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Top 2GNT Technical Handling/Suspension topic #33700
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Subject: "RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down" This topic is locked.
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wolfspyderSep-10-12 09:07 PM
Member since Nov 14th 2011
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#33726, "RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down"
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IT'S the lower control arm 4sure...my made popping sounds off and on especially at stops at take-off, and also noticed it while driving slow turns as in parking situations. I let it go on for about 2 months, and then while parking at work, the whole front corner fell ontop of the tire. Lucky for me (a blessing from God), i wasn't on the street or godforbid the highway when it broke. It got towed to the shop and today i found out the tab is running me $386, which includes a 15mile tow charge.
Good Luck Silvreclips


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Front suspension clunk. Cant track down [View all] , SilvrEclips, Jun-20-12 11:08 AM
  RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, 2point4, Jun-20-12 11:59 AM, #1
RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, SilvrEclips, Jun-20-12 12:07 PM, #2
      RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, iamnotwhoiam, Jun-21-12 07:35 PM, #3
           RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, SilvrEclips, Jun-22-12 05:43 AM, #4
                RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, iamnotwhoiam, Jun-27-12 04:23 PM, #5
                     RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, SilvrEclips, Jun-28-12 05:31 AM, #6
                          RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, SilvrEclips, Jul-18-12 07:06 AM, #7
                               RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, 740 turbo brick, Jul-18-12 07:10 PM, #8
                                    RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, SilvrEclips, Jul-18-12 07:13 PM, #9
                                         RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, blindboarder_02, Jul-20-12 03:33 PM, #10
                                              RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, SilvrEclips, Jul-20-12 08:05 PM, #11
                                                   RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, electrohead, Jul-26-12 05:07 PM, #12
                                                        RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, freelancefool, Aug-11-12 06:09 AM, #13
                                                             RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, SilvrEclips, Aug-11-12 03:16 PM, #14
RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, wolfspyder, Sep-10-12 09:07 PM #15
RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Sep-28-12 07:03 AM, #16
      RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, SilvrEclips, Sep-28-12 11:33 AM, #17
           RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, freelancefool, Sep-28-12 02:33 PM, #18
                RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, SilvrEclips, Sep-28-12 03:16 PM, #19
                     RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, freelancefool, Sep-28-12 03:54 PM, #20
                          RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Sep-28-12 05:34 PM, #21
                               RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, SilvrEclips, Sep-30-12 07:19 PM, #22
                                    RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down, Administratoradmin4, Oct-01-12 06:42 AM, #23

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