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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
amp not working [View all]95_ESi_PersonSep-14-04 08:12 PM
by 95_ESi_Person
7603 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: amp not working, SPL_Eclipse, Sep-12-04 06:40 PM, #1
RE: amp not working, 95_ESi_Person, Sep-12-04 08:38 PM, #2
      RE: amp not working, madhatter210, Sep-13-04 12:10 AM, #3
           RE: amp not working, 95_ESi_Person, Sep-13-04 01:54 AM, #4
                fixed now, 95_ESi_Person, Sep-13-04 07:52 PM, #5
                     RE: fixed now, Dont_need_8, Sep-14-04 04:56 PM, #6
                          RE: fixed now, 95_ESi_Person, Sep-14-04 08:12 PM, #7
Interesting Keyless Entry.. Help Please? [View all]EclipseTenzoRSep-14-04 05:49 AM
by 420AYE
7430 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Interesting Keyless Entry.. Help Please?, SPL_Eclipse, Sep-12-04 06:46 PM, #1
RE: Interesting Keyless Entry.. Help Please?, EclipseTenzoR, Sep-12-04 07:22 PM, #2
      RE: Interesting Keyless Entry.. Help Please?, 420AYE, Sep-13-04 06:02 PM, #3
           RE: Interesting Keyless Entry.. Help Please?, EclipseTenzoR, Sep-14-04 03:59 AM, #4
                RE: Interesting Keyless Entry.. Help Please?, 420AYE, Sep-14-04 04:36 AM, #5
                     RE: Interesting Keyless Entry.. Help Please?, scothern, Sep-14-04 05:37 AM, #6
                          RE: Interesting Keyless Entry.. Help Please?, 420AYE, Sep-14-04 05:49 AM, #7
Pioneer DEH-P7000R (Rant, Questions) [View all]scothernSep-14-04 05:12 AM0475 ---
Kenwood Headunit.. Look Pimp In An Eclipse [View all]EclipseTenzoRSep-13-04 04:14 PM
by Shockeclipse
4584 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Kenwood Headunit.. Look Pimp In An Eclipse, Pitchblack98, Jul-19-04 08:01 AM, #1
RE: Kenwood Headunit.. Look Pimp In An Eclipse, TeamJasonESi_T, Jul-19-04 05:34 PM, #2
      RE: Kenwood Headunit.. Look Pimp In An Eclipse, BumpinTalon, Aug-04-04 07:10 PM, #3
           RE: Kenwood Headunit.. Look Pimp In An Eclipse, Shockeclipse, Sep-13-04 04:14 PM, #4
Dynamat or Ebay "Fatmat" ...any experiences with either please post..??? [View all]tim97rsSep-07-04 02:33 AM
by Super20G
7458 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Dynamat or Ebay "Fatmat" ...any experiences with either please post..???, Chamuko, Sep-06-04 08:05 AM, #1
RE: Dynamat or Ebay "Fatmat" ...any experiences with either please post..???, jsupetran, Sep-06-04 08:52 AM, #2
      RE: Dynamat or Ebay "Fatmat" ...any experiences with either please post..???, SPL_Eclipse, Sep-06-04 09:41 AM, #3
           RE: Dynamat or Ebay "Fatmat" ...any experiences with either please post..???, tim97rs, Sep-06-04 10:11 AM, #4
                RE: Dynamat or Ebay "Fatmat" ...any experiences with either please post..???, 95_ESi_Person, Sep-06-04 12:20 PM, #5
                RE: Dynamat or Ebay "Fatmat" ...any experiences with either please post..???, Chamuko, Sep-06-04 07:06 PM, #6
                     RE: Dynamat or Ebay "Fatmat" ...any experiences with either please post..???, Super20G, Sep-07-04 02:33 AM, #7
anyone done this? [View all]kelvinb1Sep-06-04 06:26 PM
by BumpinTalon
3299 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: anyone done this?, SPL_Eclipse, Sep-06-04 09:44 AM, #1
RE: anyone done this?, kelvinb1, Sep-06-04 12:52 PM, #2
      RE: anyone done this?, BumpinTalon, Sep-06-04 06:26 PM, #3
Need help! Problem wiring multiple amps [View all]farmdogg55Sep-05-04 08:24 AM
by farmdogg55
3313 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Need help! Problem wiring multiple amps, Pitchblack98, Sep-03-04 10:25 AM, #1
RE: Need help! Problem wiring multiple amps, madhatter210, Sep-04-04 08:04 AM, #2
      RE: Need help! Problem wiring multiple amps, farmdogg55, Sep-05-04 08:24 AM, #3
Installing a set of components [View all]DeeCee101Sep-03-04 08:20 AM
by InFiNiT3
9398 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Installing a set of components, JEMLine16, Aug-20-04 11:04 AM, #1
RE: Installing a set of components, SPL_Eclipse, Aug-20-04 03:52 PM, #2
      RE: Installing a set of components, a_miller_76, Aug-21-04 06:29 PM, #3
           RE: Installing a set of components, Vandy420a, Aug-29-04 02:58 PM, #4
                RE: Installing a set of components, BumpinTalon, Aug-30-04 02:12 PM, #5
                     RE: Installing a set of components, SPL_Eclipse, Aug-30-04 06:12 PM, #6
                          RE: Installing a set of components, BumpinTalon, Aug-31-04 05:28 PM, #7
                               RE: Installing a set of components, Jerm23, Sep-03-04 04:36 AM, #8
                                    RE: Installing a set of components, InFiNiT3, Sep-03-04 08:20 AM, #9
Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub? [View all]420AYEAug-30-04 12:14 PM
by 420AYE
14468 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, mrj82, Aug-26-04 11:44 AM, #1
RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, 420AYE, Aug-26-04 11:55 AM, #2
      RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, mrj82, Aug-26-04 12:00 PM, #3
      RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, mrj82, Aug-26-04 12:00 PM, #4
           RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, 420AYE, Aug-26-04 12:22 PM, #5
                RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, mrj82, Aug-26-04 04:06 PM, #6
                     RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, SPL_Eclipse, Aug-26-04 05:35 PM, #7
                          RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, CrazyEclipse, Aug-26-04 05:57 PM, #8
                               RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, mrj82, Aug-27-04 03:04 AM, #9
                                    RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, a_miller_76, Aug-27-04 06:56 AM, #10
                                         RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, mrj82, Aug-27-04 08:35 AM, #11
                                              RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, farmdogg55, Aug-27-04 11:43 AM, #12
                                                   RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, a_miller_76, Aug-27-04 12:02 PM, #13
                                                        RE: Is it ok to run full power to a single coil on a DVC sub?, 420AYE, Aug-30-04 12:14 PM, #14
Many electrical problems NEED HELP ASAP [View all]orzechAug-29-04 03:04 PM
by CrazyEclipse
7392 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Many electrical problems NEED HELP ASAP, orzech, Aug-05-04 10:55 AM, #1
RE: Many electrical problems NEED HELP ASAP, orzech, Aug-05-04 11:02 AM, #2
RE: Many electrical problems NEED HELP ASAP, orzech, Aug-05-04 01:22 PM, #3
      RE: Many electrical problems NEED HELP ASAP, orzech, Aug-05-04 07:27 PM, #4
           RE: Many electrical problems NEED HELP ASAP, destruckeclipse, Aug-06-04 09:47 PM, #5
                RE: Many electrical problems NEED HELP ASAP, Vandy420a, Aug-29-04 03:00 PM, #6
                RE: Many electrical problems NEED HELP ASAP, CrazyEclipse, Aug-29-04 03:04 PM, #7
Window automation thingy keeps getting messed up [View all]jZaAug-28-04 11:15 AM
by MCubed45
2252 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Window automation thingy keeps getting messed up, azdave, Aug-26-04 10:17 AM, #1
RE: Window automation thingy keeps getting messed up, MCubed45, Aug-28-04 10:54 AM, #2
stock infinity amp [View all]daman_tboneAug-27-04 09:02 AM
by madhatter210
1298 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: stock infinity amp, madhatter210, Aug-27-04 09:03 AM, #1
clarion vrx815 touchscreen indash for sale [View all]widebodyeclipseAug-27-04 07:40 AM0246 ---
What to do w/ extra wires after alarm removal [View all]Super20GAug-27-04 02:49 AM
by Super20G
3286 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What to do w/ extra wires after alarm removal, 96eclipse2nr, Aug-24-04 10:47 AM, #1
RE: What to do w/ extra wires after alarm removal, Super20G, Aug-26-04 04:32 AM, #2
      RE: What to do w/ extra wires after alarm removal, Super20G, Aug-27-04 02:49 AM, #3
error message when playing cd [View all]BustaConesAug-22-04 01:24 PM
by Kaoz78
2224 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: error message when playing cd, mrj82, Aug-17-04 03:53 AM, #1
RE: error message when playing cd, Kaoz78, Aug-22-04 01:24 PM, #2
sub repair [View all]import1996rsAug-22-04 06:25 AM
by import1996rs
4307 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: sub repair, a_miller_76, Aug-21-04 05:32 AM, #1
RE: sub repair, import1996rs, Aug-21-04 06:47 PM, #2
      RE: sub repair, 420AYE, Aug-21-04 07:24 PM, #3
           RE: sub repair, import1996rs, Aug-22-04 06:23 AM, #4
Custom subwoofer boxes ... [View all]eclipse982nrRSTAug-22-04 04:13 AM
by eclipse982nrRST
14810 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., 420AYE, Aug-10-04 09:32 PM, #1
RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., Pushin420a, Aug-10-04 09:40 PM, #2
      RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., eclipse982nrRST, Aug-11-04 04:42 AM, #3
           RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., Pushin420a, Aug-11-04 06:35 AM, #4
                RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., Jerm23, Aug-11-04 09:57 AM, #5
                     RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., eclipse982nrRST, Aug-11-04 04:11 PM, #6
                          RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., 420AYE, Aug-15-04 03:37 PM, #7
                               RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., eclipse982nrRST, Aug-15-04 03:44 PM, #8
                                    RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., import1996rs, Aug-21-04 05:35 AM, #9
                                         RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., optikal, Aug-21-04 07:05 AM, #10
                                         RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., eclipse982nrRST, Aug-21-04 03:28 PM, #11
                                              RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., eclipse982nrRST, Aug-21-04 04:19 PM, #12
                                                   RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., RSClipse9d7, Aug-22-04 02:45 AM, #13
                                                        RE: Custom subwoofer boxes ..., eclipse982nrRST, Aug-22-04 04:13 AM, #14
Car tvs [View all]JproduktionAug-22-04 02:50 AM
by RSClipse9d7
2437 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Car tvs, Redmachine97, Aug-07-04 05:19 AM, #1
RE: Car tvs, RSClipse9d7, Aug-22-04 02:50 AM, #2
Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse? [View all]Jerm23Aug-21-04 10:07 AM
by djtrickee
13834 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, CrazyEclipse, Aug-11-04 10:18 AM, #1
RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, CrazyEclipse, Aug-11-04 10:22 AM, #2
      RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, Jerm23, Aug-11-04 10:29 AM, #3
           RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, Jerm23, Aug-11-04 10:33 AM, #4
                RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, djtrickee, Aug-11-04 12:53 PM, #5
                     RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, Malenko, Aug-19-04 07:16 AM, #6
                          RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, djtrickee, Aug-19-04 07:19 AM, #7
                               RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, 96eclipse2nr, Aug-19-04 10:02 AM, #8
                               RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, mkerley, Aug-19-04 11:08 AM, #9
                                    RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, EclipseTenzoR, Aug-19-04 11:29 AM, #10
                               RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, mkerley, Aug-19-04 12:12 PM, #11
                                    RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, Malenko, Aug-21-04 08:24 AM, #12
                                    RE: Has anyone done a carputer in their eclipse?, djtrickee, Aug-21-04 10:04 AM, #13
Alternative Headunit Mounting Solutions [View all]EclipseTenzoRAug-19-04 06:08 PM
by SPL_Eclipse
8701 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Alternative Headunit Mounting Solutions, 96eclipse2nr, Aug-18-04 02:51 PM, #1
RE: Alternative Headunit Mounting Solutions, EclipseTenzoR, Aug-18-04 05:18 PM, #2
      RE: Alternative Headunit Mounting Solutions, SPL_Eclipse, Aug-18-04 06:49 PM, #3
      RE: Alternative Headunit Mounting Solutions, djtrickee, Aug-18-04 07:04 PM, #4
           RE: Alternative Headunit Mounting Solutions, EclipseTenzoR, Aug-18-04 08:39 PM, #5
                RE: Alternative Headunit Mounting Solutions, 96eclipse2nr, Aug-19-04 10:03 AM, #6
                     RE: Alternative Headunit Mounting Solutions, eclipse982nrRST, Aug-19-04 03:26 PM, #7
                          RE: Alternative Headunit Mounting Solutions, SPL_Eclipse, Aug-19-04 06:08 PM, #8
Alpine Alarm Removal [View all]Super20GAug-17-04 06:09 PM
by SPL_Eclipse
3653 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Alpine Alarm Removal, SPL_Eclipse, Aug-16-04 04:05 PM, #1
RE: Alpine Alarm Removal, Super20G, Aug-17-04 07:57 AM, #2
      RE: Alpine Alarm Removal, SPL_Eclipse, Aug-17-04 06:09 PM, #3
remote starter in a manual car? [View all]reaxionAug-15-04 09:06 PM
by reaxion
151354 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: remote starter in a manual car?, azdave, Jul-07-04 08:07 AM, #1
RE: remote starter in a manual car?, reaxion, Jul-07-04 10:51 AM, #2
      RE: remote starter in a manual car?, azdave, Jul-07-04 12:46 PM, #3
           RE: remote starter in a manual car?, 420AYE, Jul-08-04 05:19 AM, #4
                RE: remote starter in a manual car?, ashah000, Jul-10-04 07:16 AM, #5
                     RE: remote starter in a manual car?, 420AYE, Jul-10-04 10:20 AM, #6
                          RE: remote starter in a manual car?, ashah000, Jul-10-04 11:16 AM, #7
                               RE: remote starter in a manual car?, 420AYE, Jul-10-04 11:32 AM, #8
                                    RE: remote starter in a manual car?, ashah000, Jul-10-04 06:53 PM, #9
                                         RE: remote starter in a manual car?, 420AYE, Jul-10-04 09:07 PM, #10
                                              RE: remote starter in a manual car?, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jul-29-04 12:14 AM, #11
                                                   RE: remote starter in a manual car?, av8er, Aug-03-04 02:45 PM, #12
                                                        RE: remote starter in a manual car?, TeamXtremeRS, Aug-03-04 06:13 PM, #13
                                                             RE: remote starter in a manual car?, WickedESi, Aug-05-04 10:28 PM, #14
                                                                  RE: remote starter in a manual car?, reaxion, Aug-15-04 09:06 PM, #15
Best Alarm out there? [View all]JproduktionAug-14-04 03:41 PM
by Pitchblack98
141035 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Best Alarm out there?, TeamXtremeRS, Jun-24-03 03:58 PM, #1
RE: Best Alarm out there?, Teameclipse804, Jun-25-03 04:00 AM, #2
      RE: Best Alarm out there?, musicmaniac1, Jul-04-03 08:02 PM, #3
           RE: Best Alarm out there?, cool_g_83, Jul-10-03 09:36 PM, #4
                RE: Best Alarm out there?, Jproduktion, Jul-10-03 09:57 PM, #5
                RE: Best Alarm out there?, Jproduktion, Jul-10-03 09:57 PM, #6
                     RE: Best Alarm out there?, PowerEclipses, Jul-11-03 11:52 AM, #7
                          RE: Best Alarm out there?, Boofer97rs, Jul-11-03 01:47 PM, #8
                               RE: Best Alarm out there?, TeamXtremeRS, Jul-11-03 06:07 PM, #9
                                    RE: Best Alarm out there?, HadesOmega, Jul-14-03 11:10 AM, #10
                                         RE: Best Alarm out there?, brokenrodguy, Aug-11-04 06:47 PM, #11
                                              RE: Best Alarm out there?, 1997eclipse, Aug-11-04 09:07 PM, #12
                                              RE: Best Alarm out there?, 99GSBBTurbo, Aug-14-04 01:49 PM, #13
                                              RE: Best Alarm out there?, Pitchblack98, Aug-14-04 03:41 PM, #14
couple questions about my VIPER 650 install [View all]BlizareAug-12-04 05:49 PM
by azdave
1452 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: couple questions about my VIPER 650 install, azdave, Aug-12-04 05:39 PM, #1
stock infinity wiring [View all]chrysler kidAug-09-04 09:39 AM
by chrysler kid
1362 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: stock infinity wiring, chrysler kid, Aug-09-04 09:39 AM, #1
What machine.... [View all]er0ckzAug-08-04 06:47 AM
by 420AYE
7353 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What machine...., kelvinb1, Aug-05-04 07:32 AM, #1
RE: What machine...., djtrickee, Aug-05-04 07:36 AM, #2
      RE: What machine...., JEMLine16, Aug-05-04 02:38 PM, #3
           RE: What machine...., orzech, Aug-05-04 03:16 PM, #4
                RE: What machine...., 95GSEclipse, Aug-05-04 05:20 PM, #5
                     RE: What machine...., er0ckz, Aug-06-04 11:05 PM, #6
                          RE: What machine...., 420AYE, Aug-08-04 06:47 AM, #7
Alarm install with pics [View all]mikelrryAug-07-04 12:12 PM
by djtrickee
11895 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Alarm install with pics, SPL_Eclipse, Sep-07-03 04:38 PM, #1
RE: Alarm install with pics, importxs, Sep-07-03 05:25 PM, #2
      RE: Alarm install with pics, 96eclipse2nr, Sep-13-03 05:53 PM, #3
           RE: Alarm install with pics, KSeclipse, Sep-13-03 08:49 PM, #4
                RE: Alarm install with pics, 96eclipse2nr, Sep-14-03 08:54 AM, #5
                     how about the wires for the locks, lickscissors, Sep-16-03 02:22 PM, #6
                          RE: how about the wires for the locks, 96eclipse2nr, Sep-16-03 05:25 PM, #7
                               RE: how about the wires for the locks, lickscissors, Sep-17-03 08:09 AM, #8
RE: Alarm install with pics, 1997eclipse, Aug-06-04 08:55 PM, #9
RE: Alarm install with pics, MCubed45, Aug-07-04 11:32 AM, #10
RE: Alarm install with pics, djtrickee, Aug-07-04 12:12 PM, #11
Positive door pin wire [View all]ashah000Aug-07-04 11:07 AM
by MCubed45
6307 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Positive door pin wire, SPL_Eclipse, Jun-12-04 06:14 PM, #1
RE: Positive door pin wire, ashah000, Jun-13-04 02:51 AM, #2
      RE: Positive door pin wire, mkerley, Jun-13-04 04:58 AM, #3
           RE: Positive door pin wire, 1997eclipse, Aug-06-04 09:30 PM, #4
                RE: Positive door pin wire, djtrickee, Aug-07-04 06:57 AM, #5
                     RE: Positive door pin wire, MCubed45, Aug-07-04 11:07 AM, #6
speaker rings [View all]kelvinb1Aug-07-04 05:57 AM
by kelvinb1
9402 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: speaker rings, kelvinb1, Jul-11-04 03:46 AM, #1
RE: speaker rings, 420AYE, Jul-11-04 06:16 AM, #2
      RE: speaker rings, SPL_Eclipse, Jul-11-04 07:35 AM, #3
           RE: speaker rings, kelvinb1, Jul-11-04 08:40 AM, #4
                RE: speaker rings, 808dsmtuner, Jul-13-04 05:40 PM, #5
                     RE: speaker rings, kelvinb1, Jul-19-04 06:13 AM, #6
                          RE: speaker rings, SPL_Eclipse, Jul-19-04 06:15 PM, #7
                               RE: speaker rings, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jul-19-04 09:19 PM, #8
                                    RE: speaker rings, kelvinb1, Aug-07-04 05:57 AM, #9
JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items [View all]Sean_neoAug-03-04 12:56 PM
by sheldon
14726 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, djtrickee, Jun-14-04 11:18 AM, #1
RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, Sean_neo, Jun-14-04 11:47 AM, #2
      RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, djtrickee, Jun-14-04 12:06 PM, #3
           RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, a_miller_76, Jun-15-04 04:53 AM, #4
                RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, HiOnPSI, Jun-20-04 07:32 PM, #5
                RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, Sean_neo, Jun-22-04 11:46 AM, #6
                RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, a_miller_76, Jun-22-04 12:15 PM, #7
                     RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, 420AYE, Jun-22-04 08:26 PM, #8
                RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, burntheblobs, Jun-26-04 02:21 PM, #9
                     RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, 420AYE, Jun-26-04 03:47 PM, #10
                          RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, Blizare, Jul-19-04 01:56 PM, #11
                               RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, TeamXtremeRS, Jul-19-04 02:42 PM, #12
                                    RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, Sean_neo, Aug-03-04 09:44 AM, #13
                                         RE: JUST GOT MY VIPER 790xv...A note on refurbished viper items, sheldon, Aug-03-04 12:56 PM, #14
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