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Real Racing
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Team 2GNT encourages members to actually DO something with their cars. There's no point in building race car you never race, right? This forum is dedicated to those among us who make going fast with class more than just a catch phrase. NO STREET RACING. THIS IS REAL RACING.
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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
698 topics
6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
by electrohead
667 topics
4648 messages
Manual Trans - NV-T350
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
by 420agreenvilleSC
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8971 messages
Engine Management Systems & Controllers
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All questions,comments and updates on Electronic Engine Management Controllers such as the DFI, SAFC, MegaSquirt, and 034 EIC extra Injector controller go here. Forum will be STRICTY MODERATED for mis-placed posts!
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
OBD2 app recommendat...
by VX100
764 topics
5809 messages
Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
Shogun has to go! FL members read. [View all]NiclipseJun-08-01 12:49 AM
by Niclipse
ECU [View all]jltucsonJun-07-01 07:25 PM
by jltucson
0335 ---
MSD DIS-2 Question [View all]96VengeJun-07-01 06:10 PM
by Armond30
1361 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: MSD DIS-2 Question, Armond30, Jun-07-01 06:10 PM, #1
check engine light on again, why? [View all]danielgbJun-07-01 03:34 PM
by Doug96GS
2279 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: check engine light on again, why?, drbalazo7, Jun-07-01 06:07 AM, #1
RE: check engine light on again, why?, Doug96GS, Jun-07-01 03:34 PM, #2
New Signature! [View all]NiclipseJun-07-01 02:20 PM
by bustrblue1
4319 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: New Signature!, cyan, Jun-07-01 08:16 AM, #1
RE: New Signature!, bustrblue1, Jun-07-01 10:26 AM, #2
      RE: New Signature!, 2GNT Niclipse, Jun-07-01 12:15 PM, #3
           RE: New Signature!, bustrblue1, Jun-07-01 02:20 PM, #4
timing belt snapped...now what? [View all]Just_JoeJun-07-01 12:16 PM
by eclipse804
181437 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, 2GNT Niclipse, Jun-06-01 04:16 AM, #1
RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, drbalazo7, Jun-06-01 05:42 AM, #2
RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, vector_racing, Jun-06-01 05:43 AM, #3
Sorry to Hear That, hudy, Jun-06-01 06:49 AM, #4
RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-06-01 07:19 AM, #5
RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, magnus, Jun-06-01 07:35 AM, #6
      RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, SaberKhan, Jun-06-01 09:03 AM, #7
           RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, 2GNT Niclipse, Jun-06-01 12:15 PM, #8
                RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, klipzracer, Jun-06-01 12:21 PM, #9
                     RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, jZa, Jun-06-01 01:22 PM, #10
                          RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jun-07-01 08:21 AM, #17
RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, Teameclipse804, Jun-06-01 03:28 PM, #11
RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, rsjourney95, Jun-06-01 11:45 PM, #12
RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, Just_Joe, Jun-07-01 12:43 AM, #13
RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, Niclipse, Jun-07-01 12:59 AM, #14
RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-07-01 02:06 AM, #15
      RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, magnus, Jun-07-01 06:35 AM, #16
           RE: timing belt snapped...now what?, Teameclipse804, Jun-07-01 12:16 PM, #18
New Edge Racing turbo kit question [View all]97CustomGSJun-07-01 11:47 AM
by DarkEclipseRS
3430 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: New Edge Racing turbo kit question, SaberKhan, Jun-07-01 04:20 AM, #1
RE: New Edge Racing turbo kit question, 97CustomGS, Jun-07-01 07:03 AM, #2
      RE: New Edge Racing turbo kit question, DarkEclipseRS (Guest), Jun-07-01 11:47 AM, #3
By-Pass Valve [View all]MrClean125Jun-07-01 10:10 AM
by MrClean125
0271 ---
what kind of intercooler? [View all]drbalazo7Jun-07-01 06:04 AM
by drbalazo7
4587 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: what kind of intercooler?, SaberKhan, Jun-06-01 09:10 AM, #1
RE: what kind of intercooler?, Hoot, Jun-06-01 11:10 AM, #2
      RE: what kind of intercooler?, DAVE_FL (Guest), Jun-06-01 11:54 AM, #3
           RE: what kind of intercooler?, drbalazo7, Jun-07-01 06:04 AM, #4
Going NA but need some inputs from you guys ! [View all]XT_DSMJun-07-01 03:03 AM
by Kory
2484 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Going NA but need some inputs from you guys !, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-07-01 02:42 AM, #1
RE: Going NA but need some inputs from you guys !, Kory, Jun-07-01 03:03 AM, #2
Engine Stuttering.... [View all]EvMan2345Jun-07-01 12:38 AM
by danielgb
2371 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Engine Stuttering...., rsjourney95, Jun-06-01 11:37 PM, #1
RE: Engine Stuttering...., danielgb, Jun-07-01 12:38 AM, #2
okay stupid question but i need a clear answer quick! [View all]2xtreme (Guest)Jun-06-01 11:38 PM
by 2xtreme
2484 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: okay stupid question but i need a clear answer quick!, XT_DSM, Jun-06-01 11:12 PM, #1
RE: okay stupid question but i need a clear answer quick!, 2xtreme (Guest), Jun-06-01 11:38 PM, #2
Battery Light Comes On....? [View all]mikee97gsJun-06-01 01:22 PM
by mikee97gs
4651 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Battery Light Comes On....?, John99RS, Jun-06-01 06:59 AM, #1
RE: Battery Light Comes On....?, jdeyo, Jun-06-01 07:43 AM, #2
RE: Battery Light Comes On....?, TeamJasonESi_T, Jun-06-01 08:00 AM, #3
      RE: Battery Light Comes On....?, mikee97gs, Jun-06-01 01:22 PM, #4
Apex-i N1exaust gains? [View all]oRACLe97Jun-06-01 01:15 PM
by jZa
2513 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Apex-i N1exaust gains?, FuSi0N, Jun-06-01 06:41 AM, #1
RE: Apex-i N1exaust gains?, jZa, Jun-06-01 01:15 PM, #2
I have the Mitsu Electrical service manual for 95-96 NT and Turbo [View all]Jivedady63Jun-06-01 12:35 PM
by iamnotwhoiam
1461 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I have the Mitsu Electrical service manual for 95-96 NT and Turbo, iamnotwhoiam, Jun-06-01 12:35 PM, #1
Still can't figure out what is wrong withmy damn car!!!! [View all]TrishasTalonJun-06-01 12:22 PM
by John99RS
171226 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-05-01 02:10 AM, #1
RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, TrishasTalon, Jun-05-01 03:25 AM, #2
      RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jun-05-01 05:31 AM, #3
           RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, RAIZIN, Jun-05-01 05:45 AM, #4
                RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-05-01 05:53 AM, #5
                     RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, TrishasTalon, Jun-05-01 06:15 AM, #6
                          RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, TrishasTalon, Jun-05-01 06:45 AM, #7
                               RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, TrishasTalon, Jun-05-01 06:57 AM, #8
                                    RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-05-01 07:40 AM, #9
                                         RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, Kirby, Jun-05-01 09:06 AM, #10
                                              RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, TrishasTalon, Jun-05-01 09:13 AM, #11
                                                   RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong with my damn car!!!!, RAIZIN, Jun-05-01 10:43 AM, #13
RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong withmy damn car!!!!, 97xtc, Jun-05-01 10:38 AM, #12
RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong withmy damn car!!!!, TrishasTalon, Jun-06-01 01:35 AM, #14
      Chilton's wiring diagrams SUCK!!!!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-06-01 01:52 AM, #15
RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong withmy damn car!!!!, 97xtc, Jun-06-01 10:43 AM, #16
RE: Still can't figure out what is wrong withmy damn car!!!!, John99RS, Jun-06-01 12:22 PM, #17
Check this out... [View all]dudasdJun-06-01 10:52 AM
by dudasd
0309 ---
PCM datalogger...... [View all]jdeyoJun-06-01 10:21 AM
by The1Bill
4413 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: PCM datalogger......, TeamWyatt, Jun-04-01 12:37 PM, #1
RE: PCM datalogger......, ModeratorCorbin, Jun-04-01 01:51 PM, #2
      RE: PCM datalogger......, jdeyo, Jun-04-01 02:20 PM, #3
      RE: PCM datalogger......, The1Bill, Jun-06-01 10:21 AM, #4
Rear main seal [View all]SaberKhanJun-06-01 09:07 AM
by SaberKhan
0356 ---
Zero-Sixty and 1/4 mile.... [View all]2GNT NiclipseJun-06-01 09:06 AM
by Avenger
2670 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Zero-Sixty and 1/4 mile...., SaberKhan, Jun-06-01 09:03 AM, #1
RE: Zero-Sixty and 1/4 mile...., TeamAvenger, Jun-06-01 09:06 AM, #2
Plug gap [View all]TeamAvengerJun-06-01 08:53 AM
by Avenger
0274 ---
Draining auto tranny fluid [View all]oRACLe97Jun-06-01 06:45 AM
by Avenger
1370 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Draining auto tranny fluid, TeamAvenger, Jun-06-01 06:45 AM, #1
MAS [View all]Teamdougie2Jun-06-01 06:11 AM
by DarkOne
5462 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: MAS, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-01-01 05:43 AM, #1
RE: MAS, Teamdougie2, Jun-01-01 06:06 AM, #2
      MAP sensor ?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jun-01-01 08:56 AM, #3
           RE: MAP sensor ?, Teamdougie2, Jun-06-01 05:09 AM, #4
                RE: MAP sensor ?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jun-06-01 06:11 AM, #5
Tenzo.............I Want This.......ASAP [View all]mrnic001Jun-06-01 06:04 AM
by mrnic001
6957 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Tenzo.............I Want This.......ASAP, CoBen67, May-31-01 05:27 AM, #1
RE: Tenzo.............I Want This.......ASAP, mrnic001, Jun-06-01 06:02 AM, #5
RE: Tenzo.............I Want This.......ASAP, HondaHater21, May-31-01 12:56 PM, #2
RE: Tenzo.............I Want This.......ASAP, klipzracer, May-31-01 01:12 PM, #3
      RE: Tenzo.............I Want This.......ASAP, oRACLe97, Jun-01-01 03:41 AM, #4
           RE: Tenzo.............I Want This.......ASAP, mrnic001, Jun-06-01 06:04 AM, #6
can this be done? [View all]drbalazo7Jun-06-01 05:33 AM
by drbalazo7
2470 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: can this be done?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-06-01 05:18 AM, #1
RE: can this be done?, drbalazo7, Jun-06-01 05:33 AM, #2
Camshaft Specs? Suggestions? [View all]TeamMichael_97RSJun-06-01 03:44 AM
5384 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Camshaft Specs? Suggestions?, Skrilla, Jun-05-01 08:46 AM, #1
RE: Camshaft Specs? Suggestions?, Fast420A, Jun-05-01 11:43 AM, #2
RE: Camshaft Specs? Suggestions?, RAIZIN, Jun-05-01 05:07 PM, #3
RE: Camshaft Specs? Suggestions?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-06-01 01:44 AM, #4
      RE: Camshaft Specs? Suggestions?, RAIZIN, Jun-06-01 03:44 AM, #5
Adjustable Cam Questions [View all]Dame_FlamezJun-06-01 02:57 AM
by Dame_Flamez
8391 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Adjustable Cam Questions, Dame_Flamez, Jun-04-01 05:24 PM, #1
RE: Adjustable Cam Questions, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-05-01 02:25 AM, #2
      RE: Adjustable Cam Questions, oRACLe97, Jun-05-01 02:36 AM, #3
Advance and Retard...., 2GNT Niclipse, Jun-05-01 03:18 AM, #4
RE: Advance and Retard...., TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-05-01 06:01 AM, #5
      RE: Advance and Retard...., 2GNT Niclipse, Jun-05-01 06:30 AM, #6
           RE: Advance and Retard...., TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-05-01 07:57 AM, #7
                RE: Advance and Retard...., Dame_Flamez, Jun-06-01 02:57 AM, #8
Tranny Fluid!?!? [View all]GregJun-06-01 02:05 AM
by Michael_97RS
9466 ---
Replies to this topic:
Well..., Skrilla, Jun-03-01 07:29 AM, #1
RE: Well..., TeamMuRiX, Jun-04-01 04:35 AM, #3
RE: Tranny Fluid!?!?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-04-01 02:41 AM, #2
RE: Tranny Fluid!?!?, taloned_dog, Jun-04-01 12:56 PM, #4
      RE: Tranny Fluid!?!?, HadesOmega, Jun-04-01 06:31 PM, #5
           RE: Tranny Fluid!?!?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-05-01 03:09 AM, #6
                RE: Tranny Fluid!?!?, CoBen67, Jun-05-01 04:33 PM, #7
                     RE: Tranny Fluid!?!?, TJEclipse, Jun-05-01 07:04 PM, #8
                          RE: Tranny Fluid!?!?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-06-01 02:05 AM, #9
Aluminum Flywheel [View all]jplongJun-06-01 01:57 AM
by Michael_97RS
1307 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Aluminum Flywheel, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-06-01 01:57 AM, #1
HOT SHOT AUTO TRANNY FLUID [View all]oRACLe97Jun-06-01 12:50 AM
by oRACLe97
5316 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HOT SHOT AUTO TRANNY FLUID, jZa, Jun-05-01 06:04 AM, #1
RE: HOT SHOT AUTO TRANNY FLUID, oRACLe97, Jun-05-01 06:56 AM, #2
      RE: HOT SHOT AUTO TRANNY FLUID, EvMan2345, Jun-05-01 01:54 PM, #3
           RE: HOT SHOT AUTO TRANNY FLUID, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Jun-05-01 03:16 PM, #4
                RE: HOT SHOT AUTO TRANNY FLUID, oRACLe97, Jun-06-01 12:50 AM, #5
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