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Team 2GNT encourages members to actually DO something with their cars. There's no point in building race car you never race, right? This forum is dedicated to those among us who make going fast with class more than just a catch phrase. NO STREET RACING. THIS IS REAL RACING.
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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
698 topics
6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
by electrohead
667 topics
4648 messages
Manual Trans - NV-T350
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
by 420agreenvilleSC
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All questions,comments and updates on Electronic Engine Management Controllers such as the DFI, SAFC, MegaSquirt, and 034 EIC extra Injector controller go here. Forum will be STRICTY MODERATED for mis-placed posts!
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
OBD2 app recommendat...
by VX100
764 topics
5809 messages
Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
We need to get someone to make. . . [View all]Fast420AJul-03-01 03:36 AM
by Michael_97RS
13866 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., klipzracer, Jun-19-01 02:13 PM, #1
RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., craigd887, Jun-19-01 02:37 PM, #2
      RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., mikee97gs, Jun-19-01 02:46 PM, #3
RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-19-01 03:31 PM, #4
RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., TeamAvenger, Jun-19-01 04:34 PM, #5
      RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-20-01 12:50 AM, #6
           RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., jcurcillo, Jul-02-01 02:18 AM, #7
                RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-02-01 02:32 AM, #8
                     RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., taloned_dog, Jul-02-01 01:22 PM, #9
                          RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., koolade9, Jul-02-01 02:56 PM, #10
                               RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-03-01 01:14 AM, #11
RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., MrClean125, Jul-03-01 02:25 AM, #12
RE: We need to get someone to make. . ., TeamMichael_97RS, Jul-03-01 03:36 AM, #13
Breather Fliters?????? [View all]Eclipse550HPJul-02-01 03:18 PM
by Eclipse550HP
4326 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Breather Fliters??????, talonboy, Jul-02-01 11:31 AM, #1
RE: Breather Fliters??????, Eclipse550HP, Jul-02-01 12:07 PM, #2
      RE: Breather Fliters??????, koolade9, Jul-02-01 03:02 PM, #3
           RE: Breather Fliters??????, Eclipse550HP, Jul-02-01 03:18 PM, #4
tisket a tasket… [View all]BrianJul-02-01 02:59 PM
by koolade9
4249 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: tisket a tasket…, solar1, Jul-02-01 07:16 AM, #1
RE: tisket a tasket…, Journeyski, Jul-02-01 09:05 AM, #2
RE: tisket a tasket…, randy, Jul-02-01 01:08 PM, #3
RE: tisket a tasket…, koolade9, Jul-02-01 02:59 PM, #4
thread pitch for oil filter [View all]95ESiJul-02-01 02:03 PM
by 95ESi
0171 ---
Clutch wont release [View all]Fla_GuyJul-02-01 12:07 PM
by Fla_Guy
3198 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Clutch wont release, Fla_Guy, Jul-01-01 03:24 PM, #1
sounds like the cylinders, ModeratorVX100, Jul-02-01 12:12 AM, #2
RE: Clutch wont release, Fla_Guy, Jul-02-01 12:07 PM, #3
Need Help [View all]Eclipse550HPJul-02-01 10:43 AM
by Eclipse550HP
0182 ---
FREAKING OVERHEATING!! [View all]bustrblue1Jul-02-01 08:09 AM
by solar1
8431 ---
Replies to this topic:
thermostat...., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jun-26-01 03:24 PM, #1
RE: thermostat...., bustrblue1, Jun-26-01 04:48 PM, #2
      RE: thermostat...., alexries, Jun-26-01 04:51 PM, #3
they are like $15 on average, Skrilla, Jun-26-01 05:55 PM, #4
RE: FREAKING OVERHEATING!!, Armond30, Jun-26-01 05:55 PM, #5
RE: FREAKING OVERHEATING!!, bustrblue1, Jun-27-01 08:32 AM, #6
      RE: FREAKING OVERHEATING!!, SOLAR, Jun-28-01 06:01 AM, #7
           RE: FREAKING OVERHEATING!!, solar1, Jul-02-01 08:09 AM, #8
auto how too's! can anyone answer this ? [View all]oRACLes_97rsJul-02-01 04:59 AM
by Talon
311221 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, TeamAvenger, Jun-27-01 05:12 AM, #1
RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jun-27-01 05:24 AM, #2
RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, oRACLes_97rs, Jun-27-01 06:14 AM, #3
RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, solar1, Jun-27-01 07:50 AM, #8
RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, Moderatorsd_eclipse, Jun-27-01 06:16 AM, #4
RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, MWC, Jun-27-01 06:29 AM, #5
RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, TeamAvenger, Jun-27-01 06:51 AM, #6
RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, Hoot, Jun-27-01 07:28 AM, #7
      RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, Talon, Jun-27-01 08:28 AM, #9
      RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, GSsport, Jun-27-01 09:42 AM, #10
      RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, Jen, Jun-27-01 09:49 AM, #12
      RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, Soniclipse, Jun-27-01 01:12 PM, #14
      RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, GSsport, Jun-27-01 09:45 AM, #11
           RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, Hoot, Jun-27-01 09:53 AM, #13
                RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jun-27-01 03:57 PM, #15
                     RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jun-27-01 03:59 PM, #16
                          RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, magnus, Jun-28-01 03:08 AM, #17
                               RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, Talon, Jun-28-01 04:23 AM, #18
                                    RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, oRACLes_97rs, Jun-28-01 05:09 AM, #19
                                    RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jun-28-01 05:31 AM, #20
                                    RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, 95ESi, Jun-28-01 05:38 AM, #21
                                    RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, GSsport, Jun-28-01 08:37 AM, #22
                                         RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, oRACLes_97rs, Jun-29-01 04:01 AM, #23
                                              RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, DSMLVR, Jun-29-01 10:14 PM, #24
                                                   RE: auto how too's! can anyone answer this ?, oRACLes_97rs, Jun-30-01 03:42 AM, #25
                                                        Okay - this is super long but read it., Kahn, Jun-30-01 04:03 AM, #26
                                                             RE: Okay - this is super long but read it., Brian, Jun-30-01 06:47 AM, #27
                                                                  RE: Okay - this is super long but read it., Talon, Jun-30-01 07:21 AM, #28
                                                                       RE: Okay - this is super long but read it., 9D9 MITSU RS, Jun-30-01 05:08 PM, #29
                                                                            RE: Okay - this is super long but read it., oRACLes_97rs, Jul-01-01 05:56 AM, #30
                                                                                 RE: Okay - this is super long but read it., Talon, Jul-02-01 04:59 AM, #31
Mitsu parts and tranny question [View all]sheldonJul-02-01 04:25 AM
by iamnotwhoiam
1240 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Mitsu parts and tranny question, iamnotwhoiam, Jul-02-01 04:25 AM, #1
Does anyone use obd2 scanners w/ laptops??? [View all]JustOneJul-02-01 04:21 AM
by Corbin
2229 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Does anyone use obd2 scanners w/ laptops???, ModeratorVX100, Jul-02-01 12:10 AM, #1
RE: Does anyone use obd2 scanners w/ laptops???, ModeratorCorbin, Jul-02-01 04:21 AM, #2
Got a problem with my clutch [View all]gearhead100Jul-02-01 12:16 AM
by iamnotwhoiam
5304 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Got a problem with my clutch, mikee97gs, Jul-01-01 12:47 PM, #1
RE: Got a problem with my clutch, gearhead100, Jul-01-01 02:09 PM, #2
RE: Got a problem with my clutch, Fast420A, Jul-01-01 02:30 PM, #3
      RE: Got a problem with my clutch, 99_GS, Jul-01-01 04:47 PM, #4
RE: Got a problem with my clutch, iamnotwhoiam, Jul-02-01 12:16 AM, #5
Finding new Ground increased my voltage, thus rpms at stop [View all]handsomeplzerJul-01-01 05:23 PM
by koolade9
2358 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Finding new Ground increased my voltage, thus rpms at stop, Kory, Jun-30-01 08:42 AM, #1
RE: Finding new Ground increased my voltage, thus rpms at stop, koolade9, Jul-01-01 05:23 PM, #2
50% or 35% reduction [View all]97eclipseRSJul-01-01 05:11 PM
by koolade9
3366 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 50% or 35% reduction, Kory, Jul-01-01 09:24 AM, #1
RE: 50% or 35% reduction, Skrilla, Jul-01-01 09:49 AM, #2
RE: 50% or 35% reduction, koolade9, Jul-01-01 05:11 PM, #3
power upgrade stages or turbo?? [View all]whouserJul-01-01 04:21 PM
by js99rs
4324 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: power upgrade stages or turbo??, js99rs, Jun-29-01 04:50 PM, #1
RE: power upgrade stages or turbo??, LunarEclipse, Jun-30-01 07:25 PM, #2
      RE: power upgrade stages or turbo??, hudy, Jul-01-01 04:09 PM, #3
           RE: power upgrade stages or turbo??, js99rs, Jul-01-01 04:21 PM, #4
Intake [View all]EclipseRyder333Jul-01-01 04:06 PM
by hudy
1221 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Intake, hudy, Jul-01-01 04:06 PM, #1
Ported intake manifold.....Where to get it done? [View all]Talon95StangJul-01-01 03:48 PM
by eclipse804
2261 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Ported intake manifold.....Where to get it done?, Niclipse, Jul-01-01 10:05 AM, #1
RE: Ported intake manifold.....Where to get it done?, Teameclipse804, Jul-01-01 03:48 PM, #2
Cylinder Head for Sale!! [View all]RAIZINJul-01-01 09:29 AM
Replies to this topic:
RE: Cylinder Head for Sale!!, RAIZIN, Jul-01-01 09:29 AM, #1
My problem better explained...HELP?? Please [View all]GSsportJul-01-01 07:52 AM
by GSsport
0204 ---
Got a problem with my clutch [View all]gearhead100Jul-01-01 06:57 AM
by gearhead100
0173 ---
my new car !!!! [View all]TalonJul-01-01 01:42 AM
by klipzracer
2385 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: my new car !!!!, bustrblue1, Jun-30-01 09:03 AM, #1
RE: my new car !!!!, klipzracer, Jul-01-01 01:42 AM, #2
Headers & tower bar [View all]dermottJun-30-01 08:19 PM
by Dame_Flamez
7430 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Headers & tower bar, Y2 e c l i p s e d, Jun-29-01 02:49 AM, #1
RE: Headers & tower bar, dermott, Jun-29-01 05:54 AM, #4
RE: Headers & tower bar, Black97GS, Jun-29-01 02:51 AM, #2
RE: Headers & tower bar, Fast420A, Jun-29-01 03:36 AM, #3
      RE: Headers & tower bar, js99rs, Jun-29-01 04:42 PM, #5
           RE: Headers & tower bar, LunarEclipse, Jun-30-01 07:29 PM, #6
                RE: Headers & tower bar, Dame_Flamez, Jun-30-01 08:19 PM, #7
What to Mod [View all]SlamminSubzJun-30-01 07:45 PM
by LunarEclipse
9719 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What to Mod, TeamDeezGst, Jun-27-01 07:35 AM, #1
RE: What to Mod, SlamminSubz, Jun-27-01 07:56 AM, #2
      RE: What to Mod, SEA97GS, Jun-27-01 08:16 AM, #3
           RE: What to Mod, SlamminSubz, Jun-27-01 11:11 AM, #4
                RE: What to Mod, DAVE_FL (Guest), Jun-27-01 02:10 PM, #5
                     RE: What to Mod, SlamminSubz, Jun-27-01 04:12 PM, #6
                          RE: What to Mod, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jun-27-01 04:20 PM, #7
                               RE: What to Mod, TeamDeezGst, Jun-27-01 05:21 PM, #8
                                    RE: How long will it last?, LunarEclipse, Jun-30-01 07:45 PM, #9
TPS or Vacume hose?? [View all]GSsportJun-30-01 06:29 PM
by rsjourney95
Replies to this topic:
RE: TPS or Vacume hose??, GSsport, Jun-30-01 06:21 PM, #1
RE: TPS or Vacume hose??, rsjourney95, Jun-30-01 06:29 PM, #2
Getting my Halitech Monday. :) [View all]PuRe RaGeJun-30-01 04:37 AM
by PuRe RaGe
0280 ---
AFX 56mm bored T/B ??????????? [View all]TalonJun-29-01 05:11 PM
by js99rs
18878 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, Talon, Jun-26-01 08:12 AM, #1
RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-26-01 08:16 AM, #2
      RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, FuSi0N, Jun-27-01 07:44 AM, #3
           RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, Talon, Jun-27-01 07:58 AM, #4
                RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-27-01 08:33 AM, #5
                     RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, TeamAvenger, Jun-27-01 08:58 AM, #6
                          RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, FuSi0N, Jun-27-01 09:03 AM, #7
                               RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, Y2 e c l i p s e d, Jun-27-01 09:37 AM, #8
                                    RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-27-01 04:02 PM, #9
                                         RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, Y2 e c l i p s e d, Jun-27-01 04:30 PM, #10
                                         RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, TeamAvenger, Jun-27-01 04:37 PM, #11
                                              RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, rsjourney95, Jun-28-01 01:28 AM, #12
                                                   RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-28-01 01:36 AM, #13
                                                        RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, tarascan79, Jun-28-01 04:56 PM, #14
                                                             RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, Talon, Jun-28-01 04:59 PM, #15
                                                                  RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, js99rs, Jun-28-01 05:19 PM, #16
                                                                       RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, rsjourney95, Jun-28-01 06:07 PM, #17
                                                                            RE: AFX 56mm bored T/B ???????????, js99rs, Jun-29-01 05:11 PM, #18
Throttle Body bored out.... [View all]Talon95StangJun-29-01 04:47 PM
by js99rs
2321 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Throttle Body bored out...., ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jun-29-01 04:23 PM, #1
RE: Throttle Body bored out...., js99rs, Jun-29-01 04:47 PM, #2
HEY AUTO'S [View all]oRACLes_97rsJun-29-01 03:03 PM
by oRACLes_97rs
3392 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HEY AUTO'S, Talon, Jun-29-01 11:20 AM, #1
RE: HEY AUTO'S, Teameclipse804, Jun-29-01 01:06 PM, #2
RE: HEY AUTO'S, oRACLes_97rs, Jun-29-01 03:03 PM, #3
cyclone [View all]RAIZINJun-29-01 01:22 PM
by killhonda666
6552 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: cyclone, TeamJeff_99gs, Jun-28-01 03:29 PM, #1
RE: cyclone, Nitrous_RS1997, Jun-28-01 04:41 PM, #2
      RE: cyclone, Black97GS, Jun-29-01 01:57 AM, #3
           RE: cyclone, RAIZIN, Jun-29-01 04:35 AM, #4
                RE: cyclone, Black97GS, Jun-29-01 07:30 AM, #5
RE: cyclone, killhonda666, Jun-29-01 01:22 PM, #6
phantom grip lsd...check this out ???? [View all]TalonJun-29-01 11:55 AM
by dudasd
10603 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: phantom grip lsd...check this out ????, HadesOmega, Jun-27-01 12:39 PM, #1
RE: phantom grip lsd...check this out ????, bustrblue1, Jun-27-01 01:36 PM, #2
Kaz doesn't make 1 for us...., Skrilla, Jun-28-01 08:40 AM, #6
RE: phantom grip lsd...check this out ????, Black97GS, Jun-29-01 02:54 AM, #8
RE: phantom grip lsd...check this out ????, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-27-01 04:07 PM, #3
RE: phantom grip lsd...check this out ????, alexries, Jun-27-01 04:11 PM, #4
      RE: phantom grip lsd...check this out ????, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-28-01 01:30 AM, #5
           RE: phantom grip lsd...check this out ????, Eric97GS, Jun-28-01 09:26 AM, #7
RE: phantom grip lsd...check this out ????, Black97GS, Jun-29-01 02:56 AM, #9
RE: phantom grip lsd...check this out ????, dudasd, Jun-29-01 11:55 AM, #10
MSD Tach Adapter??? [View all]GregJun-29-01 11:46 AM
by dudasd
5468 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: MSD Tach Adapter???, GTAGRIP, Jun-27-01 08:24 PM, #1
RE: MSD Tach Adapter???, VendorHRC, Jun-28-01 12:39 AM, #2
      RE: MSD Tach Adapter???, Irfan, Jun-28-01 12:45 PM, #3
      HRC quick question for you. . ., Fast420A, Jun-29-01 04:22 AM, #4
           RE: HRC quick question for you. . ., dudasd, Jun-29-01 11:46 AM, #5
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