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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
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6170 messages
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
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764 topics
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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
AF/X vs. Unorthodox [View all]RazApr-08-01 07:34 AM
by Pinoy97GS
143066 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AF/X vs. Unorthodox, fly1, Apr-02-01 12:15 PM, #1
RE: AF/X vs. Unorthodox, klipzracer, Apr-02-01 12:52 PM, #2
Unorthodox..., Skrilla, Apr-02-01 12:55 PM, #3
      RE: Unorthodox..., TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-03-01 02:04 AM, #4
           RE: Unorthodox..., Raz, Apr-03-01 07:44 AM, #5
                RE: Unorthodox..., TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-03-01 08:10 AM, #6
                     Unorthodox..., Skrilla, Apr-03-01 08:30 AM, #7
                          RE: Unorthodox..., HadesOmega, Apr-03-01 08:08 PM, #8
                               RE: Unorthodox..., Pinoy97GS, Apr-04-01 01:31 AM, #9
                                    RE: Unorthodox..., TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-04-01 01:41 AM, #10
                                         RE: Unorthodox..., Pinoy97GS, Apr-08-01 07:34 AM, #14
RE: AF/X vs. Unorthodox, madregal, Apr-04-01 04:12 AM, #11
Howell dist. the AFX, Skrilla, Apr-04-01 05:26 AM, #12
      RE: Howell dist. the AFX, madregal, Apr-04-01 08:25 AM, #13
Big Brake swapping......??? [View all]dsm1Apr-08-01 03:13 AM
by DeanoD
61850 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Big Brake swapping......???, klipzracer, Apr-06-01 10:13 PM, #1
RE: Big Brake swapping......???, dsm1, Apr-07-01 04:29 AM, #2
      RE: Big Brake swapping......???, klipzracer, Apr-07-01 04:41 AM, #3
           RE: Big Brake swapping......???, Moderatorjuan, Apr-07-01 07:45 AM, #4
                Juan post yours, Skrilla, Apr-07-01 10:29 AM, #5
                     Ditto what Skrill said, TeamDeanoD, Apr-08-01 03:13 AM, #6
MSD DIS-2 Ignition [View all]GTAGRIPApr-08-01 01:49 AM
202778 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, 95ESi, Mar-29-01 05:25 AM, #1
RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, GTAGRIP, Mar-29-01 05:35 AM, #2
      RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, 95ESi, Mar-29-01 05:58 AM, #3
           RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, GTAGRIP, Mar-29-01 06:16 AM, #4
                RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, Lee, Mar-29-01 06:35 AM, #5
                     RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, MWC, Mar-29-01 08:17 AM, #6
                          RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, GTAGRIP, Mar-29-01 08:27 AM, #8
                               GTAGRIP, MWC, Mar-30-01 02:08 AM, #10
RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, TeamMichael_97RS, Mar-29-01 08:21 AM, #7
RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, Armond30, Mar-29-01 03:59 PM, #9
RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, Brent95clipse, Mar-30-01 08:29 AM, #11
      RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, GTAGRIP, Apr-01-01 02:07 AM, #12
           RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, MWC, Apr-01-01 03:09 AM, #13
                What he said:), Skrilla, Apr-01-01 09:59 AM, #14
                     RE: What he said:), GTAGRIP, Apr-01-01 11:38 PM, #15
                          RE: What he said:), GTAGRIP, Apr-01-01 11:56 PM, #16
                               RE: What he said:), MWC, Apr-02-01 02:05 AM, #17
RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, GTAGRIP, Apr-08-01 12:26 AM, #18
RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, The1Bill, Apr-08-01 01:05 AM, #19
      RE: MSD DIS-2 Ignition, GTAGRIP, Apr-08-01 01:49 AM, #20
Aftermarket Air Intake problem [View all]98EclipseGSApr-07-01 06:35 PM
by VxROxV
41448 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Aftermarket Air Intake problem, DSMLVR, Apr-05-01 10:39 PM, #1
RE: Here's what I did., TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-06-01 12:40 AM, #2
RE: Here's what I did., js99rs, Apr-06-01 05:46 AM, #3
      RE: Here's what I did., VxROxV, Apr-07-01 06:35 PM, #4
Does the AFX pulley drive the A/C? [View all]cyanApr-07-01 06:32 PM
by VxROxV
31228 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Does the AFX pulley drive the A/C?, ModeratorVX100, Apr-07-01 08:43 AM, #1
I agree..., Skrilla, Apr-07-01 10:45 AM, #2
      RE: I agree..., VxROxV, Apr-07-01 06:32 PM, #3
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!! [View all]bustrblue1Apr-07-01 04:55 PM
by bustrblue1
91801 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!, EvMan2345, Apr-05-01 06:57 AM, #1
RE: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!, bustrblue1, Apr-05-01 07:33 AM, #2
RE: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!, JustOne, Apr-05-01 07:39 AM, #3
      RE: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!, JustOne, Apr-05-01 07:50 AM, #4
           RE: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!, bustrblue1, Apr-05-01 08:56 AM, #5
                RE: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!, John99RS, Apr-05-01 09:07 AM, #6
                     RE: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!, bustrblue1, Apr-05-01 09:34 AM, #7
                          RE: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!, bustrblue1, Apr-07-01 04:55 PM, #9
Get the Starter checked 1st..., Skrilla, Apr-05-01 12:25 PM, #8
2G ESi Timing Belt [View all]robbainApr-07-01 11:39 AM
by CluckeRMC
41912 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 2G ESi Timing Belt, DSMLVR, Apr-05-01 10:44 PM, #1
RE: 2G ESi Timing Belt, CluckeRMC, Apr-06-01 10:05 AM, #2
      RE: 2G ESi Timing Belt, klipzracer, Apr-07-01 02:35 AM, #3
           RE: 2G ESi Timing Belt, CluckeRMC, Apr-07-01 11:39 AM, #4
Tranny fluid change!!!!! [View all]DAVE_FL (Guest)Apr-07-01 02:40 AM
by klipzracer
61646 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Tranny fluid change!!!!!, EvMan2345, Apr-05-01 02:54 PM, #1
RE: Tranny fluid change!!!!!, HadesOmega, Apr-05-01 05:36 PM, #2
      RE: Tranny fluid change!!!!!, CluckeRMC, Apr-05-01 06:57 PM, #3
RE: Tranny fluid change!!!!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-06-01 01:09 AM, #4
RE: Tranny fluid change!!!!!, js99rs, Apr-06-01 05:43 AM, #5
      RE: Tranny fluid change!!!!!, klipzracer, Apr-07-01 02:40 AM, #6
Engine swap 2 [View all]dsmdiabloApr-06-01 02:45 PM
by Skrilla
182455 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Engine swap 2, 99GSBBTurbo, Apr-03-01 09:58 AM, #1
RE: Engine swap 2, klipzracer, Apr-03-01 10:23 AM, #2
RE: Engine swap 2, dsmdiablo, Apr-03-01 01:24 PM, #3
RE: Engine swap 2, 99GSBBTurbo, Apr-03-01 01:48 PM, #4
      RE: Engine swap 2, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Apr-03-01 02:25 PM, #5
           RE: Engine swap 2, Kirby, Apr-04-01 02:55 AM, #6
RE: Engine swap 2, TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-04-01 04:37 AM, #7
RE: Engine swap 2, dsmdiablo, Apr-04-01 08:46 AM, #8
RE: Engine swap 2, Moderatorsd_eclipse, Apr-04-01 09:05 AM, #9
RE: Engine swap 2, mike_d, Apr-04-01 04:45 PM, #11
RE: Engine swap 2, TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-05-01 03:03 AM, #14
Yup..., Skrilla, Apr-04-01 04:20 PM, #10
      RE: Yup..., VxROxV, Apr-04-01 06:19 PM, #12
           RE: Yup..., klipzracer, Apr-04-01 11:40 PM, #13
                RE: Yup..., The1Bill, Apr-05-01 05:54 PM, #16
Cyclone, RAIZIN, Apr-05-01 04:16 AM, #15
RE: Cyclone, klipzracer, Apr-05-01 10:14 PM, #17
      Just pick up a 1G engine with the bigger head, Skrilla, Apr-06-01 02:45 PM, #18
what the hell have i done [View all]KirbyApr-06-01 08:54 AM
by HadesOmega
112708 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: what the hell have i done, 2GXTASY, Apr-04-01 03:02 AM, #1
RE: what the hell have i done, AvengerES97, Apr-04-01 05:06 AM, #2
WOW!, Skrilla, Apr-04-01 05:28 AM, #3
RE: WOW!, TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-04-01 05:54 AM, #4
      RE: WOW!, SaberKhan, Apr-04-01 10:47 AM, #5
           RE: WOW!, 99GSBBTurbo, Apr-04-01 12:21 PM, #6
           RE: WOW!, TeamStan2gnt, Apr-05-01 01:03 AM, #7
                RE: WOW!, TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-06-01 12:52 AM, #10
           RE: WOW!, HadesOmega, Apr-05-01 07:13 PM, #8
                RE: WOW!, XT_DSM, Apr-05-01 07:25 PM, #9
                     RE: WOW!, HadesOmega, Apr-06-01 08:54 AM, #11
Code 12 [View all]KahnApr-06-01 05:44 AM
by JasonESi_T
21469 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Code 12, SirLomax, Apr-06-01 04:09 AM, #1
RE: Code 12, TeamJasonESi_T, Apr-06-01 05:44 AM, #2
60K Tune up [View all]EclipseMGPApr-06-01 05:30 AM
by js99rs
21510 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 60K Tune up, TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-06-01 04:12 AM, #1
RE: 60K Tune up, js99rs, Apr-06-01 05:30 AM, #2
TPS or Eng. Temp. Sensor. BOTH? [View all]SirLomaxApr-06-01 03:54 AM
by SirLomax
21529 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: TPS or Eng. Temp. Sensor. BOTH?, TeamJasonESi_T, Apr-06-01 01:19 AM, #1
RE: TPS or Eng. Temp. Sensor. BOTH?, SirLomax, Apr-06-01 03:54 AM, #2
My intake backfires, what's up with that? [View all]HadesOmegaApr-05-01 06:36 PM
by HadesOmega
113785 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: My intake backfires, what's up with that?, HadesOmega, Apr-03-01 08:14 PM, #1
RE: My intake backfires, what's up with that?, DSMLVR, Apr-03-01 09:38 PM, #2
      RE: My intake backfires, what's up with that?, Kirby, Apr-04-01 02:43 AM, #3
           RE: My intake backfires, what's up with that?, HadesOmega, Apr-04-01 07:06 AM, #4
           RE: My intake backfires, what's up with that?, HadesOmega, Apr-04-01 07:07 AM, #5
           RE: My intake backfires, what's up with that?, HadesOmega, Apr-04-01 07:09 AM, #6
RE: My intake backfires, what's up with that?, DAVE_FL (Guest), Apr-05-01 01:28 PM, #7
RE: My intake backfires, what's up with that?, HadesOmega, Apr-05-01 05:57 PM, #10
RE: My intake backfires, what's up with that?, Skrilla, Apr-05-01 01:51 PM, #8
Are you sure its ur intake, 95dsm, Apr-05-01 05:45 PM, #9
      RE: Are you sure its ur intake, HadesOmega, Apr-05-01 06:36 PM, #11
ATTN: all 96-up talon esi's! [View all]Lar95sickApr-05-01 05:17 PM
by SaberKhan
41904 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ATTN: all 96-up talon esi's!, DAVE_FL (Guest), Apr-05-01 01:25 PM, #1
RE: ATTN: all 96-up talon esi's!, BoostnRS, Apr-05-01 04:21 PM, #2
RE: ATTN: all 96-up talon esi's!, HadesOmega, Apr-05-01 05:13 PM, #3
RE: ATTN: all 96-up talon esi's!, SaberKhan, Apr-05-01 05:17 PM, #4
Greddy Exhuast piping !! [View all]BoostnRSApr-05-01 04:07 PM
by BoostnRS
01200 ---
modular to a non modular clutch [View all]piloto465Apr-05-01 03:44 PM
by Stan2gnt
72050 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: modular to a non modular clutch, TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-04-01 01:39 AM, #1
Yeah I'd like to know too, Skrilla, Apr-04-01 05:29 AM, #2
RE: modular to a non modular clutch, fastdsm, Apr-04-01 07:40 AM, #3
RE: modular to a non modular clutch, TeamStan2gnt, Apr-05-01 12:51 AM, #5
      RE: modular to a non modular clutch, TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-05-01 03:12 AM, #6
           RE: modular to a non modular clutch, TeamStan2gnt, Apr-05-01 03:44 PM, #7
RE: modular to a non modular clutch, Patrick, Apr-04-01 07:45 AM, #4
For all of you guys with a header.... [View all]StraussApr-05-01 12:06 PM
by viper
51848 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: For all of you guys with a header...., 2GXTASY, Apr-05-01 02:38 AM, #1
RE: For all of you guys with a header...., gzrs99, Apr-05-01 11:25 AM, #4
RE: For all of you guys with a header...., magnus, Apr-05-01 04:04 AM, #2
RE: For all of you guys with a header...., ModeratorVX100, Apr-05-01 06:24 AM, #3
RE: For all of you guys with a header...., viper, Apr-05-01 12:06 PM, #5
can i use 2 head gaskets [View all]magnusApr-05-01 10:16 AM
by Skrilla
41886 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: can i use 2 head gaskets, 95ESi, Apr-05-01 04:36 AM, #1
RE: can i use 2 head gaskets, bustrblue1, Apr-05-01 06:10 AM, #2
      RE: can i use 2 head gaskets, mike_d, Apr-05-01 07:29 AM, #3
Don't Do It..., Skrilla, Apr-05-01 10:16 AM, #4
Aftermarket Tachometer [View all]2GXTASYApr-05-01 06:00 AM
by ECLiPSE56
51912 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Aftermarket Tachometer, 2GXTASY, Apr-05-01 03:37 AM, #1
RE: Aftermarket Tachometer, cyan, Apr-05-01 04:03 AM, #2
      RE: Aftermarket Tachometer, 2GXTASY, Apr-05-01 05:16 AM, #3
           RE: Aftermarket Tachometer, klipzracer, Apr-05-01 05:40 AM, #4
                RE: Aftermarket Tachometer, ECLiPSE56, Apr-05-01 06:00 AM, #5
.020 piston bore??? [View all]magnusApr-05-01 04:47 AM
by HRC
11657 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: .020 piston bore???, VendorHRC, Apr-05-01 04:47 AM, #1
tranny problem.. help?? :-( [View all]JunoonApr-05-01 01:17 AM
by Junoon
21776 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: tranny problem.. help?? :-(, VxROxV, Apr-04-01 06:23 PM, #1
RE: tranny problem.. help?? :-(, Junoon, Apr-05-01 01:17 AM, #2
I think it may be the transmission... [View all]2GNT NiclipseApr-05-01 12:12 AM
by 2GNT Niclipse
51859 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I think it may be the transmission..., John99RS, Apr-02-01 06:16 AM, #1
RE: I think it may be the transmission..., ModeratorEvuLFleA, Apr-02-01 06:40 AM, #2
      RE: I think it may be the transmission..., Talon, Apr-02-01 07:09 AM, #3
           RE: I think it may be the transmission..., 2GNT Niclipse, Apr-03-01 02:30 AM, #4
I took my car to the shop now...., 2GNT Niclipse, Apr-05-01 12:12 AM, #5
arp head bolts [View all]95ESiApr-04-01 05:05 PM
by MWC
21854 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: arp head bolts, 95ESi, Apr-04-01 09:29 AM, #1
no, but ther is a write up on the mod page, MWC, Apr-04-01 05:05 PM, #2
UDP install tips and suggestions.. [View all]JunoonApr-04-01 01:31 AM
by Michael_97RS
41872 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: UDP install tips and suggestions.., TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-03-01 01:44 AM, #1
RE: UDP install tips and suggestions.., Junoon, Apr-03-01 02:35 AM, #2
      RE: UDP install tips and suggestions.., Team96NOS_Eclipse, Apr-03-01 04:24 PM, #3
           RE: UDP install tips and suggestions.., TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-04-01 01:31 AM, #4
1G throttle body onto a 2g [View all]TalonApr-03-01 11:22 PM
by piloto465
112623 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 1G throttle body onto a 2g, XT_DSM, Mar-28-01 07:00 PM, #1
RE: 1G throttle body onto a 2g, TeamMuRiX, Mar-29-01 12:55 AM, #2
      RE: 1G throttle body onto a 2g, Talon, Mar-29-01 02:49 AM, #3
      RE: 1G throttle body onto a 2g, TeamMichael_97RS, Mar-29-01 02:56 AM, #4
           RE: 1G throttle body onto a 2g, piloto465, Apr-01-01 02:17 AM, #5
           RE: 1G throttle body onto a 2g, piloto465, Apr-01-01 02:20 AM, #6
                To my knowledge the Venom isn't out yet..., Skrilla, Apr-01-01 02:39 AM, #7
                     RE: To my knowledge the Venom isn't out yet..., RyaN95i4, Apr-01-01 10:58 AM, #8
                          RE: To my knowledge the Venom isn't out yet..., js99rs, Apr-01-01 03:04 PM, #9
                               RE: To my knowledge the Venom isn't out yet..., piloto465, Apr-02-01 12:35 AM, #10
                                    RE: To my knowledge the Venom isn't out yet..., piloto465, Apr-03-01 11:22 PM, #11
Where can I buy a used throttle body? [View all]piloto465Apr-03-01 06:12 PM
by j_mayfield
51768 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Where can I buy a used throttle body?, Lar95sick, Apr-03-01 07:19 AM, #1
RE: Where can I buy a used throttle body?, magnus, Apr-03-01 07:25 AM, #2
RE: Where can I buy a used throttle body?, TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-03-01 08:15 AM, #3
I ditto..., Skrilla, Apr-03-01 08:28 AM, #4
RE: Where can I buy a used throttle body?, j_mayfield, Apr-03-01 06:12 PM, #5
headers 4-2-1 vs 4-1 [View all]madregalApr-03-01 04:52 PM
by madregal
41942 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: headers 4-2-1 vs 4-1, John99RS, Apr-02-01 06:10 AM, #1
RE: headers 4-2-1 vs 4-1, TeamStan2gnt, Apr-02-01 09:07 AM, #2
RE: headers 4-2-1 vs 4-1, John99RS, Apr-02-01 10:24 AM, #3
RE: headers 4-2-1 vs 4-1, madregal, Apr-03-01 04:52 PM, #4
DSM CD Manual - Info on 420a [View all]Teameclipse804Mar-29-01 04:58 PM
by eclipse804
42084 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: DSM CD Manual - Info on 420a, DSMLVR, Mar-27-01 10:40 PM, #1
RE: DSM CD Manual - Info on 420a, TeamMuRiX, Mar-28-01 12:32 AM, #2
RE: DSM CD Manual - Info on 420a, 95ESi, Mar-29-01 12:23 PM, #3
RE: DSM CD Manual - Info on 420a, Teameclipse804, Mar-29-01 04:58 PM, #4
New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse......... [View all]LbcgearMar-01-01 07:12 AM
by SaberKhan
Replies to this topic:
RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., eclipse_gs, Feb-26-01 04:41 AM, #1
RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., SaberKhan, Feb-26-01 11:20 AM, #9
      RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., eclipse_gs, Feb-27-01 03:28 AM, #20
           RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., SaberKhan, Feb-27-01 04:59 AM, #21
                I don't consider those cars real hondas anyway, ModeratorVX100, Feb-27-01 05:33 AM, #22
                RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., eclipse_gs, Feb-27-01 05:50 AM, #23
                     RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., SaberKhan, Feb-27-01 07:14 AM, #24
                          RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., Moderatorjuan, Feb-27-01 07:53 AM, #25
                               RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., eclipse_gs, Feb-27-01 08:34 AM, #27
                               RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., Skrilla, Feb-27-01 11:12 AM, #28
RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., fly1, Feb-26-01 04:58 AM, #2
RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., Moderatorjuan, Feb-26-01 05:45 AM, #3
RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., Lbcgear, Feb-26-01 07:09 AM, #4
      RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., MWC, Feb-26-01 07:45 AM, #5
      RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., RyaN95i4, Feb-26-01 08:09 AM, #6
      RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., SaberKhan, Feb-26-01 11:15 AM, #8
           RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., Moderatorjuan, Feb-26-01 01:23 PM, #12
           RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., SaberKhan, Feb-26-01 04:56 PM, #15
           low MPH, ModeratorVX100, Feb-27-01 01:05 AM, #17
                RE: low MPH, SaberKhan, Feb-27-01 02:09 AM, #18
      RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., Team96NOS_Eclipse, Feb-26-01 04:26 PM, #14
Hell Ya..., Skrilla, Feb-26-01 11:12 AM, #7
RE: Hell Ya..., Irfan, Feb-26-01 11:21 AM, #10
      RE: Hell Ya..., TeamJasonESi_T, Feb-26-01 01:09 PM, #11
           RE: Hell Ya..., MWC, Feb-26-01 02:11 PM, #13
           RE: Hell Ya..., RyaN95i4, Feb-26-01 06:14 PM, #16
                RE: Hell Ya..., TeamJasonESi_T, Feb-27-01 02:39 AM, #19
                     RE: Hell Ya..., RyaN95i4, Feb-27-01 08:01 AM, #26
RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., endless73, Feb-27-01 12:00 PM, #29
RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., Ryan_RS, Feb-27-01 02:33 PM, #30
RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., SaberKhan, Feb-27-01 05:45 PM, #31
      RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., endless73, Feb-28-01 02:56 AM, #32
           RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., magnus, Feb-28-01 05:58 PM, #33
                RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., SaberKhan, Feb-28-01 06:09 PM, #34
                     most SIs I've seen also aren't in 15's, unless they have major work, ModeratorVX100, Mar-01-01 01:28 AM, #35
                     RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., endless73, Mar-01-01 05:19 AM, #36
                          RE: New Fastest Non-Turbo Eclipse........., SaberKhan, Mar-01-01 07:12 AM, #37
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