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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
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6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
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by electrohead
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
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764 topics
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cold air intakes?? [View all]95eclipsegsnaMar-24-02 03:37 PM
by Twiste
18359 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: cold air intakes??, silverbullet, Mar-20-02 04:11 AM, #1
RE: cold air intakes??, fasterGS, Mar-20-02 04:11 AM, #2
RE: cold air intakes??, Moderatorxcasbonx, Mar-20-02 06:51 AM, #3
      RE: cold air intakes??, silverbullet, Mar-20-02 08:54 AM, #4
           RE: cold air intakes??, whodatt1, Mar-20-02 09:16 AM, #5
                RE: cold air intakes??, Twiste, Mar-24-02 03:35 PM, #17
RE: cold air intakes??, 973ECLIPSENJ, Mar-20-02 12:02 PM, #6
RE: cold air intakes??, rfpunch, Mar-20-02 01:05 PM, #7
      RE: cold air intakes??, damasta, Mar-20-02 01:57 PM, #8
           RE: cold air intakes??, Moderatorxcasbonx, Mar-20-02 02:34 PM, #9
                RE: cold air intakes??, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Mar-21-02 03:05 AM, #10
                     RE: cold air intakes??, Teameclipse804, Mar-21-02 03:23 AM, #11
                     RE: cold air intakes??, nappyjim, Mar-23-02 02:29 PM, #12
                          RE: cold air intakes??, bedlam32570, Mar-23-02 02:51 PM, #13
                               RE: cold air intakes??, IntenseEclipse, Mar-23-02 04:46 PM, #14
                                    RE: cold air intakes??, matty, Mar-24-02 01:25 AM, #15
                                         RE: cold air intakes??, eclipticrider, Mar-24-02 02:41 PM, #16
                     RE: cold air intakes??, Twiste, Mar-24-02 03:37 PM, #18
My car is still putting. Details inside [View all]fauchpjMar-24-02 03:37 PM
by Skillionaire
3138 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: My car is still putting. Details inside, Skillionaire, Mar-23-02 04:41 PM, #1
RE: My car is still putting. Details inside, fauchpj, Mar-23-02 04:51 PM, #2
      RE: My car is still putting. Details inside, Skillionaire, Mar-24-02 03:37 PM, #3
need help setting speed & tack guages [View all]Talon95StangMar-24-02 03:01 PM
by Talon95Stang
3187 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: need help setting speed & tack guages, Candude, Mar-23-02 08:11 PM, #1
RE: need help setting speed & tack guages, damasta, Mar-24-02 03:52 AM, #2
      RE: need help setting speed & tack guages, Talon95Stang, Mar-24-02 03:01 PM, #3
Greddy EVO exhaust [View all]97RSMar-24-02 02:56 PM
by 97RS
9172 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Greddy EVO exhaust, shuwa29, Mar-23-02 06:53 PM, #1
RE: Greddy EVO exhaust, mitsuman, Mar-23-02 07:02 PM, #2
      RE: Greddy EVO exhaust, SonicYan, Mar-23-02 07:39 PM, #3
           RE: Greddy EVO exhaust, IntenseEclipse, Mar-24-02 02:44 AM, #4
                RE: Greddy EVO exhaust, fasterGS, Mar-24-02 03:57 AM, #5
                     RE: Greddy EVO exhaust, xEclipsE RaceRx, Mar-24-02 05:44 AM, #6
                     RE: Greddy EVO exhaust, LunarEclipse, Mar-24-02 06:14 AM, #7
                     RE: Greddy EVO exhaust, EcLIpsInEmCEe7, Mar-24-02 08:35 AM, #8
                          RE: Greddy EVO exhaust, 97RS, Mar-24-02 02:56 PM, #9
tranny noise [View all]98eclipse_GSMar-24-02 01:10 PM
by 98eclipse_GS
9229 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: tranny noise, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 02:18 AM, #1
RE: tranny noise, skinny_one, Mar-22-02 03:03 PM, #2
      RE: tranny noise, 98eclipse_GS, Mar-23-02 10:45 AM, #3
           RE: tranny noise, 98eclipse_GS, Mar-23-02 10:48 AM, #4
                RE: tranny noise, skinny_one, Mar-23-02 06:12 PM, #5
                     RE: tranny noise, 98eclipse_GS, Mar-23-02 10:05 PM, #6
                          RE: tranny noise, skinny_one, Mar-24-02 07:08 AM, #7
                               RE: tranny noise, SaberKhan, Mar-24-02 12:43 PM, #8
                                    RE: tranny noise, 98eclipse_GS, Mar-24-02 01:10 PM, #9
where can i buy???????? [View all]qwad65Mar-24-02 12:27 PM
by eclipse804
1137 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: where can i buy????????, Teameclipse804, Mar-24-02 12:27 PM, #1
what would you or what have you done???????????? [View all]qwad65Mar-24-02 11:51 AM
by qwad65
0145 ---
tranny&oil cooler mounting? [View all]pn0ymahalMar-24-02 06:52 AM
2169 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: tranny&oil cooler mounting?, randy, Mar-23-02 07:58 PM, #1
RE: tranny&oil cooler mounting?, SHOGUN98RS, Mar-24-02 06:52 AM, #2
Best way to break in an engine? [View all]brynden29Mar-24-02 05:20 AM
by Breezio
10156 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Best way to break in an engine?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 06:33 AM, #1
RE: Best way to break in an engine?, Breezio, Mar-22-02 07:21 AM, #2
      RE: Best way to break in an engine?, Teameclipse804, Mar-22-02 09:41 PM, #3
           RE: Best way to break in an engine?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 11:01 PM, #4
           RE: Best way to break in an engine?, fly1, Mar-23-02 02:53 AM, #5
           RE: Best way to break in an engine?, Tytanfoxx, Mar-23-02 02:19 PM, #6
RE: Best way to break in an engine?, matty, Mar-24-02 01:32 AM, #7
RE: Best way to break in an engine?, fly1, Mar-24-02 02:48 AM, #8
      RE: Best way to break in an engine?, matty, Mar-24-02 03:30 AM, #9
           RE: Best way to break in an engine?, Breezio, Mar-24-02 05:20 AM, #10
phantom [View all]optimuspetersonMar-24-02 02:53 AM
by fly1
3145 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: phantom, babybeclipse, Mar-23-02 02:02 AM, #1
RE: phantom, Fast420A, Mar-23-02 02:12 AM, #2
      RE: phantom, fly1, Mar-24-02 02:53 AM, #3
the best of the best is what ???? [View all]qwad65Mar-23-02 12:16 PM
by sean
2130 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: the best of the best is what ????, TeamStan2gnt, Mar-23-02 11:22 AM, #1
RE: the best of the best is what ????, sean, Mar-23-02 12:16 PM, #2
Howell 10.5 comp kit [View all]DownAzzDSMMar-23-02 10:04 AM
by Grashper
1133 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Howell 10.5 comp kit, Grashper, Mar-23-02 10:04 AM, #1
Clutch going BAD?! [View all]ourformerselvesMar-23-02 05:36 AM
by IntenseEclipse
6123 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Clutch going BAD?!, Breezio, Mar-21-02 04:21 PM, #1
RE: Clutch going BAD?!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 02:19 AM, #2
      RE: Clutch going BAD?!, ourformerselves, Mar-22-02 06:47 PM, #3
           RE: Clutch going BAD?!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 08:07 PM, #4
                RE: Clutch going BAD?!, Breezio, Mar-23-02 05:34 AM, #5
                RE: Clutch going BAD?!, IntenseEclipse, Mar-23-02 05:36 AM, #6
is this normal or not? [View all]iamblazeMar-23-02 05:32 AM
by Breezio
4120 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: is this normal or not?, vegasdsmr, Mar-22-02 08:57 AM, #1
RE: is this normal or not?, EclipzeGamer, Mar-22-02 02:16 PM, #2
      RE: is this normal or not?, Eclipze97, Mar-22-02 07:06 PM, #3
           RE: is this normal or not?, Breezio, Mar-23-02 05:32 AM, #4
Stainless Steel Valves WTF????? [View all]pearlwhite2gntMar-23-02 02:06 AM
by pearlwhite2gnt
6179 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Stainless Steel Valves WTF?????, Fast420A, Mar-22-02 05:10 PM, #1
RE: Stainless Steel Valves WTF?????, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 05:18 PM, #2
RE: Stainless Steel Valves WTF?????, Teameclipse804, Mar-22-02 09:38 PM, #3
      RE: Stainless Steel Valves WTF?????, Fast420A, Mar-22-02 09:50 PM, #4
           RE: Stainless Steel Valves WTF?????, Teameclipse804, Mar-22-02 11:11 PM, #5
                RE: Stainless Steel Valves WTF?????, pearlwhite2gnt, Mar-23-02 02:06 AM, #6
cant get the bolt off help [View all]qwad65Mar-23-02 12:52 AM
by qwad65
4138 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: cant get the bolt off help, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 02:33 PM, #1
RE: cant get the bolt off help, qwad65, Mar-22-02 02:38 PM, #2
      RE: cant get the bolt off help, joshacu, Mar-22-02 03:10 PM, #3
           RE: cant get the bolt off help, qwad65, Mar-23-02 12:52 AM, #4
how the heck can you tell if your rings broke in correctly? [View all]jamesmanMar-22-02 08:10 PM
by DarkOne
8130 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: how the heck can you tell if your rings broke in correctly?, Breezio, Mar-22-02 07:22 AM, #1
RE: how the heck can you tell if your rings broke in correctly?, drbalazo7, Mar-22-02 07:32 AM, #2
      RE: how the heck can you tell if your rings broke in correctly?, jamesman, Mar-22-02 08:34 AM, #3
           RE: how the heck can you tell if your rings broke in correctly?, eclipsekaiser, Mar-22-02 09:06 AM, #4
           RE: how the heck can you tell if your rings broke in correctly?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 09:09 AM, #6
           RE: how the heck can you tell if your rings broke in correctly?, Avenger EST, Mar-22-02 09:07 AM, #5
                RE: how the heck can you tell if your rings broke in correctly?, jamesman, Mar-22-02 11:29 AM, #7
                     RE: how the heck can you tell if your rings broke in correctly?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 08:10 PM, #8
Aftermarket Crank [View all]mitsucar4Mar-22-02 11:51 AM
by Super20G
3143 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Aftermarket Crank, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 06:35 AM, #1
RE: Aftermarket Crank, mcgyvr, Mar-22-02 06:36 AM, #2
RE: Aftermarket Crank, Super20G, Mar-22-02 11:51 AM, #3
ATTN: Dave_FL..... Question about your test pipe..... [View all]jdeyoMar-22-02 11:50 AM
by jdeyo
2131 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ATTN: Dave_FL..... Question about your test pipe....., UNSpooled95GS, Mar-22-02 10:51 AM, #1
RE: ATTN: Dave_FL..... Question about your test pipe....., jdeyo, Mar-22-02 11:50 AM, #2
bored throttle body?? [View all]95eclipsegsnaMar-22-02 11:14 AM
by LunarEclipse
18364 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: bored throttle body??, vegasdsmr, Mar-22-02 03:17 AM, #1
RE: bored throttle body??, whodatt1, Mar-22-02 03:30 AM, #2
      RE: bored throttle body??, whodatt1, Mar-22-02 03:31 AM, #3
           RE: bored throttle body??, GorkoRacing, Mar-22-02 04:02 AM, #4
           RE: bored throttle body??, 95eclipsegsna, Mar-22-02 04:03 AM, #5
                RE: bored throttle body??, ourformerselves, Mar-22-02 04:26 AM, #6
RE: bored throttle body??, Titan, Mar-22-02 04:56 AM, #7
RE: bored throttle body??, proDMD, Mar-22-02 05:02 AM, #8
RE: bored throttle body??, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 05:04 AM, #9
      RE: bored throttle body??, Titan, Mar-22-02 05:29 AM, #10
           RE: bored throttle body??, kriot, Mar-22-02 06:51 AM, #11
                RE: bored throttle body??, bigbrent88, Mar-22-02 06:58 AM, #12
                     RE: bored throttle body??, LunarEclipse, Mar-22-02 08:37 AM, #13
                          RE: bored throttle body??, bigbrent88, Mar-22-02 08:45 AM, #14
                               RE: bored throttle body??, 95eclipsegsna, Mar-22-02 09:08 AM, #15
                                    RE: bored throttle body??, damasta, Mar-22-02 10:03 AM, #16
                                         RE: bored throttle body??, LunarEclipse, Mar-22-02 11:05 AM, #17
                                              RE: bored throttle body??, LunarEclipse, Mar-22-02 11:14 AM, #18
thicker head gasket for non turbo low compression... [View all]LunarEclipseMar-22-02 07:34 AM
by LunarEclipse
6196 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: thicker head gasket for non turbo low compression..., Blmet, Mar-21-02 06:19 AM, #1
RE: thicker head gasket for non turbo low compression..., TeamMichael_97RS, Mar-21-02 08:33 AM, #2
      RE: thicker head gasket for non turbo low compression..., ModeratorEvuLFleA, Mar-21-02 09:38 AM, #3
           RE: thicker head gasket for non turbo low compression..., TeamMichael_97RS, Mar-21-02 04:36 PM, #4
                RE: thicker head gasket for non turbo low compression..., daved, Mar-21-02 05:21 PM, #5
                     RE: thicker head gasket for non turbo low compression..., LunarEclipse, Mar-22-02 07:34 AM, #6
complete gasket set [View all]PROimportMar-22-02 07:33 AM
by speedracer21
1127 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: complete gasket set, speedracer21, Mar-22-02 07:33 AM, #1
Theory here... (black dissipating heat) [View all]damastaMar-22-02 07:02 AM
by bigbrent88
11242 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Theory here... (black dissipating heat), evan2, Mar-20-02 02:48 PM, #1
RE: Theory here... (black dissipating heat), silvreclipsers, Mar-20-02 02:49 PM, #2
RE: Theory here... (black dissipating heat), bigbrent88, Mar-20-02 03:01 PM, #3
      RE: Theory here... (black dissipating heat), TeamMichael_97RS, Mar-20-02 03:23 PM, #4
      RE: Theory here... (black dissipating heat), jkoston, Mar-20-02 03:25 PM, #5
           RE: Theory here... (black dissipating heat), ModeratorCorbin, Mar-20-02 06:13 PM, #6
                RE: Theory here... (black dissipating heat), damasta, Mar-21-02 02:18 PM, #7
                     RE: Theory here... (black dissipating heat), Amish_Eclipse, Mar-21-02 04:32 PM, #8
                          RE: Theory here... (black dissipating heat), ModeratorCorbin, Mar-22-02 04:14 AM, #9
RE: Theory here... (black dissipating heat), Titan, Mar-22-02 04:59 AM, #10
RE: Theory here... (black dissipating heat), bigbrent88, Mar-22-02 07:02 AM, #11
tranny won't shift and clutch feels weak HELP!!!!! [View all]robbainMar-22-02 06:59 AM
by DarkOne
1120 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: tranny won't shift and clutch feels weak HELP!!!!!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-22-02 06:59 AM, #1
any noticable gains in hp? [View all]qwad65Mar-22-02 05:32 AM
by joshacu
3125 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: any noticable gains in hp?, GorkoRacing, Mar-22-02 04:00 AM, #1
RE: any noticable gains in hp?, mcgyvr, Mar-22-02 04:01 AM, #2
RE: any noticable gains in hp?, joshacu, Mar-22-02 05:32 AM, #3
butterfly valve [View all]97GS ATMar-22-02 04:17 AM
by Corbin
1130 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: butterfly valve, ModeratorCorbin, Mar-22-02 04:17 AM, #1
how many motor mount are thier 3 or 4 and i need instructions on inserts and how to install them [View all]qwad65Mar-21-02 07:55 PM
by vegasdsmr
2136 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: how many motor mount are thier 3 or 4 and i need instructions on inserts and how to install them, fasterGS, Mar-21-02 07:24 PM, #1
RE: how many motor mount are thier 3 or 4 and i need instructions on inserts and how to install them, vegasdsmr, Mar-21-02 07:55 PM, #2
it might be ricey, but It may work................... [View all]HondaHater21Mar-21-02 07:53 PM
11384 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: it might be ricey, but It may work..................., Fast420A, Mar-20-02 05:42 PM, #1
RE: it might be ricey, but It may work..................., Avenger EST, Mar-20-02 06:01 PM, #2
RE: it might be ricey, but It may work..................., HadesOmega, Mar-20-02 06:24 PM, #3
RE: it might be ricey, but It may work..................., Niclipse, Mar-20-02 07:36 PM, #4
RE: it might be ricey, but It may work..................., Teameclipse804, Mar-20-02 07:54 PM, #5
      RE: it might be ricey, but It may work..................., Blmet, Mar-20-02 11:09 PM, #6
           RE: it might be ricey, but It may work..................., PettyCash, Mar-21-02 12:48 AM, #7
                RE: it might be ricey, but It may work..................., Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Mar-21-02 03:01 AM, #8
                     RE: it might be ricey, but It may work..................., PowerEclipses, Mar-21-02 01:44 PM, #9
                          RE: it might be ricey, but It may work..................., 9D9 MITSU RS, Mar-21-02 06:32 PM, #10
                               RE: it might be ricey, but It may work..................., ECLIPSE286, Mar-21-02 07:53 PM, #11
Sprk Plug Wire Resistance [View all]Doug96GSMar-21-02 06:27 PM
by vegasdsmr
1112 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Sprk Plug Wire Resistance, vegasdsmr, Mar-21-02 06:27 PM, #1
Anyone got a AEM Fuel Rail and Fuel Pres. Reg ?? [View all]eludeMar-21-02 04:42 PM
by elude
0114 ---
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