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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
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764 topics
5809 messages
Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
Cylinder Heads [View all]RAIZINJun-25-01 07:38 AM
2662 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Cylinder Heads, Fast420A, Jun-25-01 05:38 AM, #1
RE: Cylinder Heads, RAIZIN, Jun-25-01 07:38 AM, #2
HELP!! [View all]solar1Jun-25-01 06:40 AM
by Michael_97RS
5769 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HELP!!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jun-21-01 05:30 AM, #1
RE: HELP!!, solar1, Jun-21-01 08:26 AM, #2
      RE: HELP!!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jun-21-01 09:34 AM, #3
           RE: HELP!!, solar1, Jun-25-01 01:32 AM, #4
           RE: HELP!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-25-01 06:40 AM, #5
Ram Air!! [View all]Y2 e c l i p s e dJun-25-01 06:03 AM
by Y2 e c l i p s e d
161707 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Ram Air!!, js99rs, Jun-22-01 05:23 AM, #1
RE: Ram Air!!, js99rs, Jun-22-01 05:23 AM, #2
RE: Ram Air!!, RSin oRACLe, Jun-22-01 05:29 AM, #3
RE: Ram Air!!, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-22-01 05:40 AM, #4
RE: Ram Air!!, TeamAvenger, Jun-22-01 06:02 AM, #5
      RE: Ram Air!!, Y2 e c l i p s e d, Jun-22-01 06:19 AM, #6
           RE: Ram Air!!, TeamAvenger, Jun-22-01 06:38 AM, #7
                RE: Ram Air!!, Danny95ESI, Jun-22-01 08:32 AM, #8
                     RE: Ram Air!!, GSsport, Jun-22-01 11:07 AM, #9
                          RE: Ram Air!!, z1pp0, Jun-22-01 01:44 PM, #10
                               RE: Ram Air!!, craigd887, Jun-22-01 02:06 PM, #11
                               RE: Ram Air!!, GSsport, Jun-22-01 03:58 PM, #12
                                    RE: Ram Air!!, 97eclipseRS, Jun-23-01 04:52 PM, #13
                                         RE: Ram Air!!, GSsport, Jun-24-01 04:17 PM, #14
                                              RE: Ram Air!!, HadesOmega, Jun-24-01 06:21 PM, #15
                                                   RE: Ram Air!!, Y2 e c l i p s e d, Jun-25-01 06:03 AM, #16
HELP!!! MY FRIEND NEEDS A MOTOR!!!! [View all]99GSBBTurboJun-24-01 07:07 PM
by 99GSBBTurbo
161677 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HELP!!! MY FRIEND NEEDS A MOTOR!!!!, 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-19-01 07:57 AM, #1
RE: HELP!!! MY FRIEND NEEDS A MOTOR!!!!, alexries, Jun-19-01 02:23 PM, #2
RE: HELP!!! MY FRIEND NEEDS A MOTOR!!!!, 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-19-01 05:56 PM, #3
RE: HELP!!! MY FRIEND NEEDS A MOTOR!!!!, Niclipse, Jun-20-01 07:43 AM, #4
      RE: HELP!!! MY FRIEND NEEDS A MOTOR!!!!, 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-20-01 12:56 PM, #5
           man...., klipzracer, Jun-20-01 01:39 PM, #6
                RE: man...., alexries, Jun-20-01 04:29 PM, #7
RE: HELP!!! MY FRIEND NEEDS A MOTOR!!!!, TeamAvenger, Jun-20-01 04:33 PM, #8
RE: HELP!!! MY FRIEND NEEDS A MOTOR!!!!, 95TalonEs, Jun-20-01 06:20 PM, #9
      RE: HELP!!! MY FRIEND NEEDS A MOTOR!!!!, 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-20-01 07:59 PM, #10
           RE: HELP!!! MY FRIEND NEEDS A MOTOR!!!!, jZa, Jun-21-01 12:59 PM, #11
           RE: HELP!!! MY FRIEND NEEDS A MOTOR!!!!, 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-21-01 08:07 PM, #12
           The engine..., Skrilla, Jun-22-01 03:22 AM, #13
                RE: The engine..., 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-23-01 08:19 AM, #14
                     The tranny?!?!, Skrilla, Jun-23-01 09:17 AM, #15
                          RE: The tranny?!?!, 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-24-01 07:07 PM, #16
need some advice (parts) [View all]eck0Jun-24-01 07:06 PM
by 99GSBBTurbo
2683 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: need some advice (parts), TeamJeff_99gs, Jun-23-01 04:40 PM, #1
RE: need some advice (parts), 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-24-01 07:06 PM, #2
any one here running an upgraded valve train. . . [View all]Fast420AJun-24-01 04:34 PM
by Avenger
5910 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: any one here running an upgraded valve train. . ., XT_DSM, Jun-22-01 09:32 PM, #1
Why?, Fast420A, Jun-23-01 05:51 AM, #2
The PT cylinder head..., Skrilla, Jun-23-01 09:21 AM, #3
RE: any one here running an upgraded valve train. . ., Teamicjeclipse, Jun-24-01 04:24 PM, #4
      RE: any one here running an upgraded valve train. . ., TeamAvenger, Jun-24-01 04:34 PM, #5
UDP and OIL filter post [View all]Armond30Jun-24-01 03:23 PM
by Armond30
0647 ---
3000 GT Fuel Pump [View all]2GXTASYJun-24-01 10:39 AM
by Armond30
7851 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 3000 GT Fuel Pump, dsm1, Jun-15-01 11:13 AM, #1
RE: 3000 GT Fuel Pump, Armond30, Jun-17-01 03:00 PM, #2
RE: 3000 GT Fuel Pump, 95ESi, Jun-17-01 05:03 PM, #3
      RE: 3000 GT Fuel Pump, Armond30, Jun-22-01 04:50 PM, #4
           RE: 3000 GT Fuel Pump, TrishasTalon, Jun-23-01 01:29 AM, #5
           RE: 3000 GT Fuel Pump, randy, Jun-23-01 04:56 PM, #6
                RE: 3000 GT Fuel Pump, Armond30, Jun-24-01 10:39 AM, #7
ISC and problems with my idle [View all]Brown420Jun-24-01 10:27 AM
by jZa
1731 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ISC and problems with my idle, jZa, Jun-24-01 10:27 AM, #1
Pulling my motor and have some questions. [View all]PuRe RaGeJun-24-01 10:21 AM
by Erik
1684 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Pulling my motor and have some questions., Erik, Jun-24-01 10:21 AM, #1
A good exhaust choice? [View all]95TalonEsJun-23-01 04:10 PM
by eclipticrider
191707 ---
Replies to this topic:
I would go with Greddy..., Skrilla, Jun-17-01 10:19 AM, #1
RE: I would go with Greddy..., 2GXTASY, Jun-17-01 11:37 AM, #2
RE: A good exhaust choice?, hudy, Jun-18-01 01:46 PM, #3
RE: A good exhaust choice?, craigd887, Jun-18-01 03:01 PM, #4
      RE: A good exhaust choice?, Kory, Jun-18-01 03:07 PM, #5
           RE: A good exhaust choice?, 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-18-01 08:09 PM, #6
                RE: A good exhaust choice?, talonboy, Jun-19-01 03:21 AM, #7
RE: A good exhaust choice?, MrClean125, Jun-19-01 06:09 AM, #8
RE: A good exhaust choice?, 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-19-01 07:41 AM, #9
RE: A good exhaust choice?, nt dsm, Jun-19-01 01:47 PM, #10
      RE: A good exhaust choice?, slowGS, Jun-20-01 12:12 AM, #11
RE: A good exhaust choice?, UFO, Jun-20-01 04:41 AM, #12
      RE: A good exhaust choice?, 2xtreme (Guest), Jun-20-01 10:28 PM, #13
           what about HAYAME, drbalazo7, Jun-21-01 05:28 AM, #14
           what about HAYAME, drbalazo7, Jun-21-01 05:29 AM, #15
           RE: A good exhaust choice?, fly1, Jun-21-01 07:29 AM, #17
RE: A good exhaust choice?, FuSi0N, Jun-21-01 07:00 AM, #16
RE: A good exhaust choice?, RSin oRACLe, Jun-21-01 08:40 AM, #18
      RE: A good exhaust choice?, eclipticrider, Jun-23-01 04:10 PM, #19
OBX Cam Gears [View all]TeamAvengerJun-23-01 09:31 AM
by Skrilla
9865 ---
Replies to this topic:
Ur very welcome..., Skrilla, Jun-17-01 10:13 AM, #1
As usual ..., TeamAvenger, Jun-17-01 10:37 AM, #2
      RE: As usual ..., XT_DSM, Jun-17-01 10:55 AM, #3
           AEM weight..., Skrilla, Jun-22-01 11:47 AM, #8
RE: OBX Cam Gears, madregal, Jun-22-01 02:46 AM, #4
RE: OBX Cam Gears, FuSi0N, Jun-22-01 03:01 AM, #5
XT_DSM & Madregal..., Skrilla, Jun-22-01 03:12 AM, #6
      RE: XT_DSM & Madregal..., TeamAvenger, Jun-22-01 06:04 AM, #7
           Ours are specially ordered..., Skrilla, Jun-23-01 09:31 AM, #9
I smell something burning... [View all]FuSi0NJun-23-01 06:38 AM
by craigd887
6823 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I smell something burning..., craigd887, Jun-22-01 02:35 AM, #1
RE: I smell something burning..., FuSi0N, Jun-22-01 03:58 AM, #2
      RE: I smell something burning..., alexries, Jun-22-01 09:19 AM, #3
           RE: I smell something burning..., koolade9, Jun-23-01 04:32 AM, #4
                RE: I smell something burning..., klipzracer, Jun-23-01 05:11 AM, #5
                     RE: I smell something burning..., craigd887, Jun-23-01 06:38 AM, #6
does a UDP affect... [View all]97eclipseRSJun-22-01 05:01 PM
by CoBen67
5863 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: does a UDP affect..., ModeratorVX100, Jun-21-01 12:05 PM, #1
RE: does a UDP affect..., TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-22-01 02:17 AM, #2
RE: does a UDP affect..., madregal, Jun-22-01 02:29 AM, #3
RE: does a UDP affect..., 97eclipseRS, Jun-22-01 04:34 AM, #4
      RE: does a UDP affect..., CoBen67, Jun-22-01 05:01 PM, #5
O2 Voltage wire off of ECU????? [View all]TeamMichael_97RSJun-22-01 04:46 PM
by Avenger
5787 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: O2 Voltage wire off of ECU?????, TeamAvenger, Jun-22-01 06:13 AM, #1
RE: O2 Voltage wire off of ECU?????, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-22-01 07:58 AM, #2
      RE: O2 Voltage wire off of ECU?????, TeamAvenger, Jun-22-01 11:51 AM, #3
           RE: O2 Voltage wire off of ECU?????, craigd887, Jun-22-01 01:59 PM, #4
                RE: O2 Voltage wire off of ECU?????, TeamAvenger, Jun-22-01 04:46 PM, #5
Little Problem [View all]Faster_GSJun-22-01 04:44 PM
by fungul
1751 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Little Problem, fungul, Jun-22-01 04:44 PM, #1
420a durability? [View all]craigd887Jun-22-01 04:22 PM
by gurlzofmaui
5955 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 420a durability?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jun-22-01 03:51 AM, #1
RE: 420a durability?, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-22-01 03:53 AM, #2
RE: 420a durability?, magnus, Jun-22-01 08:50 AM, #3
      RE: 420a durability?, craigd887, Jun-22-01 01:53 PM, #4
           RE: 420a durability?, gurlzofmaui, Jun-22-01 04:22 PM, #5
Intermittent engine light warning [View all]FuSi0NJun-22-01 04:10 PM
by fungul
8844 ---
Replies to this topic:
http://www.2gnt.com/files/pcmcode.htm, Fast420A, Jun-20-01 02:10 PM, #1
RE: Intermittent engine light warning, DSMLVR, Jun-20-01 09:54 PM, #2
RE: Intermittent engine light warning, FuSi0N, Jun-21-01 03:15 AM, #3
      RE: Intermittent engine light warning, dudasd, Jun-22-01 01:54 AM, #4
           RE: Intermittent engine light warning, FuSi0N, Jun-22-01 04:04 AM, #5
                RE: Intermittent engine light warning, FuSi0N, Jun-22-01 06:19 AM, #6
                     RE: Intermittent engine light warning, dudasd, Jun-22-01 02:10 PM, #7
                          RE: Intermittent engine light warning, fungul, Jun-22-01 04:10 PM, #8
Oxygen sensor ? [View all]billyrbobJun-22-01 03:58 PM
by eclipse804
6763 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Oxygen sensor ?, craigd887, Jun-22-01 02:23 AM, #1
RE: Oxygen sensor ?, billyrbob, Jun-22-01 04:58 AM, #2
Get the OEM, not NOPI, Teameclipse804, Jun-22-01 06:00 AM, #3
      RE: Get the OEM, not NOPI, dudasd, Jun-22-01 02:08 PM, #4
           RE: Get the OEM, not NOPI, mitseclps, Jun-22-01 03:45 PM, #5
           RE: Get the OEM, not NOPI, Teameclipse804, Jun-22-01 03:58 PM, #6
anyone use venom stock replacement injectors? [View all]97xtcJun-22-01 12:35 PM
by 97xtc
0615 ---
Crane cams. [View all]WheatKingJun-22-01 09:46 AM
3713 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Crane cams., XT_DSM, Jun-21-01 09:07 PM, #1
RE: Crane cams., TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-22-01 02:21 AM, #2
      I sure will, XT_DSM, Jun-22-01 09:46 AM, #3
clutch [View all]theoJun-22-01 04:33 AM
by Stan2gnt
1676 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: clutch, TeamStan2gnt, Jun-22-01 04:33 AM, #1
Cam Gears...Need help on Adjusting [View all]Talon95StangJun-22-01 03:21 AM
by Skrilla
4828 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Cam Gears...Need help on Adjusting, dsm1, Jun-20-01 03:24 PM, #1
RE: Cam Gears...Need help on Adjusting, Kiku, Jun-21-01 08:21 AM, #2
      RE: Cam Gears...Need help on Adjusting, Talon95Stang, Jun-21-01 05:10 PM, #3
           Kiku had good ideas but..., Skrilla, Jun-22-01 03:21 AM, #4
UDP questions [View all]97eclipseRSJun-21-01 03:54 PM
by talonboy
6846 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: UDP questions, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-21-01 03:43 AM, #1
RE: UDP questions, CoBen67, Jun-21-01 03:57 AM, #2
RE: UDP questions, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-21-01 07:33 AM, #3
      RE: UDP questions, Niclipse, Jun-21-01 07:36 AM, #4
           RE: UDP questions, 97eclipseRS, Jun-21-01 07:56 AM, #5
                RE: UDP questions, talonboy, Jun-21-01 03:54 PM, #6
Optima Batteries [View all]JustOneJun-21-01 01:22 PM
by jZa
161667 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Optima Batteries, TeamStan2gnt, Jun-15-01 11:47 PM, #1
RE: Optima Batteries, jZa, Jun-16-01 02:59 AM, #2
RE: Optima Batteries, TeamMuRiX, Jun-16-01 04:50 AM, #3
      RE: Optima Batteries, Talon, Jun-17-01 10:58 AM, #4
           RE: Optima Batteries, TeamStan2gnt, Jun-17-01 12:41 PM, #5
                good research there Levi.., klipzracer, Jun-17-01 02:13 PM, #6
                     RE: good research there Levi.., TeamMuRiX, Jun-17-01 09:34 PM, #7
                          RE: good research there Levi.., dudasd, Jun-18-01 01:44 PM, #8
                               RE: good research there Levi.., 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-18-01 08:17 PM, #9
                                    RE: good research there Levi.., jZa, Jun-19-01 03:18 AM, #10
RE: Optima Batteries, RuffCut, Jun-19-01 03:25 AM, #11
RE: Optima Batteries, 99GSBBTurbo, Jun-19-01 07:42 AM, #12
      RE: Optima Batteries, RS_Guy, Jun-19-01 09:50 AM, #13
           RE: Optima Batteries, TeamStan2gnt, Jun-19-01 03:59 PM, #14
                RE: Optima Batteries, SaberKhan, Jun-20-01 06:36 AM, #15
                     RE: Optima Batteries, jZa, Jun-21-01 01:22 PM, #16
Anyone have their AEM CAI break?? [View all]Moderatorsd_eclipseJun-21-01 11:31 AM
by juan
7873 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Anyone have their AEM CAI break??, Will, Jun-20-01 06:45 AM, #1
I remember......, eclipsekaiser, Jun-20-01 07:55 AM, #2
      RE: I remember......, John99RS, Jun-20-01 08:16 AM, #3
      RE: I remember......, Teameclipse804, Jun-20-01 11:11 AM, #4
RE: Anyone have their AEM CAI break??, Moderatorsd_eclipse, Jun-21-01 05:03 AM, #5
RE: Anyone have their AEM CAI break??, Kiku, Jun-21-01 08:13 AM, #6
RE: Anyone have their AEM CAI break??, Moderatorjuan, Jun-21-01 11:31 AM, #7
let me know aiight? [View all]drbalazo7Jun-21-01 05:34 AM
by drbalazo7
2692 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: let me know aiight?, TeamStan2gnt, Jun-14-01 07:38 AM, #1
RE: let me know aiight?, drbalazo7, Jun-21-01 05:34 AM, #2
injen cold air extension [View all]97eclipseRSJun-21-01 04:24 AM
by 97eclipseRS
4818 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: injen cold air extension, FuSi0N, Jun-21-01 02:03 AM, #1
RE: injen cold air extension, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-21-01 03:31 AM, #2
RE: injen cold air extension, 97eclipseRS, Jun-21-01 04:24 AM, #4
RE: AEM short ram cold air extension?, madregal, Jun-21-01 04:17 AM, #3
911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak [View all]95ESiJun-21-01 03:39 AM
by solar1
141441 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, BLKOUT, Jun-16-01 01:28 AM, #1
RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, 95ESi, Jun-16-01 07:56 AM, #2
      RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, BLKOUT, Jun-16-01 09:11 AM, #3
           RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, 95ESi, Jun-16-01 11:35 AM, #4
                RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, 95ESi, Jun-16-01 02:52 PM, #5
                     RE: double clamp it if you can, Fast420A, Jun-16-01 06:53 PM, #6
                          RE: double clamp it if you can, 95ESi, Jun-17-01 05:14 AM, #7
RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, solar1, Jun-19-01 02:42 AM, #8
RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, 95ESi, Jun-19-01 07:43 AM, #9
      RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, DSMLVR, Jun-19-01 10:27 PM, #10
      RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, solar1, Jun-21-01 03:39 AM, #14
      RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-20-01 01:06 AM, #11
      RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, 95ESi, Jun-20-01 05:24 AM, #12
      RE: 911 911 heeelp me BIG oil leak, solar1, Jun-21-01 03:33 AM, #13
GS-T Exhaust [View all]craigd887Jun-21-01 03:37 AM
by Michael_97RS
9723 ---
Replies to this topic:
2 inches, ModeratorVX100, Jun-18-01 12:06 AM, #1
RE: 2 inches, craigd887, Jun-18-01 03:43 PM, #2
      RE: 2 inches, randy, Jun-18-01 04:05 PM, #3
           RE: 2 inches, ModeratorVX100, Jun-20-01 12:30 AM, #4
                RE: 2 inches, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-20-01 12:55 AM, #5
                     RE: 2 inches, js99rs, Jun-20-01 04:42 AM, #6
                          RE: 2 inches, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-20-01 04:50 AM, #7
                               RE: GS-T, eclipticrider, Jun-20-01 01:48 PM, #8
                                    RE: GS-T, TeamMichael_97RS, Jun-21-01 03:37 AM, #9
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