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2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
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764 topics
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Help !! Lifter Tick or the unspeakable [View all]96TSI AWDDec-27-01 12:04 PM
9358 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Help !! Lifter Tick or the unspeakable, eclipsekaiser, Dec-24-01 06:57 PM, #1
RE: Help !! Lifter Tick or the unspeakable, TeamJeff_99gs, Dec-25-01 05:48 PM, #2
      RE: Help !! Lifter Tick or the unspeakable, TeamStan2gnt, Dec-26-01 03:02 AM, #3
           RE: Help !! Lifter Tick or the unspeakable, Breezio, Dec-26-01 04:19 AM, #4
                RE: Help !! Lifter Tick or the unspeakable, SEA97GS, Dec-26-01 05:26 AM, #5
                     RE: Help !! Lifter Tick or the unspeakable, klipzracer, Dec-26-01 10:39 AM, #6
                          RE: Help !! Lifter Tick or the unspeakable, ModeratoreclipzGST, Dec-26-01 06:56 PM, #7
                               RE: Help !! Lifter Tick or the unspeakable, Breezio, Dec-27-01 03:32 AM, #8
                                    RE: Help !! Lifter Tick or the unspeakable, RAIZIN, Dec-27-01 12:04 PM, #9
winding sound? [View all]9D9 MITSU RSDec-27-01 11:39 AM
by 1TuffRS
12501 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: winding sound?, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Dec-24-01 05:28 PM, #1
RE: winding sound?, Ryan_RS, Dec-24-01 05:54 PM, #2
      RE: winding sound?, CVedEclipse, Dec-26-01 02:30 AM, #3
           RE: winding sound?, PowerEclipses, Dec-26-01 03:41 AM, #4
                RE: winding sound?, Breezio, Dec-26-01 04:21 AM, #5
                     RE: winding sound?, Eclipse550HP, Dec-26-01 10:23 AM, #6
                          RE: winding sound?, Ichiban, Dec-26-01 10:48 AM, #7
                               RE: winding sound?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-26-01 05:04 PM, #8
                                    RE: winding sound?, ModeratoreclipzGST, Dec-26-01 06:47 PM, #9
                                         RE: winding sound?, Clay, Dec-26-01 08:42 PM, #10
                                         RE: winding sound?, thedawg, Dec-27-01 09:19 AM, #11
                                              RE: winding sound?, 1TuffRS, Dec-27-01 11:39 AM, #12
throttle body / intake manifold grime [View all]joshacuDec-27-01 08:58 AM
by 99GS
4301 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: throttle body / intake manifold grime, randy, Dec-26-01 07:29 PM, #1
RE: throttle body / intake manifold grime, 99GS, Dec-27-01 01:50 AM, #2
      RE: throttle body / intake manifold grime, evan2, Dec-27-01 07:47 AM, #3
           RE: throttle body / intake manifold grime, 99GS, Dec-27-01 08:58 AM, #4
Can i turbo my GS with stock GST parts? [View all]97GoSlowDec-26-01 07:47 PM
by fungul
3180 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Can i turbo my GS with stock GST parts?, eclipsekaiser, Dec-26-01 05:36 PM, #1
RE: Can i turbo my GS with stock GST parts?, daved, Dec-26-01 05:38 PM, #2
      RE: Can i turbo my GS with stock GST parts?, fungul, Dec-26-01 07:47 PM, #3
stalling again?????????????żż [View all]96vengerDec-26-01 06:21 PM
by The1Bill
2126 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: stalling again?????????????żż, Twiste, Dec-26-01 06:08 PM, #1
RE: stalling again?????????????, The1Bill, Dec-26-01 06:21 PM, #2
Fuel Starvation? (Long) [View all]davedDec-26-01 05:48 PM
by daved
8311 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Fuel Starvation? (Long), TeamMuRiX, Dec-23-01 11:07 PM, #1
RE: Fuel Starvation? (Long), daved, Dec-24-01 11:05 AM, #2
      RE: Fuel Starvation? (Long), daved, Dec-25-01 01:15 PM, #3
           RE: Fuel Starvation? (Long), Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-25-01 02:42 PM, #4
                RE: Fuel Starvation? (Long), daved, Dec-25-01 07:19 PM, #5
                     RE: Fuel Starvation? (Long), daved, Dec-26-01 03:57 AM, #6
                          RE: Fuel Starvation? (Long), Fast420A, Dec-26-01 04:23 PM, #7
                               RE: Fuel Starvation? (Long), daved, Dec-26-01 05:48 PM, #8
Aftermarket exhaust rubbing fix [View all]BlackOZDec-26-01 08:58 AM
by damasta
1454 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Aftermarket exhaust rubbing fix, damasta, Dec-26-01 08:58 AM, #1
Synchro's??? Strengthen tranny internals?? [View all]1phat_talonDec-26-01 05:29 AM
by SEA97GS
2461 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Synchro's??? Strengthen tranny internals??, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-25-01 01:27 PM, #1
RE: Synchro's??? Strengthen tranny internals??, SEA97GS, Dec-26-01 05:29 AM, #2
best plugs for non turbo to get best performance? [View all]9D9 MITSU RSDec-26-01 05:28 AM
by Danny95ESI
9447 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: best plugs for non turbo to get best performance?, Breezio, Dec-23-01 05:24 PM, #1
RE: best plugs for non turbo to get best performance?, Kory, Dec-23-01 06:31 PM, #2
RE: best plugs for non turbo to get best performance?, turboRS, Dec-24-01 12:58 AM, #3
RE: best plugs for non turbo to get best performance?, Marctronixx, Dec-24-01 12:59 AM, #4
      RE: best plugs for non turbo to get best performance?, TeamStan2gnt, Dec-24-01 01:25 AM, #5
           RE: best plugs for non turbo to get best performance?, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Dec-24-01 02:52 AM, #6
                RE: best plugs for non turbo to get best performance?, Breezio, Dec-24-01 07:04 AM, #7
                     RE: best plugs for non turbo to get best performance?, Twobuf4u, Dec-26-01 04:35 AM, #8
                          RE: best plugs for non turbo to get best performance?, Danny95ESI, Dec-26-01 05:28 AM, #9
AF/X or Unorthodox, which gives better performance. [View all]Slow99GSDriverDec-26-01 02:58 AM
by Stan2gnt
9401 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AF/X or Unorthodox, which gives better performance., 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-24-01 01:38 PM, #1
RE: AF/X or Unorthodox, which gives better performance., TeamJeff_99gs, Dec-24-01 02:18 PM, #2
      RE: AF/X or Unorthodox, which gives better performance., Slow99GSDriver, Dec-24-01 02:30 PM, #3
           RE: AF/X or Unorthodox, which gives better performance., 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-24-01 03:04 PM, #4
                RE: AF/X or Unorthodox, which gives better performance., Super20G, Dec-24-01 05:09 PM, #5
                     RE: AF/X or Unorthodox, which gives better performance., Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Dec-24-01 05:27 PM, #6
                          RE: AF/X or Unorthodox, which gives better performance., PowerEclipses, Dec-25-01 01:03 PM, #7
                               RE: AF/X or Unorthodox, which gives better performance., Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Dec-25-01 01:14 PM, #8
                                    RE: AF/X or Unorthodox, which gives better performance., TeamStan2gnt, Dec-26-01 02:58 AM, #9
gapping plugs [View all]LunarEclipseDec-25-01 03:21 PM
by Amish_Eclipse
6229 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: gapping plugs, Marctronixx, Dec-23-01 01:23 AM, #1
RE: gapping plugs, LunarEclipse, Dec-23-01 05:01 AM, #2
      RE: gapping plugs, randy, Dec-23-01 08:32 AM, #3
      RE: gapping plugs, Teameclipse804, Dec-23-01 08:35 AM, #4
           RE: gapping plugs, LunarEclipse, Dec-23-01 09:48 AM, #5
                RE: gapping plugs, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-25-01 03:21 PM, #6
read gary's post question for our heads [View all]Amish_EclipseDec-25-01 03:19 PM
by Amish_Eclipse
4304 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: read gary's post question for our heads, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-22-01 04:28 PM, #1
RE: read gary's post question for our heads, BlackOZ, Dec-23-01 03:00 AM, #2
      RE: read gary's post question for our heads, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-23-01 02:08 PM, #3
           RE: read gary's post question for our heads, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-25-01 03:19 PM, #4
Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside [View all]Teameclipse804Dec-25-01 02:46 PM
by DarkOne
20680 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, RoboTechDSM, Dec-16-01 05:13 PM, #1
RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, Super20G, Dec-16-01 05:15 PM, #2
      RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, Teameclipse804, Dec-16-01 05:17 PM, #3
      RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, PowerEclipses, Dec-17-01 12:01 AM, #4
      it looks a bit lean to me, need more info though, ModeratorVX100, Dec-17-01 01:31 AM, #5
           RE: it looks a bit lean to me, need more info though, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-17-01 03:13 AM, #6
RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, gzrs99, Dec-17-01 04:37 AM, #7
RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, Kiku, Dec-17-01 05:44 AM, #8
RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-17-01 07:28 AM, #9
RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, Teameclipse804, Dec-17-01 07:31 AM, #10
      RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, HadesOmega, Dec-17-01 01:05 PM, #11
      RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, Kiku, Dec-17-01 02:40 PM, #12
           RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, Teameclipse804, Dec-17-01 02:42 PM, #13
                RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, ModeratorVX100, Dec-18-01 04:54 AM, #14
RE: Are my spark plugs bad? Pics inside, Teameclipse804, Dec-22-01 11:47 AM, #15
yes, that was lean, ModeratorVX100, Dec-23-01 05:18 AM, #16
      RE: yes, that was lean, Teameclipse804, Dec-23-01 08:33 AM, #17
           RE: yes, that was lean, VxROxV, Dec-24-01 08:38 AM, #18
                RE: yes, that was lean, Teameclipse804, Dec-24-01 09:03 AM, #19
                     RE: yes, that was lean, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-25-01 02:46 PM, #20
Jet ECU addon [View all]BlackOZDec-24-01 07:27 PM
by The1Bill
2242 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Jet ECU addon, Thunderous_Talon, Dec-24-01 12:33 PM, #1
RE: Jet ECU addon, The1Bill, Dec-24-01 07:27 PM, #2
now what. dammit..... [View all]mitsumanDec-24-01 05:28 PM
by Kaptain_Mike
1259 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: now what. dammit....., Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Dec-24-01 05:28 PM, #1
Another question about the 60K mile thing... [View all]SonicYanDec-24-01 04:36 PM
by SonicYan
4279 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Another question about the 60K mile thing..., kriot, Dec-20-01 06:17 AM, #1
RE: Another question about the 60K mile thing..., SonicYan, Dec-20-01 08:24 AM, #2
      RE: Another question about the 60K mile thing..., kriot, Dec-24-01 06:12 AM, #3
           RE: Another question about the 60K mile thing..., SonicYan, Dec-24-01 04:36 PM, #4
XX,000 Mile Service [View all]SonicYanDec-24-01 04:31 PM
by SonicYan
9425 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: XX,000 Mile Service, Mystic511, Dec-14-01 05:19 AM, #1
RE: XX,000 Mile Service, vegasdsmr, Dec-14-01 06:31 AM, #2
      RE: XX,000 Mile Service, SonicYan, Dec-14-01 08:00 AM, #3
           RE: XX,000 Mile Service, fauchpj, Dec-14-01 09:47 AM, #4
                RE: XX,000 Mile Service, TeamXtremeRS, Dec-14-01 10:35 AM, #5
                     RE: XX,000 Mile Service, SonicYan, Dec-14-01 07:17 PM, #6
                          RE: XX,000 Mile Service, SonicYan, Dec-15-01 06:10 PM, #7
                               RE: XX,000 Mile Service, thedawg, Dec-24-01 05:22 AM, #8
                                    RE: XX,000 Mile Service, SonicYan, Dec-24-01 04:31 PM, #9
noise! [View all]95GsklipzDec-24-01 03:09 PM
9267 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: noise!, iamnotwhoiam, Dec-21-01 04:33 AM, #1
RE: noise!, 95Gsklipz, Dec-21-01 04:49 AM, #2
      RE: noise!, iamnotwhoiam, Dec-21-01 04:56 AM, #3
           RE: noise!, 95Gsklipz, Dec-21-01 05:04 AM, #4
                RE: noise!, iamnotwhoiam, Dec-21-01 08:32 AM, #5
                     RE: noise!, 95Gsklipz, Dec-21-01 12:47 PM, #6
                          RE: noise!, Grashper, Dec-21-01 03:11 PM, #7
                               RE: noise!, 95Gsklipz, Dec-22-01 09:41 AM, #8
                                    RE: noise!, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-24-01 03:09 PM, #9
Did my timing belt (just in time too) [View all]slacker911Dec-24-01 09:46 AM
by slacker911
3159 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Did my timing belt (just in time too), Kory, Dec-24-01 06:11 AM, #1
RE: Did my timing belt (just in time too), speedracer21, Dec-24-01 07:01 AM, #2
      RE: Did my timing belt (just in time too), slacker911, Dec-24-01 09:46 AM, #3
Mandrel bent [View all]96TSI AWDDec-24-01 08:23 AM
by flossinpnoyracer
6199 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Mandrel bent, Grashper, Dec-22-01 07:12 AM, #1
RE: Mandrel bent, Super20G, Dec-22-01 10:32 AM, #2
long follow up, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-22-01 10:35 AM, #3
      RE: long follow up, TeamDeezGst, Dec-24-01 05:17 AM, #4
           RE: long follow up, Teameclipse804, Dec-24-01 08:05 AM, #5
                RE: long follow up, flossinpnoyracer, Dec-24-01 08:23 AM, #6
I did my compression test..... [View all]All4thaN0okieDec-24-01 05:13 AM
by DeezGst
9241 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I did my compression test....., 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-22-01 04:33 PM, #1
RE: I did my compression test....., Breezio, Dec-22-01 04:40 PM, #2
      RE: I did my compression test....., mitsuman, Dec-22-01 05:18 PM, #3
           RE: I did my compression test....., 99GS, Dec-23-01 05:49 AM, #4
                RE: I did my compression test....., TeamAvenger, Dec-23-01 06:31 AM, #5
                RE: I did my compression test....., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-23-01 06:32 AM, #6
                     RE: I did my compression test....., All4thaN0okie, Dec-23-01 07:13 AM, #7
                          RE: I did my compression test....., TeamMuRiX, Dec-23-01 11:04 PM, #8
                               RE: I did my compression test....., TeamDeezGst, Dec-24-01 05:13 AM, #9
Is it recommended to bore the TB yourself? [View all]Kaptain_Mike (Guest)Dec-23-01 02:16 PM
by mitsuman
9244 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Is it recommended to bore the TB yourself?, Breezio, Dec-22-01 07:05 AM, #1
RE: Is it recommended to bore the TB yourself?, vegasdsmr, Dec-22-01 07:10 AM, #2
      RE: Is it recommended to bore the TB yourself?, TeamStan2gnt, Dec-22-01 07:55 AM, #3
           RE: Is it recommended to bore the TB yourself?, TeamAvenger, Dec-22-01 09:21 AM, #4
                RE: Is it recommended to bore the TB yourself?, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-22-01 10:22 AM, #5
                     RE: Is it recommended to bore the TB yourself?, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Dec-22-01 01:56 PM, #6
                     RE: Is it recommended to bore the TB yourself?, TeamStan2gnt, Dec-23-01 03:53 AM, #7
                          RE: Is it recommended to bore the TB yourself?, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-23-01 02:06 PM, #8
                               RE: Is it recommended to bore the TB yourself?, mitsuman, Dec-23-01 02:16 PM, #9
cel? [View all]LunarEclipseDec-23-01 05:06 AM
by LunarEclipse
19412 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: cel?, Breezio, Dec-19-01 04:12 AM, #1
RE: cel?, Eric97GS, Dec-19-01 04:21 AM, #2
      RE: cel?, LunarEclipse, Dec-19-01 09:21 AM, #3
           RE: cel?, Breezio, Dec-19-01 11:46 AM, #4
                RE: cel?, LunarEclipse, Dec-19-01 05:47 PM, #5
                     RE: cel?, Breezio, Dec-20-01 04:58 AM, #6
                          RE: cel?, LunarEclipse, Dec-20-01 06:39 AM, #7
                               RE: cel?, LunarEclipse, Dec-20-01 08:56 AM, #8
                                    RE: cel?, LunarEclipse, Dec-20-01 09:29 AM, #9
                                    RE: cel?, vegasdsmr, Dec-20-01 09:34 AM, #10
                                    RE: cel?, speedracer21, Dec-20-01 09:36 AM, #11
                                         RE: cel?, LunarEclipse, Dec-21-01 04:11 AM, #12
                                              RE: cel?, FunRS, Dec-21-01 10:08 AM, #13
                                                   RE: cel?, LunarEclipse, Dec-21-01 10:36 AM, #14
                                                        RE: cel?, LunarEclipse, Dec-21-01 07:12 PM, #15
                                                             RE: cel?, FunRS, Dec-22-01 08:28 AM, #16
                                                                  RE: cel?, LunarEclipse, Dec-22-01 08:03 PM, #17
                                                                       RE: cel?, Teameclipse804, Dec-22-01 08:16 PM, #18
                                                                            RE: cel?, LunarEclipse, Dec-23-01 05:06 AM, #19
AFX_Manufacturing stroker kit CARB legal??? [View all]onefastgsDec-22-01 08:20 PM
by LunarEclipse
4642 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AFX_Manufacturing stroker kit CARB legal???, Fast420A, Dec-20-01 05:18 PM, #1
RE: AFX_Manufacturing stroker kit CARB legal???, onefastgs, Dec-21-01 06:19 PM, #2
      RE: AFX_Manufacturing stroker kit CARB legal???, ModeratorCorbin, Dec-22-01 04:58 PM, #3
           RE: AFX_Manufacturing stroker kit CARB legal???, LunarEclipse, Dec-22-01 08:20 PM, #4
corbin.. [View all]phatGSDec-22-01 04:53 PM
by Corbin
4227 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: corbin.., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-22-01 11:39 AM, #1
RE: corbin.., phatGS, Dec-22-01 11:43 AM, #2
      RE: corbin.., phatGS, Dec-22-01 12:12 PM, #3
           RE: corbin.., ModeratorCorbin, Dec-22-01 04:53 PM, #4
Few Questions [View all]PlayWithFireDec-22-01 04:52 PM
by Michael_97RS
5287 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Few Questions, vegasdsmr, Dec-20-01 07:50 AM, #1
RE: Few Questions, PlayWithFire, Dec-21-01 02:14 PM, #2
RE: Few Questions, eclipse_96_rs, Dec-21-01 05:18 PM, #3
RE: Few Questions, 99GS, Dec-22-01 05:10 AM, #4
RE: Few Questions, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-22-01 04:52 PM, #5
O MY GOD!!!! What the F*#k was Pacesetter thinking... this blows... [View all]tim97rsDec-22-01 04:38 PM
by Michael_97RS
5343 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: O MY GOD!!!! What the F*#k was Pacesetter thinking... this blows..., Teameclipse804, Dec-21-01 07:00 PM, #1
RE: O MY GOD!!!! What the F*#k was Pacesetter thinking... this blows..., TeamStan2gnt, Dec-22-01 01:15 AM, #2
RE: O MY GOD!!!! What the F*#k was Pacesetter thinking... this blows..., tim97rs, Dec-22-01 04:29 AM, #3
      RE: O MY GOD!!!! What the F*#k was Pacesetter thinking... this blows..., TeamStan2gnt, Dec-22-01 07:58 AM, #4
           RE: O MY GOD!!!! What the F*#k was Pacesetter thinking... this blows..., TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-22-01 04:38 PM, #5
is the oil in my spark plug holes really that bad [View all]evan2Dec-22-01 04:25 PM
by Michael_97RS
8241 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: is the oil in my spark plug holes really that bad, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-18-01 04:42 AM, #1
RE: is the oil in my spark plug holes really that bad, PowerEclipses, Dec-18-01 06:29 AM, #2
      RE: is the oil in my spark plug holes really that bad, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-18-01 06:31 AM, #3
           RE: is the oil in my spark plug holes really that bad, Fast420A, Dec-18-01 06:42 AM, #4
                RE: is the oil in my spark plug holes really that bad, Super20G, Dec-18-01 07:02 AM, #5
                     RE: is the oil in my spark plug holes really that bad, evan2, Dec-20-01 08:27 PM, #6
                          RE: is the oil in my spark plug holes really that bad, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Dec-21-01 12:44 AM, #7
                          RE: is the oil in my spark plug holes really that bad, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-22-01 04:25 PM, #8
Apex-i Super-AFC [View all]toykillaDec-22-01 04:21 PM
by Michael_97RS
5257 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Apex-i Super-AFC, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-19-01 03:56 PM, #1
RE: Apex-i Super-AFC, toykilla, Dec-19-01 05:42 PM, #2
      RE: Apex-i Super-AFC, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-19-01 06:14 PM, #3
           RE: Apex-i Super-AFC, toykilla, Dec-21-01 06:32 AM, #4
                RE: Apex-i Super-AFC, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-22-01 04:21 PM, #5
Manifold Port N' Polish [View all]Super20GDec-22-01 02:21 PM
by Amish_Eclipse
151366 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, Fast420A, Dec-20-01 06:33 PM, #1
RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, vegasdsmr, Dec-20-01 08:32 PM, #2
      RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, TeamStan2gnt, Dec-21-01 07:17 AM, #3
           RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, PowerEclipses, Dec-21-01 07:35 AM, #4
                RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, Super20G, Dec-21-01 08:35 AM, #5
                     RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, Eric97GS, Dec-21-01 09:00 AM, #6
                          RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, TeamStan2gnt, Dec-21-01 11:51 AM, #7
                               RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, RAIZIN, Dec-21-01 02:22 PM, #8
                                    RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, RAIZIN, Dec-21-01 02:22 PM, #9
                                         RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, Twobuf4u, Dec-21-01 02:29 PM, #10
                                              RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, vegasdsmr, Dec-21-01 03:00 PM, #11
                                              RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, TeamStan2gnt, Dec-22-01 01:24 AM, #12
                                                   RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, Twobuf4u, Dec-22-01 02:50 AM, #13
                                                        RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, Super20G, Dec-22-01 10:37 AM, #14
RE: Manifold Port N' Polish, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-22-01 02:21 PM, #15
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