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Jun-24-14 08:31 PM
RE: Miller import pa...
by ez
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Feb-01-14 03:11 PM
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125 topics
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FS/WTB Rules (YOUR RIGHTS) [View all]AdministratorStar Turbo TalonJul-02-10 12:00 PM
by Star Turbo Talon
FS: New Quaife LSD for T350 Eclipse / Neon / Avenger [View all]TheRedBarrenDec-04-23 10:56 AM0691 ---
Interior fuse box needed please! [View all]John99RSFeb-27-22 06:22 PM
by DarkOne
11968 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Interior fuse box needed please!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-27-22 06:22 PM, #1
FS : Random 95-99 parts [View all]bigb-asecJan-04-22 04:39 PM01548 ---
WTB. Missing Link / MAP sensor [View all]eclipsekaiserJan-03-22 10:23 AM
by DarkOne
23132 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB. Missing Link / MAP sensor, nub, Nov-09-21 10:44 AM, #1
RE: WTB. Missing Link / MAP sensor, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jan-03-22 10:23 AM, #2
FS: JE Pistons, King Main Bearings, Hastings Rings, APC Gauge Overlay Kit [View all]DirtMegirtAug-21-21 04:13 PM01494 ---
FS: Eagle rods, JE pistons, IJ crank scraper, ARP main and head studs [View all]DirtMegirtNov-03-20 03:36 PM
by DirtMegirt
23037 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Eagle rods, JE pistons, IJ crank scraper, ARP main and head studs, DirtMegirt, Jul-07-20 06:07 PM, #1
RE: FS: Eagle rods, JE pistons, IJ crank scraper, ARP main and head studs, DirtMegirt, Nov-03-20 03:36 PM, #2
Part out [View all]96rs-tNov-01-20 09:57 AM
by DirtMegirt
62232 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Part out, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Sep-25-20 01:36 PM, #1
RE: Part out, 96rs-t, Sep-26-20 07:01 PM, #2
RE: Part out, ez, Sep-27-20 12:43 AM, #3
RE: Part out, DirtMegirt, Nov-01-20 09:57 AM, #6
RE: Part out, eclipsekaiser, Oct-27-20 03:51 PM, #4
RE: Part out, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-27-20 04:31 PM, #5
WTB: 03 Evo Brembo conversion brackets [View all]scorpo86Mar-03-18 02:39 PM
by scorpo86
12852 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: 03 Evo Brembo conversion brackets , scorpo86, Mar-03-18 02:39 PM, #1
WTB: Megasquirt [View all]eclipse420agsJan-30-18 04:52 PM02332 ---
Suter's - Turbo and related part-out [View all]iamnotwhoiamOct-18-17 08:33 AM
by DarkOne
13793 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Suter's - Turbo and related part-out, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-18-17 08:33 AM, #1
FS 1100cc injectors [View all]mreigleJun-21-17 02:26 PM02387 ---
GI/FS: 1997 Eagle Talon ESi-T [View all]iamnotwhoiamMay-18-17 07:25 PM
by iamnotwhoiam
32997 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GI/FS: 1997 Eagle Talon ESi-T, iamnotwhoiam, Apr-24-17 06:07 PM, #1
RE: GI/FS: 1997 Eagle Talon ESi-T, Babbz413, May-03-17 06:29 PM, #2
      RE: GI/FS: 1997 Eagle Talon ESi-T, iamnotwhoiam, May-18-17 07:25 PM, #3
FS - Corbin's ELDS Bracket and axle setup [View all]iamnotwhoiamApr-07-17 02:53 PM
by iamnotwhoiam
22888 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS - Corbin's ELDS Bracket and axle setup, scorpo86, Apr-07-17 02:51 PM, #1
RE: FS - Corbin's ELDS Bracket and axle setup, iamnotwhoiam, Apr-07-17 02:53 PM, #2
WTB: Crane 16s [View all]barza21Feb-12-17 01:31 AM02416 ---
wtb: hrc manifold [View all]ezFeb-09-17 12:58 PM
by turbo8u
83462 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: wtb: hrc manifold, SonicYan, May-24-16 12:14 PM, #1
RE: wtb: hrc manifold, ez, Jun-11-16 05:57 PM, #2
      RE: wtb: hrc manifold, turbo8u, Jan-01-17 04:15 PM, #3
           RE: wtb: hrc manifold, grain, Jan-05-17 05:33 AM, #4
                RE: wtb: hrc manifold, ez, Jan-12-17 06:23 AM, #5
                     RE: wtb: hrc manifold, turbo8u, Jan-12-17 06:59 PM, #6
                          RE: wtb: hrc manifold, ez, Jan-20-17 06:03 PM, #7
                               RE: wtb: hrc manifold, turbo8u, Feb-09-17 12:46 PM, #8
MPx 60mm Throttle Body, 95-99 Eclipse/Talon 420a [View all]turbo8uJan-01-17 04:17 PM02610 ---
WTB: NVT-350 in good shape with Quaife or OBX [View all]ezOct-10-16 10:20 PM02400 ---
wtb: symtech turbo manifold [View all]ezAug-20-16 02:40 PM02500 ---
GI: MPx 60mm tb, etc [View all]iamnotwhoiamMay-19-16 02:08 PM
by iamnotwhoiam
22715 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GI: MPx 60mm tb, etc, electrohead, May-17-16 06:11 PM, #1
RE: GI: MPx 60mm tb, etc, iamnotwhoiam, May-19-16 02:08 PM, #2
WTT - WTB: Clutch Disc 6 or 4 or 3 [View all]Broke4goingMay-11-16 07:43 PM02463 ---
FS: Hahn Portfueler [View all]mreigleMay-09-16 11:13 AM
by mreigle
62930 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Hahn Portfueler , mreigle, Feb-25-16 12:54 PM, #1
RE: FS: Hahn Portfueler , mreigle, Feb-26-16 07:41 PM, #2
      RE: FS: Hahn Portfueler , E-CLIPS97, Mar-24-16 12:11 AM, #3
           RE: FS: Hahn Portfueler , mreigle, Apr-29-16 01:31 PM, #4
                RE: FS: Hahn Portfueler , E-CLIPS97, May-07-16 11:00 PM, #5
                     RE: FS: Hahn Portfueler , mreigle, May-09-16 11:13 AM, #6
FS: MSD 6212 with tons of extras, TurboSmart Boost Tee [View all]VendorRed90SevApr-20-16 05:01 PM
by Red90Sev
33124 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: MSD 6212 with tons of extras, TurboSmart Boost Tee, VendorRed90Sev, Sep-27-15 10:26 AM, #1
RE: FS: MSD 6212 with tons of extras, TurboSmart Boost Tee, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-06-16 08:36 PM, #2
      RE: FS: MSD 6212 with tons of extras, TurboSmart Boost Tee, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-20-16 05:00 PM, #3
FS Catback,Hahn FMIC [View all]mreigleDec-07-15 10:04 PM
by mreigle
43145 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS Catback,Hahn FMIC, electrohead, Nov-15-15 07:33 PM, #1
RE: FS Catback,Hahn FMIC, mreigle, Nov-27-15 07:52 PM, #2
RE: FS Catback,Hahn FMIC, mreigle, Nov-27-15 07:53 PM, #3
RE: FS Catback,Hahn FMIC, mreigle, Dec-07-15 10:04 PM, #4
FS: Clutch kit.Fidanza flywheel with competition stg4 clutch [View all]Gruff511Dec-03-15 12:13 PM
by Gruff511
32890 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Clutch kit.Fidanza flywheel with competition stg4 clutch, bagged420a, Nov-16-15 03:16 PM, #1
RE: FS: Clutch kit.Fidanza flywheel with competition stg4 clutch, Gruff511, Nov-16-15 04:07 PM, #2
      RE: FS: Clutch kit.Fidanza flywheel with competition stg4 clutch, Gruff511, Dec-03-15 12:13 PM, #3
FS: OBX limited slip [View all]DstachNov-29-15 09:48 PM
by Dstach
12667 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: OBX limited slip, Dstach, Nov-29-15 09:48 PM, #1
FS: Fidanza lightweight flywheel w/steel contact ring [View all]Broke4goingNov-20-15 07:21 AM02496 ---
FS - Crane 12's and AutoMeter Gauges [View all]iamnotwhoiamNov-18-15 10:19 PM02378 ---
(2) 1995 420A MTX ECU - Free [View all]ModeratorCorbinOct-18-15 08:25 AM02461 ---
FS: RRE Slotted Rotors & Semi Metallic Pads [View all]BruiserOct-02-15 07:33 AM
by DirtMegirt
12631 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: RRE Slotted Rotors & Semi Metallic Pads, DirtMegirt, Oct-02-15 07:33 AM, #1
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