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Real Racing
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Team 2GNT encourages members to actually DO something with their cars. There's no point in building race car you never race, right? This forum is dedicated to those among us who make going fast with class more than just a catch phrase. NO STREET RACING. THIS IS REAL RACING.
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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
698 topics
6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
by electrohead
667 topics
4648 messages
Manual Trans - NV-T350
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
by 420agreenvilleSC
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Engine Management Systems & Controllers
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All questions,comments and updates on Electronic Engine Management Controllers such as the DFI, SAFC, MegaSquirt, and 034 EIC extra Injector controller go here. Forum will be STRICTY MODERATED for mis-placed posts!
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
OBD2 app recommendat...
by VX100
764 topics
5809 messages
Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
Ordered My CAI [View all]mjbdJan-25-02 12:00 PM
by mjbd
0124 ---
What are the advantages/disadvantages to a lightened flywheel?? [View all]esi420Jan-25-02 11:40 AM
by Michael_97RS
3147 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What are the advantages/disadvantages to a lightened flywheel??, Moderator992gnt, Jan-24-02 01:05 PM, #1
RE: What are the advantages/disadvantages to a lightened flywheel??, Super20G, Jan-24-02 02:34 PM, #2
      RE: What are the advantages/disadvantages to a lightened flywheel??, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-25-02 11:40 AM, #3
where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage?? [View all]koolade9Jan-25-02 11:31 AM
by Michael_97RS
12309 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-20-02 07:46 AM, #1
RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, koolade9, Jan-22-02 04:59 PM, #2
      RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, John99RS, Jan-23-02 02:32 AM, #3
      RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-23-02 11:09 AM, #5
RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Jan-23-02 02:50 AM, #4
RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, koolade9, Jan-24-02 11:34 AM, #6
      RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, koolade9, Jan-24-02 11:35 AM, #7
      RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, John99RS, Jan-24-02 02:15 PM, #8
           RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, Super20G, Jan-24-02 02:49 PM, #9
                RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Jan-25-02 12:53 AM, #11
      RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Jan-25-02 12:52 AM, #10
           RE: where to put sending unit for oil pressure guage??, TeamMichael_97RS, Jan-25-02 11:31 AM, #12
I Need Help [View all]EsiTalon96Jan-25-02 10:35 AM
by Jen
1145 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I Need Help, Jen, Jan-25-02 10:35 AM, #1
Anyone shortened their shifter linkage? [View all]damastaJan-25-02 06:52 AM
by damasta
0154 ---
goodyear timing/alt belts? good or bad? [View all]Mystic511Jan-25-02 06:18 AM
by mcgyvr
3201 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: goodyear timing/alt belts? good or bad?, iamnotwhoiam, Jan-25-02 05:28 AM, #1
RE: goodyear timing/alt belts? good or bad?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jan-25-02 05:29 AM, #2
      RE: goodyear timing/alt belts? good or bad?, mcgyvr, Jan-25-02 06:18 AM, #3
Anyone know if the HRC stage 4 clutch is modular?? [View all]esi420Jan-25-02 06:13 AM
by esi420
4154 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Anyone know if the HRC stage 4 clutch is modular??, Fast420A, Jan-24-02 09:05 PM, #1
RE: Anyone know if the HRC stage 4 clutch is modular??, TeamStan2gnt, Jan-25-02 12:59 AM, #2
      RE: Anyone know if the HRC stage 4 clutch is modular??, Super20G, Jan-25-02 05:23 AM, #3
           RE: Anyone know if the HRC stage 4 clutch is modular??, esi420, Jan-25-02 06:13 AM, #4
balanced internals [View all]bigbrent88Jan-25-02 03:51 AM
by Fast420A
12251 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: balanced internals, bigbrent88, Jan-24-02 10:53 AM, #1
RE: balanced internals, All4thaN0okie, Jan-24-02 01:58 PM, #2
      RE: balanced internals, bigbrent88, Jan-24-02 02:10 PM, #3
           RE: balanced internals, Fast420A, Jan-24-02 04:18 PM, #4
                RE: balanced internals, TeamMuRiX, Jan-24-02 09:44 PM, #5
RE: balanced internals, VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Jan-25-02 12:50 AM, #6
RE: balanced internals, TeamMuRiX, Jan-25-02 01:42 AM, #7
      RE: balanced internals, VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Jan-25-02 01:55 AM, #8
           RE: balanced internals, Avenger EST, Jan-25-02 03:37 AM, #9
           RE: balanced internals, TeamMuRiX, Jan-25-02 03:40 AM, #11
           RE: balanced internals, Fast420A, Jan-25-02 03:51 AM, #12
           RE: balanced internals, TeamMuRiX, Jan-25-02 03:38 AM, #10
time to change the valve cover gasket [View all]Dave_FLJan-25-02 12:03 AM
by evan2
11175 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: time to change the valve cover gasket, evan2, Jan-23-02 11:33 AM, #1
RE: time to change the valve cover gasket, me612, Jan-23-02 12:18 PM, #2
      RE: time to change the valve cover gasket, Fast420A, Jan-23-02 12:22 PM, #3
           RE: time to change the valve cover gasket, Dave_FL, Jan-23-02 01:43 PM, #4
                RE: time to change the valve cover gasket, Fast420A, Jan-23-02 03:57 PM, #5
                     RE: time to change the valve cover gasket, evan2, Jan-24-02 01:32 AM, #6
                          RE: time to change the valve cover gasket, Dave_FL, Jan-24-02 08:31 AM, #7
                               RE: time to change the valve cover gasket, evan2, Jan-24-02 12:20 PM, #8
                                    RE: time to change the valve cover gasket, Fast420A, Jan-24-02 04:16 PM, #9
                                         RE: time to change the valve cover gasket, 96venger, Jan-24-02 07:41 PM, #10
                                              RE: time to change the valve cover gasket, evan2, Jan-25-02 12:03 AM, #11
Best place to get the Star stage 2 kit? [View all]Nitrous_RS1997Jan-24-02 06:11 PM
by Logic3
3138 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Best place to get the Star stage 2 kit?, optimuspeterson, Jan-24-02 03:08 PM, #1
RE: Best place to get the Star stage 2 kit?, icedout, Jan-24-02 04:40 PM, #2
      RE: Best place to get the Star stage 2 kit?, Logic3, Jan-24-02 06:11 PM, #3
mustang injectors [View all]PROimportJan-24-02 05:07 PM
by RyaN95i4
4308 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: mustang injectors, RyaN95i4, Jan-23-02 02:05 PM, #1
RE: mustang injectors, PROimport, Jan-24-02 12:47 PM, #2
      RE: mustang injectors, ModeratorCorbin, Jan-24-02 04:08 PM, #3
      RE: mustang injectors, RyaN95i4, Jan-24-02 05:07 PM, #4
Injectors on Ebay. . . [View all]Fast420AJan-24-02 04:03 PM
by Fast420A
1339 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Injectors on Ebay. . ., Fast420A, Jan-24-02 04:03 PM, #1
PCV valve question. [View all]Dave_FLJan-24-02 04:01 PM
by evan2
4384 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: PCV valve question., optimuspeterson, Jan-24-02 11:07 AM, #1
RE: PCV valve question., evan2, Jan-24-02 12:16 PM, #2
      RE: PCV valve question., Super20G, Jan-24-02 02:42 PM, #3
           RE: PCV valve question., evan2, Jan-24-02 04:01 PM, #4
My clutch dying? [View all]damastaJan-24-02 03:36 PM
by damasta
0339 ---
Can I Swap my engine to a factory turbo? [View all]crijimarJan-24-02 02:45 PM
by Super20G
51421 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Can I Swap my engine to a factory turbo?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jan-24-02 10:16 AM, #1
RE: Can I Swap my engine to a factory turbo?, Twiste, Jan-24-02 10:59 AM, #2
      RE: Can I Swap my engine to a factory turbo?, slacker911, Jan-24-02 11:15 AM, #3
           RE: Can I Swap my engine to a factory turbo?, drbalazo7, Jan-24-02 11:56 AM, #4
                RE: Can I Swap my engine to a factory turbo?, Super20G, Jan-24-02 02:45 PM, #5
tune up [View all]VinzJan-24-02 02:39 PM
by Super20G
1426 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: tune up, Super20G, Jan-24-02 02:39 PM, #1
Sweet A$$ Cold Air Intake Arospeed???? [View all]Talon95StangJan-24-02 01:05 PM
by Talon95Stang
0336 ---
Idle problem [View all]weepulJan-24-02 10:56 AM
by Twiste
1389 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Idle problem, Twiste, Jan-24-02 10:56 AM, #1
Quick, Easy Question [View all]97_ESiJan-24-02 10:14 AM
by 97_ESi
2458 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Quick, Easy Question, 1995GS, Jan-24-02 10:12 AM, #1
RE: Quick, Easy Question, 97_ESi, Jan-24-02 10:14 AM, #2
Can anyone in hear install internals? [View all]Dualgen2Jan-24-02 09:35 AM
by Kiku
11509 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Can anyone in hear install internals?, Administratoradmin2, Jan-10-02 04:07 PM, #1
RE: Can anyone in hear install internals?, Dualgen2, Jan-10-02 04:12 PM, #2
      RE: Can anyone in hear install internals?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Jan-10-02 04:18 PM, #3
           RE: Can anyone in hear install internals?, SaberKhan, Jan-10-02 08:40 PM, #4
                RE: Can anyone in hear install internals?, Dualgen2, Jan-11-02 03:02 AM, #5
                     RE: Can anyone in hear install internals?, Fast420A, Jan-11-02 07:12 AM, #6
                          RE: Can anyone in hear install internals?, Kiku, Jan-11-02 09:12 AM, #7
                               RE: Can anyone in here install internals?, Dualgen2, Jan-11-02 12:46 PM, #8
                                    RE: Can anyone in here install internals?, Kiku, Jan-11-02 02:55 PM, #9
                                         RE: Can anyone in here install internals?, dzaVenge, Jan-24-02 06:41 AM, #10
                                              RE: Can anyone in here install internals?, Kiku, Jan-24-02 09:35 AM, #11
Installing an air intake on a 99 GS [View all]My1st99_GSJan-24-02 09:22 AM
by My1st99_GS
3223 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Installing an air intake on a 99 GS, Mystic511, Jan-24-02 08:17 AM, #1
RE: Installing an air intake on a 99 GS, whodatt1, Jan-24-02 08:23 AM, #2
RE: Installing an air intake on a 99 GS, My1st99_GS, Jan-24-02 09:22 AM, #3
ECU Upgrade and Octain Boosters [View all]1FastEclipseJan-24-02 08:29 AM
by thedawg
3306 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ECU Upgrade and Octain Boosters, Fast420A, Jan-24-02 02:33 AM, #1
RE: ECU Upgrade and Octain Boosters, Ichiban, Jan-24-02 04:37 AM, #2
      RE: ECU Upgrade and Octain Boosters, thedawg, Jan-24-02 08:29 AM, #3
Exhaust/Back Pressure Question [View all]Twobuf4uJan-24-02 07:22 AM
by RoboTechDSM
5151 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Exhaust/Back Pressure Question, evan2, Jan-24-02 06:29 AM, #1
RE: Exhaust/Back Pressure Question, Twobuf4u, Jan-24-02 06:52 AM, #2
      I'd say, ModeratorVX100, Jan-24-02 07:10 AM, #3
           RE: I'd say, Twobuf4u, Jan-24-02 07:18 AM, #4
RE: Exhaust/Back Pressure Question, RoboTechDSM, Jan-24-02 07:22 AM, #5
AT tranny fluid.. ok heres my dilema [View all]evan2Jan-24-02 07:18 AM
by John99RS
2177 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AT tranny fluid.. ok heres my dilema, RoboTechDSM, Jan-24-02 07:05 AM, #1
RE: AT tranny fluid.. ok heres my dilema, John99RS, Jan-24-02 07:18 AM, #2
Urethane motor mounts [View all]damastaJan-24-02 06:03 AM
by Twobuf4u
6146 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Urethane motor mounts, 99GS, Jan-23-02 03:22 PM, #1
RE: Urethane motor mounts, vegasdsmr, Jan-23-02 04:08 PM, #2
      RE: Urethane motor mounts, trwebb26, Jan-24-02 01:06 AM, #3
           RE: Urethane motor mounts, Super20G, Jan-24-02 04:34 AM, #4
                RE: Urethane motor mounts, damasta, Jan-24-02 05:23 AM, #5
                     RE: Urethane motor mounts, Twobuf4u, Jan-24-02 06:03 AM, #6
More Power [View all]EsiTalon96Jan-24-02 06:02 AM
by VX100
2129 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: More Power, FuSi0N, Jan-24-02 05:54 AM, #1
RE: More Power, ModeratorVX100, Jan-24-02 06:02 AM, #2
AEM Bypass [View all]Twobuf4uJan-24-02 05:59 AM
by Twobuf4u
4145 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: AEM Bypass, evan2, Jan-24-02 05:05 AM, #1
RE: AEM Bypass, damasta, Jan-24-02 05:17 AM, #2
      RE: AEM Bypass, Ryan_RS, Jan-24-02 05:20 AM, #3
           RE: AEM Bypass, Twobuf4u, Jan-24-02 05:59 AM, #4
msd blaster coil [View all]ModeratorjuanJan-24-02 04:48 AM
by Ichiban
8138 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: msd blaster coil, speedracer21, Jan-23-02 10:43 AM, #1
RE: msd blaster coil, Eric97GS, Jan-23-02 10:45 AM, #2
RE: msd blaster coil, Avenger EST, Jan-23-02 01:30 PM, #3
RE: msd blaster coil, RyaN95i4, Jan-23-02 02:01 PM, #4
RE: msd blaster coil, Teameclipse804, Jan-23-02 02:34 PM, #5
RE: msd blaster coil, randy, Jan-23-02 03:19 PM, #6
      RE: msd blaster coil, CVedEclipse, Jan-23-02 03:36 PM, #7
           RE: msd blaster coil, Ichiban, Jan-24-02 04:48 AM, #8
wash fluid level light [View all]VinzJan-24-02 04:40 AM
by Ichiban
8139 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: wash fluid level light, Danny95ESI, Jan-22-02 03:04 AM, #1
RE: wash fluid level light, Danny95ESI, Jan-22-02 03:05 AM, #2
      RE: wash fluid level light, Kory, Jan-22-02 03:24 AM, #3
           RE: wash fluid level light, optimuspeterson, Jan-22-02 06:12 AM, #4
                RE: wash fluid level light, Vinz, Jan-23-02 06:15 PM, #6
RE: wash fluid level light, Vinz, Jan-23-02 06:11 PM, #5
RE: wash fluid level light, Jen, Jan-24-02 02:18 AM, #7
      RE: wash fluid level light, Ichiban, Jan-24-02 04:40 AM, #8
Battery Keeps Dying [View all]rfitz88Jan-24-02 04:26 AM
by Super20G
7131 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Battery Keeps Dying, randy, Jan-23-02 03:27 PM, #1
RE: Battery Keeps Dying, TeamXtremeRS, Jan-23-02 04:54 PM, #2
RE: Battery Keeps Dying, trwebb26, Jan-24-02 01:04 AM, #3
      RE: Battery Keeps Dying, vector_racing, Jan-24-02 01:57 AM, #4
           RE: Battery Keeps Dying, Jen, Jan-24-02 02:22 AM, #5
                RE: Battery Keeps Dying, All4thaN0okie, Jan-24-02 04:17 AM, #6
                RE: Battery Keeps Dying, Super20G, Jan-24-02 04:26 AM, #7
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