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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
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6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
by electrohead
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Manual Trans - NV-T350
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
OBD2 app recommendat...
by VX100
764 topics
5809 messages
Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
Engine mounts inserts [View all]XT_DSMAug-30-01 03:36 AM
by EsiTalon
4251 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Engine mounts inserts, TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-29-01 08:40 AM, #1
RE: Engine mounts inserts, RuffCut, Aug-29-01 11:26 AM, #2
      RE: Engine mounts inserts, Fast420A, Aug-30-01 12:40 AM, #3
           RE: Engine mounts inserts, EsiTalon, Aug-30-01 03:36 AM, #4
Crower cams.. [View all]RAIZINAug-30-01 03:10 AM
by Michael_97RS
5254 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Crower cams.., GTAGRIP, Aug-29-01 03:57 PM, #1
RE: Crower cams.., SEA97GS, Aug-30-01 02:17 AM, #2
      RE: Crower cams.., TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-30-01 02:29 AM, #3
           RE: Crower cams.., SEA97GS, Aug-30-01 03:04 AM, #4
                RE: Crower cams.., TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-30-01 03:10 AM, #5
anyone take out the restrictor in the clutch hydro line???? [View all]xtremeRS2BAug-30-01 02:19 AM
by Michael_97RS
3336 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: anyone take out the restrictor in the clutch hydro line????, klipzracer, Aug-29-01 03:37 PM, #1
RE: anyone take out the restrictor in the clutch hydro line????, DSMLVR, Aug-29-01 09:19 PM, #2
RE: anyone take out the restrictor in the clutch hydro line????, TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-30-01 02:19 AM, #3
Overheating Problem!! Please Help [View all]Ed96GSAug-29-01 11:23 PM
1152 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Overheating Problem!! Please Help, DSMLVR, Aug-29-01 11:23 PM, #1
evo engines [View all]OZgs99Aug-29-01 03:34 PM
by klipzracer
2161 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: evo engines, HadesOmega, Aug-29-01 01:37 PM, #1
RE: evo engines, klipzracer, Aug-29-01 03:34 PM, #2
will better cams make a difference? [View all]tim97rsAug-29-01 01:20 PM
by tim97rs
0210 ---
blocked cat???????? [View all]dermottAug-29-01 12:51 PM
by dermott
0174 ---
Wanted: Short Shifter [View all]KaptainKillgore (Guest)Aug-29-01 12:30 PM
by KaptainKillgore
6277 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Wanted: Short Shifter, xtremeRS2B, Aug-29-01 03:37 AM, #1
RE: Wanted: Short Shifter, KaptainKillgore (Guest), Aug-29-01 03:52 AM, #2
Talk to Hurricane_GS. . ., Fast420A, Aug-29-01 04:03 AM, #3
      RE: Talk to Hurricane_GS. . ., marctronixx (Guest), Aug-29-01 08:45 AM, #4
RE: Wanted: Short Shifter, xtremeRS2B, Aug-29-01 10:54 AM, #5
      RE: Wanted: Short Shifter, KaptainKillgore (Guest), Aug-29-01 12:30 PM, #6
tighten throttle cable... [View all]NiclipseAug-29-01 11:48 AM
by slow99gs
3231 ---
Replies to this topic:
Ya they 99% of the time are already like that., KaptainKillgore (Guest), Aug-29-01 03:36 AM, #1
RE: tighten throttle cable..., FuSi0N, Aug-29-01 04:57 AM, #2
RE: tighten throttle cable..., slow99gs (Guest), Aug-29-01 11:48 AM, #3
A/F Gauge Ground wire [View all]jamesmanAug-29-01 10:12 AM
by jamesman
0147 ---
Overhaul [View all]GrashperAug-29-01 04:18 AM
by moisture
4204 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Overhaul, Grashper, Aug-28-01 12:35 PM, #1
RE: Overhaul, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Aug-28-01 01:05 PM, #2
RE: Overhaul, Inspekdah, Aug-28-01 03:47 PM, #3
Jeez, moisture, Aug-29-01 04:18 AM, #4
new engine [View all]thisismygsAug-29-01 03:05 AM
by Michael_97RS
4233 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: new engine, tenzoeclipse, Aug-28-01 08:32 AM, #1
RE: new engine, TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-29-01 01:46 AM, #2
RE: new engine, thisismygs, Aug-29-01 02:54 AM, #3
      RE: new engine, TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-29-01 03:05 AM, #4
How to clean your engine? [View all]ChamukoAug-28-01 05:14 PM
by cyan
1165 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: How to clean your engine?, cyan, Aug-28-01 05:14 PM, #1
I need help now.... [View all]RAIZINAug-28-01 01:08 PM
by DarkOne
2184 ---
Replies to this topic:
From memory, TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-28-01 08:20 AM, #1
RE: From memory, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Aug-28-01 01:08 PM, #2
put some pep in your 420 [View all]magnusAug-28-01 12:58 PM
by klipzracer
3165 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: put some pep in your 420, PowerEclipse (Guest), Aug-28-01 09:08 AM, #1
RE: put some pep in your 420, ModeratorVX100, Aug-28-01 11:29 AM, #2
RE: put some pep in your 420, klipzracer, Aug-28-01 12:58 PM, #3
new engine? [View all]PowerEclipse (Guest)Aug-28-01 09:16 AM
by PowerEclipse
0121 ---
i just have a few questions. [View all]96talonesiks (Guest)Aug-28-01 05:36 AM
by kriot
3146 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: i just have a few questions., TeamDeezGst, Aug-28-01 05:22 AM, #1
RE: i just have a few questions., 96talonesiks (Guest), Aug-28-01 05:30 AM, #2
      RE: i just have a few questions., kriot, Aug-28-01 05:36 AM, #3
95-99 engines [View all]thisismygsAug-28-01 03:08 AM
by cyan
1191 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 95-99 engines, cyan, Aug-28-01 03:08 AM, #1
Valve Cover Bolt and Battery Tiedown... [View all]NiclipseAug-28-01 12:40 AM
by Niclipse
0145 ---
GOTA LOVE A WOMAN [View all]Eclipse550HPAug-08-01 01:49 AM
by Aleclipse
13223 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GOTA LOVE A WOMAN, Eclipse550HP, Aug-07-01 07:13 AM, #1
RE: GOTA LOVE A WOMAN, TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-07-01 08:08 AM, #2
RE: GOTA LOVE A WOMAN, TrishasTalon, Aug-07-01 08:11 AM, #3
      RE: GOTA LOVE A WOMAN, Eclipse550HP, Aug-07-01 08:34 AM, #4
           RE: GOTA LOVE A WOMAN, TeamStan2gnt, Aug-07-01 09:38 AM, #5
Gass on da GO!!!, iamnotwhoiam, Aug-07-01 10:44 AM, #6
      RE: Gass on da GO!!!, craigd887, Aug-07-01 01:18 PM, #7
           RE: Gass on da GO!!!, SOLAR, Aug-07-01 01:30 PM, #8
                RE: Gass on da GO!!!, zhr420, Aug-07-01 07:34 PM, #9
                RE: Gass on da GO!!!, Team96NOS_Eclipse, Aug-07-01 08:31 PM, #10
                     RE: Gass on da GO!!!, z1pp0, Aug-07-01 10:30 PM, #11
                RE: Gass on da GO!!!, TeamStan2gnt, Aug-07-01 11:59 PM, #12
                     RE: Gass on da GO!!!, Aleclipse, Aug-08-01 01:49 AM, #13
Hooker [View all]madregalAug-02-01 04:19 AM
by klipzracer
11217 ---
Replies to this topic:
oh....., klipzracer, Jul-30-01 09:48 AM, #1
Check this link for more info....., GSsport, Jul-30-01 01:45 PM, #2
      Found that ad about 1 1/2 years ago and they told me. . ., Fast420A, Jul-30-01 10:55 PM, #3
           RE: Found that ad about 1 1/2 years ago and they told me. . ., Thunderous_Talon, Jul-31-01 12:06 AM, #4
RE: Hooker, madregal, Jul-31-01 04:11 AM, #5
RE: Hooker, craigd887, Aug-01-01 05:56 AM, #6
      Whats wrong with domestics. . ., Fast420A, Aug-01-01 02:19 PM, #7
           RE: Whats wrong with domestics. . ., koolade9, Aug-01-01 03:16 PM, #8
           RE: Whats wrong with domestics. . ., TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-02-01 01:17 AM, #9
                RE: Whats wrong with domestics. . ., Nemisizz, Aug-02-01 01:56 AM, #10
                     yeah, go domestics!!!!!, klipzracer, Aug-02-01 04:19 AM, #11
What's the preferred oil and filter? [View all]EsiTalonJul-30-01 01:04 PM
by craigd887
6167 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What's the preferred oil and filter?, Doug96GS, Jul-30-01 04:09 AM, #1
RE: What's the preferred oil and filter?, Greg, Jul-30-01 04:18 AM, #2
      RE: What's the preferred oil and filter?, TeamJeff_99gs, Jul-30-01 05:09 AM, #3
      RE: What's the preferred oil and filter?, EsiTalon, Jul-30-01 05:09 AM, #4
           RE: What's the preferred oil and filter?, Thunderous_Talon, Jul-30-01 05:32 AM, #5
                RE: What's the preferred oil and filter?, craigd887, Jul-30-01 01:04 PM, #6
Just picked up my Accel coils [View all]PuRe RaGeJul-27-01 07:16 AM
by Michael_97RS
6285 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Just picked up my Accel coils, koolade9, Jul-23-01 08:33 AM, #1
larger injectors with an AFC [View all]jamesmanJul-27-01 06:08 AM
by Kiku
8337 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: larger injectors with an AFC, Fast420A, Jul-18-01 11:24 AM, #1
Fast420a's got it..., Skrilla, Jul-18-01 12:20 PM, #2
      RE: Fast420a's got it..., jamesman, Jul-19-01 05:20 AM, #3
           RE: Fast420a's got it..., Irfan, Jul-19-01 10:01 AM, #4
RE: larger injectors with an AFC, Jerry, Jul-20-01 05:14 PM, #5
skrilla says in the post above that 310's will work. I have no idea on this one., Fast420A, Jul-20-01 05:21 PM, #6
      RE: skrilla says in the post above that 310's will work. I have no idea on this one., jamesman, Jul-25-01 01:49 AM, #7
           RE: skrilla says in the post above that 310's will work. I have no idea on this one., Kiku, Jul-27-01 06:08 AM, #8
Odd o2 sensor voltages [View all]Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOneJul-27-01 02:53 AM
by DarkOne
11406 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Odd o2 sensor voltages, GSsport, Jul-23-01 11:30 AM, #1
RE: Odd o2 sensor voltages, ModeratorCorbin, Jul-23-01 02:07 PM, #2
RE: Odd o2 sensor voltages, TeamJeff_99gs, Jul-23-01 02:51 PM, #3
RE: Odd o2 sensor voltages, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jul-23-01 02:56 PM, #4
RE: Odd o2 sensor voltages, ModeratorCorbin, Jul-24-01 12:36 PM, #5
      RE: Odd o2 sensor voltages, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-25-01 01:13 AM, #6
      RE: Odd o2 sensor voltages, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jul-25-01 03:41 AM, #7
           RE: Odd o2 sensor voltages, ModeratorCorbin, Jul-25-01 12:13 PM, #8
                Okay, check this out.., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jul-25-01 02:55 PM, #9
                     RE: Okay, check this out.., ModeratorCorbin, Jul-26-01 02:41 PM, #10
                          RE: Okay, check this out.., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jul-27-01 02:53 AM, #11
Next Mod Advice Needed [View all]EsiTalonJul-26-01 11:59 PM
by Nemisizz
14492 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, FuSi0N, Jul-12-01 08:33 AM, #1
RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, EsiTalon, Jul-12-01 09:32 AM, #2
      RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, magnus, Jul-12-01 10:13 AM, #3
RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, UFO, Jul-12-01 02:18 PM, #4
RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, EsiTalon, Jul-12-01 03:39 PM, #5
      RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-13-01 02:37 AM, #6
           RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, EsiTalon, Jul-13-01 02:58 AM, #7
                RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, Talon, Jul-13-01 03:43 AM, #8
                RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-13-01 04:01 AM, #9
                     RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, EsiTalon, Jul-13-01 04:23 AM, #10
                          RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-13-01 07:05 AM, #11
                               RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, EsiTalon, Jul-14-01 03:37 AM, #12
                                    RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, craigd887, Jul-26-01 02:22 PM, #13
                                         RE: Next Mod Advice Needed, Nemisizz, Jul-26-01 11:59 PM, #14
New engine shine technique [View all]Deze2gJul-26-01 02:02 PM
by craigd887
151502 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: New engine shine technique, FuSi0N, Jul-08-01 11:28 AM, #1
RE: New engine shine technique, Eclipse550HP, Jul-08-01 03:31 PM, #2
      SATAN sprays silicone spray on everything under the hood when they are done working on my car., Fast420A, Jul-08-01 04:43 PM, #3
           silicone is very bad for some rubber, Eclipse550HP, Jul-09-01 12:20 PM, #4
                RE: silicone is very bad for some rubber, Deze2g, Jul-09-01 02:18 PM, #5
                     RE: silicone is very bad for some rubber, mikee97gs, Jul-09-01 02:42 PM, #6
                          RE: silicone is very bad for some rubber, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jul-09-01 04:11 PM, #7
                               RE: silicone is very bad for some rubber, stjohntj420, Jul-10-01 10:00 AM, #8
RE: New engine shine technique, Eclipse550HP, Jul-10-01 12:22 PM, #9
RE: New engine shine technique, DarkEclipseRS (Guest), Jul-10-01 02:25 PM, #10
      RE: New engine shine technique, GSsport, Jul-10-01 03:23 PM, #11
           RE: New engine shine technique, Eclipse550HP, Jul-10-01 04:20 PM, #12
                RE: New engine shine technique, 99_GS, Jul-11-01 04:04 AM, #13
                     RE: New engine shine technique, Eclipse550HP, Jul-11-01 04:45 AM, #14
                          RE: New engine shine technique, craigd887, Jul-26-01 02:02 PM, #15
aem short ram to cai ? [View all]oRACLes_97rsJul-26-01 12:52 PM
by my420A
6278 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: aem short ram to cai ?, 55shot98, Jul-22-01 01:46 PM, #1
RE: aem short ram to cai ?, craigd887, Jul-23-01 05:50 PM, #2
      RE: aem short ram to cai ?, oRACLes_97rs, Jul-24-01 05:26 AM, #3
           RE: aem short ram to cai ?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-24-01 07:17 AM, #4
RE: aem short ram to cai ?, madregal, Jul-24-01 07:44 AM, #5
RE: aem short ram to cai ?, my420A, Jul-26-01 12:52 PM, #6
Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving... [View all]Teameclipse804Jul-26-01 08:19 AM
by stjohntj420
20651 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., james, Jul-09-01 09:53 AM, #1
RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., Teameclipse804, Jul-09-01 10:42 AM, #2
      RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., james, Jul-09-01 10:48 AM, #3
           RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., james, Jul-09-01 01:02 PM, #4
RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., Teameclipse804, Jul-10-01 04:43 AM, #5
RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., TeamStan2gnt, Jul-10-01 07:48 AM, #6
      RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., Teameclipse804, Jul-10-01 08:21 AM, #7
           RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., stjohntj420, Jul-10-01 09:55 AM, #8
                RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., Teameclipse804, Jul-10-01 10:15 AM, #9
                RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., 97xtc, Jul-10-01 10:33 AM, #10
                     RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., stjohntj420, Jul-11-01 12:44 PM, #11
                          RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., phatGS, Jul-11-01 03:39 PM, #12
                               RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., The1Bill, Jul-11-01 07:33 PM, #13
                                    RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., stjohntj420, Jul-19-01 01:47 PM, #14
                                         RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., Teameclipse804, Jul-19-01 05:31 PM, #15
                                              RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., phatGS, Jul-19-01 07:09 PM, #16
                                                   RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., GSsport, Jul-20-01 03:13 AM, #17
                                                        RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., stjohntj420, Jul-22-01 06:12 AM, #18
                                                             RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., stjohntj420, Jul-24-01 11:11 AM, #19
                                                                  RE: Weird Hesitation? RPM's won't move while driving..., stjohntj420, Jul-26-01 08:19 AM, #20
I need some view points [View all]dermottJul-25-01 12:12 PM
by jZa
15523 ---
Replies to this topic:
TURBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, DarkEclipseRS (Guest), Jul-19-01 02:09 PM, #1
RE: TURBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, bustrblue1, Jul-19-01 03:28 PM, #2
RE: I need some view points, RoboTechDSM, Jul-19-01 04:04 PM, #3
RE: I need some view points, cyan, Jul-19-01 05:42 PM, #4
      RE: I need some view points, Teameclipse804, Jul-19-01 06:13 PM, #5
           RE: I need some view points, alexries, Jul-20-01 08:59 AM, #6
                RE: I need some view points, 99GSBBTurbo, Jul-20-01 11:59 AM, #7
                     RE: I need some view points, koolade9, Jul-22-01 02:33 AM, #8
                          RE: I need some view points, EsiTalon, Jul-22-01 03:36 AM, #9
                          RE: I need some view points, Infernaldaemon, Jul-22-01 05:43 AM, #10
                               RE: I need some view points, thisismygs, Jul-23-01 06:26 AM, #11
                                    RE: I need some view points, dermott, Jul-24-01 02:16 AM, #12
                                         RE: I need some view points, LunarEclipse, Jul-24-01 04:16 AM, #13
                                              RE: I need some view points, koolade9, Jul-24-01 12:30 PM, #14
                                                   RE: I need some view points, jZa, Jul-25-01 12:12 PM, #15
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