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Team 2GNT encourages members to actually DO something with their cars. There's no point in building race car you never race, right? This forum is dedicated to those among us who make going fast with class more than just a catch phrase. NO STREET RACING. THIS IS REAL RACING.
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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
698 topics
6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
by electrohead
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Manual Trans - NV-T350
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
by 420agreenvilleSC
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All questions,comments and updates on Electronic Engine Management Controllers such as the DFI, SAFC, MegaSquirt, and 034 EIC extra Injector controller go here. Forum will be STRICTY MODERATED for mis-placed posts!
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
OBD2 app recommendat...
by VX100
764 topics
5809 messages
Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
WTF my muffler is leaking [View all]95ESiJul-11-01 06:08 AM
by 95ESi
1362 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTF my muffler is leaking, 95ESi, Jul-11-01 06:08 AM, #1
mods for you auto guys!!! [View all]97xtcJul-11-01 04:33 AM
by kriot
7460 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: mods for you auto guys!!!, Soniclipse, Jul-09-01 02:20 PM, #1
RE: mods for you auto guys!!!, riced eclipse, Jul-09-01 02:42 PM, #2
RE: mods for you auto guys!!!, Eclipse550HP, Jul-09-01 04:48 PM, #3
      RE: mods for you auto guys!!!, kriot, Jul-10-01 06:22 AM, #4
           RE: mods for you auto guys!!!, oRACLes_97rs, Jul-10-01 06:37 AM, #5
RE: mods for you auto guys!!!, 97xtc, Jul-10-01 09:51 AM, #6
RE: mods for you auto guys!!!, kriot, Jul-11-01 04:33 AM, #7
ECU diagram [View all]jcurcilloJul-11-01 03:40 AM
by Kiku
3358 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ECU diagram, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-10-01 08:32 AM, #1
RE: ECU diagram, jcurcillo, Jul-10-01 08:56 AM, #2
RE: ECU diagram, Kiku, Jul-11-01 03:40 AM, #3
Does the Chrysler PT Cruiser have a engine like yours??? [View all]onefastgsJul-10-01 10:15 PM
3394 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Does the Chrysler PT Cruiser have a engine like yours???, onefastgs, Jul-10-01 01:30 PM, #1
RE: Does the Chrysler PT Cruiser have a engine like yours???, js99rs, Jul-10-01 04:28 PM, #2
      RE: Does the Chrysler PT Cruiser have a engine like yours???, DSMLVR, Jul-10-01 10:15 PM, #3
S-AFC --> MAP pressure? [View all]TeamMichael_97RSJul-10-01 01:38 PM
by VX100
3257 ---
Replies to this topic:
it depends on the sensor settings, ModeratorVX100, Jul-09-01 05:22 AM, #1
RE: S-AFC --> MAP pressure?, mkerley, Jul-10-01 12:33 AM, #2
RE: S-AFC --> MAP pressure?, ModeratorVX100, Jul-10-01 01:38 PM, #3
Governor??? [View all]9D9 MITSU RSJul-10-01 12:56 PM
by jZa
5346 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Governor???, Thunderous_Talon, Jul-09-01 04:20 PM, #1
RE: Governor???, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-09-01 04:31 PM, #2
      RE: Governor???, alexries, Jul-09-01 04:34 PM, #3
      RE: Governor???, Thunderous_Talon, Jul-09-01 04:51 PM, #4
RE: Governor???, jZa, Jul-10-01 12:56 PM, #5
Exhaust Manifold [View all]SpyderManJul-10-01 04:40 AM
by Eclipse550HP
2314 ---
Replies to this topic:
Seriously..., Skrilla, Jul-10-01 03:52 AM, #1
RE: Seriously..., Eclipse550HP, Jul-10-01 04:40 AM, #2
Silicone hoses? [View all]Deze2gJul-10-01 04:24 AM
by Eclipse550HP
8418 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Silicone hoses?, Talon, Jul-09-01 11:11 AM, #1
RE: Silicone hoses?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-09-01 11:47 AM, #2
      RE: Silicone hoses?, Eclipse550HP, Jul-09-01 12:15 PM, #3
           RE: Silicone hoses?, Deze2g, Jul-09-01 02:15 PM, #4
                This Work?, Eclipse550HP, Jul-09-01 04:28 PM, #5
Where?, moisture, Jul-09-01 05:45 PM, #6
RE: Where?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-10-01 01:30 AM, #7
      RE: Where?, Eclipse550HP, Jul-10-01 04:24 AM, #8
car won't idle after start... [View all]vector_racingJul-10-01 04:04 AM
by Kiku
4384 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: car won't idle after start..., 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-09-01 04:08 PM, #1
RE: car won't idle after start..., dsm1, Jul-09-01 05:58 PM, #2
      RE: car won't idle after start..., Y2 e c l i p s e d, Jul-10-01 03:16 AM, #3
           RE: car won't idle after start..., Kiku, Jul-10-01 04:04 AM, #4
Individual Throttle Bodies [View all]Joshua97478Jul-10-01 03:51 AM
by Skrilla
9939 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Individual Throttle Bodies, Vector_Racing_Bie, Jul-08-01 10:18 AM, #1
electromotive, Skrilla, Jul-08-01 11:05 AM, #2
RE: electromotive, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-09-01 02:26 AM, #3
      RE: electromotive, phatGS, Jul-09-01 03:42 PM, #4
           RE: electromotive, Skrilla, Jul-09-01 07:04 PM, #5
                RE: electromotive, alexries, Jul-09-01 07:28 PM, #6
                     RE: electromotive, HadesOmega, Jul-09-01 07:41 PM, #7
                          RE: electromotive, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-10-01 01:27 AM, #8
                               Definitely in Cali..., Skrilla, Jul-10-01 03:51 AM, #9
Exhaust help anyone?..... [View all]dermottJul-10-01 03:48 AM
by Michael_97RS
10496 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Exhaust help anyone?....., Eclipse550HP, Jul-09-01 04:47 PM, #1
RE: Exhaust help anyone?....., RoboTechDSM, Jul-09-01 04:50 PM, #2
RE: Exhaust help anyone?....., Eclipse550HP, Jul-09-01 05:14 PM, #3
2.5" is good for NA..., Skrilla, Jul-09-01 07:09 PM, #4
      RE: 2.5" is good for NA..., alexries, Jul-09-01 07:26 PM, #5
           RE: 2.5" is good for NA..., HadesOmega, Jul-09-01 07:32 PM, #6
RE: Exhaust help anyone?....., Doug96GS, Jul-10-01 12:33 AM, #7
RE: Exhaust help anyone?....., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-10-01 02:01 AM, #8
RE: Exhaust help anyone?....., TeamJasonESi_T, Jul-10-01 02:29 AM, #9
      RE: Exhaust help anyone?....., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-10-01 03:48 AM, #10
Problems with ignition fuse blowing after aftermarket gauges?? [View all]KikuJul-10-01 03:29 AM
by Talon
2579 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Problems with ignition fuse blowing after aftermarket gauges??, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-10-01 02:12 AM, #1
RE: Problems with ignition fuse blowing after aftermarket gauges??, Talon, Jul-10-01 03:29 AM, #2
aftermarket standard bore pistons [View all]jamesmanJul-10-01 02:06 AM
2728 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: aftermarket standard bore pistons, Kiku, Jul-10-01 12:20 AM, #1
RE: aftermarket standard bore pistons, BLKOUT, Jul-10-01 02:06 AM, #2
Leaky head gasket question [View all]Danny95ESIJul-09-01 06:56 PM
by Skrilla
Replies to this topic:
RE: Leaky head gasket question, DSMLVR, Jul-09-01 05:04 AM, #1
RE: Leaky head gasket question, Fast420A, Jul-09-01 05:43 AM, #2
      Fast420 - and spun rod bearing inspection..., Skrilla, Jul-09-01 06:47 AM, #3
      RE: Leaky head gasket question, Danny95ESI, Jul-09-01 07:13 AM, #4
           RE: Leaky head gasket question, Danny95ESI, Jul-09-01 07:19 AM, #5
                RE: Leaky head gasket question, jamesman, Jul-09-01 03:13 PM, #6
                     YES YOU CAN!!, Skrilla, Jul-09-01 06:56 PM, #7
Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A [View all]hustlerJul-09-01 04:28 PM
0921 ---
Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A [View all]hustlerJul-09-01 04:28 PM
152240 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A, 97xtc, Jul-04-01 02:05 PM, #1
RE: Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-05-01 02:21 AM, #2
RE: Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A, magnus, Jul-05-01 07:56 AM, #3
      RE: Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A, hustler, Jul-05-01 08:32 AM, #4
           STRIPPED OUT THE INTERIOR. . . ., Fast420A, Jul-06-01 11:43 AM, #5
                RE: STRIPPED OUT THE INTERIOR. . . ., jZa, Jul-07-01 03:24 AM, #6
                     RE: STRIPPED OUT THE INTERIOR. . . ., Fast420A, Jul-07-01 05:11 AM, #8
RE: Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A, DAVE_FL (Guest), Jul-07-01 05:03 AM, #7
RE: Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A, Fast420A, Jul-07-01 05:38 AM, #9
RE: Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A, Vector_Racing_Bie, Jul-07-01 09:08 AM, #10
      RE: Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A, Fast420A, Jul-07-01 09:31 AM, #11
           High compression..., Skrilla, Jul-08-01 11:01 AM, #13
                RE: High compression..., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-09-01 02:13 AM, #14
RE: Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A, hustler, Jul-07-01 09:42 PM, #12
RE: Is 200hp possible w/ our N/A, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-09-01 04:28 PM, #15
I messed up my tranny again :( [View all]TeamAvengerJul-09-01 04:01 PM
by Fast420A
8599 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I messed up my tranny again :(, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-09-01 04:28 AM, #1
RE: I messed up my tranny again :(, RoboTechDSM, Jul-09-01 04:34 AM, #3
RE: I messed up my tranny again :(, RoboTechDSM, Jul-09-01 04:30 AM, #2
RE: I messed up my tranny again :(, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jul-09-01 04:57 AM, #4
      RE: I messed up my tranny again :(, TeamAvenger, Jul-09-01 07:39 AM, #5
      RE: I messed up my tranny again :(, Talon, Jul-09-01 07:53 AM, #6
      Hey DarkOne, how much for the tranny?, Fast420A, Jul-09-01 04:01 PM, #8
RE: I messed up my tranny again :(, Soniclipse, Jul-09-01 02:23 PM, #7
nos or venom kit? [View all]drbalazo7Jul-09-01 03:17 PM
by 55shot98
1299 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: nos or venom kit?, 55shot98, Jul-09-01 03:17 PM, #1
high rpm then clutch gets a little lighter [View all]jamesmanJul-09-01 01:45 PM
by 97xtc
1274 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: high rpm then clutch gets a little lighter, 97xtc, Jul-09-01 01:45 PM, #1
high rpm then clutch gets a little lighter [View all]jamesmanJul-09-01 01:14 PM
by jamesman
0227 ---
muffler [View all]TalonJul-09-01 12:18 PM
by Eclipse550HP
2225 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: muffler, james, Jul-09-01 09:41 AM, #1
RE: muffler, Eclipse550HP, Jul-09-01 12:18 PM, #2
Coolant boiling over in my 420a Avenger [View all]ShantJul-09-01 10:36 AM
by Shant
6405 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Coolant boiling over in my 420a Avenger, TeamStan2gnt, Jul-03-01 02:47 AM, #1
RE: Coolant boiling over in my 420a Avenger, RAIZIN, Jul-03-01 02:51 AM, #2
RE: Coolant boiling over in my 420a Avenger, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-03-01 03:43 AM, #3
RE: Coolant boiling over in my 420a Avenger, koolade9, Jul-04-01 02:03 AM, #4
      RE: Coolant boiling over in my 420a Avenger, TeamStan2gnt, Jul-05-01 08:42 AM, #5
           RE: Coolant boiling over in my 420a Avenger, Shant, Jul-09-01 10:36 AM, #6
overheat almost solved any MORE suggestions? [View all]solar1Jul-09-01 06:57 AM
by solar1
0168 ---
Tranmission Seal [View all]lowmodelRSJul-09-01 06:18 AM
by solar1
3399 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Tranmission Seal, RoboTechDSM, Jul-08-01 03:09 PM, #1
RE: Tranmission Seal, rsjourney95, Jul-08-01 03:50 PM, #2
      RE: Tranmission Seal, solar1, Jul-09-01 06:18 AM, #3
Cleaning the head/block for MLS... [View all]ModeratorCorbinJul-09-01 06:04 AM
by Skrilla
5545 ---
Replies to this topic:
I used several..., Skrilla, Jul-08-01 10:42 AM, #1
RE: I used several..., Hoot, Jul-08-01 11:59 AM, #2
great suggestion..., Skrilla, Jul-09-01 06:04 AM, #5
What about a wire brush or would that be a bad thing?, Fast420A, Jul-08-01 04:40 PM, #3
      RE: What about a wire brush or would that be a bad thing?, Talon, Jul-09-01 04:24 AM, #4
Hey Tim! [View all]PuRe RaGeJul-09-01 02:40 AM
by PuRe RaGe
5567 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Hey Tim!, mike_d, Jul-08-01 03:38 AM, #1
RE: Hey Tim!, tim97rs, Jul-08-01 04:03 AM, #2
RE: Hey Tim!, 55shot98, Jul-08-01 04:25 AM, #3
RE: Hey Tim!, Nemisizz, Jul-09-01 01:28 AM, #4
RE: Hey Tim!, PuRe RaGe, Jul-09-01 02:40 AM, #5
AEM CAI [View all]dchosenb (Guest)Jul-09-01 01:52 AM
by Nemisizz
2460 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AEM CAI, Y2 e c l i p s e d, Jul-06-01 03:00 AM, #1
RE: AEM CAI, Nemisizz, Jul-09-01 01:52 AM, #2
AeroSpeed [View all]Eclipse550HPJul-09-01 01:22 AM
by JasonESi_T
3590 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AeroSpeed, 420aVenger, Jul-08-01 02:30 PM, #1
RE: AeroSpeed, Eclipse550HP, Jul-08-01 03:33 PM, #2
      RE: AeroSpeed, TeamJasonESi_T, Jul-09-01 01:22 AM, #3
Tips for tuning HRC Stage 2 kit? [View all]KikuJul-08-01 03:55 PM
by Kiku
0347 ---
any one know.... [View all]etalonJul-08-01 03:04 PM
by CrOok3d
4682 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: any one know...., DSMLVR, Jul-06-01 10:24 PM, #1
RE: any one know...., CrOok3d, Jul-08-01 02:17 PM, #2
RE: any one know...., etalon, Jul-08-01 02:40 PM, #3
      RE: any one know...., CrOok3d, Jul-08-01 03:04 PM, #4
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