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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
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6170 messages
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
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764 topics
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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
MSD Coil Part number 8229? [View all]Talon95StangFeb-15-02 08:21 PM
by Talon95Stang
4127 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: MSD Coil Part number 8229?, Fast420A, Feb-14-02 08:45 PM, #1
RE: MSD Coil Part number 8229?, RyaN95i4, Feb-15-02 05:13 AM, #2
      RE: MSD Coil Part number 8229?, damasta, Feb-15-02 11:48 AM, #3
           RE: MSD Coil Part number 8229?, Talon95Stang, Feb-15-02 08:21 PM, #4
Any pointers on exhaust installation? [View all]fasterGSFeb-15-02 04:26 PM
by fasterGS
6180 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Any pointers on exhaust installation?, vegasdsmr, Feb-15-02 08:02 AM, #1
RE: Any pointers on exhaust installation?, FuSi0N, Feb-15-02 08:08 AM, #2
RE: Any pointers on exhaust installation?, fasterGS, Feb-15-02 08:26 AM, #3
      RE: Any pointers on exhaust installation?, FuSi0N, Feb-15-02 08:44 AM, #4
           RE: Any pointers on exhaust installation?, vegasdsmr, Feb-15-02 08:54 AM, #5
                RE: Any pointers on exhaust installation?, fasterGS, Feb-15-02 04:26 PM, #6
engine ticking? Here's why..... [View all]ModeratoreclipzGSTFeb-15-02 02:09 PM
by optimuspeterson
5267 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: engine ticking? Here's why....., Vectorracing_B, Feb-15-02 07:19 AM, #1
Lifters and Rockers upgrade information, TeamJasonESi_T, Feb-15-02 07:38 AM, #2
RE: Lifters and Rockers upgrade information, vegasdsmr, Feb-15-02 07:44 AM, #3
RE: engine ticking? Here's why....., pearlwhite2gnt, Feb-15-02 01:46 PM, #4
RE: engine ticking? Here's why....., optimuspeterson, Feb-15-02 02:09 PM, #5
camshaft specs?? [View all]vegasdsmrFeb-15-02 09:57 AM
by bigbrent88
1163 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: camshaft specs??, bigbrent88, Feb-15-02 09:57 AM, #1
Gude Head Package [View all]DocWhiplashFeb-15-02 09:26 AM
by Kiku
7138 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Gude Head Package, vegasdsmr, Feb-13-02 08:26 AM, #1
RE: Gude Head Package, Kiku, Feb-13-02 08:29 AM, #2
RE: Gude Head Package, 1TuffRS, Feb-13-02 09:30 AM, #3
      RE: Gude Head Package, Breezio, Feb-13-02 09:52 AM, #4
           RE: Gude Head Package, Vectorracing_B, Feb-14-02 06:57 AM, #5
                RE: Gude Head Package, Vectorracing_B, Feb-15-02 07:58 AM, #6
                     RE: Gude Head Package, Kiku, Feb-15-02 09:26 AM, #7
Link Me: Howell Rebuild Kit? [View all]NiclipseFeb-15-02 08:58 AM
by Twobuf4u
5161 ---
Replies to this topic:
Here.., TeamJasonESi_T, Feb-14-02 04:20 AM, #1
RE: Here.., SpeedracerIndy, Feb-15-02 01:44 AM, #2
      RE: Here.., TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-15-02 02:54 AM, #3
           RE: Here.., thisismygs, Feb-15-02 08:32 AM, #4
                RE: Here.., Twobuf4u, Feb-15-02 08:58 AM, #5
fan question? [View all]tenzoeclipseFeb-15-02 08:16 AM
by Michael_97RS
7198 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: fan question?, JUNJUN712, Feb-14-02 04:49 PM, #1
RE: fan question?, tenzoeclipse, Feb-14-02 05:20 PM, #2
      RE: fan question?, randy, Feb-14-02 07:26 PM, #3
RE: fan question?, TeamXtremeRS, Feb-15-02 04:43 AM, #4
RE: fan question?, evan2, Feb-15-02 04:50 AM, #5
      RE: fan question?, Vectorracing_B, Feb-15-02 08:01 AM, #6
           RE: fan question?, TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-15-02 08:16 AM, #7
Cebterforce DF Clutch? [View all]SpoolinEclipse97Feb-15-02 08:14 AM
by DarkOne
28270 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, Super20G, Feb-11-02 11:11 AM, #1
RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-11-02 11:12 AM, #2
RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, dudasd, Feb-11-02 02:10 PM, #3
      RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, TeamDeanoD, Feb-11-02 02:46 PM, #4
           RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, SpoolinEclipse97, Feb-11-02 03:11 PM, #5
                RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-11-02 03:22 PM, #6
                     RE: Centerforce DF Clutch?, SpoolinEclipse97, Feb-11-02 03:57 PM, #7
RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, pearlwhite2gnt, Feb-11-02 07:09 PM, #8
RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, SpoolinEclipse97, Feb-12-02 05:45 AM, #9
      RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, pearlwhite2gnt, Feb-12-02 08:04 AM, #10
           RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, Super20G, Feb-12-02 09:55 AM, #11
                RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-12-02 10:02 AM, #12
                     RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, speedracer21, Feb-12-02 10:36 AM, #13
                          RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, TeamStan2gnt, Feb-12-02 12:14 PM, #14
                               RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, dudasd, Feb-12-02 12:51 PM, #15
                                    RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, Super20G, Feb-12-02 02:26 PM, #16
                                         RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, SpoolinEclipse97, Feb-12-02 03:36 PM, #17
                                              RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, Super20G, Feb-12-02 05:10 PM, #18
                                                   RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, TeamStan2gnt, Feb-12-02 05:17 PM, #19
                                                        RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, HadesOmega, Feb-12-02 06:57 PM, #20
                                                             RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, mkerley, Feb-13-02 06:17 AM, #21
                                                             RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, Kiku, Feb-13-02 07:53 AM, #22
                                                                  RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, Super20G, Feb-13-02 02:39 PM, #25
                                                                       RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, Kiku, Feb-15-02 06:50 AM, #26
                                                             RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, TeamStan2gnt, Feb-13-02 11:05 AM, #23
                                                                  RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, HadesOmega, Feb-13-02 11:21 AM, #24
                                                                       RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-15-02 07:07 AM, #27
                                                                            RE: Cebterforce DF Clutch?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-15-02 08:14 AM, #28
Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP???? [View all]AaronD95GSFeb-15-02 03:25 AM
by Michael_97RS
17272 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, Fast420A, Feb-13-02 12:38 PM, #1
RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, Thunderous_Talon, Feb-13-02 12:45 PM, #2
      RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, Dave_FL, Feb-13-02 01:43 PM, #3
           RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, AaronD95GS, Feb-13-02 01:47 PM, #4
                RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, Eclipse97, Feb-13-02 01:57 PM, #5
                     RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, Fast420A, Feb-13-02 03:40 PM, #6
                     RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, AaronD95GS, Feb-13-02 05:04 PM, #7
                          RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, Fast420A, Feb-13-02 05:10 PM, #8
                               RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, AaronD95GS, Feb-13-02 05:25 PM, #9
                                    RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-13-02 06:05 PM, #10
                                         RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, HadesOmega, Feb-14-02 10:09 AM, #11
                                              RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-14-02 10:24 AM, #12
                                              RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, AaronD95GS, Feb-14-02 03:48 PM, #16
RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, 99Eclipse, Feb-14-02 12:28 PM, #13
RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, Thunderous_Talon, Feb-14-02 12:38 PM, #14
      RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, HadesOmega, Feb-14-02 03:26 PM, #15
           RE: Total Engine Rebuild.. Est. HP????, TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-15-02 03:25 AM, #17
Best spark plugs w/ NOS [View all]Talon95StangFeb-15-02 03:22 AM
by dougie2
2133 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Best spark plugs w/ NOS, vegasdsmr, Feb-14-02 07:25 PM, #1
RE: Best spark plugs w/ NOS, Teamdougie2, Feb-15-02 03:22 AM, #2
rebuld parts list...did i forget anything? [View all]speedracer21Feb-15-02 02:54 AM
by Fast420A
9139 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: rebuld parts list...did i forget anything?, TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-12-02 12:56 PM, #1
RE: rebuld parts list...did i forget anything?, JustOne, Feb-12-02 04:15 PM, #2
      RE: rebuld parts list...did i forget anything?, TeamAvenger, Feb-12-02 04:22 PM, #3
           RE: rebuld parts list...did i forget anything?, speedracer21, Feb-13-02 01:50 AM, #4
                RE: rebuld parts list...did i forget anything?, Kory, Feb-13-02 03:22 AM, #5
                     RE: rebuld parts list...did i forget anything?, JustOne, Feb-14-02 04:40 AM, #6
                          RE: rebuld parts list...did i forget anything?, speedracer21, Feb-14-02 05:16 AM, #7
                               RE: rebuld parts list...did i forget anything?, flossinpnoyracer, Feb-15-02 02:41 AM, #8
                                    RE: rebuld parts list...did i forget anything?, Fast420A, Feb-15-02 02:54 AM, #9
send me your pics [View all]silverbulletFeb-14-02 05:07 PM
by JUNJUN712
28305 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: send me your pics, Fast420A, Feb-07-02 03:07 AM, #1
RE: send me your pics, FuSi0N, Feb-07-02 03:44 AM, #2
      RE: send me your pics, iamnotwhoiam, Feb-07-02 05:16 AM, #3
      RE: send me your pics, evan2, Feb-07-02 05:33 AM, #4
           RE: send me your pics, flashed gs, Feb-07-02 06:49 AM, #5
                RE: send me your pics, xEclipsE RaceRx, Feb-07-02 11:04 AM, #6
                     RE: send me your pics, TeamJeff_99gs, Feb-07-02 02:37 PM, #7
                          RE: send me your pics, optimuspeterson, Feb-07-02 02:39 PM, #8
                               RE: send me your pics, Blk95GS, Feb-07-02 03:14 PM, #9
                               RE: send me your pics, evan2, Feb-07-02 05:14 PM, #10
                                    RE: send me your pics, HadesOmega, Feb-07-02 06:33 PM, #11
                                         RE: send me your pics, RyaN95i4, Feb-07-02 07:10 PM, #12
                                         RE: send me your pics, evan2, Feb-08-02 12:44 AM, #13
                                              RE: send me your pics, Moderator992gnt, Feb-08-02 06:34 AM, #14
                                              RE: send me your pics, Kory, Feb-08-02 07:03 AM, #15
                                              RE: send me your pics, RyaN95i4, Feb-08-02 07:58 AM, #16
                                                   RE: send me your pics, Logic3, Feb-08-02 08:41 AM, #17
                                                        RE: send me your pics, evan2, Feb-08-02 09:16 AM, #18
                                                             RE: send me your pics, RyaN95i4, Feb-08-02 10:00 AM, #19
                                                                  RE: send me your pics, thedawg, Feb-08-02 10:21 AM, #20
                                                                       RE: send me your pics, ModeratoreclipzGST, Feb-08-02 06:34 PM, #21
                                                                            RE: send me your pics, mitseclps, Feb-09-02 03:42 AM, #22
                                                                                 RE: send me your pics, jZa, Feb-09-02 06:10 AM, #23
                                                                                      RE: send me your pics, Vectorracing_B, Feb-09-02 08:15 AM, #24
                                                                                           RE: send me your pics, HadesOmega, Feb-13-02 04:47 PM, #25
                                                                                           RE: send me your pics, JUNJUN712, Feb-14-02 05:07 PM, #28
                                         RE: send me your pics, mkerley, Feb-14-02 04:51 AM, #26
                                              RE: send me your pics, HadesOmega, Feb-14-02 10:13 AM, #27
Ignition [View all]MrClean125Feb-14-02 04:59 PM
by Michael_97RS
6225 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Ignition, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-14-02 11:20 AM, #1
RE: Ignition, tim97rs, Feb-14-02 11:36 AM, #2
RE: Ignition, Vectorracing_B, Feb-14-02 12:10 PM, #3
      RE: Ignition, TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-14-02 12:34 PM, #4
           RE: Ignition, 99GS, Feb-14-02 04:11 PM, #5
                RE: Ignition, TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-14-02 04:59 PM, #6
Would you buy 95 GSX ? [View all]xEclipsE RaceRxFeb-14-02 01:04 PM
by Ryan_RS
7274 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Would you buy 95 GSX ?, fasterGS, Feb-13-02 03:39 PM, #1
RE: Would you buy 95 GSX ?, silverbullet, Feb-13-02 03:58 PM, #2
RE: Would you buy 95 GSX ?, 98GST16, Feb-14-02 06:26 AM, #3
      RE: Would you buy 95 GSX ?, klipzracer, Feb-14-02 07:08 AM, #4
           RE: Would you buy 95 GSX ?, fauchpj, Feb-14-02 08:52 AM, #5
RE: Would you buy 95 GSX ?, Ryan_RS, Feb-14-02 01:04 PM, #7
no, Avenger EST, Feb-14-02 12:29 PM, #6
Rebuild Question [View all]Dualgen2Feb-14-02 12:45 PM
by Dualgen2
0128 ---
Anyone hit an animal when they had a FMIC?? [View all]esi420Feb-14-02 11:53 AM
by Vectorracing_B
8167 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Anyone hit an animal when they had a FMIC??, EvMan2345, Feb-14-02 01:17 AM, #1
RE: Anyone hit an animal when they had a FMIC??, soldier101, Feb-14-02 01:34 AM, #2
      RE: Anyone hit an animal when they had a FMIC??, jkoston, Feb-14-02 03:24 AM, #3
           RE: Anyone hit an animal when they had a FMIC??, fauchpj, Feb-14-02 03:39 AM, #4
                RE: Anyone hit an animal when they had a FMIC??, Dave_FL, Feb-14-02 08:18 AM, #5
                     RE: Anyone hit an animal when they had a FMIC??, HadesOmega, Feb-14-02 10:18 AM, #6
                          RE: Anyone hit an animal when they had a FMIC??, soldier101, Feb-14-02 10:53 AM, #7
                               RE: Anyone hit an animal when they had a FMIC??, Vectorracing_B, Feb-14-02 11:53 AM, #8
Parts Scam everyone read [View all]TommyboyFeb-14-02 10:51 AM
by soldier101
4379 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Parts Scam everyone read, Teameclipse804, Feb-13-02 06:46 PM, #1
RE: Parts Scam everyone read, Erik, Feb-14-02 02:48 AM, #2
      RE: Parts Scam everyone read, HadesOmega, Feb-14-02 10:21 AM, #3
           RE: Parts Scam everyone read, soldier101, Feb-14-02 10:51 AM, #4
Hit the rev limiter today... [View all]fasterGSFeb-14-02 03:48 AM
by dsmark
11733 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Hit the rev limiter today..., daved, Feb-13-02 10:45 AM, #1
RE: Hit the rev limiter today..., jkoston, Feb-13-02 10:52 AM, #2
      RE: Hit the rev limiter today..., slacker911, Feb-13-02 11:56 AM, #3
           RE: Hit the rev limiter today..., Super20G, Feb-13-02 02:47 PM, #4
                RE: Hit the rev limiter today..., SpeedracerIndy, Feb-13-02 02:58 PM, #5
                     RE: Hit the rev limiter today..., xEclipsE RaceRx, Feb-13-02 03:44 PM, #6
                          RE: Hit the rev limiter today..., fasterGS, Feb-13-02 03:49 PM, #7
                               RE: Hit the rev limiter today..., CluckeRMC, Feb-13-02 06:27 PM, #8
                                    RE: Hit the rev limiter today..., Fast420A, Feb-13-02 07:06 PM, #9
                                    RE: Hit the rev limiter today..., CVedEclipse, Feb-13-02 07:10 PM, #10
                                         RE: Hit the rev limiter today..., dsmark, Feb-14-02 03:48 AM, #11
Got the '95 over 140mph... [View all]2GNTCUTIEFeb-14-02 03:42 AM
by MuRiX
171308 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-13-02 04:35 AM, #1
RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., evan2, Feb-13-02 04:38 AM, #2
RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., calcio20, Feb-13-02 05:18 AM, #3
RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-13-02 05:33 AM, #4
      RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., bigbrent88, Feb-13-02 05:36 AM, #5
           RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., AvengerES97, Feb-13-02 10:27 AM, #6
                RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., Grashper, Feb-13-02 10:32 AM, #7
                     RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., 2GNTCUTIE, Feb-13-02 03:12 PM, #8
                          RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., xEclipsE RaceRx, Feb-13-02 03:42 PM, #9
                               RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., phatridedoin140, Feb-13-02 04:20 PM, #10
                                    RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., CluckeRMC, Feb-13-02 06:25 PM, #11
                                         RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., TeamMuRiX, Feb-13-02 10:36 PM, #12
                                              RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., Fast420A, Feb-13-02 11:08 PM, #13
                                                   RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., TeamMuRiX, Feb-14-02 12:52 AM, #14
                                                        RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., Fast420A, Feb-14-02 01:46 AM, #15
                                                             RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., Eclipse550HP, Feb-14-02 01:57 AM, #16
                                                             RE: Got the '95 over 140mph..., TeamMuRiX, Feb-14-02 03:42 AM, #17
timing belt replacment [View all]97GS ATFeb-14-02 03:39 AM
by dsmark
3416 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: timing belt replacment, DrkWtsn, Feb-14-02 02:52 AM, #1
RE: timing belt replacment, iamnotwhoiam, Feb-14-02 03:03 AM, #2
      RE: timing belt replacment, dsmark, Feb-14-02 03:39 AM, #3
physics of intake manifold? [View all]BlmetFeb-14-02 02:26 AM
by Super20G
4427 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: physics of intake manifold?, ModeratorVX100, Feb-13-02 01:08 AM, #1
RE: physics of intake manifold?, Super20G, Feb-13-02 02:43 PM, #2
      RE: physics of intake manifold?, Avenger EST, Feb-13-02 06:44 PM, #3
           RE: physics of intake manifold?, Super20G, Feb-14-02 02:26 AM, #4
Why is it one the left? [View all]98gseclipse00Feb-13-02 10:39 PM
by MuRiX
9254 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Why is it one the left?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Feb-13-02 04:36 AM, #1
RE: Why is it one the left?, TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-13-02 06:35 AM, #2
      RE: Why is it one the left?, Kory, Feb-13-02 07:47 AM, #3
           RE: Why is it one the left?, SpeedracerIndy, Feb-13-02 07:52 AM, #4
                RE: Why is it one the left?, Jen, Feb-13-02 08:38 AM, #5
                     RE: Why is it one the left?, Jen, Feb-13-02 08:43 AM, #6
                          RE: Why is it one the left?, fasterGS, Feb-13-02 10:48 AM, #7
                               RE: Why is it one the left?, Ludiclipse, Feb-13-02 11:48 AM, #8
                                    RE: Why is it one the left?, TeamMuRiX, Feb-13-02 10:39 PM, #9
A sort of hum while pressing gas peddle around 60mph [View all]DrkWtsnFeb-13-02 04:15 PM
by phatridedoin140
7204 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: A sort of hum while pressing gas peddle around 60mph, phatridedoin140, Feb-11-02 03:45 PM, #1
RE: A sort of hum while pressing gas peddle around 60mph, vegasdsmr, Feb-11-02 07:32 PM, #2
      RE: A sort of hum while pressing gas peddle around 60mph, DrkWtsn, Feb-12-02 12:31 AM, #3
           RE: A sort of hum while pressing gas peddle around 60mph, DrkWtsn, Feb-13-02 03:12 AM, #4
                RE: A sort of hum while pressing gas peddle around 60mph, IntenseEclipse, Feb-13-02 02:18 PM, #5
                     RE: A sort of hum while pressing gas peddle around 60mph, DrkWtsn, Feb-13-02 02:20 PM, #6
                          RE: A sort of hum while pressing gas peddle around 60mph, phatridedoin140, Feb-13-02 04:15 PM, #7
throttle cable [View all]IntenseEclipseFeb-13-02 02:24 PM
by fasterGS
1126 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: throttle cable, fasterGS, Feb-13-02 02:24 PM, #1
valves , springs, lifters. [View all]jwoodFeb-13-02 12:00 PM
by eclipse804
7214 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: valves , springs, lifters., Fast420A, Feb-12-02 10:26 AM, #1
RE: valves , springs, lifters., Super20G, Feb-12-02 02:45 PM, #2
      RE: valves , springs, lifters., Avenger EST, Feb-12-02 05:26 PM, #3
           RE: valves , springs, lifters., TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-13-02 06:48 AM, #4
                RE: valves , springs, lifters., Teameclipse804, Feb-13-02 06:52 AM, #5
                     RE: valves , springs, lifters., TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-13-02 08:16 AM, #6
                          RE: valves , springs, lifters., Teameclipse804, Feb-13-02 12:00 PM, #7
Cam questions...new, not re-grinds, street grind for $170.00 [View all]tim97rsFeb-13-02 11:34 AM
by tim97rs
2147 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Cam questions...new, not re-grinds, street grind for $170.00, Fast420A, Feb-13-02 10:54 AM, #1
RE: Cam questions...new, not re-grinds, street grind for $170.00, tim97rs, Feb-13-02 11:34 AM, #2
Hey east coast peeps [View all]VendorAFX_ManufacturingFeb-13-02 09:58 AM
by AFX_Manufacturing
0131 ---
help quick please?!? ATT corbin and all engine gods [View all]Djinn13Feb-13-02 09:05 AM
by Djinn13
9178 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: help quick please?!? ATT corbin and all engine gods, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Feb-11-02 11:22 AM, #1
RE: help quick please?!? ATT corbin and all engine gods, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Feb-11-02 11:49 AM, #2
      RE: help quick please?!? ATT corbin and all engine gods, TeamAvenger, Feb-11-02 11:58 AM, #3
RE: help quick please?!? ATT corbin and all engine gods, ModeratorCorbin, Feb-11-02 01:02 PM, #4
RE: help quick please?!? ATT corbin and all engine gods, Djinn13, Feb-11-02 03:13 PM, #5
      RE: help quick please?!? ATT corbin and all engine gods, ModeratorCorbin, Feb-11-02 06:00 PM, #6
           RE: help quick please?!? ATT corbin and all engine gods, Djinn13, Feb-12-02 01:47 AM, #7
                RE: help quick please?!? ATT corbin and all engine gods, ModeratorCorbin, Feb-12-02 04:57 PM, #8
                     RE: help quick please?!? ATT corbin and all engine gods, Djinn13, Feb-13-02 09:05 AM, #9
Level Ten Question [View all]soldier101Feb-13-02 07:00 AM
by RSin oRACLe
6204 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Level Ten Question, black_eclipse_95, Feb-12-02 02:26 PM, #1
RE: Level Ten Question, Teamdougie2, Feb-12-02 02:30 PM, #2
      RE: Level Ten Question, RoboTechDSM, Feb-12-02 05:43 PM, #3
           RE: Level Ten Question, soldier101, Feb-13-02 12:25 AM, #4
                RE: Level Ten Question, Vectorracing_B, Feb-13-02 06:42 AM, #5
                     RE: Level Ten Question, RSin oRACLe, Feb-13-02 07:00 AM, #6
hmm AEM engine management [View all]2xtremedsmFeb-13-02 06:36 AM
by Michael_97RS
3230 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: hmm AEM engine management, Avenger EST, Feb-13-02 03:49 AM, #1
RE: hmm AEM engine management, Teameclipse804, Feb-13-02 06:06 AM, #2
      RE: hmm AEM engine management, TeamMichael_97RS, Feb-13-02 06:36 AM, #3
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