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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
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6170 messages
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
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764 topics
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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
which would be cheaper/better??? [View all]1TuffRSDec-22-01 12:37 PM
by 1TuffRS
3518 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: which would be cheaper/better???, Grashper, Dec-21-01 08:34 PM, #1
RE: which would be cheaper/better???, TeamStan2gnt, Dec-22-01 12:56 AM, #2
      RE: which would be cheaper/better???, 1TuffRS, Dec-22-01 12:37 PM, #3
Spyder NT motor? [View all]PlayWithFireDec-22-01 10:39 AM
by Amish_Eclipse
3387 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Spyder NT motor?, randy, Dec-21-01 02:29 PM, #1
RE: Spyder NT motor?, RyaN95i4, Dec-22-01 05:22 AM, #2
      RE: Spyder NT motor?, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-22-01 10:39 AM, #3
poor idle, stutter on accel [View all]ModeratorjuanDec-22-01 10:19 AM
by Amish_Eclipse
161503 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: poor idle, stutter on accel, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-20-01 06:32 AM, #1
RE: poor idle, stutter on accel, EvMan2345, Dec-20-01 06:48 AM, #2
Juan..., eclipsekaiser, Dec-20-01 09:40 AM, #3
RE: Juan..., Moderatorjuan, Dec-21-01 11:58 AM, #11
RE: poor idle, stutter on accel, UFO, Dec-20-01 10:04 AM, #4
RE: poor idle, stutter on accel, turboRS, Dec-20-01 12:46 PM, #5
      RE: poor idle, stutter on accel, fungul, Dec-20-01 10:24 PM, #6
           RE: poor idle, stutter on accel, EvMan2345, Dec-21-01 01:29 AM, #7
           checked the wires, Administratoradmin, Dec-21-01 05:18 AM, #8
                RE: checked the wires, 96TSI AWD, Dec-21-01 06:21 AM, #9
RE: poor idle, stutter on accel, Administratoradmin, Dec-21-01 10:09 AM, #10
RE: poor idle, stutter on accel, Teameclipse804, Dec-21-01 03:12 PM, #12
      RE: poor idle, stutter on accel, Moderatorjuan, Dec-22-01 09:02 AM, #14
it was the wires, Moderatorjuan, Dec-22-01 08:57 AM, #13
RE: it was the wires, Teameclipse804, Dec-22-01 10:08 AM, #15
      RE: it was the wires, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-22-01 10:19 AM, #16
Stroker kit... [View all]Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOneDec-22-01 01:34 AM
by BlackOZ
693150 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Stroker kit..., iamnotwhoiam, Dec-10-01 06:44 AM, #1
More info.., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-10-01 07:19 AM, #2
RE: More info.., TeamAvenger, Dec-10-01 09:39 AM, #3
Even more info... (is anyone even reading this?), Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-10-01 10:32 AM, #4
RE: Even more info... (is anyone even reading this?), LoudEclipse, Dec-10-01 12:11 PM, #5
RE: Even more info... (is anyone even reading this?), iamnotwhoiam, Dec-11-01 08:59 AM, #20
RE: Stroker kit..., Dave_FL, Dec-10-01 12:16 PM, #6
RE: Stroker kit..., Super20G, Dec-10-01 02:47 PM, #7
      RE: Stroker kit..., Mystic511, Dec-10-01 03:44 PM, #8
           RE: Stroker kit..., Kiku, Dec-10-01 04:30 PM, #9
                RE: Stroker kit..., TeamMuRiX, Dec-10-01 11:09 PM, #10
                     RE: Stroker kit..., Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Dec-11-01 02:25 AM, #11
                          RE: Stroker kit..., 1TuffRS, Dec-11-01 03:44 AM, #12
                               RE: Stroker kit..., TeamAvenger, Dec-11-01 04:07 AM, #13
                                    RE: Stroker kit..., Kiku, Dec-11-01 07:13 AM, #14
                                         RE: Stroker kit..., daved, Dec-11-01 07:34 AM, #15
                                              RE: Stroker kit..., bustrblue1, Dec-11-01 07:54 AM, #16
                                              RE: Stroker kit..., TeamMuRiX, Dec-11-01 07:59 AM, #17
                                                   RE: Stroker kit..., TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-11-01 08:21 AM, #18
                                                        RE: Stroker kit..., BlackOZ, Dec-11-01 08:55 AM, #19
                                                        RE: Stroker kit..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-11-01 09:12 AM, #21
                                                             RE: Stroker kit..., bustrblue1, Dec-11-01 10:47 AM, #22
                                                                  RE: Stroker kit..., TeamAvenger, Dec-11-01 10:57 AM, #23
                                                                       RE: Stroker kit..., bustrblue1, Dec-11-01 11:17 AM, #24
                                                                            RE: Stroker kit..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-11-01 11:20 AM, #25
                                                                                 RE: Stroker kit..., bustrblue1, Dec-11-01 02:24 PM, #26
                                                                                 RE: Stroker kit..., The1Bill, Dec-11-01 02:50 PM, #27
                                                                                      RE: Stroker kit..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-12-01 03:38 AM, #32
                                                        RE: Stroker kit..., VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Dec-19-01 02:57 AM, #49
                                              RE: Stroker kit..., HadesOmega, Dec-11-01 03:24 PM, #28
                                                   RE: Stroker kit..., LunarEclipse, Dec-11-01 07:18 PM, #29
                                                        RE: Stroker kit..., Fast420A, Dec-11-01 08:07 PM, #30
                                                        RE: Stroker kit..., BlackOZ, Dec-12-01 01:18 AM, #31
                                                             RE: Stroker kit..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-12-01 03:40 AM, #33
                                                                  RE: Stroker kit..., BlackOZ, Dec-12-01 04:52 AM, #34
                                                                       RE: Stroker kit..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-12-01 05:23 AM, #35
                                                        RE: Stroker kit..., Kiku, Dec-12-01 03:34 PM, #42
                                                             CARB legal???, onefastgs, Dec-20-01 12:24 PM, #65
                                                                  RE: CARB legal???, VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Dec-21-01 01:04 AM, #67
                                                                       Will it pass a smog test???, onefastgs, Dec-21-01 06:24 PM, #68
RE: Stroker kit..., PowerEclipses, Dec-12-01 07:45 AM, #36
RE: Stroker kit..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-12-01 08:14 AM, #37
      RE: Stroker kit..., BlackOZ, Dec-12-01 08:47 AM, #38
      RE: Stroker kit..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-12-01 09:18 AM, #39
           RE: Stroker kit..., Irfan, Dec-12-01 09:52 AM, #40
                RE: Stroker kit..., BlackOZ, Dec-12-01 03:14 PM, #41
      RE: Stroker kit..., Kiku, Dec-12-01 03:42 PM, #43
      RE: Stroker kit..., The1Bill, Dec-13-01 05:49 AM, #44
           RE: Stroker kit..., Kory, Dec-13-01 07:32 AM, #45
                RE: Stroker kit..., ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-13-01 08:35 AM, #46
                     RE: Stroker kit..., Kiku, Dec-13-01 02:17 PM, #47
                          RE: Stroker kit..., RyaN95i4, Dec-13-01 02:33 PM, #48
RE: Stroker kit..., VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Dec-19-01 03:05 AM, #50
RE: Stroker kit..., iamnotwhoiam, Dec-19-01 03:44 AM, #51
      RE: Stroker kit..., HavocRST, Dec-19-01 04:47 AM, #52
      RE: Stroker kit..., VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Dec-19-01 05:04 AM, #54
      RE: Stroker kit..., VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Dec-19-01 05:02 AM, #53
           RE: Stroker kit..., iamnotwhoiam, Dec-19-01 05:13 AM, #55
                RE: Stroker kit..., VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Dec-19-01 05:21 AM, #56
                     RE: Stroker kit..., iamnotwhoiam, Dec-19-01 05:34 AM, #57
                          RE: Stroker kit..., VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Dec-19-01 05:53 AM, #58
                               RE: Stroker kit..., iamnotwhoiam, Dec-19-01 06:13 AM, #59
                                    RE: Stroker kit..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-19-01 07:04 AM, #60
                                    RE: Stroker kit..., iamnotwhoiam, Dec-19-01 07:21 AM, #61
                                         RE: Stroker kit..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-19-01 07:41 AM, #62
                                              RE: Stroker kit..., Fast420A, Dec-19-01 08:24 AM, #63
                                                   RE: Stroker kit..., CVedEclipse, Dec-19-01 12:58 PM, #64
                                    RE: Stroker kit..., VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Dec-21-01 01:03 AM, #66
                                         RE: Stroker kit..., BlackOZ, Dec-22-01 01:34 AM, #69
How do you know if you have a exhaust leak? [View all]PowerEclipsesDec-21-01 04:03 PM
by PowerEclipses
3494 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: How do you know if you have a exhaust leak?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-21-01 11:34 AM, #1
RE: How do you know if you have a exhaust leak?, vegasdsmr, Dec-21-01 03:03 PM, #2
      RE: How do you know if you have a exhaust leak?, PowerEclipses, Dec-21-01 04:03 PM, #3
Help my mechanic mess up my engine more [View all]pn0ymahalDec-21-01 11:16 AM
by PowerEclipses
Replies to this topic:
more info about problems, pn0ymahal, Dec-20-01 05:53 PM, #1
RE: Help my mechanic mess up my engine more, FunRS, Dec-21-01 10:17 AM, #2
RE: Help my mechanic mess up my engine more, PowerEclipses, Dec-21-01 11:16 AM, #3
help:Limited to 75mph! [View all]eklipzDec-21-01 08:01 AM
by Niclipse
10630 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: help:Limited to 75mph!, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-17-01 07:02 PM, #1
RE: help:Limited to 75mph!, Teamdougie2, Dec-17-01 08:59 PM, #2
      RE: help:Limited to 75mph!, Niclipse, Dec-21-01 08:01 AM, #10
RE: help:Limited to 75mph!, HavocRST, Dec-18-01 01:44 AM, #3
RE: help:Limited to 75mph!, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-18-01 02:45 AM, #4
      RE: help:Limited to 75mph!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-18-01 03:17 AM, #5
           RE: help:Limited to 75mph!, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-18-01 04:29 PM, #6
                RE: help:Limited to 75mph!, eklipz, Dec-19-01 11:59 AM, #7
                     RE: help:Limited to 75mph!, Breezio, Dec-19-01 02:19 PM, #8
                          RE: help:Limited to 75mph!, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-19-01 03:31 PM, #9
Why is my brake light coming on?? [View all]Boofer97rsDec-21-01 07:58 AM
by Niclipse
19451 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Eric97GS, Dec-17-01 01:22 PM, #1
RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, All4thaN0okie, Dec-17-01 04:07 PM, #2
      RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Ryan_RS, Dec-17-01 04:23 PM, #3
           RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, toykilla, Dec-17-01 04:53 PM, #4
RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Karl, Dec-18-01 07:05 AM, #5
RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, HavocRST, Dec-18-01 07:53 AM, #6
      RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, whodatt1, Dec-18-01 09:00 AM, #7
           RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Grashper, Dec-18-01 09:56 AM, #8
                RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Dave_FL, Dec-18-01 10:09 AM, #9
                RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Boofer97rs, Dec-18-01 10:16 AM, #10
                     RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, js99rs, Dec-18-01 05:39 PM, #11
                          RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, vegastoy, Dec-18-01 07:21 PM, #12
                               RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Sabot, Dec-19-01 02:18 AM, #13
                                    RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, whodatt1, Dec-19-01 03:30 AM, #14
                RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Karl, Dec-19-01 04:51 AM, #15
                     RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Grashper, Dec-19-01 05:30 AM, #16
                          RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-19-01 01:56 PM, #17
                               RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Sabot, Dec-20-01 01:13 PM, #18
RE: Why is my brake light coming on??, Niclipse, Dec-21-01 07:58 AM, #19
Need timing belt tools [View all]thedawgDec-21-01 07:00 AM
by SonicYan
1149 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Need timing belt tools, SonicYan, Dec-21-01 07:00 AM, #1
P1390 how to fix [View all]pn0ymahalDec-21-01 04:03 AM
by pn0ymahal
0145 ---
Mandrel bent piping, where to buy??? [View all]Super20GDec-20-01 10:16 PM
by fungul
2145 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Mandrel bent piping, where to buy???, TeamJasonESi_T, Dec-20-01 05:46 PM, #1
RE: Mandrel bent piping, where to buy???, fungul, Dec-20-01 10:16 PM, #2
oil in spark plug holes... [View all]phatGSDec-20-01 08:55 PM
by randy
7145 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: oil in spark plug holes..., vegasdsmr, Dec-20-01 09:52 AM, #1
RE: oil in spark plug holes..., 99GS, Dec-20-01 11:34 AM, #2
      RE: oil in spark plug holes..., phatGS, Dec-20-01 12:00 PM, #3
           RE: oil in spark plug holes..., randy, Dec-20-01 12:16 PM, #4
                RE: oil in spark plug holes..., turboRS, Dec-20-01 12:43 PM, #5
                     RE: oil in spark plug holes..., phatGS, Dec-20-01 06:28 PM, #6
                          RE: oil in spark plug holes..., randy, Dec-20-01 08:55 PM, #7
Engine block [View all]randyDec-20-01 08:21 PM
by randy
11272 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Engine block, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-20-01 09:09 AM, #1
RE: Engine block, TeamJasonESi_T, Dec-20-01 09:22 AM, #2
      RE: Engine block, Kory, Dec-20-01 09:35 AM, #3
           RE: Engine block, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-20-01 10:34 AM, #4
                RE: Engine block, HadesOmega, Dec-20-01 12:33 PM, #5
                     RE: Engine block, Kory, Dec-20-01 12:36 PM, #6
                     RE: Engine block, The1Bill, Dec-20-01 08:21 PM, #10
                     RE: Engine block, randy, Dec-20-01 02:08 PM, #7
                          RE: Engine block, TeamJasonESi_T, Dec-20-01 02:53 PM, #8
                               RE: Engine block, HadesOmega, Dec-20-01 03:32 PM, #9
                                    RE: Engine block, randy, Dec-20-01 08:21 PM, #11
Does it feel like you loose power at High RPM?!? [View all]Djinn13Dec-20-01 05:20 PM
by Fast420A
5195 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Does it feel like you loose power at High RPM?!?, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-19-01 01:40 PM, #1
RE: Does it feel like you loose power at High RPM?!?, randy, Dec-19-01 03:18 PM, #2
RE: Does it feel like you loose power at High RPM?!?, Fast420A, Dec-19-01 07:22 PM, #3
      RE: Does it feel like you loose power at High RPM?!?, iamnotwhoiam, Dec-20-01 05:23 AM, #4
           RE: Does it feel like you loose power at High RPM?!?, Fast420A, Dec-20-01 05:20 PM, #5
WeaponR Dragon Intakes [View all]neovbDec-20-01 05:13 PM
by run4cvr
4153 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WeaponR Dragon Intakes, Super20G, Dec-20-01 03:30 PM, #1
RE: WeaponR Dragon Intakes, Logic3, Dec-20-01 03:32 PM, #2
RE: WeaponR Dragon Intakes, Super20G, Dec-20-01 05:05 PM, #3
      RE: WeaponR Dragon Intakes, run4cvr, Dec-20-01 05:13 PM, #4
Tips on Header Install [View all]Mummer12Dec-20-01 04:41 PM
by run4cvr
3155 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Tips on Header Install, run4cvr, Dec-20-01 03:37 PM, #1
RE: Tips on Header Install, js99rs, Dec-20-01 04:13 PM, #2
      RE: Tips on Header Install, run4cvr, Dec-20-01 04:41 PM, #3
Average gas mileage per tank? [View all]Mystic511Dec-20-01 04:09 PM
by js99rs
26448 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-18-01 05:07 AM, #1
RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, speedracer21, Dec-18-01 05:17 AM, #2
      RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, EvMan2345, Dec-18-01 05:37 AM, #3
           RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-18-01 05:42 AM, #4
           RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, iamnotwhoiam, Dec-18-01 05:43 AM, #5
                RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, randy, Dec-18-01 05:54 AM, #6
                     RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, optimuspeterson, Dec-18-01 06:08 AM, #7
                          RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, HavocRST, Dec-18-01 06:52 AM, #8
                               RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, mitsuman, Dec-18-01 06:56 AM, #9
                                    RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, Fast420A, Dec-18-01 07:02 AM, #10
                                         RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, ModeratorVX100, Dec-18-01 08:09 AM, #11
                                              RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, Eric97GS, Dec-18-01 08:38 AM, #12
                                                   RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, Eclipze97, Dec-18-01 09:04 AM, #13
                                                        RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, CVedEclipse, Dec-18-01 11:19 AM, #14
RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, TeamXtremeRS, Dec-18-01 11:20 AM, #15
RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, toykilla, Dec-18-01 12:13 PM, #16
RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, UFO, Dec-18-01 12:25 PM, #17
RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, Super20G, Dec-18-01 03:02 PM, #18
      RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, Breezio, Dec-18-01 03:09 PM, #19
           RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, js99rs, Dec-18-01 05:35 PM, #20
           RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, Fast420A, Dec-18-01 06:14 PM, #21
                RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, TeamJeff_99gs, Dec-18-01 06:26 PM, #22
                     RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, Breezio, Dec-19-01 04:15 AM, #23
                          RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-19-01 04:17 AM, #24
                               RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, Mannyyy, Dec-19-01 08:18 AM, #25
                                    RE: Average gas mileage per tank?, js99rs, Dec-20-01 04:09 PM, #26
B&M Short Shifter for 1997 Eclipse, will it fit a 97 venge? [View all]xeoDec-20-01 04:06 PM
by 420aVenger
8247 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: B&M Short Shifter for 1997 Eclipse, will it fit a 97 venge?, trwebb26, Dec-19-01 01:23 AM, #1
RE: B&M Short Shifter for 1997 Eclipse, will it fit a 97 venge?, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-19-01 02:00 PM, #2
      RE: B&M Short Shifter for 1997 Eclipse, will it fit a 97 venge?, 420aVenger, Dec-19-01 02:32 PM, #3
           RE: B&M Short Shifter for 1997 Eclipse, will it fit a 97 venge?, xeo, Dec-19-01 03:08 PM, #4
                RE: B&M Short Shifter for 1997 Eclipse, will it fit a 97 venge?, 420aVenger, Dec-19-01 03:27 PM, #5
                     RE: B&M Short Shifter for 1997 Eclipse, will it fit a 97 venge?, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-20-01 01:59 PM, #6
                          RE: B&M Short Shifter for 1997 Eclipse, will it fit a 97 venge?, turboRS, Dec-20-01 02:46 PM, #7
                               RE: B&M Short Shifter for 1997 Eclipse, will it fit a 97 venge?, 420aVenger, Dec-20-01 04:06 PM, #8
sluggish over 90mph [View all]Amish_EclipseDec-20-01 01:54 PM
by Amish_Eclipse
1154 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: sluggish over 90mph, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-20-01 01:54 PM, #1
clutch master cyl? [View all]Amish_EclipseDec-20-01 01:51 PM
by Amish_Eclipse
4230 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: clutch master cyl?, randy, Dec-19-01 03:22 PM, #1
RE: clutch master cyl?, TeamXtremeRS, Dec-19-01 03:31 PM, #2
RE: clutch master cyl?, iamnotwhoiam, Dec-19-01 05:40 PM, #3
      RE: clutch master cyl?, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-20-01 01:51 PM, #4
still trippin over the afx udp. [View all]9D9 MITSU RSDec-20-01 11:18 AM
by Clay
151234 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: still trippin over the afx udp., TeamXtremeRS, Dec-19-01 03:40 PM, #1
RE: still trippin over the afx udp., 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-19-01 03:43 PM, #2
      RE: still trippin over the afx udp., TeamXtremeRS, Dec-19-01 03:52 PM, #3
           RE: still trippin over the afx udp., 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-19-01 04:33 PM, #4
           RE: still trippin over the afx udp., vegasdsmr, Dec-19-01 04:35 PM, #5
                RE: still trippin over the afx udp., TeamXtremeRS, Dec-19-01 05:00 PM, #6
                     RE: still trippin over the afx udp., 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-19-01 05:22 PM, #7
                          RE: still trippin over the afx udp., Clay, Dec-19-01 07:14 PM, #8
                               RE: still trippin over the afx udp., SonicYan, Dec-19-01 09:33 PM, #9
                                    RE: still trippin over the afx udp., PowerEclipses, Dec-20-01 01:05 AM, #10
                                         RE: still trippin over the afx udp., Clay, Dec-20-01 06:55 AM, #11
                                              RE: still trippin over the afx udp., SonicYan, Dec-20-01 08:43 AM, #12
                                                   RE: still trippin over the afx udp., Clay, Dec-20-01 11:14 AM, #14
RE: still trippin over the afx udp., TeamXtremeRS, Dec-20-01 11:06 AM, #13
RE: still trippin over the afx udp., Clay, Dec-20-01 11:18 AM, #15
Stroker Kit- part 2 [View all]TeamXtremeRSDec-19-01 11:55 PM
by AFX_Manufacturing
7391 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Stroker Kit- part 2, iamnotwhoiam, Dec-19-01 11:23 AM, #1
RE: Stroker Kit- part 2, TeamXtremeRS, Dec-19-01 11:33 AM, #2
      RE: Stroker Kit- part 2, Breezio, Dec-19-01 11:51 AM, #3
           RE: Stroker Kit- part 2, HavocRST, Dec-19-01 12:11 PM, #4
                RE: Stroker Kit- part 2, iamnotwhoiam, Dec-19-01 02:24 PM, #5
                     RE: Stroker Kit- part 2, Fast420A, Dec-19-01 07:28 PM, #6
Run a timing retard box, VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Dec-19-01 11:55 PM, #7
$175 cat-back [View all]run4cvrDec-19-01 06:08 PM
by Michael_97RS
7555 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: $175 cat-back, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-17-01 02:44 PM, #1
RE: $175 cat-back, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-18-01 06:50 PM, #2
      RE: $175 cat-back, run4cvr, Dec-19-01 02:14 AM, #3
           RE: $175 cat-back, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-19-01 01:58 PM, #4
                RE: $175 cat-back, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-19-01 03:33 PM, #5
                     RE: $175 cat-back, run4cvr, Dec-19-01 04:36 PM, #6
                          RE: $175 cat-back, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-19-01 06:08 PM, #7
UDP with a big sound system??? [View all]All4thaN0okieDec-19-01 04:23 PM
by XtremeRS
1231 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: UDP with a big sound system???, TeamXtremeRS, Dec-19-01 04:23 PM, #1
code 21 comes back after fix... [View all]Eclipze97Dec-19-01 02:07 PM
by Amish_Eclipse
3244 ---
Replies to this topic:
got these from the code page, Fast420A, Dec-18-01 09:04 AM, #1
RE: got these from the code page, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-18-01 09:43 AM, #2
      RE: got these from the code page, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-19-01 02:07 PM, #3
Test pipe? [View all]NiclipseDec-19-01 02:06 PM
by Amish_Eclipse
4227 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Test pipe?, Super20G, Dec-17-01 05:00 PM, #1
RE: Test pipe?, evan2, Dec-18-01 12:17 AM, #2
RE: Test pipe?, jdeyo, Dec-18-01 03:25 PM, #3
RE: Test pipe?, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-19-01 02:06 PM, #4
Best sounding universal muffler??? [View all]TomcatDec-19-01 02:04 PM
by Amish_Eclipse
4235 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Best sounding universal muffler???, Teamicjeclipse, Dec-18-01 03:44 PM, #1
RE: Best sounding universal muffler???, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-18-01 04:25 PM, #2
RE: Best sounding universal muffler???, PowerEclipses, Dec-19-01 12:09 AM, #3
RE: Best sounding universal muffler???, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-19-01 02:04 PM, #4
AT Exhaust size [View all]mike18Dec-19-01 11:05 AM
by dougie2
2169 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AT Exhaust size, SonicYan, Dec-19-01 10:34 AM, #1
RE: AT Exhaust size, Teamdougie2, Dec-19-01 11:05 AM, #2
Anybody ever get the tti udp? [View all]rimrecker69Dec-19-01 08:32 AM
by Fast420A
6478 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Anybody ever get the tti udp?, 99GS, Dec-19-01 03:32 AM, #1
RE: Anybody ever get the tti udp?, Fast420A, Dec-19-01 05:37 AM, #2
      RE: Anybody ever get the tti udp?, 99GS, Dec-19-01 05:51 AM, #3
           RE: Anybody ever get the tti udp?, Breezio, Dec-19-01 07:17 AM, #4
                RE: Anybody ever get the tti udp?, Fast420A, Dec-19-01 08:26 AM, #5
                     RE: Anybody ever get the tti udp?, Fast420A, Dec-19-01 08:32 AM, #6
Jeep throttle bodies [View all]1TuffRSDec-19-01 04:20 AM
by Breezio
171024 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Jeep throttle bodies, Breezio, Dec-16-01 11:00 AM, #1
RE: Jeep throttle bodies, 1TuffRS, Dec-16-01 11:08 AM, #2
      RE: Jeep throttle bodies, Super20G, Dec-16-01 03:05 PM, #3
           RE: Jeep throttle bodies, 99GS, Dec-16-01 04:59 PM, #4
                RE: Jeep throttle bodies, 1phat_talon, Dec-16-01 06:46 PM, #5
                     RE: Jeep throttle bodies, 1TuffRS, Dec-16-01 06:57 PM, #6
                          RE: Jeep throttle bodies, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-17-01 10:44 AM, #7
                               RE: Jeep throttle bodies, Breezio, Dec-17-01 03:57 PM, #8
                                    RE: Jeep throttle bodies, 1TuffRS, Dec-17-01 04:17 PM, #9
                                         RE: Jeep throttle bodies, Breezio, Dec-17-01 05:04 PM, #10
                                              RE: Jeep throttle bodies, 1phat_talon, Dec-17-01 07:58 PM, #11
                                                   RE: Jeep throttle bodies, Fast420A, Dec-17-01 08:03 PM, #12
                                                        RE: Jeep throttle bodies, Breezio, Dec-18-01 04:50 AM, #13
                                                             RE: Jeep throttle bodies, ModeratoreclipzGST, Dec-18-01 07:34 PM, #14
                                                                  RE: Jeep throttle bodies, Fast420A, Dec-18-01 07:45 PM, #15
                                                                       RE: Jeep throttle bodies, 99GS, Dec-19-01 03:35 AM, #16
                                                                            RE: Jeep throttle bodies, Breezio, Dec-19-01 04:20 AM, #17
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