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WTB: Oil Pan with oil plug 08865 [View all]eclipsegs96Jul-17-08 10:12 AM
by 2GeclipseRS
2122 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: Oil Pan with oil plug 08865, Moderatorteklein, Jul-17-08 07:47 AM, #1
RE: WTB: Oil Pan with oil plug 08865, 2GeclipseRS, Jul-17-08 10:12 AM, #2
WTB PS Sensor wire nipple thingy (TX) [View all]dsmmythJul-17-08 10:03 AM
by 2GeclipseRS
3129 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB PS Sensor wire nipple thingy (TX), 2GeclipseRS, Jul-16-08 09:27 AM, #1
RE: WTB PS Sensor wire nipple thingy (TX), dsmmyth, Jul-17-08 09:25 AM, #2
      RE: WTB PS Sensor wire nipple thingy (TX), 2GeclipseRS, Jul-17-08 09:57 AM, #3
WTB: Random parts [View all]TuxdreamerxJul-17-08 07:27 AM
by Tuxdreamerx
3188 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: Random parts, Moderatorteklein, Jul-15-08 03:31 AM, #1
RE: WTB: Random parts, Tuxdreamerx, Jul-15-08 08:13 PM, #2
      RE: WTB: Random parts, Tuxdreamerx, Jul-17-08 07:27 AM, #3
FS: projector headlight housings. IL [View all]AdministratorStar Turbo TalonJul-17-08 04:45 AM
by Star Turbo Talon
9302 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: projector headlight housings. IL, axelthrasher, Jul-12-08 11:14 AM, #1
RE: FS: projector headlight housings. IL, foggy45, Jul-13-08 12:25 PM, #2
      RE: FS: projector headlight housings. IL, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jul-13-08 05:09 PM, #3
           RE: FS: projector headlight housings. IL, BoostedEclipse, Jul-14-08 11:59 AM, #4
                RE: FS: projector headlight housings. IL, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jul-15-08 10:14 AM, #5
                     RE: FS: projector headlight housings. IL, Flipboi89, Jul-15-08 05:00 PM, #6
                          RE: FS: projector headlight housings. IL, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jul-16-08 06:15 AM, #7
                               RE: FS: projector headlight housings. IL, Flipboi89, Jul-16-08 09:28 AM, #8
                                    RE: FS: projector headlight housings. IL, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jul-17-08 04:45 AM, #9
FS: custom aluminum fuel rail and Accel 625cc injectors [View all]JustOneJul-16-08 05:50 PM
by tbone
3261 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: custom aluminum fuel rail and Accel 625cc injectors, djtrickee, Jul-08-08 01:36 PM, #1
RE: FS: custom aluminum fuel rail and Accel 625cc injectors, JustOne, Jul-11-08 05:56 PM, #2
      RE: FS: custom aluminum fuel rail and Accel 625cc injectors, tbone, Jul-16-08 05:50 PM, #3
F.S. Melling oil pump NIB [View all]shybuckJul-16-08 08:03 AM
by nyBoosted420a
4197 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: F.S. Melling oil pump NIB, nyBoosted420a, Jul-15-08 03:21 PM, #1
RE: F.S. Melling oil pump NIB, daes_venge, Jul-15-08 03:30 PM, #2
      RE: F.S. Melling oil pump NIB, shybuck, Jul-15-08 07:24 PM, #3
           RE: F.S. Melling oil pump NIB, nyBoosted420a, Jul-16-08 08:03 AM, #4
WTB: Cheap stock fuel rail [View all]ModeratorbullettdsmJul-16-08 07:51 AM
by bullettdsm
8231 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: Cheap stock fuel rail, Tuxdreamerx, Jul-12-08 05:17 AM, #1
RE: WTB: Cheap stock fuel rail, daes_venge, Jul-12-08 08:17 AM, #2
      RE: WTB: Cheap stock fuel rail, Moderatorcs82685, Jul-12-08 05:25 PM, #3
           RE: WTB: Cheap stock fuel rail, Moderatorbullettdsm, Jul-13-08 01:26 AM, #4
                RE: WTB: Cheap stock fuel rail, Tuxdreamerx, Jul-13-08 04:28 PM, #5
                     RE: WTB: Cheap stock fuel rail, GringoEJS, Jul-13-08 11:00 PM, #6
                          RE: WTB: Cheap stock fuel rail, tbone, Jul-14-08 12:06 PM, #7
                               RE: WTB: Cheap stock fuel rail, Moderatorbullettdsm, Jul-16-08 07:51 AM, #8
Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City) [View all]GringoEJSJul-16-08 01:24 AM
by chris712vt
11433 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City), eclipse982nrRST, Jul-07-08 03:52 AM, #1
RE: Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City), GringoEJS, Jul-07-08 06:21 PM, #6
RE: Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City), Mesmerized, Jul-07-08 06:42 AM, #2
RE: Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City), goalieman24, Jul-07-08 01:29 PM, #3
      RE: Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City), Whodda, Jul-07-08 05:27 PM, #4
RE: Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City), GringoEJS, Jul-07-08 06:12 PM, #5
RE: Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City), Silv Blt, Jul-10-08 04:51 AM, #7
      RE: Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City), chris712vt, Jul-15-08 07:24 AM, #8
           RE: Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City), GringoEJS, Jul-15-08 10:18 PM, #9
                RE: Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City), GringoEJS, Jul-15-08 10:19 PM, #10
                     RE: Parting out a 98 Talon ESi and 99 Eclipse GS Spyder - $1 (Kansas City), chris712vt, Jul-16-08 01:24 AM, #11
FS: Brand New Stock Crank Pulley [View all]TuxdreamerxJul-15-08 08:17 PM0177 ---
FS: Hayame Engine Dress up kit and Ground wire kit. [View all]eclipse982nrRSTJul-15-08 04:12 PM0383 ---
FS: DC Sports Header - Hutto, TX [View all]deadclipseJul-15-08 03:41 PM0552 ---
WTB Stock Crank Pulley [View all]ecl98pseJul-15-08 03:12 AM
by ecl98pse
3261 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB Stock Crank Pulley, Moderatorteklein, Jul-14-08 01:31 PM, #1
RE: WTB Stock Crank Pulley, RS2G, Jul-14-08 04:35 PM, #2
RE: WTB Stock Crank Pulley, ecl98pse, Jul-15-08 03:12 AM, #3
WTB: Stock CD player [View all]goalieman24Jul-14-08 11:26 AM
by goalieman24
3207 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: Stock CD player, goalieman24, Jul-09-08 01:50 PM, #1
RE: WTB: Stock CD player, xceler8, Jul-13-08 06:55 PM, #2
RE: WTB: Stock CD player, goalieman24, Jul-14-08 11:26 AM, #3
fs:RC 550 injectors [View all]97esiboostedJul-13-08 11:31 PM
by 97esiboosted
4297 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: fs:RC 550 injectors, 97esiboosted, Jun-25-08 08:16 AM, #1
RE: fs:RC 550 injectors, 97esiboosted, Jul-08-08 03:00 AM, #2
RE: fs:RC 550 injectors, xceler8, Jul-13-08 06:58 PM, #3
      RE: fs:RC 550 injectors, 97esiboosted, Jul-13-08 11:31 PM, #4
NEEDED: 2G fuel line [View all]740 turbo brickJul-13-08 06:24 PM
by Tuxdreamerx
1192 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: NEEDED: 2G fuel line, Tuxdreamerx, Jul-13-08 06:24 PM, #1
FS: Turbo Goodies [View all]eclipse982nrRSTJul-13-08 11:06 AM
by eclipse982nrRST
10492 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Turbo Goodies, eclipse982nrRST, Jul-09-08 01:12 PM, #1
RE: FS: Turbo Goodies, eclipse982nrRST, Jul-09-08 03:24 PM, #2
      RE: FS: Turbo Goodies, mreigle, Jul-09-08 04:38 PM, #3
           RE: FS: Turbo Goodies, eclipse982nrRST, Jul-09-08 04:45 PM, #4
                RE: FS: Turbo Goodies, mreigle, Jul-10-08 01:21 AM, #5
                     RE: FS: Turbo Goodies, gsgoingT, Jul-10-08 05:44 AM, #6
                          RE: FS: Turbo Goodies, 2GeclipseRS, Jul-11-08 11:19 AM, #7
                               RE: FS: Turbo Goodies, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jul-11-08 11:45 AM, #8
                                    RE: FS: Turbo Goodies, eclipse982nrRST, Jul-11-08 04:00 PM, #9
                                         RE: FS: Turbo Goodies, eclipse982nrRST, Jul-13-08 11:06 AM, #10
GI/WTB: everything for manual swap [View all]MesmerizedJul-13-08 10:01 AM
by boosted60trimrst
4199 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GI/WTB: everything for manual swap, GringoEJS, Jul-06-08 10:29 PM, #1
RE: GI/WTB: everything for manual swap, Mesmerized, Jul-07-08 06:43 AM, #2
      RE: GI/WTB: everything for manual swap, 420agreenvilleSC, Jul-11-08 04:27 PM, #3
           RE: GI/WTB: everything for manual swap, boosted60trimrst, Jul-13-08 10:01 AM, #4
GI: Stock Talon rear brake/turn lights and center section [View all]JustOneJul-12-08 07:00 AM0143 ---
F/S: HRC s20g, HRC 3" v-band d/p, HRC turbo mani, HRC intercooler piping, and Coolingmist methanol ... [View all]JungyJul-12-08 05:44 AM
by Jungy
7749 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: F/S: HRC s20g, HRC 3" v-band d/p, HRC turbo mani, HRC intercooler piping, and Coolingmist metha..., Jungy, Jun-20-08 06:05 AM, #1
RE: F/S: HRC s20g, HRC 3" v-band d/p, HRC turbo mani, HRC intercooler piping, and Coolingmist metha..., BoostedEclipse, Jun-30-08 12:36 PM, #2
      RE: F/S: HRC s20g, HRC 3" v-band d/p, HRC turbo mani, HRC intercooler piping, and Coolingmist metha..., BoostedEclipse, Jul-04-08 02:20 PM, #3
           RE: F/S: HRC s20g, HRC 3" v-band d/p, HRC turbo mani, HRC intercooler piping, and Coolingmist metha..., Jungy, Jul-06-08 03:58 PM, #4
                RE: F/S: HRC s20g, HRC 3" v-band d/p, HRC turbo mani, HRC intercooler piping, and Coolingmist metha..., Jungy, Jul-07-08 06:15 AM, #5
                     RE: F/S: HRC s20g, HRC 3" v-band d/p, HRC turbo mani, HRC intercooler piping, and Coolingmist metha..., Jungy, Jul-07-08 09:01 AM, #6
                          RE: F/S: HRC s20g, HRC 3" v-band d/p, HRC turbo mani, HRC intercooler piping, and Coolingmist metha..., Jungy, Jul-12-08 05:44 AM, #7
WTB: Inner timing belt cover [View all]eclipse982nrRSTJul-12-08 02:31 AM0189 ---
WTB: 98-99 ecu for a MTX tranny'd 420a [View all]420agreenvilleSCJul-11-08 04:28 PM
by 420agreenvilleSC
3219 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: 98-99 ecu for a MTX tranny'd 420a, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jul-03-08 12:52 PM, #1
RE: WTB: 98-99 ecu for a MTX tranny'd 420a, 420agreenvilleSC, Jul-05-08 12:02 PM, #2
RE: WTB: 98-99 ecu for a MTX tranny'd 420a, 420agreenvilleSC, Jul-11-08 04:28 PM, #3
WTB: Bare 420a engine block ASAP. [View all]eclipse982nrRSTJul-11-08 11:09 AM
by 2GeclipseRS
3291 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: Bare 420a engine block ASAP., GringoEJS, Jul-08-08 11:22 PM, #1
RE: WTB: Bare 420a engine block ASAP., Teamdougie2, Jul-11-08 10:01 AM, #2
      RE: WTB: Bare 420a engine block ASAP., 2GeclipseRS, Jul-11-08 11:09 AM, #3
Fs: 95 fuel rail with stock injectors *pics* [View all]daes_vengeJul-11-08 09:02 AM0124 ---
WTB T3 Turbo [View all]hnda8rJul-11-08 03:44 AM
by Fallen4ng31
1159 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB T3 Turbo, Fallen4ng31, Jul-11-08 03:44 AM, #1
WTB: Tig welder [View all]foggy45Jul-11-08 03:14 AM
by foggy45
2192 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTB: Tig welder, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jul-11-08 12:15 AM, #1
RE: WTB: Tig welder, foggy45, Jul-11-08 03:14 AM, #2
Do you buy 2GNT parts off of Ebay? [View all]TuxdreamerxJul-10-08 06:29 PM
by daes_venge
0174 ---
FS: Oem parts, LuK clutch, others. [View all]TuxdreamerxJul-09-08 07:04 PM0172 ---
GI: Built 2.0L Short Block [View all]eclipse982nrRSTJul-09-08 03:23 PM
by eclipse982nrRST
6291 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: GI: Built 2.0L Short Block, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Jul-06-08 04:30 PM, #1
RE: GI: Built 2.0L Short Block, eclipse982nrRST, Jul-07-08 03:55 AM, #2
RE: GI: Built 2.0L Short Block, barza21, Jul-07-08 04:03 AM, #3
      RE: GI: Built 2.0L Short Block, Fallen4ng31, Jul-07-08 04:50 AM, #4
RE: GI: Built 2.0L Short Block, eclipse982nrRST, Jul-08-08 02:32 AM, #5
      RE: GI: Built 2.0L Short Block, eclipse982nrRST, Jul-09-08 01:11 PM, #6
FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo [View all]djtrickeeJul-08-08 08:10 PM
by mreigle
15645 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, boosted60trimrst, May-15-08 04:14 AM, #1
RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, djtrickee, May-15-08 04:53 AM, #2
      RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, Malenko, May-15-08 05:19 AM, #3
           RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, djtrickee, May-15-08 05:48 AM, #4
                RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, djtrickee, May-17-08 05:51 AM, #5
                     RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, djtrickee, May-20-08 06:52 AM, #6
                          RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, Malenko, May-21-08 02:06 AM, #7
                               RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, djtrickee, May-23-08 06:15 PM, #8
                                    RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, djtrickee, May-30-08 05:08 AM, #9
                                         RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, RoninEclipse2G, May-30-08 05:20 AM, #10
                                              RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, susafuss, May-31-08 10:30 AM, #11
                                                   RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, djtrickee, May-31-08 10:35 AM, #12
                                                        RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, mreigle, Jul-08-08 02:03 PM, #13
                                                             RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, djtrickee, Jul-08-08 04:18 PM, #14
                                                                  RE: FS: Carputer Screen + Center Console combo, mreigle, Jul-08-08 08:10 PM, #15
FS: stock TB, stock block [View all]ezJul-08-08 05:20 PM0148 ---
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