass running wires threw door! HELP!!, JohnnyCorona, Sep-13-02 11:54 AM, #2
RE: !^&^&@!@ Damn pain in the ass running wires threw door! HELP!!, Chris_FL, Sep-13-02 12:53 PM, #3
      RE: !^&^&@!@ Damn pain in the ass running wires threw door! HELP!!, HondaHater21, Sep-13-02 02:46 PM, #4
           RE: !^&^&@!@ Damn pain in the ass running wires threw door! HELP!!, rhui, Sep-13-02 03:37 PM, #5
"COMPLETE" body kit list [View all]jamezMay-31-04 12:26 PM
by a_miller_76
312683 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, jamez, May-23-04 10:15 PM, #1
RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, Pushin420a, May-23-04 11:10 PM, #2
      RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, EricBss7, May-24-04 01:26 AM, #3
           RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, a_miller_76, May-24-04 03:07 AM, #4
                RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, EvMan2345, May-24-04 03:48 AM, #5
                     RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, eklipsdrvr99, May-24-04 04:22 AM, #6
                          RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, MCubed45, May-24-04 05:00 AM, #7
                               RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, BuckNutty, May-24-04 06:02 AM, #8
                                    RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, jamez, May-24-04 08:19 AM, #9
                                         RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, BuckNutty, May-24-04 08:32 AM, #10
                                              RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, a_miller_76, May-24-04 09:01 AM, #11
                                                   RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, SpreadEagle, May-24-04 10:43 AM, #12
                                                        RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, BuckNutty, May-24-04 10:53 AM, #13
                                                             RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, BumpinTalon, May-24-04 12:12 PM, #14
                                                                  RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, BuckNutty, May-24-04 01:07 PM, #15
                                                                       RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, BumpinTalon, May-24-04 01:40 PM, #16
                                                                            RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, a_miller_76, May-24-04 01:44 PM, #17
                                                                            RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, 420AYE, May-24-04 01:50 PM, #18
                                                                                 RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, BumpinTalon, May-24-04 03:13 PM, #19
                                                                                      RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, SpreadEagle, May-24-04 10:24 PM, #20
                                                                                           RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, oRACLe063, May-25-04 07:50 AM, #21
                                                                                                RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, jamez, May-28-04 10:13 PM, #22
                                                                                                     RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, a_miller_76, May-29-04 01:25 AM, #23
                                                                                                          RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, jamez, May-29-04 02:22 AM, #24
                                                                                                               RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, a_miller_76, May-29-04 02:58 AM, #25
                                                                                                                    RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, jamez, May-29-04 03:30 AM, #26
                                                                                                                         RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, BuckNutty, May-29-04 03:11 PM, #27
                                                                                                                              RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, a_miller_76, May-29-04 03:15 PM, #28
                                                                                                                                   RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, 420AYE, May-30-04 01:19 PM, #29
                                                                                                                                   RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, jamez, May-31-04 12:55 AM, #30
                                                                                                                                        RE: "COMPLETE" body kit list, a_miller_76, May-31-04 12:26 PM, #31
"Cool Taillight Mod" Group Buy [View all]Az_KikrJan-13-03 12:15 PM
by 9Lyrad6
101188 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "Cool Taillight Mod" Group Buy, silvreclipsers, Jan-08-03 03:02 AM, #1
RE: "Cool Taillight Mod" Group Buy, tim97rs, Jan-08-03 03:38 AM, #2
      RE: "Cool Taillight Mod" Group Buy, jZa, Jan-08-03 10:12 AM, #3
           RE:, JUNJUN712, Jan-08-03 03:36 PM, #4
RE: "Cool Taillight Mod" Group Buy, silvreclipsers, Jan-09-03 01:28 PM, #5
RE: "Cool Taillight Mod" Group Buy, jesse, Jan-09-03 11:32 PM, #6
Update, Az_Kikr, Jan-10-03 07:07 PM, #7
RE: Update, RobbieJ, Jan-11-03 03:08 PM, #8
RE: "Cool Taillight Mod" Group Buy, GhEttOrAiD, Jan-11-03 08:30 PM, #9
RE:, 9Lyrad6, Jan-13-03 12:15 PM, #10
"ECLIPSE" EMBLEM [View all]StanDec-05-03 03:57 PM
by Doug96GS
191404 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE:, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-01-03 02:42 PM, #1
RE:, shuwa29, Dec-01-03 02:44 PM, #4
RE:, eclipse_gs_1512, Dec-01-03 02:43 PM, #2
RE:, silvreclipsers, Dec-01-03 02:44 PM, #3
RE:, shuwa29, Dec-01-03 02:44 PM, #5
      RE:, eclipse_gs_1512, Dec-01-03 02:48 PM, #6
      RE:, Stan, Dec-01-03 02:49 PM, #7
           RE:, cms, Dec-01-03 03:55 PM, #8
                RE:, WickedESi, Dec-01-03 04:14 PM, #9
                     RE:, 95greenhrcgs, Dec-01-03 05:27 PM, #10
                     RE:, pudd_dogg, Dec-01-03 06:45 PM, #11
                          RE:, MCubed45, Dec-01-03 08:41 PM, #12
                               RE:, 808dsmtuner, Dec-01-03 09:00 PM, #13
                                    RE:, EcLIpsInEmCEe7, Dec-02-03 08:24 AM, #14
                                    RE:, Vandy420a, Dec-02-03 11:39 AM, #15
                                    RE:, Doug96GS, Dec-05-03 03:57 PM, #19
                     RE:, BigBald, Dec-03-03 11:17 AM, #16
                          RE:, hazardeclipse, Dec-04-03 06:47 AM, #17
                          RE:, WickedESi, Dec-04-03 07:14 AM, #18
"Eclipse" Lettering and Headlights [View all]Shadow2877Jun-14-07 10:47 PM
by Shadow2877
8952 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "Eclipse" Lettering and Headlights, azdave, Jun-14-07 04:22 AM, #1
RE: "Eclipse" Lettering and Headlights, R34Eclipse, Jun-14-07 04:31 AM, #2
      RE: "Eclipse" Lettering and Headlights, Nightfall, Jun-14-07 04:42 AM, #3
           RE: "Eclipse" Lettering and Headlights, RoninEclipse2G, Jun-14-07 07:32 AM, #4
           RE: "Eclipse" Lettering and Headlights, Shadow2877, Jun-14-07 09:30 AM, #5
                RE: "Eclipse" Lettering and Headlights, 2GeclipseRS, Jun-14-07 11:28 AM, #6
           RE: "Eclipse" Lettering and Headlights, dsmmyth, Jun-14-07 04:16 PM, #7
                RE: "Eclipse" Lettering and Headlights, Shadow2877, Jun-14-07 10:47 PM, #8
"For Off Road Use Only" [View all]awugodJul-12-05 06:16 AM
by destruckeclipse
131196 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "For Off Road Use Only", joeck76, Jul-10-05 04:16 PM, #1
RE: "For Off Road Use Only", tim97rs, Jul-10-05 05:53 PM, #2
RE: "For Off Road Use Only", djtrickee, Jul-10-05 06:59 PM, #3
      RE: "For Off Road Use Only", totaleclipse_05, Jul-10-05 11:43 PM, #4
           RE: "For Off Road Use Only", tim97rs, Jul-11-05 03:57 AM, #5
                RE: "For Off Road Use Only", djtrickee, Jul-11-05 05:47 AM, #6
                     RE: "For Off Road Use Only", FlyinEsi, Jul-11-05 09:38 AM, #7
                          RE: "For Off Road Use Only", 96rs-t, Jul-11-05 11:19 AM, #8
                               RE: "For Off Road Use Only", FlyinEsi, Jul-12-05 04:20 AM, #12
RE: "For Off Road Use Only", awugod, Jul-11-05 05:09 PM, #9
      RE: "For Off Road Use Only", totaleclipse_05, Jul-11-05 08:25 PM, #10
           RE: "For Off Road Use Only", Ducking_Fumbass, Jul-12-05 01:37 AM, #11
                RE: "For Off Road Use Only", destruckeclipse, Jul-12-05 06:16 AM, #13
"How-to" for shifter plate & ring to be finished by this weekend [View all]tim97rsNov-29-01 08:04 AM
by vegasdsmr
7723 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "How-to" for shifter plate & ring to be finished by this weekend, LoudEclipse, Nov-28-01 05:27 PM, #1
RE: "How-to" for shifter plate & ring to be finished by this weekend, 95ESi, Nov-28-01 09:01 PM, #2
RE: "How-to" for shifter plate & ring to be finished by this weekend, CVedEclipse, Nov-28-01 09:24 PM, #3
RE: "How-to" for shifter plate & ring to be finished by this weekend, Mikes96eclipse, Nov-29-01 01:38 AM, #4
RE: "How-to" for shifter plate & ring to be finished by this weekend, vegastoy, Nov-29-01 04:43 AM, #5
      RE: "How-to" for shifter plate & ring to be finished by this weekend, LoudEclipse, Nov-29-01 05:16 AM, #6
           RE: "How-to" for shifter plate & ring to be finished by this weekend, vegasdsmr, Nov-29-01 08:04 AM, #7
"MMC" Embelm??? [View all]WillJun-11-04 07:00 AM
by 1998EclipseRS
191773 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "MMC" Embelm???, injendsm, Jun-10-04 03:59 AM, #1
RE: "MMC" Embelm???, jsupetran, Jun-10-04 06:18 AM, #2
      RE: "MMC" Embelm???, 95 Mitsu, Jun-10-04 06:22 AM, #3
           RE: "MMC" Embelm???, injendsm, Jun-10-04 06:32 AM, #4
                RE: "MMC" Embelm???, Vandy420a, Jun-10-04 08:27 AM, #5
                     RE: "MMC" Embelm???, BuckNutty, Jun-10-04 10:38 AM, #6
                          RE: "MMC" Embelm???, Will, Jun-10-04 11:39 AM, #7
                               RE: "MMC" Embelm???, Vandy420a, Jun-10-04 02:34 PM, #8
                                    RE: "MMC" Embelm???, djtrickee, Jun-10-04 02:39 PM, #9
                                         RE: "MMC" Embelm???, Dirty, Jun-10-04 03:15 PM, #10
                                         RE: "MMC" Embelm???, djtrickee, Jun-10-04 03:39 PM, #11
                                              RE: "MMC" Embelm???, Dirty, Jun-10-04 04:23 PM, #12
                                              RE: "MMC" Embelm???, djtrickee, Jun-10-04 05:22 PM, #15
                                              RE: "MMC" Embelm???, Uberingram, Jun-10-04 05:09 PM, #14
                                         RE: "MMC" Embelm???, injendsm, Jun-10-04 04:36 PM, #13
                                              RE: "MMC" Embelm???, djtrickee, Jun-10-04 05:23 PM, #16
                                                   RE: "MMC" Embelm???, injendsm, Jun-10-04 05:31 PM, #17
                                                        RE: "MMC" Embelm???, djtrickee, Jun-10-04 05:58 PM, #18
                                                             RE: "MMC" Embelm???, 1998EclipseRS, Jun-11-04 07:00 AM, #19
"My custom Carbon Fiber Avenger" post on DSMTuners [View all]ModeratorjuanJan-16-11 10:31 AM
by Dstach
154183 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "My custom Carbon Fiber Avenger" post on DSMTuners, AdministratorCODE4, Dec-19-10 06:02 AM, #1
RE: "My custom Carbon Fiber Avenger" post on DSMTuners, Babbz413, Dec-19-10 09:13 AM, #2
      RE: "My custom Carbon Fiber Avenger" post on DSMTuners, Ebster1085, Dec-19-10 09:47 AM, #3
           RE: "My custom Carbon Fiber Avenger" post on DSMTuners, AdministratorCODE4, Dec-19-10 09:57 AM, #4
                RE: "My custom Carbon Fiber Avenger" post on DSMTuners, eclipserstturbo, Dec-19-10 12:41 PM, #5
                     RE: "My custom Carbon Fiber Avenger" post on DSMTuners, 420agreenvilleSC, Dec-19-10 07:02 PM, #6
                          RE: "My custom Carbon Fiber Avenger" post on DSMTuners, PsychO, Dec-19-10 08:10 PM, #7
                               RE: "My custom Carbon Fiber Avenger" post on DSMTuners, streetlightning, Dec-19-10 11:14 PM, #8
                                    RE: "My custom Carbon Fiber Avenger" post on DSMTuners, Black Cotton, Dec-22-10 03:26 PM, #9
                                         RE: "My custom Carbon Fiber Avenger" post on DSMTuners, 420agreenvilleSC, Dec-23-10 02:47 PM, #10
                                         RE: , Shake_Zulla, Dec-29-10 12:08 PM, #11
                                              RE: , ez, Dec-29-10 08:04 PM, #12
                                                   RE: , Dstach, Jan-15-11 12:42 PM, #13
                                                        RE: , Black Cotton, Jan-15-11 05:06 PM, #14
                                                             RE: , Dstach, Jan-16-11 10:31 AM, #15
"Racing style" steering wheels??? [View all]9D9 MITSU RSMar-03-04 11:03 AM
182250 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "Racing style" steering wheels???, fauchpj, Aug-07-02 07:31 AM, #1
RE: "Racing style" steering wheels???, 9D9 MITSU RS, Aug-07-02 08:10 AM, #2
RE: "Racing style" steering wheels???, fauchpj, Aug-07-02 08:18 AM, #3
RE:, ghost, Aug-07-02 08:28 AM, #4
      RE: hubs, DVSJAY, Aug-07-02 03:32 PM, #5
           RE: hubs, All_Show_N_No_Go, Aug-07-02 04:29 PM, #6
                RE: hubs, 9D9 MITSU RS, Aug-07-02 05:24 PM, #7
                     RE: hubs, EclipseTical, Aug-14-02 04:18 AM, #8
                          RE: hubs, fauchpj, Aug-14-02 05:05 AM, #9
                               RE: hubs, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Aug-14-02 05:13 AM, #10
                                    RE: hubs, fauchpj, Aug-14-02 05:22 AM, #11
                                         RE: hubs, 9D9 MITSU RS, Aug-14-02 08:06 AM, #12
                                              RE: hubs, H82BLEGL, Mar-03-04 05:53 AM, #13
                                                   RE: hubs, GhEttOrAiD, Mar-03-04 06:26 AM, #14
                                                   RE: hubs, Diceman19, Mar-03-04 06:48 AM, #15
                                                        RE: hubs, orzech, Mar-03-04 07:06 AM, #16
                                                   RE: hubs, djtrickee, Mar-03-04 09:33 AM, #17
                                                        RE: hubs, H82BLEGL, Mar-03-04 11:03 AM, #18
"sensei" front [View all]95ESiDec-07-01 02:04 PM
by eclipse804
8889 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "sensei" front, brynden29, Dec-04-01 04:07 AM, #1
RE: "sensei" front, jZa, Dec-04-01 09:46 AM, #2
      RE: "sensei" front, 95ESi, Dec-04-01 12:33 PM, #3
           RE: "sensei" front, brynden29, Dec-05-01 04:49 AM, #4
                RE: "sensei" front, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-05-01 05:02 AM, #5
                     RE: "sensei" front, cyan, Dec-06-01 02:31 AM, #6
                          RE: "sensei" front, 95ESi, Dec-07-01 11:41 AM, #7
                               RE: "sensei" front, Teameclipse804, Dec-07-01 02:04 PM, #8
"speed" [View all]js99rsFeb-10-01 04:16 PM
by js99rs
6805 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "speed", klipzracer, Feb-10-01 05:34 AM, #1
RE: "speed", TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-10-01 06:10 AM, #2
RE: "speed", Teameclipse804, Feb-10-01 07:19 AM, #3
get another P and flip it, Skrilla, Feb-10-01 10:11 AM, #4
RE: get another P and flip it, Teameclipse804, Feb-10-01 01:29 PM, #5
      RE: get another P and flip it, js99rs, Feb-10-01 04:16 PM, #6
"T" tops [View all]taloned_dogJul-01-01 08:19 AM
by klipzracer
131921 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "T" tops, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jun-28-01 02:43 PM, #1
RE: "T" tops, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jun-28-01 03:05 PM, #2
      RE: "T" tops, cyan, Jun-28-01 03:14 PM, #3
           RE: "T" tops, cyan, Jun-28-01 06:53 PM, #4
                RE: "T" tops, cyan, Jun-28-01 06:56 PM, #5
                     RE: "T" tops, SOLAR, Jun-29-01 01:11 AM, #6
                          RE: "T" tops, SOLAR, Jun-29-01 01:13 AM, #7
                               RE: "T" tops, taloned_dog, Jun-29-01 07:30 AM, #8
                                    RE: "T" tops, SOLAR, Jun-29-01 07:39 AM, #9
                                         RE: "T" tops, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jun-30-01 04:56 PM, #10
                                              sliding ragtop!?!?!?, klipzracer, Jul-01-01 01:55 AM, #11
                                                   RE: sliding ragtop!?!?!?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-01-01 07:54 AM, #12
                                                        hehehe., klipzracer, Jul-01-01 08:19 AM, #13
"What size tires you people runnin with your 18's?" [View all]DJ420aMar-29-05 11:11 AM
by DJ420a
8990 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "What size tires you people runnin with your 18's?", EclipseTenzoR, Mar-27-05 09:30 AM, #1
RE: "What size tires you people runnin with your 18's?", eclipse982nrRST, Mar-27-05 11:33 AM, #2
      RE: "What size tires you people runnin with your 18's?", Aggression, Mar-27-05 12:37 PM, #3
           RE: "What size tires you people runnin with your 18's?", DJ420a, Mar-27-05 05:27 PM, #4
                RE: "What size tires you people runnin with your 18's?", Jen, Mar-28-05 02:45 AM, #5
                     RE: "What size tires you people runnin with your 18's?", BMPDirk, Mar-28-05 04:38 AM, #6
                          RE: "What size tires you people runnin with your 18's?", Aggression, Mar-29-05 04:45 AM, #7
                               RE: "What size tires you people runnin with your 18's?", DJ420a, Mar-29-05 11:11 AM, #8
#$#%*&#$^!!!! dam door handle [View all]ultimarMay-31-02 04:21 PM
by EvuLFleA
6571 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: #$#%*&#$^!!!! dam door handle, mitseclps, May-30-02 12:16 PM, #1
RE: #$#%*&#$^!!!! dam door handle, ModeratorEvuLFleA, May-30-02 01:37 PM, #2
      RE: #$#%*&#$^!!!! dam door handle, soldier101, May-30-02 02:37 PM, #3
      RE: #$#%*&#$^!!!! dam door handle, ultimar, May-30-02 05:28 PM, #4
           RE: #$#%*&#$^!!!! dam door handle, loudgs, May-31-02 12:14 PM, #5
                RE: #$#%*&#$^!!!! dam door handle, ModeratorEvuLFleA, May-31-02 04:21 PM, #6
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