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764 topics
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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
CODE 25 [View all]turbosruleJul-08-01 02:31 PM
by CrOok3d
Replies to this topic:
RE: CODE 25, dsm1, Jul-07-01 04:27 PM, #1
RE: CODE 25, CrOok3d, Jul-08-01 02:31 PM, #2
A real simple, but urgent question! [View all]solar1Jul-08-01 11:06 AM
by Skrilla
8568 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: A real simple, but urgent question!, klipzracer, Jul-06-01 12:50 AM, #1
RE: A real simple, but urgent question!, RS_Guy, Jul-06-01 12:52 AM, #2
RE: A real simple, but urgent question!, solar1, Jul-06-01 12:58 AM, #3
      hahaha, klipzracer, Jul-06-01 02:02 AM, #4
           RE: hahaha, solar1, Jul-06-01 02:20 AM, #5
                hey!, klipzracer, Jul-06-01 02:27 AM, #6
                     RE: hey!, RS_Guy, Jul-06-01 03:43 AM, #7
engine Gunk, Skrilla, Jul-08-01 11:06 AM, #8
Please help...re-using head bolts [View all]ModeratorCorbinJul-08-01 10:33 AM
by Skrilla
16856 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Please help...re-using head bolts, Teameclipse804, Jul-04-01 09:50 AM, #1
RE: Please help...re-using head bolts, DSMLVR, Jul-04-01 09:41 PM, #2
      not that I've done it Corbin, but..., ModeratorVX100, Jul-04-01 11:20 PM, #3
           RE: not that I've done it Corbin, but..., BLKOUT, Jul-05-01 01:55 AM, #4
                RE: not that I've done it Corbin, but..., BLKOUT, Jul-05-01 02:03 AM, #5
                     RE: not that I've done it Corbin, but..., 95ESi, Jul-05-01 07:11 AM, #6
                          RE: not that I've done it Corbin, but..., ModeratorCorbin, Jul-05-01 07:41 AM, #7
                               RE: not that I've done it Corbin, but..., koolade9, Jul-05-01 05:05 PM, #8
                                    RE: not that I've done it Corbin, but..., DSMLVR, Jul-05-01 10:16 PM, #9
                                         RE: not that I've done it Corbin, but..., ModeratorCorbin, Jul-06-01 11:03 AM, #10
                                              RE: not that I've done it Corbin, but..., klipzracer, Jul-06-01 02:39 PM, #11
                                                   RE: not that I've done it Corbin, but..., fungul, Jul-06-01 09:46 PM, #12
                                                        RE: not that I've done it Corbin, but..., klipzracer, Jul-07-01 04:12 AM, #13
                                                             RE: not that I've done it Corbin, but..., koolade9, Jul-07-01 10:24 AM, #14
                                                                  Sent you an e-mail..., ModeratorCorbin, Jul-08-01 08:26 AM, #15
I know I'm late but..., Skrilla, Jul-08-01 10:33 AM, #16
Anyone know anything about replacing valve train parts with PT Cruiser parts? [View all]Fast420AJul-08-01 10:23 AM
by Vector_Racing_Bie
Replies to this topic:
RE: Anyone know anything about replacing valve train parts with PT Cruiser parts?, PuRe RaGe, Jul-07-01 12:20 AM, #1
RE: Anyone know anything about replacing valve train parts with PT Cruiser parts?, BLKOUT, Jul-07-01 01:31 AM, #2
RE: Anyone know anything about replacing valve train parts with PT Cruiser parts?, Fast420A, Jul-07-01 01:46 AM, #3
      f@#k yeah!!!, klipzracer, Jul-07-01 03:38 AM, #4
      here is a pic!, PuRe RaGe, Jul-07-01 03:42 AM, #5
           I will host them too!!! Email them to me. One more question. . ., Fast420A, Jul-07-01 05:32 AM, #6
           RE: here is a pic!, Vector_Racing_Bie, Jul-07-01 09:15 AM, #7
                RE: here is a pic!, PuRe RaGe, Jul-07-01 10:27 PM, #8
                     RE: here is a pic!, Vector_Racing_Bie, Jul-08-01 10:23 AM, #9
Bosch Platinum 4s [View all]CJWalkerJul-08-01 09:54 AM
by VX100
4691 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Bosch Platinum 4s, RAIZIN, Jul-07-01 10:01 AM, #1
RE: Bosch Platinum 4s, ModeratorVX100, Jul-08-01 02:38 AM, #2
      RE: Bosch Platinum 4s, klipzracer, Jul-08-01 05:41 AM, #3
           RE: Bosch Platinum 4s, ModeratorVX100, Jul-08-01 09:54 AM, #4
GST Exaust [View all]HondaHater21Jul-08-01 09:54 AM
by HondaHater21
0268 ---
Basic question [View all]BrianJul-08-01 04:56 AM
by The1Bill
2470 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Basic question, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-06-01 06:25 AM, #1
RE: Basic question, The1Bill, Jul-08-01 04:56 AM, #2
anyone one who has a hrc turbo <---- [View all]InfernaldaemonJul-08-01 03:54 AM
by koolade9
1378 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: anyone one who has a hrc turbo <----, koolade9, Jul-08-01 03:54 AM, #1
Dum mother phucker [View all]Eclipse550HPJul-08-01 03:31 AM
by Eclipse550HP
8783 ---
Replies to this topic:
I would love to see Mitsubishi parts hook right up to Chrysler parts. What a Dumb Ass, Fast420A, Jul-07-01 09:37 AM, #1
RE: Dum mother phucker, RAIZIN, Jul-07-01 09:56 AM, #2
WHAT'S NOT WHOSE CAR?, Fast420A, Jul-07-01 09:59 AM, #3
      RE: WHAT'S NOT WHOSE CAR?, rsjourney95, Jul-07-01 11:02 AM, #4
           RE: WHAT'S NOT WHOSE CAR?, Eclipse550HP, Jul-07-01 01:21 PM, #5
                RE: WHAT'S NOT WHOSE CAR?, klipzracer, Jul-07-01 03:36 PM, #6
                     RE: WHAT'S NOT WHOSE CAR?, cyan, Jul-07-01 04:56 PM, #7
                          RE: WHAT'S NOT WHOSE CAR?, Eclipse550HP, Jul-08-01 03:31 AM, #8
Cleaning Reactive Fliter?? [View all]Eclipse550HPJul-07-01 01:29 PM
by Eclipse550HP
4551 ---
Replies to this topic:
Phuck Me sorry its Ractive opps!, Eclipse550HP, Jul-07-01 09:27 AM, #1
Any filter that looks like that IS a K&N and you need the kit to clean and re oil it, Fast420A, Jul-07-01 09:34 AM, #2
      RE: Any filter that looks like that IS a K&N and you need the kit to clean and re oil it, RAIZIN, Jul-07-01 09:58 AM, #3
           Fast420a, Eclipse550HP, Jul-07-01 01:29 PM, #4
install of gs-t muffler [View all]TalonJul-07-01 07:07 AM
by Fast420A
3493 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: install of gs-t muffler, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jul-07-01 06:47 AM, #1
May as well empty the cat out before you put it on, unless you have emission restrictions. . ., Fast420A, Jul-07-01 07:03 AM, #2
May as well empty the cat out before you put it on, unless you have emission restrictions. . ., Fast420A, Jul-07-01 07:07 AM, #3
Cold Air Intake [View all]SlamminSubzJul-07-01 04:16 AM
by klipzracer
1469 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Cold Air Intake, klipzracer, Jul-07-01 04:16 AM, #1
1g throttle body swap... [View all]Dame_FlamezJul-07-01 12:57 AM
by Thunderous_Talon
10735 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 1g throttle body swap..., Kory, Jul-05-01 07:15 PM, #1
RE: 1g throttle body swap..., klipzracer, Jul-06-01 12:55 AM, #2
      RE: 1g throttle body swap..., Talon, Jul-06-01 03:25 AM, #3
           RE: 1g throttle body swap..., PuRe RaGe, Jul-06-01 04:08 AM, #4
                are you serious, rage?!?!?, klipzracer, Jul-06-01 06:12 AM, #5
                WHAT??, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jul-06-01 09:40 AM, #6
                     HELL YEAH I NEED THE FUCKING INFO!!!!!!, Talon, Jul-06-01 10:19 AM, #7
                          RE: HELL YEAH I NEED THE FUCKING INFO!!!!!!, 97xtc, Jul-06-01 12:34 PM, #8
                               RE: HELL YEAH I NEED THE FUCKING INFO!!!!!!, PuRe RaGe, Jul-07-01 12:28 AM, #9
                                    RE: HELL YEAH I NEED THE FUCKING INFO!!!!!!, Thunderous_Talon, Jul-07-01 12:57 AM, #10
Purpose of PVC Valve / Breathers [View all]CJWalkerJul-06-01 10:20 PM
6474 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Purpose of PVC Valve / Breathers, Eclipse550HP, Jul-05-01 04:52 PM, #1
RE: Purpose of PVC Valve / Breathers, Eclipse550HP, Jul-05-01 04:52 PM, #2
      RE: Purpose of PVC Valve / Breathers, DSMLVR, Jul-05-01 10:28 PM, #3
           RE: Purpose of PVC Valve / Breathers, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-06-01 02:38 AM, #4
                Car seems to like the breathers, CJWalker, Jul-06-01 06:07 PM, #5
                     RE: Car seems to like the breathers, DSMLVR, Jul-06-01 10:20 PM, #6
anyone know what error code 31 is and what needs to be fixed? [View all]Fast420AJul-06-01 09:59 PM
by fungul
3500 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: anyone know what error code 31 is and what needs to be fixed?, 97xtc, Jul-06-01 01:54 PM, #1
RE: anyone know what error code 31 is and what needs to be fixed?, Fast420A, Jul-06-01 02:58 PM, #2
      RE: anyone know what error code 31 is and what needs to be fixed?, fungul, Jul-06-01 09:59 PM, #3
Can anyone tell me what clutch I need. . .ASAP [View all]Fast420AJul-06-01 03:14 PM
by Fast420A
0310 ---
Gude cams for sale... [View all]BLKOUTJul-06-01 02:29 PM
10618 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Gude cams for sale..., TrishasTalon, Jul-05-01 02:14 AM, #1
RE: Gude cams for sale..., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-05-01 02:16 AM, #2
      RE: Gude cams for sale..., TrishasTalon, Jul-05-01 02:57 AM, #3
           RE: Gude cams for sale..., TrishasTalon, Jul-05-01 08:52 AM, #4
                RE: Gude cams for sale..., BLKOUT, Jul-05-01 10:25 AM, #5
                     If Trish doesn't get the cams, I WANT THEM!!, Fast420A, Jul-06-01 11:52 AM, #6
                          RE: If Trish doesn't get the cams, I WANT THEM!!, RAIZIN, Jul-06-01 01:17 PM, #7
                               RE: If Trish doesn't get the cams, I WANT THEM!!, TrishasTalon, Jul-06-01 01:25 PM, #8
                                    Well then I will let you have them since you are Trish, Fast420A, Jul-06-01 01:43 PM, #9
                                         RE: Well then I will let you have them since you are Trish, BLKOUT, Jul-06-01 02:29 PM, #10
I GOT NOS!! [View all]iamnotwhoiamJul-06-01 01:09 PM
by 55shot98
7495 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I GOT NOS!!, Eclipse550HP, Jul-02-01 02:37 PM, #1
RE: I GOT NOS!!, alexries, Jul-02-01 02:42 PM, #2
      RE: I GOT NOS!!, jltucson, Jul-02-01 04:15 PM, #3
           RE: I GOT NOS!!, Eclipse550HP, Jul-02-01 04:18 PM, #4
                RE: I GOT NOS!!, jltucson, Jul-02-01 06:02 PM, #5
                     RE: I GOT NOS!!, magnus, Jul-03-01 07:45 AM, #6
RE: I GOT NOS!!, 55shot98, Jul-06-01 01:09 PM, #7
AFX pulley [View all]OZgs99Jul-06-01 11:22 AM
by Kory
13716 ---
Replies to this topic:
do a search on the board for AFX install people have given tips on it so you can, Fast420A, Jul-01-01 02:36 PM, #1
RE: do a search on the board for AFX install people have given tips on it so you can, OZgs99, Jul-03-01 04:55 AM, #2
      RE: do a search on the board for AFX install people have given tips on it so you can, 97eclipseRS, Jul-03-01 05:16 AM, #3
           RE: do a search on the board for AFX install people have given tips on it so you can, Kory, Jul-03-01 05:22 AM, #4
                RE: do a search on the board for AFX install people have given tips on it so you can, John99RS, Jul-03-01 09:59 AM, #5
                     RE: do a search on the board for AFX install people have given tips on it so you can, OZgs99, Jul-03-01 01:51 PM, #6
                     Take it to a dealer i did cost me $82.50, onefastgs, Jul-03-01 02:00 PM, #7
                          RE: Take it to a dealer i did cost me $82.50, klipzracer, Jul-03-01 02:19 PM, #8
                               RE: Take it to a dealer i did cost me $82.50, CoBen67, Jul-04-01 06:06 PM, #9
                                    RE: Take it to a dealer i did cost me $82.50, OZgs99, Jul-05-01 11:22 AM, #10
                     Belt squeekin..., IowaRS_racer, Jul-06-01 09:36 AM, #11
                          RE: Belt squeekin..., magnus, Jul-06-01 10:04 AM, #12
                               RE: Belt squeekin..., Kory, Jul-06-01 11:22 AM, #13
WTF! motor mount bracket won't come off [View all]ModeratorCorbinJul-06-01 10:54 AM
by Corbin
7656 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTF! motor mount bracket won't come off, John99RS, Jul-02-01 04:46 AM, #1
RE: WTF! motor mount bracket won't come off, ModeratorCorbin, Jul-02-01 07:02 AM, #2
      RE: WTF! motor mount bracket won't come off, XT_DSM, Jul-02-01 09:08 AM, #3
           RE: WTF! motor mount bracket won't come off, Greg, Jul-03-01 08:05 AM, #4
                RE: WTF! motor mount bracket won't come off, ModeratorCorbin, Jul-04-01 09:19 AM, #5
                     RE: WTF! motor mount bracket won't come off, gzrs99, Jul-05-01 02:06 PM, #6
                          RE: WTF! motor mount bracket won't come off, ModeratorCorbin, Jul-06-01 10:54 AM, #7
Installing gauges [View all]RAIZINJul-06-01 09:46 AM
by Stan2gnt
6551 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Installing gauges, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jul-05-01 08:44 AM, #1
RE: Installing gauges, jamesman, Jul-05-01 10:52 AM, #2
RE: Installing gauges, DAVE_FL (Guest), Jul-05-01 11:25 AM, #3
RE: Installing gauges, RAIZIN, Jul-05-01 11:27 AM, #4
      RE: Installing gauges, fly1, Jul-05-01 02:10 PM, #5
           RE: Installing gauges, TeamStan2gnt, Jul-06-01 09:46 AM, #6
Dirty intake filter [View all]Y2 e c l i p s e dJul-06-01 06:28 AM
by Michael_97RS
1440 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Dirty intake filter, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-06-01 06:28 AM, #1
TSB & Fuel Guages [View all]solar1Jul-06-01 06:23 AM
by Michael_97RS
1346 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: TSB & Fuel Guages, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-06-01 06:23 AM, #1
Help!! [View all]davedJul-06-01 03:26 AM
by daved
2405 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Help!!, solar1, Jul-06-01 12:17 AM, #1
RE: Help!!, daved, Jul-06-01 03:26 AM, #2
HP gain with Cams [View all]CJWalkerJul-06-01 12:32 AM
by fly1
1464 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HP gain with Cams, fly1, Jul-06-01 12:32 AM, #1
another newbie in need of help [View all]dchosenb (Guest)Jul-06-01 12:25 AM
by solar1
6375 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: another newbie in need of help, dchosenb (Guest), Jul-02-01 06:47 AM, #1
RE: another newbie in need of help, solar1, Jul-02-01 07:30 AM, #2
      RE: another newbie in need of help, dchosenb (Guest), Jul-02-01 03:17 PM, #3
           RE: another newbie in need of help, solar1, Jul-05-01 02:08 AM, #4
                RE: another newbie in need of help, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-05-01 02:28 AM, #5
                     RE: another newbie in need of help, solar1, Jul-06-01 12:25 AM, #6
Lousy Fuel Mileage and HOT Engine [View all]HadesOmegaJul-06-01 12:15 AM
by solar1
7560 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Lousy Fuel Mileage and HOT Engine, solar1, Jul-05-01 01:33 AM, #1
RE: Lousy Fuel Mileage and HOT Engine, Semperboost, Jul-05-01 01:57 AM, #2
RE: Lousy Fuel Mileage and HOT Engine, 95ESi, Jul-05-01 07:15 AM, #3
RE: Lousy Fuel Mileage and HOT Engine, 95ESi, Jul-05-01 07:15 AM, #4
      RE: Lousy Fuel Mileage and HOT Engine, solar1, Jul-06-01 12:15 AM, #7
RE: Lousy Fuel Mileage and HOT Engine, DAVE_FL (Guest), Jul-05-01 11:26 AM, #5
RE: Lousy Fuel Mileage and HOT Engine, HadesOmega, Jul-05-01 09:07 PM, #6
oil psi [View all]klipzracerJul-05-01 11:38 PM
by klipzracer
5478 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: oil psi, klipzracer, Jul-05-01 01:09 PM, #1
RE: oil psi, mitseclps, Jul-05-01 01:44 PM, #2
RE: oil psi, fly1, Jul-05-01 02:02 PM, #3
RE: oil psi, RS_Guy, Jul-05-01 06:30 PM, #4
RE: oil psi, klipzracer, Jul-05-01 11:38 PM, #5
error code ???? [View all]craigd887Jul-05-01 10:21 PM
2378 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: error code ????, hudy, Jul-05-01 12:30 PM, #1
RE: error code ????, DSMLVR, Jul-05-01 10:21 PM, #2
WOW Intake is loud [View all]CJWalkerJul-05-01 08:56 PM
by HadesOmega
1624 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WOW Intake is loud, HadesOmega, Jul-05-01 08:56 PM, #1
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