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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
698 topics
6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
by electrohead
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Manual Trans - NV-T350
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
by 420agreenvilleSC
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
OBD2 app recommendat...
by VX100
764 topics
5809 messages
Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
Dual Exhaust [View all]weepulJul-18-01 03:36 AM
by Michael_97RS
3385 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Dual Exhaust, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-12-01 01:49 AM, #1
RE: Dual Exhaust, Sleeper4, Jul-18-01 03:17 AM, #2
RE: Dual Exhaust, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-18-01 03:36 AM, #3
Anyone have good install instructions for the AEM CAI [View all]EsiTalonJul-18-01 01:33 AM
by EsiTalon
0219 ---
Ram air? [View all]GrouchyJul-17-01 11:52 PM
by Nemisizz
1269 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Ram air?, Nemisizz, Jul-17-01 11:52 PM, #1
What would u do ? [View all]95Talon (Guest)Jul-17-01 10:08 PM
2364 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What would u do ?, TeamDeezGst, Jul-17-01 04:52 PM, #1
RE: What would u do ?, DSMLVR, Jul-17-01 10:08 PM, #2
Greddy Power Extreme [View all]weepulJul-17-01 06:21 PM
by SaberKhan
2431 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Greddy Power Extreme, LunarEclipse, Jul-17-01 08:59 AM, #1
RE: Greddy Power Extreme, SaberKhan, Jul-17-01 06:21 PM, #2
HIGHEST NON-TURBO HP [View all]thisismygsJul-17-01 06:14 PM
by SaberKhan
9928 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HIGHEST NON-TURBO HP, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-17-01 04:59 AM, #1
RE: HIGHEST NON-TURBO HP, thisismygs, Jul-17-01 05:23 AM, #2
RE: HIGHEST NON-TURBO HP, DAVE_FL (Guest), Jul-17-01 09:36 AM, #3
      I have the most, Eclipse550HP, Jul-17-01 12:49 PM, #4
      I don't count NOS as NT but here are my specs:, Skrilla, Jul-17-01 02:00 PM, #6
I wish, Eclipse550HP, Jul-17-01 12:49 PM, #5
RE: I wish, XT_DSM, Jul-17-01 04:39 PM, #7
      RE: I wish, SaberKhan, Jul-17-01 06:10 PM, #8
      RE: I wish, SaberKhan, Jul-17-01 06:14 PM, #9
best cold air intake system [View all]thisismygsJul-17-01 05:30 PM
by daved
Replies to this topic:
RE: best cold air intake system, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-17-01 07:11 AM, #1
RE: best cold air intake system, Y2 e c l i p s e d, Jul-17-01 08:01 AM, #2
RE: best cold air intake system, james, Jul-17-01 09:51 AM, #3
      RE: best cold air intake system, phatGS, Jul-17-01 03:17 PM, #4
           RE: best cold air intake system, js99rs, Jul-17-01 05:07 PM, #5
                RE: best cold air intake system, daved, Jul-17-01 05:26 PM, #6
                     RE: best cold air intake system, daved, Jul-17-01 05:30 PM, #7
rattling sound? [View all]davedJul-17-01 04:48 PM
by daved
4660 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: rattling sound?, koolade9, Jul-16-01 08:53 AM, #1
RE: rattling sound?, daved, Jul-16-01 09:34 AM, #2
RE: rattling sound?, DAVE_FL (Guest), Jul-16-01 01:58 PM, #3
RE: rattling sound?, daved, Jul-17-01 04:48 PM, #4
2.5" exhaust??? [View all]9D9 MITSU RSJul-17-01 02:34 PM
2500 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 2.5" exhaust???, TeamStan2gnt, Jul-16-01 12:04 AM, #1
RE: 2.5" exhaust???, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-17-01 02:34 PM, #2
who makes the jumptronix clone? [View all]HootJul-17-01 10:24 AM
by Hoot
3398 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: who makes the jumptronix clone?, TeamJasonESi_T, Jul-17-01 07:01 AM, #1
RE: who makes the jumptronix clone?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-17-01 07:14 AM, #2
      RE: who makes the jumptronix clone?, Hoot, Jul-17-01 10:24 AM, #3
Fuel Filter [View all]optimuspetersonJul-17-01 08:03 AM
by koolade9
10420 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Fuel Filter, dermott, Jul-15-01 11:07 AM, #1
RE: Fuel Filter, koolade9, Jul-15-01 11:57 AM, #2
      RE: Fuel Filter, Junoon, Jul-15-01 12:10 PM, #3
           RE: Fuel Filter, koolade9, Jul-15-01 03:28 PM, #4
                RE: Fuel Filter, phatGS, Jul-15-01 04:03 PM, #5
                     RE: Fuel Filter, koolade9, Jul-15-01 04:12 PM, #6
                          RE: Fuel Filter, DSMLVR, Jul-15-01 10:12 PM, #7
                               RE: Fuel Filter, iamnotwhoiam, Jul-16-01 02:20 AM, #8
                                    RE: Fuel Filter, CJWalker, Jul-17-01 07:13 AM, #9
                                         RE: Fuel Filter, koolade9, Jul-17-01 08:03 AM, #10
how does the afx pulley affect the ac, stereo, etc... [View all]kriotJul-17-01 06:22 AM
by UFO
3373 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: how does the afx pulley affect the ac, stereo, etc..., HadesOmega, Jul-16-01 06:22 PM, #1
RE: how does the afx pulley affect the ac, stereo, etc..., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-17-01 02:28 AM, #2
RE: how does the afx pulley affect the ac, stereo, etc..., UFO, Jul-17-01 06:22 AM, #3
AFX UDP [View all]NemisizzJul-17-01 06:12 AM
by LunarEclipse
2312 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AFX UDP, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-17-01 02:30 AM, #1
RE: AFX UDP, LunarEclipse, Jul-17-01 06:12 AM, #2
rods and pistons question? [View all]LunarEclipseJul-17-01 02:47 AM
by Michael_97RS
14538 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: rods and pistons question?, mcgyvr, Jul-12-01 05:34 AM, #1
RE: rods and pistons question?, brickardius, Jul-12-01 03:38 PM, #2
      RE: rods and pistons question?, LunarEclipse, Jul-12-01 06:06 PM, #3
           RE: rods and pistons question?, TeamStan2gnt, Jul-12-01 11:39 PM, #4
           RE: rods and pistons question?, klipzracer, Jul-12-01 11:41 PM, #5
                RE: rods and pistons question?, LunarEclipse, Jul-13-01 03:54 AM, #6
                     RE: rods and pistons question?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-13-01 04:10 AM, #7
                          RE: rods and pistons question?, LunarEclipse, Jul-13-01 07:24 AM, #8
                               RE: rods and pistons question?, Irfan, Jul-13-01 07:29 AM, #9
                               RE: rods and pistons question?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-13-01 07:43 AM, #10
                                    RE: rods and pistons question?, TeamStan2gnt, Jul-13-01 08:04 AM, #11
                                         RE: rods and pistons question?, LunarEclipse, Jul-14-01 06:04 AM, #12
                                              RE: rods and pistons question?, LunarEclipse, Jul-16-01 10:12 AM, #13
                                              RE: rods and pistons question?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-17-01 02:47 AM, #14
Looking for a used intake manifold [View all]Joshua97478Jul-16-01 10:21 PM
by Fast420A
1207 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Looking for a used intake manifold, Fast420A, Jul-16-01 10:21 PM, #1
For Sale Volk Se 37 k rims with tires NEW [View all]pn0ymahalJul-16-01 06:35 PM
by pn0ymahal
0252 ---
survey about afx pully [View all]js99rsJul-16-01 06:13 PM
by HadesOmega
11537 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: survey about afx pully, jamesman, Jul-12-01 08:58 AM, #1
RE: survey about afx pully, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-16-01 02:22 AM, #7
      RE: survey about afx pully, SEA97GS, Jul-16-01 03:31 AM, #8
           RE: survey about afx pully, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-16-01 04:44 AM, #9
                RE: survey about afx pully, SEA97GS, Jul-16-01 07:09 AM, #10
RE: survey about afx pully, SEA97GS, Jul-12-01 09:25 AM, #2
RE: survey about afx pully, madregal, Jul-12-01 12:45 PM, #3
RE: survey about afx pully, gzrs99, Jul-13-01 02:38 PM, #4
RE: survey about afx pully, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-13-01 06:10 PM, #5
      RE: survey about afx pully, John99RS, Jul-14-01 04:14 AM, #6
           RE: survey about afx pully, HadesOmega, Jul-16-01 06:13 PM, #11
PVC Valve...Do we need it?? [View all]GregJul-16-01 02:27 PM
by Eclipse550HP
6430 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: PVC Valve...Do we need it??, 97xtc, Jul-14-01 02:42 PM, #1
RE: PVC Valve...Do we need it??, DSMLVR, Jul-14-01 10:17 PM, #2
Emissions..., Skrilla, Jul-15-01 09:59 AM, #3
RE: Emissions..., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-16-01 02:12 AM, #4
RE: PVC Valve...Do we need it??, ModeratorCorbin, Jul-16-01 01:54 PM, #5
RE: PVC Valve...Do we need it??, Eclipse550HP, Jul-16-01 02:27 PM, #6
Spark plugs going bad after tune-up (fouling & misfiring) [View all]eclipsemylJul-16-01 05:41 AM
by eclipsemyl
Replies to this topic:
spend $20 and get some plug wires, when SATAN put a new engine in my car they put in the Champion S..., Fast420A, Jul-14-01 06:43 AM, #1
RE: spend $20 and get some plug wires, when SATAN put a new engine in my car they put in the Champi..., TeamStan2gnt, Jul-14-01 12:28 PM, #2
      RE: spend $20 and get some plug wires, when SATAN put a new engine in my car they put in the Champi..., ilive2golf, Jul-14-01 01:10 PM, #3
           RE: spend $20 and get some plug wires, when SATAN put a new engine in my car they put in the Champi..., eclipsemyl, Jul-14-01 04:53 PM, #4
                There's no way the CAI is the problem, you know how many people have those?, Fast420A, Jul-14-01 05:06 PM, #5
                     Hey check this!!!!, klipzracer, Jul-14-01 11:02 PM, #6
RE: Spark plugs going bad after tune-up (fouling & misfiring), EsiTalon, Jul-15-01 02:45 AM, #7
RE: Spark plugs going bad after tune-up (fouling & misfiring), eclipsemyl, Jul-16-01 05:41 AM, #8
high flow cat on NA cars? [View all]koolade9Jul-16-01 03:35 AM
by SEA97GS
2377 ---
Replies to this topic:
I have them all..., Skrilla, Jul-15-01 09:52 AM, #1
RE: I have them all..., SEA97GS, Jul-16-01 03:35 AM, #2
porting my throttle body?? [View all]koolade9Jul-16-01 02:41 AM
by Michael_97RS
6338 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: porting my throttle body??, Fast420A, Jul-15-01 03:36 PM, #1
RE: porting my throttle body??, koolade9, Jul-15-01 04:17 PM, #2
      nope, no gap. I want to get it redone the way howell does it. . ., Fast420A, Jul-15-01 04:20 PM, #3
           RE: nope, no gap. I want to get it redone the way howell does it. . ., koolade9, Jul-15-01 04:38 PM, #4
                RE: nope, no gap. I want to get it redone the way howell does it. . ., TeamStan2gnt, Jul-16-01 02:28 AM, #5
                     RE: nope, no gap. I want to get it redone the way howell does it. . ., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-16-01 02:41 AM, #6
420a Neon question [View all]ErikJul-16-01 02:38 AM
by Michael_97RS
5358 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 420a Neon question, TeamJasonESi_T, Jul-13-01 03:46 PM, #1
RE: 420a Neon question, Doug96GS, Jul-13-01 04:16 PM, #2
RE: 420a Neon question, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-13-01 06:13 PM, #3
RE: 420a Neon question, Talow79, Jul-14-01 02:43 AM, #4
RE: 420a Neon question, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-16-01 02:38 AM, #5
N E one from VEGAS? [View all]Faster_GSJul-15-01 04:24 PM
by Faster_GS
0152 ---
what to torque head studs too? [View all]koolade9Jul-15-01 03:23 PM
by koolade9
9528 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: what to torque head studs too?, koolade9, Jul-14-01 11:08 AM, #1
RE: what to torque head studs too?, Greg, Jul-14-01 11:28 AM, #2
      cancel that?!?!?!, klipzracer, Jul-14-01 11:05 PM, #3
           RE: cancel that?!?!?!, koolade9, Jul-15-01 01:29 AM, #4
                RE: cancel that?!?!?!, klipzracer, Jul-15-01 02:19 AM, #5
                     RE: cancel that?!?!?!, fungul, Jul-15-01 07:05 AM, #6
                     RE: cancel that?!?!?!, fungul, Jul-15-01 07:05 AM, #7
                          RE: cancel that?!?!?!, klipzracer, Jul-15-01 12:57 PM, #8
                               RE: cancel that?!?!?!, koolade9, Jul-15-01 03:23 PM, #9
Crankshaft pulley removal [View all]frayedJul-15-01 03:16 PM
by Louis
1436 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Crankshaft pulley removal, Louis, Jul-15-01 03:16 PM, #1
Can someone explain the different effects of torque vs H.P [View all]magnusJul-15-01 02:48 PM
by WheatKing
Replies to this topic:
RE: Can someone explain the different effects of torque vs H.P, 99_GS, Jul-12-01 05:53 PM, #1
holy ish!!!!, klipzracer, Jul-13-01 12:15 AM, #2
This is what I did..., Skrilla, Jul-13-01 06:59 AM, #3
RE: This is what I did..., magnus, Jul-13-01 07:41 AM, #4
      RE: This is what I did..., Kory, Jul-13-01 10:27 AM, #5
           RE: This is what I did..., 99_GS, Jul-13-01 10:55 AM, #6
RE: Can someone explain the different effects of torque vs H.P, jZa, Jul-13-01 02:02 PM, #7
I don't know about you guys. . ., Fast420A, Jul-14-01 05:01 AM, #8
Like I always say..., Skrilla, Jul-15-01 09:49 AM, #9
RE: Like I always say..., WheatKing, Jul-15-01 02:48 PM, #10
Yee Haw, gots me a new ecu error code!! [View all]dsm1Jul-15-01 02:35 PM
by Fast420A
1389 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Yee Haw, gots me a new ecu error code!!, Fast420A, Jul-15-01 02:35 PM, #1
Next? [View all]moistureJul-15-01 07:11 AM
by fungul
4453 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Next?, Thunderous_Talon, Jul-15-01 05:44 AM, #1
Ack!, moisture, Jul-15-01 06:11 AM, #2
      RE: Ack!, Thunderous_Talon, Jul-15-01 06:39 AM, #3
           RE: Ack!, fungul, Jul-15-01 07:11 AM, #4
Catalytic Converter Bypass Valve?!? [View all]TotalEclipseDSMJul-15-01 02:05 AM
by Fast420A
4482 ---
Replies to this topic:
just knock out the cat's insides and leave it on the car. . ., Fast420A, Jul-14-01 05:15 PM, #1
so how do you gut the cat!?, DarkEclipseRS (Guest), Jul-14-01 07:59 PM, #2
      RE: so how do you gut the cat!?, klipzracer, Jul-14-01 10:58 PM, #3
           If you don't have to worry about emissions like here in Florida . . ., Fast420A, Jul-15-01 02:05 AM, #4
Turbo mods??? [View all]9D9 MITSU RSJul-14-01 04:46 PM
2362 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Turbo mods???, RoboTechDSM, Jul-14-01 06:09 AM, #1
RE: Turbo mods???, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-14-01 04:46 PM, #2
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