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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
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6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
by electrohead
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Manual Trans - NV-T350
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
by 420agreenvilleSC
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
OBD2 app recommendat...
by VX100
764 topics
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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
Fast 420A You asked about the headers! [View all]RxR_EclipseOct-05-01 05:25 AM
by Amish_Eclipse
6195 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Fast 420A You asked about the headers!, charger71, Oct-05-01 12:03 AM, #1
RE: Fast 420A You asked about the headers!, Fast420A, Oct-05-01 02:04 AM, #2
      RE: Fast 420A You asked about the headers!, RxR_Eclipse, Oct-05-01 04:13 AM, #3
           RE: Fast 420A You asked about the headers!, vegasdsmr, Oct-05-01 04:21 AM, #4
RE: Fast 420A You asked about the headers!, Niclipse, Oct-05-01 05:10 AM, #5
RE: Fast 420A You asked about the headers!, Amish_Eclipse, Oct-05-01 05:25 AM, #6
bored throttle body [View all]Slow99GSDriverOct-05-01 05:01 AM
by EvMan2345
10238 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: bored throttle body, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-04-01 03:32 PM, #1
RE: bored throttle body, ModeratorCorbin, Oct-04-01 03:47 PM, #2
      RE: bored throttle body, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-05-01 01:45 AM, #3
           RE: bored throttle body, Danny95ESI, Oct-05-01 03:45 AM, #4
                RE: bored throttle body, RxR_Eclipse, Oct-05-01 03:55 AM, #5
                     RE: bored throttle body, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-05-01 03:57 AM, #6
                          RE: bored throttle body, TeamStan2gnt, Oct-05-01 04:18 AM, #7
                          RE: bored throttle body, tim97rs, Oct-05-01 04:21 AM, #8
                               RE: bored throttle body, charger71, Oct-05-01 04:47 AM, #9
                                    RE: bored throttle body, EvMan2345, Oct-05-01 05:01 AM, #10
how are these compression numbers ...??? [View all]tim97rsOct-04-01 03:42 PM
by Kory
3194 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: how are these compression numbers ...???, 99GS, Oct-04-01 12:11 PM, #1
RE: how are these compression numbers ...???, ModeratorCorbin, Oct-04-01 01:10 PM, #2
      RE: how are these compression numbers ...???, Kory, Oct-04-01 03:42 PM, #3
tranny warranty [View all]EvMan2345Oct-04-01 03:25 PM
by eclipse804
1148 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: tranny warranty, Teameclipse804, Oct-04-01 03:25 PM, #1
Guys who posted to "F**king idle", try this and see what you get [View all]tim97rsOct-04-01 11:45 AM
by XtremeRS
5298 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Guys who posted to "F**king idle", try this and see what you get, whodatt1, Oct-04-01 07:16 AM, #1
RE: Guys who posted to "F**king idle", try this and see what you get, TeamXtremeRS, Oct-04-01 08:27 AM, #2
RE: Guys who posted to "F**king idle", try this and see what you get, Jen, Oct-04-01 08:47 AM, #3
RE: Guys who posted to "F**king idle", try this and see what you get, SEA97GS, Oct-04-01 10:30 AM, #4
RE: Guys who posted to "F**king idle", try this and see what you get, TeamXtremeRS, Oct-04-01 11:45 AM, #5
custom cat-back question [View all]TeamXtremeRSOct-04-01 08:37 AM
by XtremeRS
8442 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: custom cat-back question, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-03-01 07:13 AM, #1
RE: custom cat-back question, dispenser, Oct-03-01 01:08 PM, #2
RE: custom cat-back question, TeamXtremeRS, Oct-03-01 02:22 PM, #3
      RE: custom cat-back question, Amish_Eclipse, Oct-03-01 02:32 PM, #4
      RE: custom cat-back question, Matt_95tgs, Oct-04-01 02:12 AM, #5
           RE: custom cat-back question, TeamXtremeRS, Oct-04-01 03:51 AM, #6
                RE: custom cat-back question, Matt_95tgs, Oct-04-01 08:11 AM, #7
                     RE: custom cat-back question, TeamXtremeRS, Oct-04-01 08:37 AM, #8
Venom 400 pcm [View all]charger71Oct-04-01 06:46 AM
by Michael_97RS
6563 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Venom 400 pcm, RxR_Eclipse, Oct-04-01 05:03 AM, #1
RE: Venom 400 pcm, 9D9 MITSU RS, Oct-04-01 05:03 AM, #2
RE: Venom 400 pcm, charger71, Oct-04-01 05:09 AM, #3
      RE: Venom 400 pcm, charger71, Oct-04-01 05:13 AM, #4
           RE: Venom 400 pcm, RxR_Eclipse, Oct-04-01 05:25 AM, #5
                RE: Venom 400 pcm, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-04-01 06:46 AM, #6
F**king idle... any ideas? [View all]tim97rsOct-04-01 04:08 AM
by RxR_Eclipse
18602 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, Amish_Eclipse, Oct-03-01 02:38 PM, #1
RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, koolade9, Oct-03-01 02:40 PM, #2
RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, koolade9, Oct-03-01 03:07 PM, #3
      RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, rsjourney95, Oct-03-01 03:18 PM, #4
           RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, koolade9, Oct-03-01 06:01 PM, #5
                RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, Teameclipse804, Oct-03-01 06:15 PM, #6
                     RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, XT_DSM, Oct-03-01 06:56 PM, #7
                          RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, Fast420A, Oct-03-01 07:31 PM, #8
                               RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, koolade9, Oct-03-01 08:09 PM, #9
                                    RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, whodatt1, Oct-04-01 01:05 AM, #10
RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, vector_racing, Oct-04-01 01:11 AM, #11
RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, dispenser, Oct-04-01 01:47 AM, #12
      RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, Matt_95tgs, Oct-04-01 02:03 AM, #14
RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, tim97rs, Oct-04-01 02:02 AM, #13
RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, brynden29, Oct-04-01 02:29 AM, #15
      RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-04-01 03:03 AM, #16
           RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, drbalazo7, Oct-04-01 03:14 AM, #17
                RE: F**king idle... any ideas?, RxR_Eclipse, Oct-04-01 04:08 AM, #18
ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T [View all]xhernandezOct-04-01 03:18 AM
by jZa
27542 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, RoboTechDSM, Sep-30-01 09:23 AM, #1
RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, king_mario10, Sep-30-01 09:58 AM, #2
      RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, Niclipse, Sep-30-01 10:57 AM, #3
      RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, TheEclipsedOne, Sep-30-01 11:00 AM, #4
      RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, PuRe RaGe, Sep-30-01 01:04 PM, #7
           RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, Fast420A, Sep-30-01 01:14 PM, #8
      RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, rabbi99, Sep-30-01 11:59 AM, #5
           RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, Teamdougie2, Sep-30-01 03:27 PM, #11
      RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, xhernandez, Sep-30-01 12:47 PM, #6
           RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Sep-30-01 02:36 PM, #9
                RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, Teameclipse804, Sep-30-01 02:52 PM, #10
                RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, xhernandez, Oct-01-01 11:38 AM, #12
                     RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, TheEclipsedOne, Oct-01-01 11:51 AM, #13
                          RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-01-01 12:03 PM, #14
                               RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, klipzracer, Oct-01-01 12:26 PM, #15
                               RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, jZa, Oct-01-01 01:56 PM, #16
                               RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, TheEclipsedOne, Oct-01-01 02:17 PM, #17
                                    RE: ATTN ANYONE THATS A/T, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-01-01 02:44 PM, #18
                               Hey xhernandez,, Fast420A, Oct-01-01 02:53 PM, #19
                                    RE: Hey xhernandez,, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-01-01 03:09 PM, #20
                                    RE: Hey xhernandez,, 9D9 MITSU RS, Oct-02-01 09:10 AM, #21
                                    RE: Hey xhernandez,, xhernandez, Oct-02-01 11:55 AM, #22
                                         THERE IS ALWAYS A DUMBASSSSS, geminisklipz, Oct-02-01 04:20 PM, #23
                                              RE: THERE IS ALWAYS A DUMBASSSSS, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-02-01 04:36 PM, #24
                                                   RE: THERE IS ALWAYS A DUMBASSSSS, geminisklipz, Oct-03-01 02:30 PM, #25
                                                        RE: THERE IS ALWAYS A DUMBASSSSS, phatGS, Oct-04-01 02:50 AM, #26
                                                             RE: THERE IS ALWAYS A DUMBASSSSS, jZa, Oct-04-01 03:18 AM, #27
AFX Instruction site... [View all]The1BillOct-02-01 06:33 AM
by Kory
1431 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AFX Instruction site..., Kory, Oct-02-01 06:33 AM, #1
Where can I order an AFX UDP? [View all]charger71Oct-02-01 03:31 AM
by charger71
3492 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Where can I order an AFX UDP?, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-02-01 03:00 AM, #1
RE: Where can I order an AFX UDP?, Teamdougie2, Oct-02-01 03:01 AM, #2
RE: Where can I order an AFX UDP?, charger71, Oct-02-01 03:31 AM, #3
UDP [View all]deuceSep-25-01 11:31 AM
4473 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: UDP, XT_DSM, Sep-25-01 10:58 AM, #1
RE: UDP, deuce, Sep-25-01 11:27 AM, #3
RE: UDP, deuce, Sep-25-01 11:17 AM, #2
RE: UDP, XT_DSM, Sep-25-01 11:31 AM, #4
EGR system removal (attn: PureRage) [View all]Super20GSep-24-01 03:35 PM
by Fast420A
11611 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: EGR system removal, RS_Guy, Sep-22-01 11:30 PM, #1
RE: EGR system removal, bloodyshin, Sep-23-01 02:42 AM, #2
      RE: EGR system removal, Super20G, Sep-23-01 06:58 AM, #3
           RE: EGR system removal, TeamMichael_97RS, Sep-24-01 02:21 AM, #4
                RE: EGR system removal, Grashper, Sep-24-01 04:15 AM, #5
                RE: EGR system removal, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Sep-24-01 04:18 AM, #6
                     RE: EGR system removal, Semperboost, Sep-24-01 06:26 AM, #7
                          RE: EGR system removal, 9D9 MITSU RS, Sep-24-01 08:15 AM, #8
                               RE: EGR system removal, PuRe RaGe, Sep-24-01 12:25 PM, #9
                               RE: EGR system removal, Super20G, Sep-24-01 02:40 PM, #10
                               RE: EGR system removal, Fast420A, Sep-24-01 03:35 PM, #11
any eclipse service manuals online? [View all]vicSep-17-01 11:41 AM
by KaptainKillgore
2858 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: any eclipse service manuals online?, hellhound, Sep-17-01 11:13 AM, #1
RE: any eclipse service manuals online?, KaptainKillgore (Guest), Sep-17-01 11:41 AM, #2
Where can i get an AFX underdrive pulley? [View all]eklipzSep-09-01 11:30 PM
by eklipz
4506 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Where can i get an AFX underdrive pulley?, iamnotwhoiam, Sep-08-01 12:47 AM, #1
RE: Where can i get an AFX underdrive pulley?, TeamStan2gnt, Sep-08-01 01:02 AM, #2
RE: Where can i get an AFX underdrive pulley?, tim97rs, Sep-08-01 04:05 AM, #3
RE: Where can i get an AFX underdrive pulley?, eklipz, Sep-09-01 11:30 PM, #4
ne1 have exhaust pics [View all]js99rsAug-31-01 02:03 AM
by FuSi0N
3264 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ne1 have exhaust pics, FuSi0N, Aug-30-01 12:33 PM, #1
RE: ne1 have exhaust pics, Grouchy, Aug-30-01 05:09 PM, #2
      RE: ne1 have exhaust pics, FuSi0N, Aug-31-01 02:03 AM, #3
Help!!!!!! Clutch GRINDING sound!!! [View all]RS_GuyAug-31-01 01:54 AM
by Michael_97RS
7266 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Help!!!!!! Clutch GRINDING sound!!!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Aug-29-01 10:14 AM, #1
RE: Help!!!!!! Clutch GRINDING sound!!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-30-01 02:33 AM, #2
      RE: Help!!!!!! Clutch GRINDING sound!!!, Fast420A, Aug-30-01 02:38 AM, #3
RE: Help!!!!!! Clutch GRINDING sound!!!, RS_Guy, Aug-30-01 08:51 AM, #4
RE: Help!!!!!! Clutch GRINDING sound!!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-30-01 08:56 AM, #5
      RE: Help!!!!!! Clutch GRINDING sound!!!, RS_Guy, Aug-30-01 10:30 AM, #6
           RE: Help!!!!!! Clutch GRINDING sound!!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-31-01 01:54 AM, #7
Speedo Stopped Working. [View all]SirLomaxAug-30-01 11:56 PM
by Nemisizz
1166 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Speedo Stopped Working., Nemisizz, Aug-30-01 11:56 PM, #1
Honest, does AEM bypass valve hurt performance? [View all]InspekdahAug-30-01 11:36 PM
by rpm97talon
2171 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Honest, does AEM bypass valve hurt performance?, weepul, Aug-30-01 05:18 PM, #1
RE: Honest, does AEM bypass valve hurt performance?, rpm97talon, Aug-30-01 11:36 PM, #2
Do Greddy Headers come with a CARB EO sticker? [View all]Teameclipse804Aug-30-01 11:28 PM
by mikeRSnos
2191 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Do Greddy Headers come with a CARB EO sticker?, Kory, Aug-30-01 02:55 PM, #1
RE: Do Greddy Headers come with a CARB EO sticker?, mikeRSnos, Aug-30-01 11:28 PM, #2
whats the big deal ??? [View all]95Talon (Guest)Aug-30-01 04:50 PM
by xtremeRS2B
6216 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: whats the big deal ???, vegasdsmr, Aug-30-01 11:36 AM, #1
RE: whats the big deal ???, 95Talon (Guest), Aug-30-01 12:20 PM, #2
      RE: whats the big deal ???, FuSi0N, Aug-30-01 03:44 PM, #3
           RE: whats the big deal ???, james, Aug-30-01 04:00 PM, #4
                RE: whats the big deal ???, SonicYan, Aug-30-01 04:16 PM, #5
RE: whats the big deal ???, xtremeRS2B, Aug-30-01 04:50 PM, #6
custom exhaust [View all]vegasdsmrAug-30-01 04:15 PM
by fungul
1166 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: custom exhaust, fungul, Aug-30-01 04:15 PM, #1
ngk spark plug wires [View all]aemDSMAug-30-01 02:06 PM
by Deze2g
1192 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ngk spark plug wires, Deze2g, Aug-30-01 02:06 PM, #1
ngk spark plug wires [View all]aemDSMAug-30-01 01:05 PM
1141 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ngk spark plug wires, OPCLIPSE96, Aug-30-01 01:05 PM, #1
exhaust question...thanks [View all]tim97rsAug-30-01 12:34 PM
by tim97rs
0132 ---
ngk spark plug wires [View all]aemDSMAug-30-01 05:46 AM
by aemDSM
0118 ---
Doorcap install (i know, i know) [View all]NiclipseAug-30-01 05:00 AM
by Niclipse
4189 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Doorcap install (i know, i know), Kory, Aug-28-01 04:55 AM, #1
RE: Doorcap install (i know, i know), 1TuffRS, Aug-29-01 07:16 AM, #2
      RE: Doorcap install (i know, i know), jZa, Aug-30-01 01:09 AM, #3
           RE: Doorcap install (i know, i know), Niclipse, Aug-30-01 05:00 AM, #4
RRE Catch Can [View all]TeamMichael_97RSAug-30-01 04:40 AM
by gsnt2g
1217 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: RRE Catch Can, gsnt2g, Aug-30-01 04:40 AM, #1
Is it bad to plug up PCV hose instead of breather? [View all]Teameclipse804Aug-30-01 04:30 AM
by eclipse804
4249 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Is it bad to plug up PCV hose instead of breather?, spaniard372, Aug-29-01 04:40 PM, #1
RE: Is it bad to plug up PCV hose instead of breather?, DSMLVR, Aug-29-01 09:17 PM, #2
RE: Is it bad to plug up PCV hose instead of breather?, TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-30-01 02:41 AM, #3
RE: Is it bad to plug up PCV hose instead of breather?, Teameclipse804, Aug-30-01 04:30 AM, #4
3.0 carivan tb and our cars?any info?anyone? [View all]hellhoundAug-30-01 04:13 AM
by slow99gs
2220 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 3.0 carivan tb and our cars?any info?anyone?, Fast420A, Aug-30-01 02:27 AM, #1
RE: 3.0 carivan tb and our cars?any info?anyone?, slow99gs (Guest), Aug-30-01 04:13 AM, #2
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