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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
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764 topics
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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
head rebuild [View all]98greengsOct-19-01 07:53 AM
by 98greengs
13340 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: head rebuild, Fast420A, Oct-16-01 06:15 AM, #1
RE: head rebuild, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-16-01 06:23 AM, #2
      RE: head rebuild, Teameclipse804, Oct-16-01 07:23 AM, #3
           RE: head rebuild, 98greengs, Oct-17-01 04:07 AM, #4
                RE: head rebuild, Super20G, Oct-17-01 04:42 AM, #5
                     RE: head rebuild, Fast420A, Oct-17-01 05:54 AM, #6
                          RE: head rebuild, 98greengs, Oct-18-01 06:25 AM, #7
                               RE: head rebuild, Fast420A, Oct-18-01 03:06 PM, #8
                                    RE: head rebuild, TeamMuRiX, Oct-18-01 10:38 PM, #9
                                         RE: head rebuild, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-19-01 04:08 AM, #10
                                              RE: head rebuild, 98greengs, Oct-19-01 06:48 AM, #11
                                                   RE: head rebuild, phatGS, Oct-19-01 06:59 AM, #12
                                                        RE: head rebuild, 98greengs, Oct-19-01 07:53 AM, #13
for an all motor eclipse [View all]PowerEclipsesOct-19-01 06:45 AM
by dougie2
13326 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: for an all motor eclipse, endless73, Oct-18-01 07:03 AM, #1
RE: for an all motor eclipse, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-18-01 07:30 AM, #2
RE: for an all motor eclipse, Teamdougie2, Oct-18-01 07:37 AM, #3
      RE: for an all motor eclipse, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-18-01 07:52 AM, #4
      RE: for an all motor eclipse, ModeratorVX100, Oct-18-01 09:58 AM, #5
           RE: for an all motor eclipse, Fast420A, Oct-18-01 07:47 PM, #6
           RE: for an all motor eclipse, TeamMuRiX, Oct-18-01 10:41 PM, #7
                RE: for an all motor eclipse, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-19-01 02:48 AM, #8
                RE: for an all motor eclipse, TeamMuRiX, Oct-19-01 05:20 AM, #9
                RE: for an all motor eclipse, PowerEclipses, Oct-19-01 05:22 AM, #10
                     RE: for an all motor eclipse, Grashper, Oct-19-01 05:33 AM, #11
                thanks Chris, ModeratorVX100, Oct-19-01 06:18 AM, #12
           RE: for an all motor eclipse, Teamdougie2, Oct-19-01 06:45 AM, #13
Airbox removal [View all]Solar (Guest)Oct-19-01 04:12 AM
by Michael_97RS
4273 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Airbox removal, TeamJeff_99gs, Oct-19-01 04:05 AM, #1
RE: Airbox removal, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-19-01 04:05 AM, #2
RE: Airbox removal, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-19-01 04:06 AM, #3
      RE: Airbox removal, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-19-01 04:12 AM, #4
PT Valvetrain Part Numbers for those needing them. . . [View all]Fast420AOct-19-01 03:52 AM
by Michael_97RS
5274 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: PT Valvetrain Part Numbers for those needing them. . ., Super20G, Oct-18-01 04:00 PM, #1
RE: PT Valvetrain Part Numbers for those needing them. . ., Fast420A, Oct-18-01 05:02 PM, #2
      RE: PT Valvetrain Part Numbers for those needing them. . ., Greg, Oct-19-01 01:21 AM, #3
           RE: PT Valvetrain Part Numbers for those needing them. . ., Super20G, Oct-19-01 03:05 AM, #4
                RE: PT Valvetrain Part Numbers for those needing them. . ., TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-19-01 03:52 AM, #5
O2 sensors... [View all]Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOneOct-18-01 11:56 PM
by KaptainKillgore
9296 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: O2 sensors..., KaptainKillgore (Guest), Oct-18-01 04:31 AM, #1
RE: O2 sensors..., Teameclipse804, Oct-18-01 05:34 AM, #2
      RE: O2 sensors..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-18-01 09:11 AM, #3
           doh and sh!t, KaptainKillgore (Guest), Oct-18-01 10:19 AM, #4
                Well.., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-18-01 02:13 PM, #5
                     RE: Well.., iamnotwhoiam, Oct-18-01 03:30 PM, #6
                     RE: Well.., Super20G, Oct-18-01 03:37 PM, #7
                     RE: Well.., Teameclipse804, Oct-18-01 03:43 PM, #8
                          RE: Well.., KaptainKillgore (Guest), Oct-18-01 11:56 PM, #9
Complete intake manifold w/ TB on the parts trader. . . [View all]Fast420AOct-18-01 06:22 PM
by Fast420A
0229 ---
tap tap tap tap [View all]Teamdougie2Oct-18-01 04:50 PM
by 96NOS_Eclipse
22707 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: tap tap tap tap, dsm1, Oct-17-01 09:55 AM, #1
RE: tap tap tap tap, RAIZIN, Oct-17-01 10:01 AM, #2
      RE: tap tap tap tap, klipzracer, Oct-17-01 10:06 AM, #3
      RE: tap tap tap tap, Teamdougie2, Oct-17-01 10:07 AM, #4
           RE: tap tap tap tap, speedracer21, Oct-17-01 11:55 AM, #5
                RE: tap tap tap tap, soldier101, Oct-17-01 11:57 AM, #6
                     RE: tap tap tap tap, PowerEclipses, Oct-17-01 12:18 PM, #7
                          RE: tap tap tap tap, 9D9 MITSU RS, Oct-17-01 12:24 PM, #8
                               RE: tap tap tap tap, PowerEclipses, Oct-17-01 12:48 PM, #9
                               RE: tap tap tap tap, Fast420A, Oct-17-01 03:32 PM, #10
                               RE: tap tap tap tap, Teamdougie2, Oct-17-01 05:29 PM, #11
                                    RE: tap tap tap tap, Fast420A, Oct-17-01 05:49 PM, #12
                                         RE: tap tap tap tap, Teamdougie2, Oct-18-01 02:45 AM, #13
                                              RE: tap tap tap tap, Strauss, Oct-18-01 04:56 AM, #14
                                                   RE: tap tap tap tap, Teamdougie2, Oct-18-01 07:00 AM, #15
                                                        RE: tap tap tap tap, CluckeRMC, Oct-18-01 07:22 AM, #16
                                                             RE: tap tap tap tap, Teamdougie2, Oct-18-01 07:33 AM, #17
                                                                  RE: tap tap tap tap, klipzracer, Oct-18-01 08:03 AM, #18
                                                                  RE: tap tap tap tap, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-18-01 08:26 AM, #19
                                                                       RE: tap tap tap tap, Fast420A, Oct-18-01 02:41 PM, #21
RE: tap tap tap tap, RS_Guy, Oct-18-01 08:39 AM, #20
RE: tap tap tap tap, Team96NOS_Eclipse, Oct-18-01 04:50 PM, #22
Custom Exhaust Installed Today! WOOHOO!!! [View all]Teamdougie2Oct-18-01 07:15 AM
by dougie2
0181 ---
Got my used cams.... [View all]Talon95StangOct-18-01 03:02 AM
by Talon95Stang
12320 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Got my used cams...., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-16-01 03:20 AM, #1
RE: Got my used cams...., TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-16-01 03:22 AM, #2
      RE: Got my used cams...., Fast420A, Oct-16-01 04:50 AM, #3
           RE: Got my used cams...., Talon95Stang, Oct-16-01 05:21 AM, #4
                RE: Got my used cams...., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-16-01 05:58 AM, #5
                     RE: Got my used cams...., Talon95Stang, Oct-16-01 05:36 PM, #6
                          RE: Got my used cams...., Fast420A, Oct-16-01 05:55 PM, #7
                               RE: Got my used cams...., Talon95Stang, Oct-16-01 06:14 PM, #8
                                    RE: Got my used cams...., Fast420A, Oct-16-01 07:19 PM, #9
                                         RE: Got my used cams...., Talon95Stang, Oct-17-01 07:29 PM, #10
                                              RE: Got my used cams...., Fast420A, Oct-17-01 07:55 PM, #11
                                                   RE: Got my used cams...., Talon95Stang, Oct-18-01 03:02 AM, #12
Need to shim my Cams [View all]Talon95StangOct-18-01 03:01 AM
by Talon95Stang
4236 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Need to shim my Cams, Fast420A, Oct-17-01 08:31 PM, #1
Lifters get the shimming, not the cams., Fast420A, Oct-17-01 08:37 PM, #2
RE: Need to shim my Cams, Fast420A, Oct-17-01 08:40 PM, #3
RE: Need to shim my Cams, Talon95Stang, Oct-18-01 03:01 AM, #4
Light weight flywheel??? [View all]Talon95StangOct-18-01 02:57 AM
by Talon95Stang
3217 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Light weight flywheel???, Fast420A, Oct-17-01 08:23 PM, #1
RE: Light weight flywheel???, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-18-01 01:57 AM, #2
      RE: Light weight flywheel???, Talon95Stang, Oct-18-01 02:57 AM, #3
O2 sensor ? about part #'s [View all]KirbyOct-18-01 01:06 AM
by Super20G
1182 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: O2 sensor ? about part #'s, Super20G, Oct-18-01 01:06 AM, #1
Spark plug wires [View all]Morgan21Oct-17-01 01:35 PM
by Corbin
1202 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Spark plug wires, ModeratorCorbin, Oct-17-01 01:35 PM, #1
spark plug gap [View all]john98gsOct-17-01 06:48 AM
by Marctronixx
3221 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: spark plug gap, 9D9 MITSU RS, Oct-17-01 04:13 AM, #1
RE: spark plug gap, KaptainKillgore (Guest), Oct-17-01 05:17 AM, #2
      .48, Marctronixx, Oct-17-01 06:48 AM, #3
help!!!!!!!!!!! alternator removal [View all]optimuspetersonOct-17-01 06:44 AM
by optimuspeterson
1227 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: help!!!!!!!!!!! alternator removal, optimuspeterson, Oct-17-01 06:44 AM, #1
Autometer Mechanical Oil Pressure Gauge Install (who has?) [View all]Super20GOct-17-01 03:16 AM
by Michael_97RS
3268 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Autometer Mechanical Oil Pressure Gauge Install (who has?), TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-17-01 02:30 AM, #1
RE: Autometer Mechanical Oil Pressure Gauge Install (who has?), Super20G, Oct-17-01 02:40 AM, #2
      RE: Autometer Mechanical Oil Pressure Gauge Install (who has?), TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-17-01 03:16 AM, #3
Is there really a venom intake [View all]JustOneOct-16-01 05:21 PM
by vegastoy
2163 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Is there really a venom intake, Fast420A, Oct-14-01 10:24 AM, #1
RE: Is there really a venom intake, vegastoy, Oct-16-01 05:21 PM, #2
corbin.... [View all]phatGSOct-16-01 02:23 PM
by Corbin
6220 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: corbin...., Fast420A, Oct-14-01 11:42 AM, #1
RE: corbin...., ModeratorCorbin, Oct-15-01 02:10 AM, #2
      questions then....., phatGS, Oct-15-01 05:15 PM, #3
           RE: questions then....., ModeratorCorbin, Oct-15-01 05:37 PM, #4
                RE: questions then....., phatGS, Oct-16-01 07:18 AM, #5
                     RE: questions then....., ModeratorCorbin, Oct-16-01 02:23 PM, #6
How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head? [View all]TeamMichael_97RSOct-16-01 02:16 PM
by Avenger EST with NOS
11302 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head?, Kory, Oct-15-01 10:39 AM, #1
RE: How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head?, grod101, Oct-15-01 12:12 PM, #2
RE: How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head?, Niclipse, Oct-15-01 12:12 PM, #3
RE: How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head?, Grashper, Oct-15-01 12:26 PM, #4
      RE: How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head?, Lotalon, Oct-15-01 01:51 PM, #5
           RE: How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head?, Fast420A, Oct-15-01 02:29 PM, #6
           RE: How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head?, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-16-01 02:07 AM, #7
                RE: How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head?, Fast420A, Oct-16-01 04:45 AM, #8
                     RE: How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head?, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-16-01 04:56 AM, #9
                          RE: How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head?, XT_DSM, Oct-16-01 10:47 AM, #10
           RE: How would you guys like Cams that fit into our head?, Avenger EST with NOS, Oct-16-01 02:16 PM, #11
Taking a Poll !!!!! Which pulley do you perfer??? [View all]grod101Oct-16-01 07:50 AM
by eclipse804
6240 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Taking a Poll !!!!! Which pulley do you perfer???, Super20G, Oct-16-01 02:22 AM, #1
RE: Taking a Poll !!!!! Which pulley do you perfer???, Super20G, Oct-16-01 02:23 AM, #2
RE: Taking a Poll !!!!! Which pulley do you perfer???, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-16-01 03:36 AM, #3
RE: Taking a Poll !!!!! Which pulley do you perfer???, 9D9 MITSU RS, Oct-16-01 06:37 AM, #4
      RE: Taking a Poll !!!!! Which pulley do you perfer???, PowerEclipses, Oct-16-01 07:37 AM, #5
           RE: Taking a Poll !!!!! Which pulley do you perfer???, Teameclipse804, Oct-16-01 07:50 AM, #6
cam sprockets [View all]jamesmanOct-16-01 05:52 AM
5251 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: cam sprockets, grod101, Oct-15-01 05:47 PM, #1
RE: cam sprockets, Fast420A, Oct-15-01 07:46 PM, #2
      RE: cam sprockets, Teameclipse804, Oct-15-01 08:28 PM, #3
           RE: cam sprockets, drbalazo7, Oct-16-01 02:11 AM, #4
                RE: cam sprockets, RAIZIN, Oct-16-01 05:52 AM, #5
Question on Bored throt. body??? [View all]grod101Oct-16-01 05:40 AM
by tim97rs
2252 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Question on Bored throt. body???, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-16-01 02:32 AM, #1
RE: Question on Bored throt. body???, tim97rs, Oct-16-01 05:40 AM, #2
E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking [View all]PyscodragonOct-16-01 05:37 AM
by 2xtreme
16392 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, Pyscodragon, Oct-14-01 11:23 AM, #1
RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, klipzracer, Oct-14-01 11:35 AM, #2
      RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, Fast420A, Oct-14-01 11:40 AM, #3
           RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, RxR_Eclipse, Oct-14-01 04:04 PM, #4
                RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, Pyscodragon, Oct-14-01 10:28 PM, #5
                RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, TeamStan2gnt, Oct-15-01 05:16 PM, #6
                RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, ModeratorCorbin, Oct-15-01 05:30 PM, #7
                     RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, TeamStan2gnt, Oct-15-01 08:45 PM, #8
                          RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, 2xtreme (Guest), Oct-15-01 10:30 PM, #9
                               RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, RxR_Eclipse, Oct-16-01 03:39 AM, #10
                                    RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-16-01 03:43 AM, #11
                                         RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, 2xtreme (Guest), Oct-16-01 03:46 AM, #12
                                              RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, EvMan2345, Oct-16-01 03:50 AM, #13
                                                   RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, RxR_Eclipse, Oct-16-01 04:17 AM, #14
                                                        RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, TeamJeff_99gs, Oct-16-01 05:18 AM, #15
                                                             RE: E-Ram YA I know watch your thinking, 2xtreme (Guest), Oct-16-01 05:37 AM, #16
AEM bypass valve placement [View all]PlayWithFireOct-16-01 04:23 AM
by DarkOne
20500 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AEM bypass valve placement, Niclipse, Oct-15-01 04:30 PM, #1
RE: AEM bypass valve placement, KaptainKillgore (Guest), Oct-15-01 11:57 PM, #2
      RE: AEM bypass valve placement, Ichiban, Oct-16-01 01:51 AM, #3
      RE: AEM bypass valve placement, TrishasTalon, Oct-16-01 02:45 AM, #5
RE: AEM bypass valve placement, PlayWithFire, Oct-16-01 02:40 AM, #4
RE: AEM bypass valve placement, brynden29, Oct-16-01 02:54 AM, #6
      ATTN TRISHA, KaptainKillgore (Guest), Oct-16-01 03:09 AM, #7
           RE: ATTN TRISHA, Kory, Oct-16-01 03:14 AM, #8
                RE: ATTN TRISHA, KaptainKillgore (Guest), Oct-16-01 03:24 AM, #9
                     RE: ATTN TRISHA, Kory, Oct-16-01 03:32 AM, #10
                          RE: ATTN TRISHA, TrishasTalon, Oct-16-01 03:46 AM, #11
                               RE: ATTN TRISHA, brynden29, Oct-16-01 03:53 AM, #12
                               RE: ATTN TRISHA, Kory, Oct-16-01 03:55 AM, #14
                               hey Kory, john98gs, Oct-16-01 03:58 AM, #15
                               RE: ATTN TRISHA, KaptainKillgore (Guest), Oct-16-01 03:54 AM, #13
                                    RE: ATTN TRISHA, Kory, Oct-16-01 04:04 AM, #16
                                    RE: ATTN TRISHA, LoudEclipse, Oct-16-01 04:06 AM, #17
                                         RE: ATTN TRISHA, LoudEclipse, Oct-16-01 04:12 AM, #18
                                              not hardly, KaptainKillgore (Guest), Oct-16-01 04:18 AM, #19
                                                   RE: not hardly, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-16-01 04:23 AM, #20
cold air intake [View all]Morgan21Oct-15-01 07:52 PM
by RxR_Eclipse
2216 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: cold air intake, grod101, Oct-15-01 02:50 PM, #1
RE: cold air intake, RxR_Eclipse, Oct-15-01 07:52 PM, #2
question on power steering and oil [View all]JourneyskiOct-15-01 05:15 PM
by grod101
5322 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: question on power steering and oil, EvMan2345, Oct-15-01 03:54 AM, #1
RE: question on power steering and oil, soldier101, Oct-15-01 03:56 AM, #2
      RE: question on power steering and oil, Journeyski, Oct-15-01 06:43 AM, #3
           RE: question on power steering and oil, Journeyski, Oct-15-01 04:18 PM, #4
                RE: question on power steering and oil, grod101, Oct-15-01 05:15 PM, #5
Are the Airmass headers CARB legal??? [View all]onefastgsOct-15-01 03:14 PM
by grod101
1365 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Are the Airmass headers CARB legal???, grod101, Oct-15-01 03:14 PM, #1
Stock exhaust piping [View all]KarlOct-15-01 10:20 AM
by Corbin
6301 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Stock exhaust piping, vegasdsmr, Oct-14-01 11:09 AM, #1
RE: Stock exhaust piping, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-14-01 12:03 PM, #2
RE: Stock exhaust piping, Fast420A, Oct-14-01 12:18 PM, #3
      RE: Stock exhaust piping, ModeratorCorbin, Oct-15-01 02:05 AM, #4
           RE: Stock exhaust piping, TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-15-01 02:15 AM, #5
                RE: Stock exhaust piping, ModeratorCorbin, Oct-15-01 10:20 AM, #6
where is my oil going? [View all]cyanOct-15-01 05:03 AM
by soldier101
8231 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: where is my oil going?, taloned_dog, Oct-13-01 11:16 AM, #1
RE: where is my oil going?, toykilla, Oct-13-01 11:20 AM, #2
RE: where is my oil going?, cyan, Oct-14-01 04:22 PM, #3
      RE: where is my oil going?, Strauss, Oct-15-01 01:31 AM, #4
           RE: where is my oil going?, speedracer21, Oct-15-01 02:30 AM, #5
                RE: where is my oil going?, soldier101, Oct-15-01 04:07 AM, #6
                     RE: where is my oil going?, iamnotwhoiam, Oct-15-01 04:53 AM, #7
                          RE: where is my oil going?, soldier101, Oct-15-01 05:03 AM, #8
So, the gst exost fits, so would...? [View all]JustOneOct-15-01 01:28 AM
by Strauss
5286 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: So, the gst exost fits, so would...?, koolade9, Oct-14-01 10:23 AM, #1
RE: So, the gst exost fits, so would...?, EvMan2345, Oct-14-01 10:43 AM, #2
      RE: So, the gst exost fits, so would...?, cyan, Oct-14-01 04:24 PM, #3
           RE: So, the gst exost fits, so would...?, koolade9, Oct-14-01 04:51 PM, #4
                RE: So, the gst exost fits, so would...?, Strauss, Oct-15-01 01:28 AM, #5
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