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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
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764 topics
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Need help with the AFX UDP install... [View all]TeamJeff_99gsNov-03-01 02:25 PM
by icedout
12356 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., Fast420A, Nov-02-01 12:52 PM, #1
RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., vegasdsmr, Nov-02-01 01:09 PM, #2
      RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., Fast420A, Nov-02-01 01:18 PM, #3
RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., tim97rs, Nov-02-01 02:41 PM, #4
RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., TeamJeff_99gs, Nov-02-01 05:58 PM, #5
      RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., George L, Nov-02-01 06:11 PM, #6
           RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., Fast420A, Nov-02-01 06:40 PM, #7
                RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., Team96NOS_Eclipse, Nov-03-01 09:34 AM, #8
                     RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., TeamMichael_97RS, Nov-03-01 10:04 AM, #9
                          RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., vegasdsmr, Nov-03-01 11:07 AM, #10
                               RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., George L, Nov-03-01 12:10 PM, #11
                                    RE: Need help with the AFX UDP install..., icedout, Nov-03-01 02:25 PM, #12
Clutch Going Out??????? [View all]Twobuf4uNov-03-01 12:57 PM
by Twobuf4u
4229 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Clutch Going Out???????, TeamJasonESi_T, Nov-03-01 09:45 AM, #1
RE: Clutch Going Out???????, VegasGSguy, Nov-03-01 11:21 AM, #2
RE: Clutch Going Out???????, Twobuf4u, Nov-03-01 12:57 PM, #4
Your clutch pedal might need adjustment, TeamDeanoD, Nov-03-01 12:56 PM, #3
afx tb [View all]mitseclpsNov-03-01 08:57 AM
by tim97rs
18293 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: afx tb, TeamMuRiX, Nov-01-01 05:28 AM, #1
RE: afx tb, TeamMichael_97RS, Nov-01-01 07:19 AM, #2
RE: afx tb, Grashper, Nov-01-01 07:20 AM, #3
      RE: afx tb, mitseclps, Nov-01-01 08:04 AM, #4
           RE: afx tb, mitseclps, Nov-01-01 08:21 AM, #5
                RE: afx tb, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Nov-01-01 08:26 AM, #6
                RE: afx tb, PowerEclipses, Nov-01-01 08:29 AM, #8
                RE: afx tb, Grashper, Nov-01-01 08:28 AM, #7
                     RE: afx tb, mitseclps, Nov-01-01 10:59 AM, #9
                          RE: afx tb, mitseclps, Nov-01-01 11:34 AM, #10
                               RE: afx tb, tim97rs, Nov-01-01 12:02 PM, #11
                                    RE: afx tb, mitseclps, Nov-01-01 01:59 PM, #12
                                         RE: afx tb, tim97rs, Nov-01-01 02:10 PM, #13
                                              RE: afx tb, Grashper, Nov-01-01 05:39 PM, #14
                                              RE: afx tb, Erik, Nov-02-01 01:29 AM, #15
                                              RE: afx tb, RyaN95i4, Nov-02-01 05:00 AM, #16
                                                   RE: afx tb, mitseclps, Nov-03-01 03:13 AM, #17
                                                        RE: afx tb, tim97rs, Nov-03-01 08:57 AM, #18
red battery lite comes on intermittently [View all]madregalNov-03-01 05:07 AM
by madregal
5172 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: red battery lite comes on intermittently, iamnotwhoiam, Oct-31-01 04:08 AM, #1
RE: red battery lite comes on intermittently, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-31-01 04:38 AM, #2
      RE: red battery lite comes on intermittently, vector_racing, Oct-31-01 07:00 AM, #3
           RE: red battery lite comes on intermittently, DAVE_FL (Guest), Oct-31-01 10:19 AM, #4
Thanks guys! it may be a loose cable., madregal, Nov-03-01 05:07 AM, #5
GST Muffler [View all]fauchpjNov-03-01 05:04 AM
by PowerEclipses
16326 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GST Muffler, 1TuffRS, Oct-30-01 12:57 PM, #1
RE: GST Muffler, 1TuffRS, Oct-30-01 12:59 PM, #2
RE: GST Muffler, 99GS, Oct-30-01 01:12 PM, #3
RE: GST Muffler, ModeratorVX100, Oct-30-01 01:14 PM, #4
RE: GST Muffler, Teameclipse804, Oct-30-01 01:56 PM, #5
      RE: GST Muffler, fauchpj, Oct-30-01 02:26 PM, #6
           RE: GST Muffler, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-30-01 02:30 PM, #7
                RE: GST Muffler, fauchpj, Oct-30-01 02:44 PM, #8
                RE: GST Muffler, 1TuffRS, Oct-30-01 02:48 PM, #9
                     RE: GST Muffler, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-30-01 03:57 PM, #10
                          RE: GST Muffler, Team96NOS_Eclipse, Oct-30-01 06:13 PM, #11
                               RE: GST Muffler, CJWalker, Oct-31-01 08:03 AM, #12
                                    RE: GST Muffler, TeamMichael_97RS, Nov-01-01 07:32 AM, #13
                                         RE: GST Muffler, Grashper, Nov-01-01 07:39 AM, #14
                                              RE: GST Muffler, TeamMichael_97RS, Nov-02-01 06:18 AM, #15
                                                   RE: GST Muffler, PowerEclipses, Nov-03-01 05:04 AM, #16
Fuel Pressure, Nitrous Pressure, and EGT Gauges [View all]Teamdougie2Nov-03-01 04:07 AM
by dougie2
2229 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Fuel Pressure, Nitrous Pressure, and EGT Gauges, thedawg, Nov-02-01 11:34 AM, #1
RE: Fuel Pressure, Nitrous Pressure, and EGT Gauges, Teamdougie2, Nov-03-01 04:07 AM, #2
Header Wrap for intake pipe [View all]Doug96GSNov-02-01 10:45 PM
by Stan2gnt
4192 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Header Wrap for intake pipe, fungul, Oct-31-01 08:14 PM, #1
RE: Header Wrap for intake pipe, TeamStan2gnt, Nov-01-01 12:39 AM, #2
RE: Header Wrap for intake pipe, Doug96GS, Nov-02-01 05:06 PM, #3
      RE: Header Wrap for intake pipe, TeamStan2gnt, Nov-02-01 10:45 PM, #4
bad smell after WOT [View all]mitsumanNov-02-01 07:49 PM
by mitsuman
4175 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: bad smell after WOT, mitsuman, Nov-02-01 01:28 PM, #1
RE: bad smell after WOT, Doug96GS, Nov-02-01 05:10 PM, #2
      RE: bad smell after WOT, George L, Nov-02-01 06:17 PM, #3
           RE: bad smell after WOT, mitsuman, Nov-02-01 07:49 PM, #4
Star Stage 1 questions.......making purchase asap [View all]TeamDeanoDNov-02-01 04:00 PM
by DeanoD
8241 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Star Stage 1 questions.......making purchase asap, klipzracer, Oct-31-01 01:50 PM, #1
RE: Star Stage 1 questions.......making purchase asap, eclipsekaiser, Oct-31-01 02:16 PM, #2
      what rpm will see full boost?, TeamDeanoD, Oct-31-01 02:20 PM, #3
           RE: what rpm will see full boost?, TeamJasonESi_T, Oct-31-01 04:37 PM, #4
                RE: what rpm will see full boost?, TeamStan2gnt, Nov-01-01 12:55 AM, #5
                I took your advice Stan, TeamDeanoD, Nov-02-01 04:00 PM, #8
                More..., TeamJasonESi_T, Nov-01-01 03:47 AM, #7
RE: Star Stage 1 questions.......making purchase asap, jZa, Nov-01-01 02:58 AM, #6
Head Project for Turbo [View all]grod101Nov-02-01 03:24 PM
by Fast420A
3181 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Head Project for Turbo, Fast420A, Nov-02-01 09:49 AM, #1
RE: Head Project for Turbo, icedout, Nov-02-01 01:57 PM, #2
      RE: Head Project for Turbo, Fast420A, Nov-02-01 03:24 PM, #3
Valve work and rebuild downtime [View all]CJWalkerNov-02-01 12:17 PM
by CJWalker
2193 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Valve work and rebuild downtime, vegasdsmr, Nov-02-01 12:09 PM, #1
RE: Valve work and rebuild downtime, CJWalker, Nov-02-01 12:17 PM, #2
Engine Servicing [View all]FuSi0NNov-02-01 12:04 PM
by FuSi0N
8323 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Engine Servicing, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Nov-01-01 09:16 AM, #1
RE: Engine Servicing, FuSi0N, Nov-01-01 09:38 AM, #2
      RE: Engine Servicing, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Nov-01-01 10:24 AM, #3
           RE: Engine Servicing, Danny95ESI, Nov-02-01 02:49 AM, #4
                RE: Engine Servicing, FuSi0N, Nov-02-01 03:43 AM, #5
                here's a list , it depends on what you do and use (long), ModeratorVX100, Nov-02-01 06:20 AM, #6
                     RE: here's a list , it depends on what you do and use (long), Danny95ESI, Nov-02-01 08:15 AM, #7
                          RE: here's a list , it depends on what you do and use (long), FuSi0N, Nov-02-01 12:04 PM, #8
Gst Exhaust for SALE [View all]pn0ymahalNov-02-01 11:35 AM
by pn0ymahal
0128 ---
Turbo Timer Question? [View all]davedNov-02-01 10:42 AM
by namelesseclipse
7213 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Turbo Timer Question?, klipzracer, Nov-01-01 02:11 PM, #1
RE: Turbo Timer Question?, eclipserider, Nov-01-01 02:14 PM, #2
      RE: Turbo Timer Question?, RyaN95i4, Nov-01-01 06:26 PM, #4
RE: Turbo Timer Question?, RyaN95i4, Nov-01-01 06:24 PM, #3
RE: Turbo Timer Question?, TeamDeezGst, Nov-02-01 07:00 AM, #5
      I think..., eclipsekaiser, Nov-02-01 07:54 AM, #6
           RE: I think..., namelesseclipse (Guest), Nov-02-01 10:42 AM, #7
bad idle [View all]Amish_EclipseNov-02-01 06:01 AM
by VX100
2163 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: bad idle, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Nov-02-01 05:39 AM, #1
RE: bad idle, ModeratorVX100, Nov-02-01 06:01 AM, #2
New moderator [View all]AdministratoradminNov-02-01 12:11 AM
by Stan2gnt
11255 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: New moderator, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Nov-01-01 05:48 AM, #1
RE: New moderator, TeamJasonESi_T, Nov-01-01 07:03 AM, #2
RE: New moderator, Grashper, Nov-01-01 07:16 AM, #3
RE: New moderator, TeamMichael_97RS, Nov-01-01 07:17 AM, #4
RE: New moderator, ModeratorVX100, Nov-01-01 07:25 AM, #5
      RE: New moderator, iamnotwhoiam, Nov-01-01 08:50 AM, #6
           RE: New moderator, Team96NOS_Eclipse, Nov-01-01 01:40 PM, #7
                RE: New moderator, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Nov-01-01 02:13 PM, #8
                     RE: New moderator, jZa, Nov-01-01 03:10 PM, #9
                          RE: New moderator, Fast420A, Nov-01-01 03:37 PM, #10
                               RE: New moderator, TeamStan2gnt, Nov-02-01 12:11 AM, #11
how do you blow an engine?? [View all]vegasdsmrNov-01-01 04:37 PM
by flossinpnoyracer
20463 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: how do you blow an engine??, klipzracer, Oct-31-01 09:16 AM, #1
RE: how do you blow an engine??, jZa, Oct-31-01 12:27 PM, #2
      RE: how do you blow an engine??, PowerEclipses, Oct-31-01 01:17 PM, #3
           RE: how do you blow an engine??, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Oct-31-01 01:30 PM, #4
                RE: how do you blow an engine??, daved, Oct-31-01 01:36 PM, #5
                     RE: how do you blow an engine??, TeamDeezGst, Oct-31-01 02:41 PM, #6
                          RE: how do you blow an engine??, Thunderous_Talon, Oct-31-01 02:48 PM, #7
                               RE: how do you blow an engine??, HadesOmega, Oct-31-01 03:38 PM, #8
                                    RE: how do you blow an engine??, Fast420A, Oct-31-01 04:22 PM, #9
                                         RE: how do you blow an engine??, mitsuman, Oct-31-01 05:01 PM, #10
                                              RE: how do you blow an engine??, Fast420A, Oct-31-01 05:34 PM, #11
                                                   RE: how do you blow an engine??, vegasdsmr, Oct-31-01 06:57 PM, #12
                                                        RE: how do you blow an engine??, Fast420A, Oct-31-01 07:01 PM, #13
                                                             RE: how do you blow an engine??, cyan, Nov-01-01 04:26 AM, #14
                                                                  RE: how do you blow an engine??, Irfan, Nov-01-01 05:22 AM, #15
                                                                       RE: how do you blow an engine??, mitsuman, Nov-01-01 05:37 AM, #16
                                                                            RE: how do you blow an engine??, Amish_Eclipse, Nov-01-01 06:08 AM, #17
                                                                                 RE: how do you blow an engine??, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Nov-01-01 06:09 AM, #18
                                                                                      RE: how do you blow an engine??, jZa, Nov-01-01 03:20 PM, #19
                                                                                           RE: how do you blow an engine??, flossinpnoyracer, Nov-01-01 04:37 PM, #20
compresion results [View all]optimuspetersonNov-01-01 02:15 PM
by Kaptain_Mike
2149 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: compresion results, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Nov-01-01 01:40 PM, #1
RE: compresion results, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Nov-01-01 02:15 PM, #2
Stage 1 BOV [View all]mrlocalpimpNov-01-01 11:43 AM
by klipzracer
6158 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Stage 1 BOV, Thunderous_Talon, Oct-31-01 02:03 PM, #1
RE: Stage 1 BOV, TeamJasonESi_T, Oct-31-01 04:39 PM, #2
RE: Stage 1 BOV, TeamStan2gnt, Nov-01-01 12:44 AM, #3
      RE: Stage 1 BOV, mrlocalpimp, Nov-01-01 07:48 AM, #4
           RE: Stage 1 BOV, TeamStan2gnt, Nov-01-01 11:10 AM, #5
                RE: Stage 1 BOV, klipzracer, Nov-01-01 11:43 AM, #6
NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!! [View all]JustOneNov-01-01 11:29 AM
by tim97rs
10220 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!!, iamnotwhoiam, Oct-30-01 01:00 PM, #1
RE: NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!!, Team96NOS_Eclipse, Oct-30-01 06:14 PM, #2
      RE: NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!!, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Oct-31-01 12:38 AM, #3
           RE: NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!!, mcgyvr, Oct-31-01 02:54 AM, #4
RE: NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!!, Erik, Oct-31-01 11:24 AM, #5
RE: NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!!, klipzracer, Oct-31-01 11:36 AM, #6
      RE: NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!!, mcgyvr, Nov-01-01 09:02 AM, #8
RE: NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!!, opie1, Nov-01-01 07:54 AM, #7
RE: NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!!, ModeratorCorbin, Nov-01-01 10:35 AM, #9
RE: NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!!, tim97rs, Nov-01-01 11:29 AM, #10
3" exhaust? [View all]koolade9Nov-01-01 08:51 AM
by DeezGst
6213 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 3" exhaust?, HadesOmega, Sep-04-01 11:57 AM, #1
RE: 3" exhaust?, vegastoy, Oct-30-01 08:27 PM, #2
      RE: 3" exhaust?, PowerEclipses, Oct-31-01 12:33 AM, #3
           RE: 3" exhaust?, Ichiban, Oct-31-01 04:15 AM, #4
                RE: 3" exhaust?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-31-01 04:37 AM, #5
                     RE: 3" exhaust?, TeamDeezGst, Nov-01-01 08:51 AM, #6
wratcheting noise in 1st and 2nd gear [View all]opie1Nov-01-01 08:30 AM
by klipzracer
1181 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: wratcheting noise in 1st and 2nd gear, klipzracer, Nov-01-01 08:30 AM, #1
new exhaust is on!!! [View all]whodatt1Nov-01-01 08:28 AM
by whodatt1
4186 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: new exhaust is on!!!, TeamJasonESi_T, Oct-31-01 02:16 AM, #1
RE: new exhaust is on!!!, whodatt1, Oct-31-01 02:36 AM, #2
RE: new exhaust is on!!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Nov-01-01 07:46 AM, #3
RE: new exhaust is on!!!, whodatt1, Nov-01-01 08:28 AM, #4
Help with some mods.! [View all]Twobuf4uNov-01-01 07:39 AM
by opie1
11212 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Help with some mods.!, soldier101, Oct-30-01 08:23 AM, #1
RE: Help with some mods.!, vegasdsmr, Oct-30-01 09:06 AM, #2
      RE: Help with some mods.!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-30-01 09:31 AM, #3
           RE: Help with some mods.!, mrlocalpimp, Oct-30-01 09:49 AM, #4
                RE: Help with some mods.!, mitsuman, Oct-30-01 10:49 AM, #5
                     RE: Help with some mods.!, Twobuf4u, Oct-30-01 11:10 AM, #6
                          RE: Help with some mods.!, mitsuman, Oct-30-01 11:58 AM, #7
                          RE: Help with some mods.!, Logic3, Oct-30-01 11:58 AM, #8
RE: Help with some mods.!, tim97rs, Oct-30-01 12:09 PM, #9
RE: Help with some mods.!, 99GS, Oct-31-01 01:10 AM, #10
      RE: Help with some mods.!, opie1, Nov-01-01 07:39 AM, #11
How long to cook??? [View all]JustOneNov-01-01 07:23 AM
by Michael_97RS
8169 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: How long to cook???, Team96NOS_Eclipse, Oct-30-01 06:08 PM, #1
RE: How long to cook???, grod101, Oct-31-01 05:45 AM, #2
      RE: How long to cook???, klipzracer, Oct-31-01 06:20 AM, #3
           RE: How long to cook???, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-31-01 06:57 AM, #4
                RE: How long to cook???, Grashper, Oct-31-01 07:25 AM, #5
                     RE: How long to cook???, Team96NOS_Eclipse, Oct-31-01 12:32 PM, #6
                          RE: How long to cook???, Eclipse550HP, Oct-31-01 01:31 PM, #7
RE: How long to cook???, TeamMichael_97RS, Nov-01-01 07:23 AM, #8
Hey 99GS... [View all]tim97rsNov-01-01 07:19 AM
by 99GS
1170 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Hey 99GS..., 99GS, Nov-01-01 07:19 AM, #1
Oil Leak! Help! [View all]leakytalonNov-01-01 05:37 AM
by Erik
6229 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Oil Leak! Help!, klipzracer, Oct-30-01 12:29 PM, #1
RE: Oil Leak! Help!, iamnotwhoiam, Oct-30-01 01:07 PM, #2
RE: Oil Leak! Help!, DSMLVR, Oct-30-01 10:43 PM, #3
      RE: Oil Leak! Help!, leakytalon, Oct-30-01 11:43 PM, #4
      RE: Oil Leak! Help!, fungul, Oct-31-01 09:27 PM, #5
      RE: Oil Leak! Help!, Erik, Nov-01-01 05:37 AM, #6
AF/X Pulley install............. [View all]grod101Oct-29-01 09:26 AM
by vegasdsmr
3465 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AF/X Pulley install............., vegasdsmr, Oct-29-01 09:15 AM, #1
RE: AF/X Pulley install............., grod101, Oct-29-01 09:23 AM, #2
      RE: AF/X Pulley install............., vegasdsmr, Oct-29-01 09:26 AM, #3
AFX UDP, any problems? [View all]GrashperOct-21-01 01:53 PM
by Grashper
13603 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, UFO, Oct-19-01 05:25 AM, #1
RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, brynden29, Oct-19-01 05:28 AM, #2
RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, Grashper, Oct-19-01 05:28 AM, #3
      RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, Grashper, Oct-19-01 05:30 AM, #4
      RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, brynden29, Oct-19-01 05:34 AM, #5
      RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, UFO, Oct-19-01 06:01 AM, #6
           RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, Grashper, Oct-19-01 09:32 AM, #7
                RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, lgeo120, Oct-19-01 03:19 PM, #8
                     RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, CVedEclipse, Oct-19-01 11:48 PM, #9
                          RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, koolade9, Oct-20-01 01:28 PM, #10
                               RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, Grashper, Oct-21-01 05:59 AM, #11
                                    RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, koolade9, Oct-21-01 10:23 AM, #12
                                         RE: AFX UDP, any problems?, Grashper, Oct-21-01 01:53 PM, #13
AEM bypass valve [View all]john98gsOct-19-01 05:02 PM
by Kory
6281 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AEM bypass valve, ___djtrixter___, Oct-19-01 10:04 AM, #1
hmmmmm me be quiet, KaptainKillgore (Guest), Oct-19-01 10:25 AM, #2
      RE: hmmmmm me be quiet, Kory, Oct-19-01 10:26 AM, #3
      RE: hmmmmm me be quiet, ___djtrixter___, Oct-19-01 10:33 AM, #4
           RE: hmmmmm me be quiet, 9D9 MITSU RS, Oct-19-01 04:07 PM, #5
                RE: hmmmmm me be quiet, Kory, Oct-19-01 05:02 PM, #6
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