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WTB: Oil pickup tube that's not full of metal shavings [View all]VendorRed90SevAug-11-14 01:46 AM
by Red90Sev
11434 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: Oil pickup tube that's not full of metal shavings, VendorRed90Sev, Aug-11-14 01:46 AM, #1
FS: Brand New 2.4L Fidanza cam gears [View all]TheRedBarrenAug-01-14 12:51 PM01355 ---
FS: Very rare Unorthodox Racing Cam Gears 420a [View all]TheRedBarrenJul-31-14 10:40 PM
by TheRedBarren
12380 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Very rare Unorthodox Racing Cam Gears 420a, TheRedBarren, Jul-31-14 10:40 PM, #1
GI: Whole or parting my baby - 95 GS 5-spd w/ turbo [View all]justins71Jul-21-14 10:05 PM
by streetlightning
52074 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GI: Whole or parting my baby - 95 GS 5-spd w/ turbo, Moderatorxcasbonx, Jul-21-14 12:58 PM, #1
RE: GI: Whole or parting my baby - 95 GS 5-spd w/ turbo, justins71, Jul-21-14 01:20 PM, #2
      RE: GI: Whole or parting my baby - 95 GS 5-spd w/ turbo, Fallen4ng31, Jul-21-14 01:41 PM, #3
           RE: GI: Whole or parting my baby - 95 GS 5-spd w/ turbo, justins71, Jul-21-14 01:46 PM, #4
                RE: GI: Whole or parting my baby - 95 GS 5-spd w/ turbo, streetlightning, Jul-21-14 10:05 PM, #5
FS: 630cc injectors [View all]Gruff511Jul-20-14 10:17 PM
by Gruff511
21825 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: 630cc injectors, Gruff511, Jul-11-14 06:22 PM, #1
RE: FS: 630cc injectors, Gruff511, Jul-20-14 10:17 PM, #2
WTB :: 2.4L aftermarket cam gears [View all]TheRedBarrenJul-18-14 07:55 PM
by TheRedBarren
11653 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB :: 2.4L aftermarket cam gears, TheRedBarren, Jul-18-14 07:55 PM, #1
GI: Aluminum Intake manifolds [View all]eclipse982nrRSTJul-09-14 09:46 AM
by TheRedBarren
11812 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GI: Aluminum Intake manifolds, TheRedBarren, Jul-09-14 09:46 AM, #1
WTB: MTX shifter cables/linkage [View all]streetlightningJul-07-14 05:42 PM
by Speedmonger
11651 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: MTX shifter cables/linkage, Speedmonger, Jul-07-14 05:42 PM, #1
WTB - AMM Intake [View all]TheRedBarrenJul-02-14 06:19 PM
by iNoise
42015 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB - AMM Intake, iNoise, Jun-28-14 07:08 AM, #1
RE: WTB - AMM Intake, TheRedBarren, Jul-01-14 08:43 PM, #2
      RE: WTB - AMM Intake, iNoise, Jul-02-14 05:54 AM, #3
      RE: WTB - AMM Intake, iNoise, Jul-02-14 06:19 PM, #4
FS: Quaife LSD for t-350 and smoked taillights [View all]DirtMegirtJul-01-14 08:47 PM
by TheRedBarren
21852 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Quaife LSD for t-350 and smoked taillights, J, Jul-01-14 07:48 AM, #1
RE: FS: Quaife LSD for t-350 and smoked taillights, TheRedBarren, Jul-01-14 08:47 PM, #2
WTT: Crower Stage 3's for Crower Stage 2 n/a cams [View all]VendorRed90SevJun-30-14 09:09 PM
by Red90Sev
41711 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTT: Crower Stage 3's for Crower Stage 2 n/a cams, VendorRed90Sev, May-17-14 04:50 AM, #1
RE: WTT: Crower Stage 3's for Crower Stage 2 n/a cams, VendorRed90Sev, Jun-26-14 06:28 PM, #2
      RE: WTT: Crower Stage 3's for Crower Stage 2 n/a cams, TheRedBarren, Jun-30-14 07:35 PM, #3
           RE: WTT: Crower Stage 3's for Crower Stage 2 n/a cams, VendorRed90Sev, Jun-30-14 09:09 PM, #4
FS: MS2 V3.0 wrapped in carbon fiber vinyl, AEM Wideband, Pistons, Main bearings [View all]VendorRed90SevJun-26-14 06:27 PM
by Red90Sev
81885 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: MS2 V3.0 wrapped in carbon fiber vinyl, AEM Wideband, Pistons, Main bearings, Broke4going, Apr-14-14 09:07 PM, #1
RE: FS: MS2 V3.0 wrapped in carbon fiber vinyl, AEM Wideband, Pistons, Main bearings, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-14-14 09:19 PM, #2
      RE: FS: MS2 V3.0 wrapped in carbon fiber vinyl, AEM Wideband, Pistons, Main bearings, J, Apr-15-14 09:11 AM, #3
           RE: FS: MS2 V3.0 wrapped in carbon fiber vinyl, AEM Wideband, Pistons, Main bearings, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-15-14 11:08 AM, #4
                RE: FS: MS2 V3.0 wrapped in carbon fiber vinyl, AEM Wideband, Pistons, Main bearings, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-22-14 08:20 PM, #5
                     RE: FS: MS2 V3.0 wrapped in carbon fiber vinyl, AEM Wideband, Pistons, Main bearings, VendorRed90Sev, May-14-14 06:31 PM, #6
                          RE: FS: MS2 V3.0 wrapped in carbon fiber vinyl, AEM Wideband, Pistons, Main bearings, VendorRed90Sev, May-17-14 01:59 PM, #7
                               RE: FS: MS2 V3.0 wrapped in carbon fiber vinyl, AEM Wideband, Pistons, Main bearings, VendorRed90Sev, Jun-26-14 06:27 PM, #8
FS: Tein Super Street Coilovers NEW [View all]VendorRed90SevJun-26-14 06:27 PM
by Red90Sev
81999 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Tein Super Street Coilovers NEW, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-19-14 02:39 AM, #1
RE: FS: Tein Super Street Coilovers NEW, Fallen4ng31, Apr-21-14 09:27 AM, #2
      RE: FS: Tein Super Street Coilovers NEW, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-28-14 11:15 PM, #3
           RE: FS: Tein Super Street Coilovers NEW, VendorRed90Sev, May-08-14 03:14 AM, #4
                RE: FS: Tein Super Street Coilovers NEW, Fallen4ng31, May-09-14 08:46 AM, #5
                     RE: FS: Tein Super Street Coilovers NEW, VendorRed90Sev, May-10-14 02:01 AM, #6
                          RE: FS: Tein Super Street Coilovers NEW, VendorRed90Sev, May-17-14 11:30 PM, #7
                               RE: FS: Tein Super Street Coilovers NEW, VendorRed90Sev, Jun-26-14 06:27 PM, #8
FS: 1998 GS- STGV Hahn- car has 40k original miles [View all]corsagsboJun-25-14 10:31 AM
by Fallen4ng31
72333 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: 1998 GS- STGV Hahn- car has 40k original miles, grain, Jun-14-14 04:17 PM, #1
RE: FS: 1998 GS- STGV Hahn- car has 40k original miles, corsagsbo, Jun-19-14 12:37 PM, #2
      RE: FS: 1998 GS- STGV Hahn- car has 40k original miles, grain, Jun-22-14 07:20 PM, #3
           RE: FS: 1998 GS- STGV Hahn- car has 40k original miles, corsagsbo, Jun-23-14 10:21 AM, #4
                RE: FS: 1998 GS- STGV Hahn- car has 40k original miles, grain, Jun-23-14 10:25 AM, #5
                     RE: FS: 1998 GS- STGV Hahn- car has 40k original miles, corsagsbo, Jun-23-14 11:03 AM, #6
                          RE: FS: 1998 GS- STGV Hahn- car has 40k original miles, Fallen4ng31, Jun-25-14 10:31 AM, #7
FS: Built head, Meth injection kit, Super 16g, Crane HI-6 Ignition, factory taillights [View all]BoostedEclipseJun-17-14 08:27 PM
by BoostedEclipse
102271 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Built head, Meth injection kit, Super 16g, Crane HI-6 Ignition, factory taillights, BoostedEclipse, Apr-16-14 01:16 PM, #1
RE: FS: Built head, Meth injection kit, Super 16g, Crane HI-6 Ignition, factory taillights, BoostedEclipse, Apr-22-14 02:33 PM, #2
RE: FS: Built head, Meth injection kit, Super 16g, Crane HI-6 Ignition, factory taillights, electrohead, Apr-29-14 01:40 PM, #3
      RE: FS: Built head, Meth injection kit, Super 16g, Crane HI-6 Ignition, factory taillights, megaskillz, Apr-30-14 05:50 AM, #4
           RE: FS: Built head, Meth injection kit, Super 16g, Crane HI-6 Ignition, factory taillights, BoostedEclipse, Apr-30-14 10:11 PM, #5
                RE: FS: Built head, Meth injection kit, Super 16g, Crane HI-6 Ignition, factory taillights, BoostedEclipse, May-05-14 10:58 AM, #6
                     RE: FS: Built head, Meth injection kit, Super 16g, Crane HI-6 Ignition, factory taillights, BoostedEclipse, May-30-14 08:52 PM, #7
                          RE: FS: Built head, Meth injection kit, Super 16g, Crane HI-6 Ignition, factory taillights, electrohead, Jun-03-14 12:03 PM, #8
                               RE: FS: Built head, Meth injection kit, Super 16g, Crane HI-6 Ignition, factory taillights, BoostedEclipse, Jun-04-14 09:32 PM, #9
                                    RE: FS: Built head, Meth injection kit, Super 16g, Crane HI-6 Ignition, factory taillights, BoostedEclipse, Jun-17-14 08:27 PM, #10
FS: Modern Performance 60mm Throttle Body [View all]Babbz413Jun-11-14 12:44 PM
by Babbz413
21580 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Modern Performance 60mm Throttle Body, J, Jun-10-14 08:02 PM, #1
RE: FS: Modern Performance 60mm Throttle Body, Babbz413, Jun-11-14 12:44 PM, #2
wtb downpipe bracket [View all]ezJun-09-14 10:21 PM
by ez
21618 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: wtb downpipe bracket, ez, Jun-06-14 08:13 PM, #1
RE: wtb downpipe bracket, ez, Jun-09-14 10:21 PM, #2
WTB Coolant reservoir cap [View all]barza21Jun-09-14 12:16 AM
by barza21
21546 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB Coolant reservoir cap, BoostedEclipse, Jun-07-14 11:50 PM, #1
RE: WTB Coolant reservoir cap, barza21, Jun-09-14 12:16 AM, #2
WTT: 97 Automatic ECU for 97 MTX ECU [View all]Ryan97EclipseRSJun-04-14 09:56 PM
by BoostedEclipse
11375 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTT: 97 Automatic ECU for 97 MTX ECU, BoostedEclipse, Jun-04-14 09:56 PM, #1
GI: Front solid engine mounts. [View all]eclipse982nrRSTMay-13-14 08:37 PM
by Grothe3297avenger
173254 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., eclipse420ags, Jan-03-14 06:29 AM, #1
RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., iamnotwhoiam, Jan-06-14 01:04 AM, #2
RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., eclipse982nrRST, Jan-06-14 08:06 AM, #3
      RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., Grothe3297avenger, Jan-25-14 10:29 PM, #4
           RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., Nightfall, Jan-27-14 03:40 PM, #5
                RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., eclipse982nrRST, Jan-29-14 06:35 PM, #6
                     RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., Grothe3297avenger, Jan-30-14 01:24 PM, #7
                          RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., VendorRed90Sev, Feb-07-14 06:40 PM, #8
                               RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., eclipse982nrRST, Apr-01-14 09:24 AM, #9
                                    RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., eclipse982nrRST, Apr-03-14 12:02 PM, #10
                                    RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., Grothe3297avenger, Apr-07-14 11:33 AM, #11
                                         RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., eclipse982nrRST, Apr-07-14 01:43 PM, #13
                                    RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., Fallen4ng31, Apr-07-14 12:37 PM, #12
                                         RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., eclipse982nrRST, Apr-07-14 01:46 PM, #14
                                              RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., BoostedEclipse, Apr-11-14 10:35 PM, #15
                                                   RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., eclipse982nrRST, May-13-14 09:24 AM, #16
                                                        RE: GI: Front solid engine mounts., Grothe3297avenger, May-13-14 04:31 PM, #17
Wtb: Hahn fmic [View all]BoostedEclipseMay-02-14 06:52 AM
by grain
81768 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Wtb: Hahn fmic, Moderatorxcasbonx, Apr-14-14 09:28 AM, #1
RE: Wtb: Hahn fmic, grain, Apr-20-14 12:04 PM, #2
      RE: Wtb: Hahn fmic, BoostedEclipse, Apr-21-14 09:19 AM, #3
           RE: Wtb: Hahn fmic, grain, Apr-21-14 10:00 AM, #4
                RE: Wtb: Hahn fmic, BoostedEclipse, Apr-21-14 05:22 PM, #5
                     RE: Wtb: Hahn fmic, grain, Apr-23-14 08:38 PM, #6
                          RE: Wtb: Hahn fmic, BoostedEclipse, Apr-23-14 09:49 PM, #7
                               RE: Wtb: Hahn fmic, grain, May-02-14 06:52 AM, #8
WTB: 97 MTX ECU. Oem or AF/X [View all]Ryan97EclipseRSApr-30-14 10:44 AM
by Ryan97EclipseRS
11409 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: 97 MTX ECU. Oem or AF/X, Ryan97EclipseRS, Apr-30-14 10:44 AM, #1
1g turbo/2gnt parts for sale [View all]Moderator992gntApr-29-14 07:10 PM01503 ---
WTB - Black interior bits [View all]Fallen4ng31Apr-29-14 07:15 AM01136 ---
FS: MINT Hahn Intercooler, S16g and Turbo Manifold, and GReddy Type S BOV [View all]95vengeApr-28-14 08:55 AM
by xcasbonx
41702 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: MINT Hahn Intercooler, S16g and Turbo Manifold, and GReddy Type S BOV, streetlightning, Apr-25-14 10:24 AM, #1
RE: FS: MINT Hahn Intercooler, S16g and Turbo Manifold, and GReddy Type S BOV, 95venge, Apr-26-14 02:01 PM, #2
      RE: FS: MINT Hahn Intercooler, S16g and Turbo Manifold, and GReddy Type S BOV, Fallen4ng31, Apr-28-14 06:26 AM, #3
           RE: FS: MINT Hahn Intercooler, S16g and Turbo Manifold, and GReddy Type S BOV, Moderatorxcasbonx, Apr-28-14 08:54 AM, #4
FS: vcn-1000 [View all]sheldonApr-27-14 10:11 PM
by sheldon
52186 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: vcn-1000, sheldon, Jan-22-14 12:32 PM, #1
RE: FS: vcn-1000, sheldon, Jan-30-14 10:14 AM, #2
RE: FS: vcn-1000, sheldon, Mar-30-14 08:31 AM, #3
      RE: FS: vcn-1000, iNoise, Mar-31-14 06:00 AM, #4
           RE: FS: vcn-1000, sheldon, Apr-27-14 10:10 PM, #5
WTB Bumper cover inserts [View all]barza21Apr-24-14 08:23 AM
by BoostedEclipse
11428 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB Bumper cover inserts, BoostedEclipse, Apr-24-14 08:23 AM, #1
FS - SPC UCA 1.75° - 3.25° anchor bolts [View all]Fallen4ng31Apr-21-14 10:27 PM01097 ---
GI: De-Turbo Partout [View all]iamnotwhoiamApr-21-14 03:05 PM
by streetlightning
31918 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GI: De-Turbo Partout, Grothe3297avenger, Apr-19-14 01:39 PM, #1
RE: GI: De-Turbo Partout, eklipz, Apr-20-14 01:51 AM, #2
      RE: GI: De-Turbo Partout, streetlightning, Apr-21-14 03:05 PM, #3
Wtb: msd 6212 [View all]BoostedEclipseApr-16-14 10:39 PM
by BoostedEclipse
31658 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Wtb: msd 6212, Broke4going, Apr-14-14 09:04 PM, #1
RE: Wtb: msd 6212, BoostedEclipse, Apr-14-14 10:45 PM, #2
      RE: Wtb: msd 6212, BoostedEclipse, Apr-16-14 10:39 PM, #3
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