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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
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6170 messages
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
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764 topics
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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
high flow cat and cam2 [View all]toykillaJan-13-02 11:49 AM
by Amish_Eclipse
1153 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: high flow cat and cam2, Amish_Eclipse, Jan-13-02 11:49 AM, #1
Greddy SP Verse Greddy EVO [View all]xEclipsE RaceRxJan-13-02 11:45 AM
by Amish_Eclipse
5205 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Greddy SP Verse Greddy EVO, CVedEclipse, Jan-13-02 12:25 AM, #1
RE: Greddy SP Verse Greddy EVO, Danny95ESI, Jan-13-02 05:05 AM, #2
      RE: Greddy SP Verse Greddy EVO, kraiz, Jan-13-02 07:51 AM, #3
           RE: Greddy SP Verse Greddy EVO, mitseclps, Jan-13-02 10:14 AM, #4
                RE: Greddy SP Verse Greddy EVO, Amish_Eclipse, Jan-13-02 11:45 AM, #5
more tie rod install help [View all]Amish_EclipseJan-13-02 11:41 AM
by Amish_Eclipse
0123 ---
clutch install help [View all]Amish_EclipseJan-13-02 11:40 AM
by Amish_Eclipse
0119 ---
I can smell the gas around the fuel tank cab... [View all]helldiversJan-13-02 11:22 AM
by Amish_Eclipse
1145 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I can smell the gas around the fuel tank cab..., Amish_Eclipse, Jan-13-02 11:22 AM, #1
HELP!!!! (clutch related!!!) [View all]CVedEclipseJan-13-02 12:22 AM
by CVedEclipse
4161 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HELP!!!! (clutch related!!!), vegasdsmr, Jan-12-02 04:56 PM, #1
RE: HELP!!!! (clutch related!!!), CVedEclipse, Jan-12-02 05:26 PM, #2
      RE: HELP!!!! (clutch related!!!), vegasdsmr, Jan-12-02 09:33 PM, #3
           RE: HELP!!!! (clutch related!!!), CVedEclipse, Jan-13-02 12:22 AM, #4
A/F gauge parts [View all]ErikJan-12-02 12:46 PM
by Corbin
7218 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: A/F gauge parts, Fast420A, Jan-10-02 12:36 PM, #1
RE: A/F gauge parts, xzolian, Jan-10-02 12:50 PM, #2
      RE: A/F gauge parts, Fast420A, Jan-10-02 01:00 PM, #3
           RE: A/F gauge parts, xzolian, Jan-10-02 02:40 PM, #4
                RE: A/F gauge parts, ModeratorCorbin, Jan-11-02 06:09 AM, #5
                     RE: A/F gauge parts, xzolian, Jan-11-02 12:31 PM, #6
                          RE: A/F gauge parts, ModeratorCorbin, Jan-12-02 12:46 PM, #7
tool for t/b sensors [View all]vegasdsmrJan-12-02 12:34 PM
by vegasdsmr
3213 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: tool for t/b sensors, randy, Jan-10-02 07:40 PM, #1
RE: tool for t/b sensors, CVedEclipse, Jan-12-02 01:49 AM, #2
      RE: tool for t/b sensors, vegasdsmr, Jan-12-02 12:34 PM, #3
Air Intake [View all]98gseclipse00Jan-12-02 12:30 PM
by vegasdsmr
1207 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Air Intake, vegasdsmr, Jan-12-02 12:30 PM, #1
venom intake manifold and fuel rail review. [View all]Avenger ESTJan-12-02 09:38 AM
by EvuLFleA
2331 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: venom intake manifold and fuel rail review., Fast420A, Jan-12-02 09:35 AM, #1
RE: venom intake manifold and fuel rail review., ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jan-12-02 09:38 AM, #2
pics of stuff from valve cover gasket kit [View all]evan2Jan-12-02 08:13 AM
by jZa
7271 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: pics of stuff from valve cover gasket kit, RyaN95i4, Jan-10-02 06:53 AM, #1
RE: pics of stuff from valve cover gasket kit, evan2, Jan-10-02 07:10 AM, #2
      RE: pics of stuff from valve cover gasket kit, VxROxV, Jan-11-02 03:47 PM, #3
           RE: pics of stuff from valve cover gasket kit, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-11-02 05:31 PM, #4
                RE: pics of stuff from valve cover gasket kit, LunarEclipse, Jan-11-02 07:17 PM, #5
                     RE: pics of stuff from valve cover gasket kit, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Jan-11-02 08:17 PM, #6
                          RE: pics of stuff from valve cover gasket kit, jZa, Jan-12-02 08:13 AM, #7
Poor idle and hesitation at low RPMs [View all]fungulJan-12-02 08:11 AM
by fungul
3176 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Poor idle and hesitation at low RPMs, Teameclipse804, Jan-10-02 10:14 PM, #1
RE: Poor idle and hesitation at low RPMs, evan2, Jan-11-02 01:39 AM, #2
      RE: Poor idle and hesitation at low RPMs, fungul, Jan-12-02 08:11 AM, #3
fuel pumps for NA? [View all]Kaptain_Mike (Guest)Jan-11-02 09:18 PM
by DarkOne
7294 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: fuel pumps for NA?, fly1, Jan-11-02 04:38 AM, #1
RE: fuel pumps for NA?, ModeratorCorbin, Jan-11-02 05:49 AM, #2
      RE: fuel pumps for NA?, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Jan-11-02 07:25 AM, #3
           RE: fuel pumps for NA?, TeamJasonESi_T, Jan-11-02 08:56 AM, #4
                RE: fuel pumps for NA?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jan-11-02 09:09 AM, #5
                     Supra Fuel Pump, TeamJasonESi_T, Jan-11-02 04:48 PM, #6
                          RE: Supra Fuel Pump, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jan-11-02 09:18 PM, #7
prob with my auto tranny it sticks [View all]evan2Jan-11-02 05:33 PM
11248 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: prob with my auto tranny it sticks, SunBlocker, Jan-09-02 04:59 AM, #1
RE: prob with my auto tranny it sticks, TeamAvenger, Jan-09-02 07:13 AM, #2
      RE: prob with my auto tranny it sticks, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jan-09-02 08:04 AM, #3
           RE: prob with my auto tranny it sticks, evan2, Jan-09-02 08:08 AM, #4
                RE: prob with my auto tranny it sticks, TeamAvenger, Jan-09-02 08:14 AM, #5
                     RE: prob with my auto tranny it sticks, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jan-09-02 09:15 AM, #6
                          RE: prob with my auto tranny it sticks, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-09-02 10:25 AM, #7
                               RE: prob with my auto tranny it sticks, evan2, Jan-09-02 11:26 AM, #8
                               RE: prob with my auto tranny it sticks, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-09-02 02:03 PM, #9
                               RE: prob with my auto tranny it sticks, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Jan-11-02 03:32 PM, #10
                                    RE: prob with my auto tranny it sticks, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-11-02 05:33 PM, #11
Air Fuel Readings.... Say huh? [View all]Super20GJan-11-02 04:39 PM
by 99GS
7358 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Air Fuel Readings.... Say huh?, Avenger EST, Jan-10-02 03:16 PM, #1
RE: Air Fuel Readings.... Say huh?, ModeratorVX100, Jan-11-02 03:44 AM, #2
      RE: Air Fuel Readings.... Say huh?, Super20G, Jan-11-02 12:00 PM, #3
           RE: Air Fuel Readings.... Say huh?, 99GS, Jan-11-02 02:46 PM, #4
                RE: Air Fuel Readings.... Say huh?, Super20G, Jan-11-02 04:18 PM, #5
                     RE: Air Fuel Readings.... Say huh?, Fast420A, Jan-11-02 04:20 PM, #6
                          RE: Air Fuel Readings.... Say huh?, 99GS, Jan-11-02 04:39 PM, #7
Car problems, help anyone? [View all]Mike_98TalonESiJan-11-02 03:10 PM
by Doug96GS
2195 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Car problems, help anyone?, All4thaN0okie, Jan-11-02 04:26 AM, #1
RE: Car problems, help anyone?, Doug96GS, Jan-11-02 03:10 PM, #2
Venom fuel rail [View all]fly1Jan-11-02 01:35 PM
by PowerEclipses
2164 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Venom fuel rail, Avenger EST, Jan-11-02 01:57 AM, #1
RE: Venom fuel rail, PowerEclipses, Jan-11-02 01:35 PM, #2
Ignition question [View all]Dualgen2Jan-11-02 01:07 PM
by Dualgen2
0130 ---
upgrade fuel system w/nitrous? [View all]loud99Jan-11-02 06:14 AM
by Corbin
1142 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: upgrade fuel system w/nitrous?, ModeratorCorbin, Jan-11-02 06:14 AM, #1
how does retarding ignition work? [View all]ezJan-11-02 05:57 AM
by Corbin
1129 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: how does retarding ignition work?, ModeratorCorbin, Jan-11-02 05:57 AM, #1
Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4 [View all]SkeletorJan-11-02 05:33 AM
by Skeletor
13291 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, klipzracer, Jan-09-02 11:13 AM, #1
RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, Skeletor, Jan-09-02 11:24 AM, #2
      RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, klipzracer, Jan-09-02 11:46 AM, #3
           RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, Skeletor, Jan-09-02 05:41 PM, #4
                RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, randy, Jan-09-02 06:41 PM, #5
                     RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, Skeletor, Jan-10-02 03:56 AM, #6
                          RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, Logic3, Jan-10-02 04:13 AM, #7
                          RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, Teamdougie2, Jan-10-02 04:14 AM, #8
                               RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, Skeletor, Jan-10-02 04:28 AM, #9
                                    RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, RyaN95i4, Jan-10-02 06:55 AM, #10
                                         RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, Skeletor, Jan-10-02 07:25 AM, #11
                                              RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-10-02 11:25 AM, #12
                                                   RE: Homebrew intake for a 98 spyder gs 2.4, Skeletor, Jan-11-02 05:33 AM, #13
problems with my acc belts i think.. any ideas [View all]evan2Jan-11-02 04:39 AM
by evan2
1160 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: problems with my acc belts i think.. any ideas, evan2, Jan-11-02 04:39 AM, #1
Throttle body upgrade. Can some of you advise? [View all]RobinsonJan-11-02 04:33 AM
by fly1
3278 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Throttle body upgrade. Can some of you advise?, evan2, Jan-10-02 07:26 AM, #1
RE: Throttle body upgrade. Can some of you advise?, CVedEclipse, Jan-11-02 12:23 AM, #2
RE: Throttle body upgrade. Can some of you advise?, fly1, Jan-11-02 04:33 AM, #3
fuel filter? [View all]vegasdsmrJan-11-02 04:22 AM
by preci_eclipse
6253 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: fuel filter?, Fast420A, Jan-09-02 10:33 PM, #1
RE: fuel filter?, evan2, Jan-09-02 11:57 PM, #2
      RE: fuel filter?, preci_eclipse, Jan-10-02 04:24 AM, #3
RE: fuel filter?, vegasdsmr, Jan-10-02 08:04 AM, #4
RE: fuel filter?, vegasdsmr, Jan-10-02 03:48 PM, #5
      RE: fuel filter?, preci_eclipse, Jan-11-02 04:22 AM, #6
Venom intake manifold! [View all]9D9 MITSU RSJan-10-02 08:28 PM
by Talon95Stang
20570 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Venom intake manifold!, drbalazo7, Jan-09-02 02:32 PM, #1
RE: Venom intake manifold!, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jan-09-02 02:42 PM, #2
      RE: Venom intake manifold!, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-09-02 03:06 PM, #3
           RE: Venom intake manifold!, Fast420A, Jan-09-02 05:08 PM, #4
                RE: Venom intake manifold!, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-09-02 05:38 PM, #5
                     RE: Venom intake manifold!, Teameclipse804, Jan-09-02 05:42 PM, #6
                          RE: Venom intake manifold!, Fast420A, Jan-09-02 05:43 PM, #7
                               RE: Venom intake manifold!, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-09-02 06:04 PM, #8
                                    RE: Venom intake manifold!, SaberKhan, Jan-09-02 07:28 PM, #9
                                         RE: Venom intake manifold!, Teameclipse804, Jan-09-02 08:06 PM, #10
                                              RE: Venom intake manifold!, 96venger, Jan-09-02 08:39 PM, #11
                                                   RE: Venom intake manifold!, Fast420A, Jan-09-02 10:36 PM, #12
                                                   Venom intake manifold!, Avenger EST, Jan-10-02 09:07 AM, #13
                                                        RE: Venom intake manifold!, vegasdsmr, Jan-10-02 09:13 AM, #14
                                                        RE: Venom intake manifold!, Skeletor, Jan-10-02 09:49 AM, #15
                                                        Need pictures! =-), TeamJasonESi_T, Jan-10-02 12:55 PM, #16
                                                             RE: Need pictures! =-), Avenger EST, Jan-10-02 03:03 PM, #17
                                                             RE: Need pictures! =-), Super20G, Jan-10-02 03:03 PM, #18
                                                                  RE: Need pictures! =-), 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-10-02 03:22 PM, #19
                                                                       Venom Intake $500!!!!!, Talon95Stang, Jan-10-02 08:28 PM, #20
header questions? [View all]gearhead100Jan-10-02 05:17 PM
by Grashper
2154 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: header questions?, Dualgen2, Jan-10-02 04:16 PM, #1
RE: header questions?, Grashper, Jan-10-02 05:17 PM, #2
exhaust ???????? [View all]9D9 MITSU RSJan-10-02 03:24 PM
4152 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: exhaust ????????, BlackOZ, Jan-10-02 06:22 AM, #1
RE: exhaust ????????, evan2, Jan-10-02 06:37 AM, #2
      RE: exhaust ????????, SavageGimp, Jan-10-02 07:04 AM, #3
           RE: exhaust ????????, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-10-02 03:24 PM, #4
What makes a better clutch? [View all]thisismygsJan-10-02 03:23 PM
by Super20G
1131 ---
Replies to this topic:
Hahn, Super20G, Jan-10-02 03:23 PM, #1
Backfiring? Good or Bad? [View all]Super20GJan-10-02 03:14 PM
by Super20G
11360 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Backfiring? Good or Bad?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jan-09-02 09:48 AM, #1
RE: Backfiring? Good or Bad?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-09-02 10:22 AM, #3
RE: Backfiring? Good or Bad?, Avenger EST, Jan-09-02 10:21 AM, #2
RE: Backfiring? Good or Bad?, Fast420A, Jan-09-02 10:54 AM, #4
RE: Backfiring? Good or Bad?, Twobuf4u, Jan-09-02 10:56 AM, #5
      RE: Backfiring? Good or Bad?, 9D9 MITSU RS, Jan-09-02 03:07 PM, #6
           RE: Backfiring? Good or Bad?, Fast420A, Jan-09-02 05:21 PM, #7
                RE: Backfiring? Good or Bad?, Super20G, Jan-10-02 03:08 AM, #8
                     RE: Backfiring? Good or Bad?, TeamJeff_99gs, Jan-10-02 03:34 AM, #9
                          RE: Backfiring? Good or Bad?, Avenger EST, Jan-10-02 09:03 AM, #10
                               RE: Backfiring? Good or Bad?, Super20G, Jan-10-02 03:14 PM, #11
clicking sound from engine when going uphill or accelerating [View all]ezJan-10-02 03:11 PM
by ez
1141 ---
Replies to this topic:
HELLO...HEllo...hello.... (echo), ez, Jan-10-02 03:11 PM, #1
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