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764 topics
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car idles bad at a stop whats up? [View all]pn0ymahalJan-18-02 11:27 AM
by Michael_97RS
11213 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: car idles bad at a stop whats up?, Fast420A, Jan-16-02 03:49 PM, #1
RE: car idles bad at a stop whats up?, pn0ymahal, Jan-16-02 05:14 PM, #2
      RE: car idles bad at a stop whats up?, vegasdsmr, Jan-16-02 05:56 PM, #3
           RE: car idles bad at a stop whats up?, pn0ymahal, Jan-17-02 04:27 AM, #4
                RE: car idles bad at a stop whats up?, Karl, Jan-17-02 04:36 AM, #5
                     RE: car idles bad at a stop whats up?, Teameclipse804, Jan-17-02 07:11 AM, #6
                          RE: car idles bad at a stop whats up?, pn0ymahal, Jan-17-02 11:30 AM, #7
                               RE: car idles bad at a stop whats up?, Teameclipse804, Jan-17-02 03:27 PM, #8
                                    RE: car idles bad at a stop whats up?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-17-02 04:25 PM, #9
                                         RE: car idles bad at a stop whats up?, pn0ymahal, Jan-18-02 04:18 AM, #10
                                              RE: car idles bad at a stop whats up?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-18-02 11:27 AM, #11
TrishasTalon (AT-MT swap) [View all]titos99rsJan-18-02 10:12 AM
by titos99rs
0135 ---
prob with my baby please help [View all]evan2Jan-18-02 05:41 AM
by drbalazo7
4170 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: prob with my baby please help, drbalazo7, Jan-18-02 05:24 AM, #1
RE: prob with my baby please help, evan2, Jan-18-02 05:30 AM, #2
      RE: prob with my baby please help, Eric97GS, Jan-18-02 05:35 AM, #3
      RE: prob with my baby please help, drbalazo7, Jan-18-02 05:41 AM, #4
(Help) Heating problems after I accelerate. [View all]onefastgsJan-18-02 04:15 AM
by SonicYan
8388 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: (Help) Heating problems after I accelerate., vegasdsmr, Jan-16-02 06:49 PM, #1
RE: (Help) Heating problems after I accelerate., onefastgs, Jan-16-02 07:33 PM, #2
      RE: (Help) Heating problems after I accelerate., vegasdsmr, Jan-16-02 07:40 PM, #3
           RE: (Help) Heating problems after I accelerate., iamnotwhoiam, Jan-17-02 01:43 AM, #4
                RE: (Help) Heating problems after I accelerate., onefastgs, Jan-17-02 04:38 PM, #5
                     RE: (Help) Heating problems after I accelerate., SonicYan, Jan-17-02 05:21 PM, #6
                          RE: (Help) Heating problems after I accelerate., onefastgs, Jan-17-02 05:59 PM, #7
                               RE: (Help) Heating problems after I accelerate., SonicYan, Jan-18-02 04:15 AM, #8
Crane Cams??? [View all]JustOneJan-18-02 03:26 AM
by Lotalon
3172 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Crane Cams???, JustOne, Jan-17-02 03:17 PM, #1
RE: Crane Cams???, Fast420A, Jan-17-02 03:27 PM, #2
      RE: Crane Cams???, Lotalon, Jan-18-02 03:26 AM, #3
so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back [View all]Amish_EclipseJan-18-02 01:43 AM
by Stan2gnt
14376 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, Doug96GS, Jan-11-02 03:02 PM, #1
RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, Amish_Eclipse, Jan-11-02 03:22 PM, #2
      RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-11-02 05:36 PM, #3
           RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, TeamStan2gnt, Jan-11-02 09:54 PM, #4
                RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, Amish_Eclipse, Jan-12-02 11:09 AM, #5
                     RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-12-02 11:36 AM, #6
                          RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, 1TuffRS, Jan-12-02 03:26 PM, #7
                               RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, Amish_Eclipse, Jan-14-02 03:25 PM, #8
                                    RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, CVedEclipse, Jan-14-02 05:00 PM, #9
                                         RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, js99rs, Jan-15-02 07:29 AM, #10
                                              RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, 1TuffRS, Jan-15-02 07:50 AM, #11
                                                   RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, js99rs, Jan-17-02 04:54 AM, #12
                                                        RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-17-02 07:02 AM, #13
                                                             RE: so i gotta 2.5 inch cat back, TeamStan2gnt, Jan-18-02 01:43 AM, #14
Flywheel [View all]bigbrent88Jan-17-02 04:41 PM
by Michael_97RS
4178 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Flywheel, Fast420A, Jan-16-02 05:43 PM, #1
RE: Flywheel, bigbrent88, Jan-16-02 05:47 PM, #2
      RE: Flywheel, Fast420A, Jan-16-02 05:59 PM, #3
           RE: Flywheel, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-17-02 04:41 PM, #4
Injen Intake Replacement Filter [View all]Mystic511Jan-17-02 04:35 PM
by Michael_97RS
6262 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Injen Intake Replacement Filter, Mystic511, Jan-16-02 02:29 AM, #1
RE: Injen Intake Replacement Filter, docrmarten, Jan-16-02 10:21 AM, #2
RE: Injen Intake Replacement Filter, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-16-02 11:30 AM, #3
      RE: Injen Intake Replacement Filter, vegasdsmr, Jan-16-02 06:58 PM, #4
           RE: Injen Intake Replacement Filter, Mystic511, Jan-17-02 12:57 AM, #5
                RE: Injen Intake Replacement Filter, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-17-02 04:35 PM, #6
loss power [View all]jb99eclipseJan-17-02 03:39 PM
by jb99eclipse
0116 ---
Why do aftermarket intakes make noise? [View all]fauchpjJan-17-02 02:56 PM
by Michael_97RS
10275 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Why do aftermarket intakes make noise?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-17-02 04:30 AM, #1
RE: Why do aftermarket intakes make noise?, jZa, Jan-17-02 04:31 AM, #2
RE: Why do aftermarket intakes make noise?, joshacu, Jan-17-02 05:13 AM, #3
      RE: Why do aftermarket intakes make noise?, iamnotwhoiam, Jan-17-02 05:37 AM, #4
      RE: Why do aftermarket intakes make noise?, Skeletor, Jan-17-02 05:42 AM, #5
      RE: Why do aftermarket intakes make noise?, 1TuffRS, Jan-17-02 07:16 AM, #6
           RE: Why do aftermarket intakes make noise?, Grashper, Jan-17-02 10:02 AM, #7
                RE: Why do aftermarket intakes make noise?, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Jan-17-02 11:11 AM, #8
                     RE: Why do aftermarket intakes make noise?, fauchpj, Jan-17-02 02:15 PM, #9
      RE: Why do aftermarket intakes make noise?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-17-02 02:56 PM, #10
Whats the best way to remove our engine.... [View all]speedracer21Jan-17-02 01:20 PM
by Kiku
7263 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Whats the best way to remove our engine...., Moderator992gnt, Jan-16-02 02:54 AM, #1
RE: Whats the best way to remove our engine...., TeamMuRiX, Jan-16-02 03:29 AM, #2
      RE: Whats the best way to remove our engine...., TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-16-02 03:40 PM, #3
           RE: Whats the best way to remove our engine...., ModeratorVX100, Jan-17-02 01:47 AM, #4
                RE: Whats the best way to remove our engine...., speedracer21, Jan-17-02 02:35 AM, #5
                     RE: Whats the best way to remove our engine...., Strauss, Jan-17-02 04:13 AM, #6
                          RE: Whats the best way to remove our engine...., Kiku, Jan-17-02 01:20 PM, #7
Air Intake Question.... [View all]98gseclipse00Jan-17-02 10:22 AM
by eclipse_96_rs
21634 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Air Intake Question...., optimuspeterson, Jan-12-02 01:07 PM, #1
RE: Air Intake Question...., 98gseclipse00, Jan-12-02 02:19 PM, #2
      RE: Air Intake Question...., Teameclipse804, Jan-12-02 02:27 PM, #3
           RE: Air Intake Question...., optimuspeterson, Jan-12-02 02:34 PM, #4
                RE: Air Intake Question...., 98gseclipse00, Jan-12-02 02:53 PM, #5
                     RE: Air Intake Question...., Doug96GS, Jan-13-02 03:39 AM, #6
                          RE: Air Intake Question...., PowerEclipses, Jan-13-02 06:45 AM, #7
                               RE: Air Intake Question...., Twobuf4u, Jan-13-02 06:52 AM, #8
                                    RE: Air Intake Question...., 98gseclipse00, Jan-14-02 12:42 PM, #9
                                         RE: Air Intake Question...., 99GS, Jan-14-02 01:33 PM, #10
                                              RE: Air Intake Question...., evan2, Jan-14-02 02:41 PM, #11
RE: Air Intake Question...., Skeletor, Jan-16-02 05:43 AM, #12
RE: Air Intake Question...., Fast420A, Jan-16-02 06:43 AM, #13
      RE: Air Intake Question...., Skeletor, Jan-16-02 06:54 AM, #14
           RE: Air Intake Question...., Fast420A, Jan-16-02 06:58 AM, #15
                RE: Air Intake Question...., Skeletor, Jan-16-02 07:06 AM, #16
                     RE: Air Intake Question...., Fast420A, Jan-16-02 07:12 AM, #17
                          RE: Air Intake Question...., Skeletor, Jan-16-02 08:02 AM, #18
                               RE: Air Intake Question...., 97_ESi, Jan-16-02 08:07 AM, #19
                                    RE: Air Intake Question...., Skeletor, Jan-16-02 08:19 AM, #20
RE: Air Intake Question...., eclipse_96_rs, Jan-17-02 10:22 AM, #21
Attn: 9D9 MitsuRS...Question about ur Glasspack! [View all]Danny95ESIJan-17-02 05:50 AM
by Danny95ESI
3147 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Attn: 9D9 MitsuRS...Question about ur Glasspack!, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-17-02 04:34 AM, #1
RE: Attn: 9D9 MitsuRS...Question about ur Glasspack!, FuSi0N, Jan-17-02 05:22 AM, #2
      RE: Attn: 9D9 MitsuRS...Question about ur Glasspack!, Danny95ESI, Jan-17-02 05:50 AM, #3
Blow off Valves [View all]peanut06Jan-17-02 05:33 AM
by peanut06
3184 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Blow off Valves, Fast420A, Jan-17-02 05:15 AM, #1
RE: Blow off Valves, JustOne, Jan-17-02 05:16 AM, #2
RE: Blow off Valves, peanut06, Jan-17-02 05:33 AM, #3
Under Drive Pulley [View all]GOOSEJan-17-02 02:34 AM
by SonicYan
2236 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Under Drive Pulley, 99GS, Jan-16-02 02:34 PM, #1
RE: Under Drive Pulley, SonicYan, Jan-17-02 02:34 AM, #2
ATTN: 99GS [View all]97_ESiJan-17-02 01:53 AM
by espilcEGS
131057 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ATTN: 99GS, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jan-16-02 09:42 AM, #1
RE: ATTN: 99GS, 97_ESi, Jan-16-02 09:58 AM, #2
      RE: ATTN: 99GS, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jan-16-02 10:14 AM, #3
           RE: ATTN: 99GS, 99GS, Jan-16-02 11:57 AM, #4
                RE: ATTN: 99GS, 97_ESi, Jan-16-02 01:02 PM, #5
                     RE: ATTN: 99GS, 97_ESi, Jan-16-02 02:03 PM, #6
                          RE: ATTN: 99GS, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jan-16-02 02:24 PM, #7
                               RE: ATTN: 99GS, 99GS, Jan-16-02 02:32 PM, #8
                                    RE: ATTN: 99GS, 97_ESi, Jan-16-02 03:02 PM, #9
                                         RE: ATTN: 99GS, 99GS, Jan-16-02 03:11 PM, #10
                                         RE: ATTN: 99GS, fauchpj, Jan-16-02 03:14 PM, #11
                                              RE: ATTN: 99GS, 99GS, Jan-16-02 03:22 PM, #12
                                         RE: ATTN: 99GS, espilcEGS, Jan-17-02 01:53 AM, #13
Auto Tranny Busted: Need Advice [View all]AntonJan-16-02 06:01 PM
by Anton
10285 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Auto Tranny Busted: Need Advice, Ryan_RS, Jan-15-02 02:57 PM, #1
RE: Auto Tranny Busted: Need Advice, The1Bill, Jan-15-02 04:05 PM, #2
      RE: Auto Tranny Busted: Need Advice, Eric97GS, Jan-15-02 04:19 PM, #3
           RE: Auto Tranny Busted: Need Advice, Teamdougie2, Jan-15-02 04:51 PM, #4
RE: Auto Tranny Busted: Need Advice, RyaN95i4, Jan-15-02 04:54 PM, #5
RE: Auto Tranny Busted: Need Advice, TeamAvenger, Jan-15-02 05:45 PM, #6
      RE: Auto Tranny Busted: Need Advice, Anton, Jan-15-02 06:19 PM, #7
           RE: Auto Tranny Busted: Need Advice, Teameclipse804, Jan-15-02 06:26 PM, #8
                RE: Auto Tranny Busted: Need Advice, TeamMuRiX, Jan-15-02 10:49 PM, #9
                RE: Auto Tranny Busted: Need Advice, Anton, Jan-16-02 06:01 PM, #10
unhooking exhaust [View all]mrlocalpimpJan-16-02 05:44 PM
by daved
6194 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: unhooking exhaust, 1TuffRS, Jan-12-02 03:29 PM, #1
RE: unhooking exhaust, thedawg, Jan-16-02 12:10 PM, #2
RE: unhooking exhaust, namelesseclipse (Guest), Jan-16-02 12:25 PM, #3
      RE: unhooking exhaust, Super20G, Jan-16-02 02:26 PM, #4
           RE: unhooking exhaust, Fast420A, Jan-16-02 03:53 PM, #5
                RE: unhooking exhaust, daved, Jan-16-02 05:44 PM, #6
Tanabe Racing Medallion Exhaust [View all]BlitZEclipseJan-16-02 04:58 PM
by aj
4185 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Tanabe Racing Medallion Exhaust, aj, Jan-15-02 07:28 PM, #1
RE: Tanabe Racing Medallion Exhaust, 1TuffRS, Jan-16-02 02:47 AM, #2
      RE: Tanabe Racing Medallion Exhaust, TeamMuRiX, Jan-16-02 03:33 AM, #3
           RE: Tanabe Racing Medallion Exhaust, aj, Jan-16-02 04:58 PM, #4
NT trannies compared to turbo gst tranny [View all]jwoodJan-16-02 03:48 PM
by Fast420A
2246 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: NT trannies compared to turbo gst tranny, FuSi0N, Jan-16-02 11:23 AM, #1
RE: NT trannies compared to turbo gst tranny, Fast420A, Jan-16-02 03:48 PM, #2
Spark plug oil? [View all]9D9 MITSU RSJan-16-02 09:16 AM
by Robinson
4194 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Spark plug oil?, 99GS, Jan-15-02 07:46 AM, #1
RE: Try this!, Robinson, Jan-15-02 07:48 AM, #2
RE: Try this!, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-15-02 08:25 AM, #3
      RE: Nope..., Robinson, Jan-16-02 09:16 AM, #4
Intake popping noise....Help!!! [View all]eclipzracerJan-16-02 06:39 AM
by Fast420A
9238 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Intake popping noise....Help!!!, neovb, Jan-15-02 04:53 AM, #1
RE: Intake popping noise....Help!!!, TeamJeff_99gs, Jan-15-02 05:16 AM, #2
      RE: Intake popping noise....Help!!!, Fast420A, Jan-15-02 05:37 AM, #3
           RE: Intake popping noise....Help!!!, eclipzracer, Jan-15-02 07:04 AM, #4
                RE: Intake popping noise....Help!!!, eclipzracer, Jan-16-02 05:44 AM, #5
                     RE: Intake popping noise....Help!!!, evan2, Jan-16-02 06:32 AM, #6
                     RE: Intake popping noise....Help!!!, daved, Jan-16-02 06:33 AM, #7
                          RE: Intake popping noise....Help!!!, eclipzracer, Jan-16-02 06:37 AM, #8
                          RE: Intake popping noise....Help!!!, Fast420A, Jan-16-02 06:39 AM, #9
need ideas for stuff made from titanium [View all]joshacuJan-16-02 05:43 AM
by Eric97GS
6259 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: need ideas for stuff made from titanium, vector_racing, Jan-16-02 01:58 AM, #1
RE: need ideas for stuff made from titanium, speedracer21, Jan-16-02 02:46 AM, #2
      RE: need ideas for stuff made from titanium, ModeratorVX100, Jan-16-02 03:49 AM, #3
           RE: need ideas for stuff made from titanium, Eric97GS, Jan-16-02 04:30 AM, #4
                RE: need ideas for stuff made from titanium, joshacu, Jan-16-02 05:19 AM, #5
                     RE: need ideas for stuff made from titanium, Eric97GS, Jan-16-02 05:43 AM, #6
New tranny [View all]omerc10696Jan-16-02 04:59 AM
by Eric97GS
1226 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: New tranny, Eric97GS, Jan-16-02 04:59 AM, #1
WTF Why is my ride leaning out? [View all]davedJan-16-02 02:52 AM
by speedracer21
1368 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTF Why is my ride leaning out?, speedracer21, Jan-16-02 02:52 AM, #1
exhaust rattle [View all]1TuffRSJan-16-02 12:38 AM
by 1TuffRS
4467 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: exhaust rattle, vegasdsmr, Jan-15-02 05:29 AM, #1
RE: exhaust rattle, 1TuffRS, Jan-15-02 07:17 AM, #2
      RE: exhaust rattle, vegasdsmr, Jan-15-02 06:02 PM, #3
           RE: exhaust rattle, 1TuffRS, Jan-16-02 12:38 AM, #4
Where to find driveline parts [View all]SaberKhanJan-15-02 10:57 PM
by MuRiX
7296 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Where to find driveline parts, Fast420A, Jan-15-02 04:07 AM, #1
RE: Where to find driveline parts, Moderator992gnt, Jan-15-02 04:29 AM, #2
      RE: Where to find driveline parts, TeamMuRiX, Jan-15-02 05:06 AM, #3
           RE: Where to find driveline parts, Fast420A, Jan-15-02 05:34 AM, #4
                RE: Where to find driveline parts, TeamMuRiX, Jan-15-02 06:02 AM, #5
                     RE: Where to find driveline parts, Moderator992gnt, Jan-15-02 08:03 AM, #6
                          RE: Where to find driveline parts, TeamMuRiX, Jan-15-02 10:57 PM, #7
Engine Build Up..Turbo Install..Help, Suggestions?? [View all]JonJan-15-02 10:34 PM
by Dave_FL
1140 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Engine Build Up..Turbo Install..Help, Suggestions??, Dave_FL, Jan-15-02 10:34 PM, #1
engine code [View all]neovbJan-15-02 08:32 PM
by vegasdsmr
1180 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: engine code, vegasdsmr, Jan-15-02 08:32 PM, #1
flow rates of -4 -6 -8 lines [View all]jamesmanJan-15-02 05:39 PM
by jamesman
0109 ---
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