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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
698 topics
6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
by electrohead
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Manual Trans - NV-T350
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
by 420agreenvilleSC
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All questions,comments and updates on Electronic Engine Management Controllers such as the DFI, SAFC, MegaSquirt, and 034 EIC extra Injector controller go here. Forum will be STRICTY MODERATED for mis-placed posts!
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
OBD2 app recommendat...
by VX100
764 topics
5809 messages
Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
Howell cams pricedrop [View all]GorkoRacingMar-28-02 10:49 AM
by Fast420A
4142 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Howell cams pricedrop, babybeclipse, Mar-28-02 06:20 AM, #1
RE: Howell cams pricedrop, Y2 e c l i p s e d, Mar-28-02 06:38 AM, #2
      RE: Howell cams pricedrop, GorkoRacing, Mar-28-02 07:13 AM, #3
           RE: Howell cams pricedrop, Fast420A, Mar-28-02 10:49 AM, #4
car wont start, help ASAP [View all]nappyjimMar-28-02 09:57 AM
by nappyjim
4165 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: car wont start, help ASAP, whodatt1, Mar-28-02 09:17 AM, #1
RE: car wont start, help ASAP, nappyjim, Mar-28-02 09:18 AM, #2
      RE: car wont start, help ASAP, whodatt1, Mar-28-02 09:25 AM, #3
           RE: car wont start, help ASAP, nappyjim, Mar-28-02 09:57 AM, #4
My car is finally getting back together [View all]bedlam32570Mar-28-02 08:10 AM
by bedlam32570
0125 ---
apexi n1 review [View all]mitseclpsMar-28-02 06:22 AM
by iamnotwhoiam
10211 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: apexi n1 review, 97GS AT, Mar-27-02 04:02 PM, #1
RE: apexi n1 review, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-27-02 04:09 PM, #2
      RE: apexi n1 review, mitseclps, Mar-27-02 04:49 PM, #3
           RE: apexi n1 review, 99Eclipse, Mar-27-02 07:20 PM, #4
                RE: apexi n1 review, mkerley, Mar-28-02 02:23 AM, #5
                     RE: apexi n1 review, skinny_one, Mar-28-02 04:28 AM, #6
                          RE: apexi n1 review, mitseclps, Mar-28-02 04:41 AM, #7
                               RE: apexi n1 review, mitseclps, Mar-28-02 04:42 AM, #8
                               RE: apexi n1 review, iamnotwhoiam, Mar-28-02 06:22 AM, #10
                               RE: apexi n1 review, mkerley, Mar-28-02 05:56 AM, #9
is 280 deg F ok for tranny temp guage [View all]mcgyvrMar-28-02 06:18 AM
by babybeclipse
4153 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: is 280 deg F ok for tranny temp guage, RoboTechDSM, Mar-21-02 04:49 AM, #1
RE: is 280 deg F ok for tranny temp guage, mcgyvr, Mar-21-02 05:05 AM, #2
      RE: is 280 deg F ok for tranny temp guage, John99RS, Mar-21-02 09:27 AM, #3
           RE: is 280 deg F ok for tranny temp guage, babybeclipse, Mar-28-02 06:18 AM, #4
Looking for a place to get magnecore or equivelent wires and plugs [View all]99EclipseMar-28-02 05:49 AM
by mbenz910
4139 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Looking for a place to get magnecore or equivelent wires and plugs, 99Eclipse, Mar-28-02 04:19 AM, #1
RE: Looking for a place to get magnecore or equivelent wires and plugs, gikki4481, Mar-28-02 04:56 AM, #2
      RE: Looking for a place to get magnecore or equivelent wires and plugs, mbenz910, Mar-28-02 05:43 AM, #3
           RE: Looking for a place to get magnecore or equivelent wires and plugs, mbenz910, Mar-28-02 05:49 AM, #4
Anyone with Greddy Evo? [View all]Creamo3Mar-28-02 04:36 AM
by FuSi0N
2146 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Anyone with Greddy Evo?, Doug96GS, Mar-27-02 04:42 PM, #1
RE: Anyone with Greddy Evo?, FuSi0N, Mar-28-02 04:36 AM, #2
Hooking Up Electrical Water & Oil Temperature Gauges. (HOW?) [View all]Chowmane99Mar-28-02 03:40 AM
by Chowmane99
0205 ---
question about aem bypass valve [View all]Mattcky2kMar-28-02 03:15 AM
by Avenger
5124 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: question about aem bypass valve, silverbullet, Mar-27-02 12:54 PM, #1
RE: question about aem bypass valve, Luzahan, Mar-27-02 11:55 PM, #2
      RE: question about aem bypass valve, HybridAutoX, Mar-28-02 02:15 AM, #3
           RE: question about aem bypass valve, fasterGS, Mar-28-02 02:23 AM, #4
                RE: question about aem bypass valve, TeamAvenger, Mar-28-02 03:15 AM, #5
Starting/stalling problem [View all]domrMar-28-02 02:15 AM
by domr
2131 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Starting/stalling problem, Doug96GS, Mar-27-02 04:47 PM, #1
RE: Starting/stalling problem, domr, Mar-28-02 02:15 AM, #2
Need more help w/ new engine!!!! [View all]JustOneMar-28-02 02:08 AM
by JustOne
7113 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Need more help w/ new engine!!!!, PowerEclipses, Mar-27-02 04:33 PM, #1
RE: Need more help w/ new engine!!!!, JustOne, Mar-27-02 04:47 PM, #2
      RE: Need more help w/ new engine!!!!, pn0ymahal, Mar-27-02 05:22 PM, #3
      RE: Need more help w/ new engine!!!!, Super20G, Mar-27-02 05:23 PM, #4
           RE: Need more help w/ new engine!!!!, speedracer21, Mar-27-02 06:18 PM, #5
                RE: Need more help w/ new engine!!!!, Super20G, Mar-27-02 06:37 PM, #6
                     RE: Need more help w/ new engine!!!!, JustOne, Mar-28-02 02:08 AM, #7
just a quick q, are can gears woth it? [View all]eclipticriderMar-28-02 01:05 AM
by VX100
13158 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, Super20G, Mar-26-02 05:15 PM, #1
RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, 1TuffRS, Mar-27-02 02:13 AM, #2
      RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, ModeratorVX100, Mar-27-02 08:26 AM, #3
           RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, Thunderous_Talon, Mar-27-02 09:14 AM, #4
                RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, Teameclipse804, Mar-27-02 09:35 AM, #5
                     RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, ModeratorVX100, Mar-28-02 01:05 AM, #13
RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, MrClean125, Mar-27-02 11:06 AM, #6
RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, kriot, Mar-27-02 11:16 AM, #7
      RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, Fast420A, Mar-27-02 11:32 AM, #8
           RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, rpm97talon, Mar-27-02 11:42 AM, #9
                RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, Teameclipse804, Mar-27-02 12:10 PM, #10
                     RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, eclipticrider, Mar-27-02 01:34 PM, #11
                          RE: just a quick q, are can gears woth it?, 99GS, Mar-27-02 03:30 PM, #12
just did a compression test...some ?'s [View all]97eclipseRSMar-27-02 07:48 PM
by randy
7138 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: just did a compression test...some ?'s, Dave_FL, Mar-27-02 01:49 PM, #1
RE: just did a compression test...some ?'s, 97eclipseRS, Mar-27-02 02:53 PM, #2
      RE: just did a compression test...some ?'s, Fast420A, Mar-27-02 03:05 PM, #3
           RE: just did a compression test...some ?'s, 97eclipseRS, Mar-27-02 03:32 PM, #4
                RE: just did a compression test...some ?'s, ModeratorCorbin, Mar-27-02 04:01 PM, #5
                     RE: just did a compression test...some ?'s, 97eclipseRS, Mar-27-02 04:09 PM, #6
                          RE: just did a compression test...some ?'s, randy, Mar-27-02 07:48 PM, #7
Old, but good article to read on 420A basic tuning [View all]TeamMuRiXMar-27-02 07:22 PM
by My9t5Talon
6134 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Old, but good article to read on 420A basic tuning, Moderatorjuan, Mar-27-02 06:12 AM, #1
RE: Old, but good article to read on 420A basic tuning, Moderatorjuan, Mar-27-02 06:21 AM, #2
      RE: Old, but good article to read on 420A basic tuning, Teameclipse804, Mar-27-02 09:36 AM, #3
           RE: Old, but good article to read on 420A basic tuning, theallpowerfulme, Mar-27-02 10:12 AM, #4
                RE: Old, but good article to read on 420A basic tuning, Doug96GS, Mar-27-02 03:39 PM, #5
                     RE: Old, but good article to read on 420A basic tuning, My9t5Talon, Mar-27-02 07:22 PM, #6
What size is our stock intake piping? [View all]ultimarMar-27-02 06:30 PM
by ultimar
3228 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What size is our stock intake piping?, Amish_Eclipse, Mar-27-02 02:08 PM, #1
RE: What size is our stock intake piping?, 97_ESi, Mar-27-02 02:23 PM, #2
      RE: What size is our stock intake piping?, ultimar, Mar-27-02 06:30 PM, #3
Ebay Muffler... (thats what i call it) [View all]MarctronixxMar-27-02 03:53 PM
by Marctronixx
6235 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Ebay Muffler... (thats what i call it), qwad65, Mar-27-02 03:42 AM, #1
RE: Ebay Muffler... (thats what i call it), RGS, Mar-27-02 04:02 AM, #2
RE: Ebay Muffler... (thats what i call it), Teamdougie2, Mar-27-02 05:02 AM, #3
RE: Ebay Muffler... (thats what i call it), Marctronixx, Mar-27-02 07:40 AM, #4
      RE: Ebay Muffler... (thats what i call it), Teamdougie2, Mar-27-02 07:46 AM, #5
           RE: Ebay Muffler... (thats what i call it), Marctronixx, Mar-27-02 03:53 PM, #6
WTF, Did i Get a GSX Muffler? [View all]nappyjimMar-27-02 03:37 PM
by PowerEclipses
3259 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: WTF, Did i Get a GSX Muffler?, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Mar-27-02 11:08 AM, #1
RE: WTF, Did i Get a GSX Muffler?, Fast420A, Mar-27-02 11:38 AM, #2
      RE: WTF, Did i Get a GSX Muffler?, PowerEclipses, Mar-27-02 03:37 PM, #3
does the apexi n1 cat back go over the xmember??? [View all]mitseclpsMar-27-02 12:30 PM
by mitseclps
0123 ---
intake + heat on battery question [View all]soldier101Mar-27-02 11:46 AM
by soldier101
8147 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: intake + heat on battery question, vegasdsmr, Mar-27-02 08:07 AM, #1
RE: intake + heat on battery question, soldier101, Mar-27-02 08:09 AM, #2
      RE: intake + heat on battery question, soldier101, Mar-27-02 08:20 AM, #3
           RE: intake + heat on battery question, vegasdsmr, Mar-27-02 08:23 AM, #4
                RE: intake + heat on battery question, soldier101, Mar-27-02 08:25 AM, #5
                     RE: intake + heat on battery question, lap561, Mar-27-02 08:38 AM, #6
                          RE: intake + heat on battery question, trwebb26, Mar-27-02 09:32 AM, #7
                               RE: intake + heat on battery question, soldier101, Mar-27-02 11:46 AM, #8
Regular Oil to Synthetic [View all]MrClean125Mar-27-02 11:10 AM
by MrClean125
2316 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Regular Oil to Synthetic, Thunderous_Talon, Mar-27-02 06:16 AM, #1
RE: Regular Oil to Synthetic, MrClean125, Mar-27-02 11:10 AM, #2
Ticking Sound, GOT Worse, Crank SPUN.. Full Engine Rebuild..HELP!!!!!!! [View all]95EclipseGSPAMar-27-02 06:58 AM
by Fast420A
5516 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Ticking Sound, GOT Worse, Crank SPUN.. Full Engine Rebuild..HELP!!!!!!!, fasterGS, Mar-26-02 06:12 PM, #1
RE: Ticking Sound, GOT Worse, Crank SPUN.. Full Engine Rebuild..HELP!!!!!!!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-27-02 04:04 AM, #2
RE: Ticking Sound, GOT Worse, Crank SPUN.. Full Engine Rebuild..HELP!!!!!!!, 95EclipseGSPA, Mar-27-02 06:33 AM, #3
      RE: Ticking Sound, GOT Worse, Crank SPUN.. Full Engine Rebuild..HELP!!!!!!!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-27-02 06:53 AM, #4
           RE: Ticking Sound, GOT Worse, Crank SPUN.. Full Engine Rebuild..HELP!!!!!!!, Fast420A, Mar-27-02 06:58 AM, #5
a diaram of all the pullys and belts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [View all]qwad65Mar-27-02 06:17 AM
by EvuLFleA
6501 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: a diaram of all the pullys and belts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Breezio, Mar-27-02 04:30 AM, #1
RE: a diaram of all the pullys and belts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, evan2, Mar-27-02 05:24 AM, #2
      RE: a diaram of all the pullys and belts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Thunderous_Talon, Mar-27-02 05:42 AM, #3
      RE: a diaram of all the pullys and belts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, dsmark, Mar-27-02 05:51 AM, #4
           RE: a diaram of all the pullys and belts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, dsmark, Mar-27-02 05:52 AM, #5
                RE: a diaram of all the pullys and belts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Mar-27-02 06:17 AM, #6
good pully sets to put on with afx udp??????????? [View all]qwad65Mar-27-02 05:32 AM
by DarkOne
1141 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: good pully sets to put on with afx udp???????????, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-27-02 05:32 AM, #1
Magnaflow Race Series or Street....? [View all]Thunderous_TalonMar-27-02 05:06 AM
by Thunderous_Talon
3113 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Magnaflow Race Series or Street....?, TeamXtremeRS, Mar-27-02 04:41 AM, #1
RE: Magnaflow Race Series or Street....?, Erik, Mar-27-02 04:45 AM, #2
RE: Magnaflow Race Series or Street....?, Thunderous_Talon, Mar-27-02 05:06 AM, #3
slanted muffler?? [View all]qwad65Mar-27-02 04:44 AM
by XtremeRS
3140 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: slanted muffler??, Eclipse148cel, Mar-27-02 03:47 AM, #1
RE: slanted muffler??, qwad65, Mar-27-02 03:50 AM, #2
RE: slanted muffler??, TeamXtremeRS, Mar-27-02 04:44 AM, #3
OBX MUFFLER TO MAKE MY OWN CAT BACK???? [View all]qwad65Mar-27-02 02:40 AM
by qwad65
5125 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: OBX MUFFLER TO MAKE MY OWN CAT BACK????, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Mar-25-02 09:05 AM, #1
RE: OBX MUFFLER TO MAKE MY OWN CAT BACK????, qwad65, Mar-25-02 09:08 AM, #2
      RE: OBX MUFFLER TO MAKE MY OWN CAT BACK????, 1TuffRS, Mar-25-02 09:31 AM, #3
           RE: OBX MUFFLER TO MAKE MY OWN CAT BACK????, 1TuffRS, Mar-25-02 09:33 AM, #4
                RE: OBX MUFFLER TO MAKE MY OWN CAT BACK????, qwad65, Mar-27-02 02:40 AM, #5
pacseter cut and weld question? [View all]qwad65Mar-27-02 02:38 AM
by qwad65
7188 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: pacseter cut and weld question?, Teamdougie2, Mar-25-02 12:46 PM, #1
RE: pacseter cut and weld question?, PowerEclipses, Mar-25-02 01:40 PM, #2
      RE: pacseter cut and weld question?, Teamdougie2, Mar-25-02 01:57 PM, #3
           RE: pacseter cut and weld question?, 1TuffRS, Mar-25-02 03:47 PM, #4
                RE: pacseter cut and weld question?, Erik, Mar-26-02 03:19 AM, #5
                     RE: pacseter cut and weld question?, MindBlowin03, Mar-26-02 09:07 AM, #6
                          RE: pacseter cut and weld question?, qwad65, Mar-27-02 02:38 AM, #7
underdrive pulley [View all]Mattcky2kMar-27-02 02:35 AM
by qwad65
18201 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: underdrive pulley, matty, Mar-26-02 02:17 AM, #1
RE: underdrive pulley, VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Mar-26-02 02:21 AM, #2
RE: underdrive pulley, mbenz910, Mar-26-02 02:34 AM, #3
RE: underdrive pulley, George L, Mar-26-02 02:42 AM, #4
      RE: underdrive pulley, fasterGS, Mar-26-02 04:20 AM, #5
           RE: underdrive pulley, Breezio, Mar-26-02 04:54 AM, #6
                RE: underdrive pulley, vegasdsmr, Mar-26-02 05:01 AM, #7
                     RE: underdrive pulley, mbenz910, Mar-26-02 05:06 AM, #8
                          RE: underdrive pulley, EclipzeGamer, Mar-26-02 05:14 AM, #9
                               RE: underdrive pulley, vegasdsmr, Mar-26-02 05:30 AM, #10
                                    RE: underdrive pulley, fasterGS, Mar-26-02 06:47 AM, #11
                                         RE: underdrive pulley, brynden29, Mar-26-02 07:11 AM, #12
                                              RE: underdrive pulley, Fast420A, Mar-26-02 07:42 AM, #13
                                                   RE: underdrive pulley, PowerEclipses, Mar-26-02 07:55 AM, #14
                                                        Things We've Seen Before..., Administratoradmin2, Mar-26-02 08:08 AM, #15
                                                             RE: Things We've Seen Before..., brynden29, Mar-26-02 08:53 AM, #16
                                                                  RE: Things We've Seen Before..., TeamMichael_97RS, Mar-26-02 09:41 AM, #17
                                                                       RE: Things We've Seen Before..., qwad65, Mar-27-02 02:35 AM, #18
PVC CAI on mods page [View all]Racer XMar-27-02 02:01 AM
by eclipticrider
17196 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: PVC CAI on mods page, 95eclipsegsna, Mar-25-02 03:18 AM, #1
RE: PVC CAI on mods page, babybeclipse, Mar-25-02 04:26 AM, #2
      RE: PVC CAI on mods page, 1TuffRS, Mar-25-02 04:41 AM, #3
      RE: PVC CAI on mods page, soldier101, Mar-25-02 05:37 AM, #4
           RE: PVC CAI on mods page, 1TuffRS, Mar-25-02 08:14 AM, #5
                RE: PVC CAI on mods page, mcgyvr, Mar-25-02 09:13 AM, #6
      RE: PVC CAI on mods page, Racer X, Mar-25-02 10:17 AM, #7
           RE: PVC CAI on mods page, soldier101, Mar-25-02 11:45 AM, #8
                RE: PVC CAI on mods page, domr, Mar-25-02 03:20 PM, #9
                     RE: PVC CAI on mods page, mcgyvr, Mar-26-02 01:26 AM, #10
RE: PVC CAI on mods page, mbenz910, Mar-26-02 02:52 AM, #11
RE: PVC CAI on mods page, eclipticrider, Mar-26-02 03:46 PM, #12
      RE: PVC CAI on mods page, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Mar-26-02 04:50 PM, #13
           RE: PVC CAI on mods page, Teameclipse804, Mar-26-02 05:18 PM, #14
                RE: PVC CAI on mods page, mitsuman, Mar-26-02 07:00 PM, #15
                     RE: PVC CAI on mods page, HadesOmega, Mar-26-02 09:33 PM, #16
                          RE: PVC CAI on mods page, eclipticrider, Mar-27-02 02:01 AM, #17
1st mod???? [View all]tunedinMar-27-02 12:37 AM
by tunedin
12267 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 1st mod????, soldier101, Mar-25-02 05:36 AM, #1
RE: 1st mod????, vegasdsmr, Mar-25-02 05:40 AM, #2
      RE: 1st mod????, 1TuffRS, Mar-25-02 08:11 AM, #3
           RE: 1st mod????, trwebb26, Mar-25-02 08:12 AM, #4
                RE: 1st mod????, fasterGS, Mar-25-02 08:17 AM, #5
                RE: 1st mod????, tunedin, Mar-25-02 09:16 AM, #7
                RE: 1st mod????, iron Mike, Mar-25-02 11:01 AM, #9
RE: 1st mod????, calcio20, Mar-25-02 09:03 AM, #6
RE: 1st mod????, fasterGS, Mar-25-02 10:07 AM, #8
      RE: 1st mod????, optimuspeterson, Mar-25-02 11:56 AM, #10
           RE: 1st mod????, mitseclps, Mar-26-02 09:14 AM, #11
                RE: 1st mod????, tunedin, Mar-27-02 12:37 AM, #12
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