#33718, "RE: Front suspension clunk. Cant track down" In response to In response to 9
I had a clunk in the front end that I found to be the bushings on the top of the struts.
I checked every ball joint, every bushing and every bolt. Still couldn't find it. One day I was outside and noticed a slight squeak when I would get out of the car. Put more weight on the car and couldnt' hear it. Drove down the road, hit a pot hole, *bang* heard it again.
Put the car up in the air, grabbed a block of wood and a long handled maul. Block on the ground, handle underneath the wheel and gave it a little leverage. You could see the whole suspension unit shift a ways. Took the load off of the front, dis-assembled the damper fork so I could get to the bushing at the top. It had cracked and was allowing metal on metal. Replaced the bushing, sound went away.
This was my noise, yours could be different, but it's worth inspecting.