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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
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6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
by electrohead
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Manual Trans - NV-T350
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
by 420agreenvilleSC
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All questions,comments and updates on Electronic Engine Management Controllers such as the DFI, SAFC, MegaSquirt, and 034 EIC extra Injector controller go here. Forum will be STRICTY MODERATED for mis-placed posts!
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
OBD2 app recommendat...
by VX100
764 topics
5809 messages
Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
"proper" way to disconnect sensors [View all]vegasdsmrDec-15-01 06:37 PM
by DarkOne
2660 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: "proper" way to disconnect sensors, Erik, Dec-15-01 04:23 PM, #1
RE: "proper" way to disconnect sensors, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-15-01 06:37 PM, #2
i tried the key dance... [View all]fauchpjDec-15-01 04:47 PM
by Jeff_99gs
6365 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: i tried the key dance..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-14-01 06:33 AM, #1
RE: i tried the key dance..., fauchpj, Dec-14-01 09:12 AM, #2
      RE: i tried the key dance..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-14-01 10:00 AM, #3
           RE: i tried the key dance..., fauchpj, Dec-15-01 08:03 AM, #4
                RE: i tried the key dance..., Amish_Eclipse, Dec-15-01 12:09 PM, #5
                     RE: i tried the key dance..., TeamJeff_99gs, Dec-15-01 04:47 PM, #6
Pulley SQUEAKING!!!!!!!!!!! [View all]vmaxDec-15-01 12:28 PM
by Amish_Eclipse
3410 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Pulley SQUEAKING!!!!!!!!!!!, TeamXtremeRS, Dec-13-01 04:32 AM, #1
RE: Pulley SQUEAKING!!!!!!!!!!!, vmax, Dec-13-01 07:07 AM, #2
      RE: Pulley SQUEAKING!!!!!!!!!!!, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-15-01 12:28 PM, #3
3in muffler?? [View all]1TuffRSDec-15-01 12:24 PM
by Amish_Eclipse
8608 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 3in muffler??, klipzracer, Dec-13-01 01:52 PM, #1
RE: 3in muffler??, 1TuffRS, Dec-13-01 02:58 PM, #2
      RE: 3in muffler??, 1TuffRS, Dec-13-01 03:08 PM, #3
           RE: 3in muffler??, Ryan_RS, Dec-13-01 03:29 PM, #4
                RE: 3in muffler??, PowerEclipses, Dec-14-01 12:50 AM, #5
                     RE: 3in muffler??, RAIZIN, Dec-14-01 03:25 AM, #6
                          RE: 3in muffler??, 1TuffRS, Dec-14-01 03:55 AM, #7
                               RE: 3in muffler??, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-15-01 12:24 PM, #8
How fast would this make a RS? [View all]PuR RaGeDec-15-01 12:12 PM
by Amish_Eclipse
2414 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: How fast would this make a RS?, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Dec-15-01 05:22 AM, #1
RE: How fast would this make a RS?, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-15-01 12:12 PM, #2
in search for 3m window weld [View all]vegasdsmrDec-15-01 08:26 AM
by vegasdsmr
9484 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: in search for 3m window weld, TeamXtremeRS, Dec-10-01 10:28 AM, #1
RE: in search for 3m window weld, vegasdsmr, Dec-10-01 06:11 PM, #2
      RE: in search for 3m window weld, Moderator992gnt, Dec-11-01 12:41 AM, #3
RE: in search for 3m window weld, iamnotwhoiam, Dec-11-01 09:12 AM, #4
RE: in search for 3m window weld, Moderatorsd_eclipse, Dec-11-01 09:18 AM, #5
RE: in search for 3m window weld, vegasdsmr, Dec-11-01 02:24 PM, #6
      RE: in search for 3m window weld, 1phat_talon, Dec-11-01 09:45 PM, #7
           RE: in search for 3m window weld, 9D9 MITSU RS, Dec-14-01 08:00 PM, #8
                RE: in search for 3m window weld, vegasdsmr, Dec-15-01 08:26 AM, #9
Mods Page [View all]jkostonDec-15-01 08:16 AM
by vegasdsmr
5337 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Mods Page, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-13-01 05:24 PM, #1
RE: Mods Page, 1TuffRS, Dec-14-01 04:05 AM, #2
      RE: Mods Page, DHmav51, Dec-14-01 08:12 AM, #3
           RE: Mods Page, Mummer12, Dec-15-01 08:13 AM, #4
                RE: Mods Page, vegasdsmr, Dec-15-01 08:16 AM, #5
2 questions For Ya Smart People [View all]1FastEclipseDec-15-01 08:16 AM
by Mummer12
7661 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 2 questions For Ya Smart People, Twiste, Dec-03-01 09:00 AM, #1
RE: 2 questions For Ya Smart People, vegasdsmr, Dec-03-01 09:02 AM, #2
RE: 2 questions For Ya Smart People, Amish_Eclipse, Dec-03-01 01:18 PM, #3
      RE: 2 questions For Ya Smart People, ModeratorVX100, Dec-03-01 02:04 PM, #4
           RE: 2 questions For Ya Smart People, wakebord99, Dec-03-01 02:36 PM, #5
                RE: 2 questions For Ya Smart People, 1TuffRS, Dec-03-01 02:55 PM, #6
                     RE: 2 questions For Ya Smart People, Mummer12, Dec-15-01 08:16 AM, #7
Crower Cam update [View all]TeamMichael_97RSDec-14-01 03:54 PM
by Michael_97RS
16768 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Crower Cam update, 1TuffRS, Dec-11-01 02:10 PM, #1
RE: Crower Cam update, RAIZIN, Dec-11-01 05:30 PM, #2
      RE: Crower Cam update, Fast420A, Dec-11-01 06:04 PM, #3
           RE: Crower Cam update, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-11-01 06:24 PM, #4
                RE: Crower Cam update, Fast420A, Dec-11-01 06:43 PM, #5
                     RE: Crower Cam update, RAIZIN, Dec-12-01 11:26 AM, #6
                          RE: Crower Cam update, RAIZIN, Dec-12-01 11:29 AM, #7
                               RE: Crower Cam update, Kiku, Dec-12-01 04:06 PM, #8
                               RE: Crower Cam update, Fast420A, Dec-13-01 02:44 AM, #9
                               RE: Crower Cam update, SEA97GS, Dec-13-01 08:44 AM, #10
                                    RE: Crower Cam update, RAIZIN, Dec-13-01 09:25 AM, #11
                                         RE: Crower Cam update, Fast420A, Dec-13-01 07:18 PM, #12
                                              RE: Crower Cam update, SEA97GS, Dec-14-01 03:51 AM, #13
                                                   RE: Crower Cam update, TeamStan2gnt, Dec-14-01 09:14 AM, #14
                                                        RE: Crower Cam update, Fast420A, Dec-14-01 11:16 AM, #15
                                                             RE: Crower Cam update, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-14-01 03:54 PM, #16
What now...... [View all]Twobuf4uDec-14-01 11:28 AM
by Fast420A
1224 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What now......, Fast420A, Dec-14-01 11:28 AM, #1
Whats next for power mod [View all]gzrs99Dec-14-01 08:00 AM
by Avenger
7272 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Whats next for power mod, Kory, Dec-13-01 07:36 AM, #1
RE: Whats next for power mod, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-13-01 08:30 AM, #2
RE: Whats next for power mod, TeamMuRiX, Dec-14-01 05:51 AM, #5
      RE: Whats next for power mod, gzrs99, Dec-14-01 07:54 AM, #6
RE: Whats next for power mod, randy, Dec-13-01 03:29 PM, #3
RE: Whats next for power mod, gzrs99, Dec-14-01 05:17 AM, #4
RE: Whats next for power mod, TeamAvenger, Dec-14-01 08:00 AM, #7
starting troubles [View all]fauchpjDec-14-01 05:51 AM
by Corbin
4211 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: starting troubles, ModeratorCorbin, Dec-13-01 01:22 PM, #1
RE: starting troubles, fauchpj, Dec-13-01 01:25 PM, #2
      RE: starting troubles, Mummer12, Dec-13-01 02:42 PM, #3
      RE: starting troubles, ModeratorCorbin, Dec-14-01 05:51 AM, #4
LUK/Fidanza modular clutch [View all]SEA97GSDec-14-01 03:56 AM
by SEA97GS
0200 ---
SATAN screwed with my car. any help would be great [View all]z1pp0Dec-13-01 08:59 PM
by drbalazo7
7375 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: SATAN screwed with my car. any help would be great, Erik, Dec-13-01 11:40 AM, #1
RE: SATAN screwed with my car. any help would be great, z1pp0, Dec-13-01 11:48 AM, #2
      RE: SATAN screwed with my car. any help would be great, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Dec-13-01 12:33 PM, #3
           RE: SATAN screwed with my car. any help would be great, randy, Dec-13-01 03:26 PM, #4
                RE: SATAN screwed with my car. any help would be great, Super20G, Dec-13-01 04:53 PM, #5
                     RE: SATAN screwed with my car. any help would be great, z1pp0, Dec-13-01 06:56 PM, #6
                          RE: SATAN screwed with my car. any help would be great, drbalazo7, Dec-13-01 08:59 PM, #7
what is the key dance [View all]joshacuDec-13-01 07:05 PM
by z1pp0
6250 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: what is the key dance, randy, Dec-13-01 03:16 PM, #1
RE: what is the key dance, fauchpj, Dec-13-01 03:20 PM, #2
      RE: what is the key dance, Sabot, Dec-13-01 03:25 PM, #3
      RE: what is the key dance, fauchpj, Dec-13-01 03:36 PM, #5
      RE: what is the key dance, randy, Dec-13-01 03:33 PM, #4
           RE: what is the key dance, z1pp0, Dec-13-01 07:05 PM, #6
Fuel system lean, how to correct? [View all]z1pp0Dec-13-01 03:46 PM
by JasonESi_T
3297 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Fuel system lean, how to correct?, RyaN95i4, Dec-13-01 02:35 PM, #1
RE: Fuel system lean, how to correct?, Erik, Dec-13-01 02:47 PM, #2
RE: Fuel system lean, how to correct?, TeamJasonESi_T, Dec-13-01 03:46 PM, #3
ummm, i think my clutch is out... [View all]DSM StreetZealDec-13-01 03:28 PM
by Weezle745
4199 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ummm, i think my clutch is out..., mitsuman, Dec-11-01 06:32 AM, #1
RE: ummm, i think my clutch is out..., randy, Dec-11-01 08:01 AM, #2
RE: ummm, i think my clutch is out..., Twiste, Dec-11-01 10:26 AM, #3
      RE: ummm, i think my clutch is out..., Weezle745, Dec-13-01 03:28 PM, #4
I need help finding an engine block. [View all]JustOneDec-13-01 05:56 AM
by The1Bill
8266 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I need help finding an engine block., 1phat_talon, Dec-11-01 09:35 PM, #1
RE: I need help finding an engine block., fungul, Dec-11-01 10:21 PM, #2
      RE: I need help finding an engine block., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-12-01 03:41 AM, #3
           RE: I need help finding an engine block., Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Dec-12-01 06:39 AM, #4
                RE: I need help finding an engine block., klipzracer, Dec-12-01 02:04 PM, #5
RE: I need help finding an engine block., Black97GS, Dec-12-01 02:53 PM, #6
I got a spare 420a, Kiku, Dec-12-01 03:18 PM, #7
RE: I need help finding an engine block., The1Bill, Dec-13-01 05:56 AM, #8
What to get next? [View all]FunRSDec-13-01 02:24 AM
by Fast420A
6211 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What to get next?, Logic3, Dec-11-01 11:44 AM, #1
RE: What to get next?, 1TuffRS, Dec-11-01 02:06 PM, #2
      RE: What to get next?, Grashper, Dec-11-01 03:53 PM, #3
           RE: What to get next?, CVedEclipse, Dec-12-01 10:09 PM, #4
                RE: What to get next?, 99GS, Dec-13-01 01:06 AM, #5
                     RE: What to get next?, Fast420A, Dec-13-01 02:24 AM, #6
Cam Sensor Seal [View all]Morgan21Dec-12-01 04:11 PM
by Kiku
2156 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Cam Sensor Seal, iamnotwhoiam, Dec-12-01 05:05 AM, #1
RE: Cam Sensor Seal, Kiku, Dec-12-01 04:11 PM, #2
Help !!!! [View all]96TSI AWDDec-12-01 01:43 PM
by dougie2
9411 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Help !!!!, vegasdsmr, Dec-09-01 06:27 AM, #1
RE: Help !!!!, 96TSI AWD, Dec-11-01 09:26 AM, #2
      RE: Help !!!!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-11-01 10:01 AM, #3
           RE: Help !!!!, 96TSI AWD, Dec-11-01 11:53 AM, #4
                RE: Help !!!!, speedracer21, Dec-11-01 12:02 PM, #5
                     RE: Help !!!!, ModeratorCorbin, Dec-11-01 02:04 PM, #6
                          RE: !!! Help !!!!, 96TSI AWD, Dec-12-01 06:52 AM, #7
RE: Help !!!!, TeamXtremeRS, Dec-12-01 01:12 PM, #8
RE: Help !!!!, Teamdougie2, Dec-12-01 01:43 PM, #9
Differential pan gasket!!!!! [View all]RoboTechDSMDec-12-01 04:50 AM
by RoboTechDSM
3246 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Differential pan gasket!!!!!, RoboTechDSM, Dec-12-01 04:35 AM, #1
RE: Differential pan gasket!!!!!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-12-01 04:43 AM, #2
      RE: Differential pan gasket!!!!!, RoboTechDSM, Dec-12-01 04:50 AM, #3
Cams......to grind or not to grind...that is the question [View all]Boosted_Bishi16gDec-12-01 03:11 AM
by Grashper
2321 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Cams......to grind or not to grind...that is the question, 1phat_talon, Dec-11-01 10:29 PM, #1
RE: Cams......to grind or not to grind...that is the question, Grashper, Dec-12-01 03:11 AM, #2
HRC KIT??? [View all]1phat_talonDec-12-01 12:27 AM
by MuRiX
1513 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HRC KIT???, TeamMuRiX, Dec-12-01 12:27 AM, #1
What exactly is a stroker kit? [View all]TomcatDec-11-01 06:54 PM
by Michael_97RS
4341 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What exactly is a stroker kit?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-11-01 11:17 AM, #1
RE: What exactly is a stroker kit?, Tomcat, Dec-11-01 11:25 AM, #2
      RE: What exactly is a stroker kit?, Super20G, Dec-11-01 03:34 PM, #3
           RE: What exactly is a stroker kit?, TeamMichael_97RS, Dec-11-01 06:54 PM, #4
old spaghetti flics [View all]RAIZINDec-11-01 12:51 PM
by Sabot
3259 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: old spaghetti flics, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-11-01 07:02 AM, #1
RE: old spaghetti flics, daved, Dec-11-01 07:36 AM, #2
      RE: old spaghetti flics, Sabot, Dec-11-01 12:51 PM, #3
important ITC information [View all]ModeratorVX100Dec-11-01 11:15 AM
by DarkOne
4262 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: important ITC information, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-11-01 07:51 AM, #1
RE: important ITC information, ModeratorVX100, Dec-11-01 08:04 AM, #2
      RE: important ITC information, TeamAvenger, Dec-11-01 11:00 AM, #3
           RE: important ITC information, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-11-01 11:15 AM, #4
good bye clutch [View all]mitsumanDec-11-01 06:15 AM
by mitsuman
6335 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: good bye clutch, optimuspeterson, Dec-10-01 12:45 PM, #1
RE: good bye clutch, phatGS, Dec-10-01 05:01 PM, #2
      RE: good bye clutch, randy, Dec-10-01 06:05 PM, #3
           CM Stage 3, Fast420A, Dec-10-01 07:20 PM, #4
                RE: CM Stage 3, CVedEclipse, Dec-10-01 10:15 PM, #5
                     RE: CM Stage 3, mitsuman, Dec-11-01 06:15 AM, #6
OBX muffler and intake [View all]RSClipse9d7Dec-11-01 05:44 AM
by PowerEclipses
3163 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: OBX muffler and intake, optimuspeterson, Dec-10-01 02:19 PM, #1
RE: OBX muffler and intake, jZa, Dec-11-01 05:17 AM, #2
RE: OBX muffler and intake, PowerEclipses, Dec-11-01 05:44 AM, #3
another idea for adjusting timing [View all]ModeratorVX100Dec-11-01 04:07 AM
by DarkOne
6400 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: another idea for adjusting timing, Fast420A, Dec-10-01 09:41 AM, #1
RE: another idea for adjusting timing, TeamAvenger, Dec-10-01 10:02 AM, #2
RE: another idea for adjusting timing, vegasdsmr, Dec-10-01 10:05 AM, #3
      RE: another idea for adjusting timing, Fast420A, Dec-10-01 05:12 PM, #4
           RE: another idea for adjusting timing, TeamMuRiX, Dec-10-01 11:04 PM, #5
           RE: another idea for adjusting timing, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-11-01 04:07 AM, #6
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