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125 topics
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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
WTB: 420a Manual Transmission Shifter Cables [View all]VendorstangmurderaDec-19-13 08:51 AM01395 ---
Testing Waters- 2.4 EDZ ELDS Bracket [View all]streetlightningDec-18-13 11:50 AM01439 ---
FS :Turbo part out [View all]biteback1000Dec-04-13 11:51 AM
by Slo2g
12177 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS :Turbo part out, Slo2g, Dec-04-13 11:51 AM, #1
WTB FCD [View all]ezNov-29-13 01:14 PM
by ez
21832 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB FCD, iNoise, Nov-22-13 07:12 AM, #1
RE: WTB FCD, ez, Nov-29-13 01:14 PM, #2
WTB: EGR valve-to-block bolts [View all]ezNov-26-13 09:57 PM
by ez
21799 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: EGR valve-to-block bolts, Moderatorxcasbonx, Nov-25-13 09:01 AM, #1
RE: WTB: EGR valve-to-block bolts, ez, Nov-26-13 09:57 PM, #2
WTB: AMM Intake manifold [View all]VendorRed90SevNov-25-13 06:43 PM
by Red90Sev
11687 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: AMM Intake manifold, VendorRed90Sev, Nov-25-13 06:43 PM, #1
FS: Test Pipe, Solid front Motor Mount...and stock cat back (48879) [View all]ModeratormicyekNov-25-13 06:44 AM
by micyek
11803 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Test Pipe, Solid front Motor Mount...and stock cat back (48879), Moderatormicyek, Nov-25-13 06:44 AM, #1
FS: 95 ECU aerospace grade [View all]ezNov-22-13 04:02 PM01458 ---
WTB: 1995 manual ecu [View all]VendorRed90SevNov-20-13 12:43 AM
by Broke4going
11754 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: 1995 manual ecu, Broke4going, Nov-20-13 12:43 AM, #1
FS: ATX ECU & TCUs [View all]iamnotwhoiamNov-20-13 12:29 AM
by Broke4going
11775 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: ATX ECU & TCUs, Broke4going, Nov-20-13 12:29 AM, #1
FS:A/C CF Guage Pod [View all]eclipse420agsNov-06-13 08:00 AM01771 ---
FOR SALE: Parting Out The 99 GS [View all]Vendor99BeaterGSNov-02-13 12:50 PM
by Fallen4ng31
72754 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FOR SALE: Parting Out The 99 GS, Fotowntalon, Oct-31-13 12:16 PM, #1
RE: FOR SALE: Parting Out The 99 GS, Vendor99BeaterGS, Oct-31-13 02:40 PM, #2
      RE: FOR SALE: Parting Out The 99 GS, Fotowntalon, Nov-01-13 09:00 AM, #5
RE: FOR SALE: Parting Out The 99 GS, Vendor99BeaterGS, Oct-31-13 04:05 PM, #3
RE: FOR SALE: Parting Out The 99 GS, Fallen4ng31, Nov-01-13 08:55 AM, #4
      RE: FOR SALE: Parting Out The 99 GS, Vendor99BeaterGS, Nov-01-13 11:31 AM, #6
           RE: FOR SALE: Parting Out The 99 GS, Fallen4ng31, Nov-02-13 12:50 PM, #7
FS: tial 44mm wastegate [View all]Gruff511Oct-28-13 10:39 PM
by Gruff511
11947 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: tial 44mm wastegate , Gruff511, Oct-28-13 10:39 PM, #1
FS: Quaife and IJ crankscraper with baffles [View all]ModeratorbullettdsmOct-13-13 03:02 PM
by bullettdsm
11912 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Quaife and IJ crankscraper with baffles, Moderatorbullettdsm, Oct-13-13 03:02 PM, #1
FS NIB K1 Items (Rods & Cranks) [View all]FotowntalonOct-11-13 06:43 AM
by Fotowntalon
21864 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS NIB K1 Items (Rods & Cranks), Fallen4ng31, Oct-10-13 12:05 PM, #1
RE: FS NIB K1 Items (Rods & Cranks), Fotowntalon, Oct-11-13 06:43 AM, #2
FS: Megasquirt 2 v2.2, Innovate LC-1 07840 [View all]DirtMegirtOct-06-13 04:22 PM02591 ---
f/s Eagle H beam rods [View all]mxracer04Oct-01-13 11:24 AM
by mxracer04
31931 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: f/s Eagle H beam rods, AdministratorCODE4, Sep-08-13 03:12 PM, #1
RE: f/s Eagle H beam rods, mxracer04, Sep-08-13 03:14 PM, #2
      RE: f/s Eagle H beam rods, mxracer04, Oct-01-13 11:24 AM, #3
FS: Misc Parts (9lb battery, FMU, Solid Shifter Bushings, EZ Lip) [View all]RyaN95i4Sep-30-13 01:50 PM
by RyaN95i4
22005 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Misc Parts (9lb battery, FMU, Solid Shifter Bushings, EZ Lip), RyaN95i4, Sep-23-13 06:40 AM, #1
RE: FS: Misc Parts (9lb battery, FMU, Solid Shifter Bushings, EZ Lip), RyaN95i4, Sep-30-13 01:50 PM, #2
TIG Welding Services [View all]AdministratorCODE4Sep-29-13 01:48 PM
by CODE4
11806 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: TIG Welding Services, AdministratorCODE4, Sep-29-13 01:48 PM, #1
WTB: Passenger's side fog light black trim (99 style) [View all]ezSep-28-13 02:38 PM01381 ---
FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 [View all]TeamXtremeRSSep-23-13 06:35 PM
by XtremeRS
123598 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , Moderatorxcasbonx, Jul-30-13 02:29 PM, #1
RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , TeamXtremeRS, Jul-30-13 02:44 PM, #2
      RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , totaleclipse_05, Jul-30-13 06:14 PM, #3
           RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , ez, Aug-08-13 02:41 PM, #4
                RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , TeamXtremeRS, Aug-09-13 07:15 PM, #5
RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , Vendor99BeaterGS, Aug-31-13 10:18 PM, #6
RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , TeamXtremeRS, Sep-01-13 06:13 AM, #7
      RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , TeamXtremeRS, Sep-04-13 11:24 AM, #8
           RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , Malenko, Sep-11-13 08:52 AM, #9
                RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , TeamXtremeRS, Sep-12-13 10:30 AM, #10
                RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , Vendor99BeaterGS, Sep-12-13 04:15 PM, #11
                     RE: FS: 1998 Eclipse RS-T $5500 , TeamXtremeRS, Sep-23-13 06:35 PM, #12
FS Hahn S20g Fresh Rebuild and Billet Wheel [View all]streetlightningSep-19-13 03:30 PM
by streetlightning
32181 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS Hahn S20g Fresh Rebuild and Billet Wheel, streetlightning, Sep-01-13 08:30 PM, #1
RE: FS Hahn S20g Fresh Rebuild and Billet Wheel, streetlightning, Sep-03-13 09:07 AM, #2
      RE: FS Hahn S20g Fresh Rebuild and Billet Wheel, streetlightning, Sep-19-13 03:30 PM, #3
FS: Fully Built- 1998 Eclipse GS turbo [View all]corsagsboSep-16-13 12:56 PM01529 ---
F.S. for sale White LED gauge cluster [View all]Gruff511Sep-15-13 08:50 PM01491 ---
FS: Wiseco Pistons NIB 8.8:1 and 10.5:1 [View all]FotowntalonSep-11-13 11:14 AM
by Fotowntalon
23963 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Wiseco Pistons NIB 8.8:1 and 10.5:1, 740 turbo brick, Sep-11-13 11:15 AM, #2
RE: FS: Wiseco Pistons or JE Pistons NIB 8.8:1 and 10.5:1, Fotowntalon, Sep-11-13 11:12 AM, #1
F.S. 2.4 parts & 2g parts [View all]shybuckSep-08-13 08:10 PM01534 ---
FS: Parts for sale! [View all]99eclipse420aSep-07-13 07:17 PM
by 99eclipse420a
22131 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Parts for sale!, 99eclipse420a, Aug-28-13 05:29 PM, #1
RE: FS: Parts for sale!, 99eclipse420a, Sep-07-13 07:17 PM, #2
WTS: Callies Aero-Shedding Services [View all]FotowntalonSep-06-13 08:18 AM
by Fotowntalon
72769 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTS: Callies Aero-Shedding Services, Fallen4ng31, Aug-13-13 08:09 AM, #1
RE: WTS: Callies Aero-Shedding Services, Fotowntalon, Aug-13-13 01:20 PM, #2
      RE: WTS: Callies Aero-Shedding Services, Fotowntalon, Aug-14-13 09:27 AM, #3
      RE: WTS: Callies Aero-Shedding Services, ModeratorCorbin, Aug-14-13 06:31 PM, #4
           RE: WTS: Callies Aero-Shedding Services, Fotowntalon, Aug-15-13 07:18 AM, #5
                RE: WTS: Callies Aero-Shedding Services, Fotowntalon, Aug-15-13 07:22 AM, #6
                     RE: WTS: Callies Aero-Shedding Services, Fotowntalon, Sep-06-13 08:18 AM, #7
WTB: Good condition cylinder head [View all]QC DSM ESiTSep-05-13 09:37 AM
by Fotowntalon
41924 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: Good condition cylinder head, Fotowntalon, Aug-30-13 08:55 AM, #1
RE: WTB: Good condition cylinder head, QC DSM ESiT, Sep-02-13 10:25 PM, #2
      RE: WTB: Good condition cylinder head, QC DSM ESiT, Sep-04-13 05:07 PM, #3
           RE: WTB: Good condition cylinder head, Fotowntalon, Sep-05-13 09:37 AM, #4
FS 95 talon $1500 [View all]shybuckSep-02-13 06:46 PM
by shybuck
42240 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS 95 talon $1500, 99RedGs, Aug-29-13 04:43 PM, #1
RE: FS 95 talon $1500, shybuck, Aug-30-13 11:32 PM, #3
RE: FS 95 talon $1500, Smash_NDash, Aug-30-13 10:55 PM, #2
RE: FS 95 talon $1500, shybuck, Sep-02-13 06:42 PM, #4
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