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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
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Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
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764 topics
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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
I got problems guys and i need some help? [View all]gearhead100Jul-21-01 03:24 AM
by gearhead100
2254 ---
Replies to this topic:
When does it start making noise? Over a certain RPM?, Fast420A, Jul-21-01 02:19 AM, #1
RE: When does it start making noise? Over a certain RPM?, gearhead100, Jul-21-01 03:24 AM, #2
Tanabe Exhaust Sys. [View all]king_mario10Jul-20-01 06:31 PM
by james
10371 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Tanabe Exhaust Sys., TeamAvenger, Jul-18-01 07:42 AM, #1
RE: Tanabe Exhaust Sys., king_mario10, Jul-18-01 08:16 AM, #2
      RE: Tanabe Exhaust Sys., ptpEklipZ, Jul-18-01 02:57 PM, #3
           RE: Tanabe Exhaust Sys., talonboy, Jul-18-01 04:29 PM, #4
           RE: Tanabe Exhaust Sys., slowGS, Jul-19-01 12:16 AM, #5
                RE: Tanabe Exhaust Sys., RuffCut, Jul-19-01 08:24 AM, #6
                     RE: Tanabe Exhaust Sys., GSsport, Jul-19-01 11:22 AM, #7
                          RE: Tanabe Exhaust Sys., z1pp0, Jul-19-01 06:15 PM, #8
           RE: Tanabe Exhaust Sys., Jerry, Jul-20-01 05:20 PM, #9
                RE: Tanabe Exhaust Sys., james, Jul-20-01 06:31 PM, #10
need opinions on this cat-back exhaust!!!!! [View all]RoboTechDSMJul-20-01 04:51 PM
by Fast420A
10405 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: need opinions on this cat-back exhaust!!!!!, james, Jul-15-01 03:55 PM, #1
RE: need opinions on this cat-back exhaust!!!!!, RoboTechDSM, Jul-15-01 04:24 PM, #2
RE: need opinions on this cat-back exhaust!!!!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-16-01 02:06 AM, #3
RE: need opinions on this cat-back exhaust!!!!!, docrmarten, Jul-16-01 02:20 AM, #4
RE: need opinions on this cat-back exhaust!!!!!, RoboTechDSM, Jul-16-01 06:50 AM, #5
      RE: need opinions on this cat-back exhaust!!!!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-16-01 07:36 AM, #6
           RE: need opinions on this cat-back exhaust!!!!!, james, Jul-16-01 02:38 PM, #7
                RE: need opinions on this cat-back exhaust!!!!!, RoboTechDSM, Jul-16-01 03:12 PM, #8
                     RE: need opinions on this cat-back exhaust!!!!!, CoBen67, Jul-20-01 04:38 PM, #9
                          RE: need opinions on this cat-back exhaust!!!!!, Fast420A, Jul-20-01 04:51 PM, #10
HELP!!!!!!!! i just screwed myself [View all]optimuspetersonJul-20-01 04:30 PM
by eclipseRS
2316 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HELP!!!!!!!! i just screwed myself, Team96NOS_Eclipse, Jul-19-01 08:26 AM, #1
RE: HELP!!!!!!!! i just screwed myself, eclipseRS, Jul-20-01 04:30 PM, #2
Deep growl [View all]jltucsonJul-20-01 08:31 AM
by oRACLes_97rs
6462 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Deep growl, DarkEclipseRS (Guest), Jul-09-01 12:46 PM, #1
RE: Deep growl, Eclipse550HP, Jul-09-01 04:53 PM, #2
      Why not just get a big fart tip so you can sound like all the other ricers out there?, Fast420A, Jul-09-01 10:42 PM, #3
           RE: Spend about $50 - $75 and get a used GS-T muffler like I did!, EsiTalon, Jul-20-01 02:58 AM, #4
                Do THIS, Nemisizz, Jul-20-01 04:14 AM, #5
                     RE: Do THIS, oRACLes_97rs, Jul-20-01 08:31 AM, #6
anyone with a limited slip diff???? [View all]magnusJul-20-01 08:11 AM
by mcgyvr
1212 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: anyone with a limited slip diff????, mcgyvr, Jul-20-01 08:11 AM, #1
wat intake fits for a 2.4liter spyder??? [View all]flossinpnoyracerJul-20-01 07:27 AM
1255 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: wat intake fits for a 2.4liter spyder???, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-20-01 07:27 AM, #1
Cheapest place to order The EDGE B&M SS?????? [View all]flossinpnoyracerJul-20-01 06:54 AM
by thisismygs
2262 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Cheapest place to order The EDGE B&M SS??????, Kory, Jul-20-01 05:23 AM, #1
RE: Cheapest place to order The EDGE B&M SS??????, thisismygs, Jul-20-01 06:54 AM, #2
Best place to purchase a CFDF clutch? [View all]Nitrous_RS1997Jul-20-01 04:24 AM
by Nitrous_RS1997
2270 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Best place to purchase a CFDF clutch?, SOLAR, Jul-20-01 03:20 AM, #1
RE: Best place to purchase a CFDF clutch?, Nitrous_RS1997, Jul-20-01 04:24 AM, #2
next mod .. im stuck between these 2 [View all]oRACLes_97rsJul-20-01 02:28 AM
by oRACLes_97rs
0196 ---
afx vs. unorthodox racing [View all]thisismygsJul-20-01 02:19 AM
by oRACLes_97rs
3426 ---
Replies to this topic:
AFX, Fast420A, Jul-18-01 11:20 AM, #1
Weight..., onefastgs, Jul-18-01 03:20 PM, #2
      RE: Weight..., oRACLes_97rs, Jul-20-01 02:19 AM, #3
Hmm, 2.25 or 2.5 or bigger...... [View all]SoniclipseJul-19-01 02:40 PM
by Soniclipse
2232 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Hmm, 2.25 or 2.5 or bigger......, SEA97GS, Jul-19-01 09:54 AM, #1
RE: Hmm, 2.25 or 2.5 or bigger......, Soniclipse, Jul-19-01 02:40 PM, #2
what turbo to get [View all]Sleeper4Jul-19-01 12:16 PM
by eclipsekaiser
7419 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: what turbo to get, HadesOmega, Jul-18-01 06:14 AM, #1
RE: what turbo to get, hustler, Jul-18-01 07:33 AM, #2
RE: what turbo to get, DAVE_FL (Guest), Jul-18-01 10:06 AM, #3
RE: what turbo to get, Talon, Jul-18-01 10:51 AM, #4
      RE: what turbo to get, mcgyvr, Jul-19-01 03:47 AM, #5
RE: what turbo to get, 97CustomGS, Jul-19-01 03:58 AM, #6
HRC......, eclipsekaiser, Jul-19-01 12:16 PM, #7
loud noise [View all]SOLARJul-19-01 11:17 AM
2218 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: loud noise, SEA97GS, Jul-19-01 09:48 AM, #1
RE: loud noise, SOLAR, Jul-19-01 11:17 AM, #2
paging Nemisizz [View all]thisismygsJul-19-01 07:40 AM
by Nemisizz
1271 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: paging Nemisizz, Nemisizz, Jul-19-01 07:40 AM, #1
GReddy headers [View all]thisismygsJul-19-01 06:50 AM
by thisismygs
3357 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GReddy headers, Kory, Jul-19-01 04:45 AM, #1
RE: GReddy headers, SaberKhan, Jul-19-01 06:19 AM, #2
      my bad SaberKhan, thisismygs, Jul-19-01 06:50 AM, #3
plug wire best buys? [View all]ErikJul-19-01 06:22 AM
by SaberKhan
4504 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: plug wire best buys?, iamnotwhoiam, Jul-04-01 03:20 PM, #1
Nology, james, Jul-04-01 04:21 PM, #2
      RE: Nology, magicman, Jul-19-01 05:05 AM, #3
           RE: Nology, SaberKhan, Jul-19-01 06:22 AM, #4
GS-T Muffler --- OR --- Full GS-T catback [View all]EsiTalonJul-19-01 04:43 AM
by Danny95ESI
1307 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GS-T Muffler --- OR --- Full GS-T catback, Danny95ESI, Jul-19-01 04:43 AM, #1
Where to put bypass on AEM CAI [View all]EsiTalonJul-19-01 03:45 AM
by mcgyvr
1314 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Where to put bypass on AEM CAI, mcgyvr, Jul-19-01 03:45 AM, #1
*Googley Moogoley* Stupid Heat Shield [View all]NemisizzJul-19-01 03:17 AM
by Nemisizz
12759 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: *Googley Moogoley* Stupid Heat Shield, DAVE_FL (Guest), Jul-17-01 12:42 PM, #1
I got the same prob!!, Eclipse550HP, Jul-17-01 12:47 PM, #2
      RE: I got the same prob!!, js99rs, Jul-17-01 04:57 PM, #3
RE: *Googley Moogoley* Stupid Heat Shield, Nemisizz, Jul-17-01 11:46 PM, #4
RE: *Googley Moogoley* Stupid Heat Shield, dermott, Jul-18-01 12:59 AM, #5
      RE: *Googley Moogoley* Stupid Heat Shield, Eclipse550HP, Jul-18-01 04:26 AM, #6
           RE: *Googley Moogoley* Stupid Heat Shield, FuSi0N, Jul-18-01 05:19 AM, #7
                RE: *Googley Moogoley* Stupid Heat Shield, HadesOmega, Jul-18-01 06:04 AM, #8
                     RE: *Googley Moogoley* Stupid Heat Shield, fungul, Jul-18-01 05:39 PM, #9
                          RE: *Googley Moogoley* Stupid Heat Shield, Nemisizz, Jul-18-01 11:31 PM, #10
                               RE: *Googley Moogoley* Stupid Heat Shield, dermott, Jul-19-01 12:21 AM, #11
                                    RE: *Googley Moogoley* Stupid Heat Shield, Nemisizz, Jul-19-01 03:17 AM, #12
Where to put bypass on AEM CAI [View all]EsiTalonJul-19-01 03:09 AM
by EsiTalon
0186 ---
Used parts? [View all]weepulJul-19-01 12:25 AM
by Fast420A
1230 ---
Replies to this topic:
Building a turbo system is not as easy as it sounds. . ., Fast420A, Jul-19-01 12:25 AM, #1
Fuel Injector Question. [View all]NemisizzJul-18-01 10:15 PM
6376 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Fuel Injector Question., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-17-01 07:17 AM, #1
RE: Fuel Injector Question., Nemisizz, Jul-17-01 07:21 AM, #2
      RE: Fuel Injector Question., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-17-01 08:27 AM, #3
           RE: Fuel Injector Question., DSMLVR, Jul-17-01 10:22 PM, #4
                RE: Fuel Injector Question., Nemisizz, Jul-17-01 11:35 PM, #5
                     RE: Fuel Injector Question., DSMLVR, Jul-18-01 10:15 PM, #6
Evo to SP [View all]jamesJul-18-01 06:47 PM
by james
3253 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Evo to SP, Irfan, Jul-18-01 05:05 PM, #1
RE: Evo to SP, fungul, Jul-18-01 05:25 PM, #2
      RE: Evo to SP, james, Jul-18-01 06:47 PM, #3
Is a CAI worth it......HELP?!?!? [View all]RoboTechDSMJul-18-01 06:19 PM
by daved
9334 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Is a CAI worth it......HELP?!?!?, mcgyvr, Jul-18-01 07:08 AM, #1
RE: Is a CAI worth it......HELP?!?!?, thisismygs, Jul-18-01 08:21 AM, #2
      RE: Is a CAI worth it......HELP?!?!?, Y2 e c l i p s e d, Jul-18-01 08:41 AM, #3
           You guys have never driven in a REAL rainstorm in Tampa FL. . ., Fast420A, Jul-18-01 10:57 AM, #4
RE: Is a CAI worth it......HELP?!?!?, RoboTechDSM, Jul-18-01 02:02 PM, #5
RE: Is a CAI worth it......HELP?!?!?, 55shot98, Jul-18-01 03:46 PM, #6
RE: Is a CAI worth it......HELP?!?!?, daved, Jul-18-01 04:49 PM, #7
Hey DaveD. . ., Fast420A, Jul-18-01 04:56 PM, #8
      RE: Hey DaveD. . ., daved, Jul-18-01 06:19 PM, #9
Ignition upgrade question..... [View all]GSsportJul-18-01 01:53 PM
by GSsport
2234 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Ignition upgrade question....., dsm1, Jul-18-01 09:38 AM, #1
RE: Ignition upgrade question....., GSsport, Jul-18-01 01:53 PM, #2
Air Filter? [View all]GTAGRIPJul-18-01 07:10 AM
by mcgyvr
1261 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Air Filter?, mcgyvr, Jul-18-01 07:10 AM, #1
Tranny Fluid [View all]SemperboostJul-18-01 06:17 AM
by HadesOmega
1219 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Tranny Fluid, HadesOmega, Jul-18-01 06:17 AM, #1
Valvetrain [View all]greenenvy95Jul-18-01 05:02 AM
5288 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Valvetrain, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-17-01 02:34 AM, #1
RE: Valvetrain, XT_DSM, Jul-17-01 09:05 AM, #2
      Hey XT_DSM. . . how the valve train coming for you?, Fast420A, Jul-17-01 11:03 AM, #3
      RE: Valvetrain, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-18-01 01:56 AM, #4
           RE: Valvetrain, XT_DSM, Jul-18-01 05:02 AM, #5
Installing AEM CAI Problem..... [View all]XKenshin55Jul-18-01 04:04 AM
by XKenshin55
4331 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Installing AEM CAI Problem....., Nemisizz, Jul-17-01 11:41 PM, #1
RE: Installing AEM CAI Problem....., Kory, Jul-18-01 02:41 AM, #2
      RE: Installing AEM CAI Problem....., 2xtreme (Guest), Jul-18-01 03:45 AM, #3
           *installing*, XKenshin55, Jul-18-01 04:04 AM, #4
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