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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
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6170 messages
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
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764 topics
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Intake mani spacer - arrived! [View all]ModeratorjuanApr-02-02 08:59 AM
by slacker911
35579 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, vegasdsmr, Mar-18-02 09:41 AM, #1
RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, MrClean125, Mar-18-02 11:01 AM, #2
      RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, ModeratorCorbin, Mar-18-02 01:17 PM, #3
           RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, babybeclipse, Mar-18-02 01:22 PM, #4
                RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, joshacu, Mar-18-02 02:07 PM, #5
                     RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, wakebord99, Mar-18-02 02:10 PM, #6
                          RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, joshacu, Mar-18-02 02:40 PM, #7
                               RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, CVedEclipse, Mar-18-02 08:14 PM, #8
                                    RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, Fast420A, Mar-19-02 12:00 AM, #9
                                         RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Mar-19-02 12:37 AM, #10
                                              RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, trwebb26, Mar-19-02 06:09 AM, #11
                                                   RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, ModeratorCorbin, Mar-19-02 07:36 AM, #12
                                                        RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, trwebb26, Mar-19-02 08:38 AM, #13
                                                             RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, Fast420A, Mar-19-02 08:47 AM, #14
                                                                  RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, iamnotwhoiam, Mar-19-02 09:22 AM, #15
                                                                       RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, babybeclipse, Mar-19-02 12:31 PM, #16
                                                                            RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, PowerEclipses, Mar-19-02 02:08 PM, #17
                                                                                 RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, damasta, Mar-19-02 02:16 PM, #18
                                                                                      RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, Teameclipse804, Mar-19-02 02:23 PM, #19
                                                                                           RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, Fate, Mar-19-02 03:45 PM, #20
                                                                                                RE: Intake mani spacer - arrived!, bigbrent88, Mar-19-02 05:05 PM, #21
                                                                                                ARD making spacers, ModeratorCorbin, Mar-19-02 05:13 PM, #22
                                                                                                     RE: ARD making spacers, Teameclipse804, Mar-19-02 05:19 PM, #23
                                                                                                          RE: ARD making spacers, bigbrent88, Mar-19-02 05:24 PM, #24
                                                                                                          RE: ARD making spacers, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Mar-19-02 05:24 PM, #25
                                                                                                               RE: ARD making spacers, Teameclipse804, Mar-19-02 05:34 PM, #26
                                                                                                                    RE: ARD making spacers, HadesOmega, Mar-19-02 05:58 PM, #27
                                                                                                                         RE: ARD making spacers, Fast420A, Mar-19-02 07:33 PM, #28
                                                                                                                              Corbin., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Mar-20-02 04:21 AM, #29
                                                                                                                                   RE: Corbin., evan2, Mar-20-02 05:00 AM, #30
                                                                                                                                        RE: Corbin., ModeratorCorbin, Mar-20-02 05:34 AM, #31
                                                                                                                                             RE: Corbin., slacker911, Mar-20-02 06:57 AM, #32
                                                                                                                                             RE: Corbin., Fate, Mar-20-02 09:29 AM, #33
article on mani spacers for other applications, Moderatorjuan, Mar-20-02 12:52 PM, #34
RE: article on mani spacers for other applications, slacker911, Apr-02-02 08:59 AM, #35
TPS Adjustment [View all]Moderator992gntApr-02-02 06:31 AM
by mcgyvr
7236 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: TPS Adjustment, JohannS07, Apr-02-02 03:25 AM, #1
RE: TPS Adjustment, Moderator992gnt, Apr-02-02 03:37 AM, #2
      RE: TPS Adjustment, TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-02-02 04:14 AM, #3
           RE: TPS Adjustment, mcgyvr, Apr-02-02 04:28 AM, #4
                RE: TPS Adjustment, TeamAvenger, Apr-02-02 04:42 AM, #5
                     RE: TPS Adjustment, Moderator992gnt, Apr-02-02 05:26 AM, #6
                          RE: TPS Adjustment, mcgyvr, Apr-02-02 06:31 AM, #7
engine rebuild questions [View all]ExeApr-02-02 05:59 AM
by Exe
3118 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: engine rebuild questions, Breezio, Mar-29-02 08:22 AM, #1
RE: engine rebuild questions, Tytanfoxx, Mar-29-02 08:58 AM, #2
      RE: engine rebuild questions, Exe, Apr-02-02 05:59 AM, #3
What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T? [View all]xEclipsE RaceRxApr-02-02 05:37 AM
by kriot
13218 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, Fast420A, Mar-15-02 09:15 AM, #1
RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, fasterGS, Mar-15-02 09:36 AM, #2
RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, randy, Mar-15-02 03:45 PM, #3
RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, cucumber, Mar-16-02 04:44 AM, #4
RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, SaberKhan, Mar-16-02 06:25 AM, #5
RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, zexeclipse, Mar-28-02 04:09 PM, #6
      RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, 99Eclipse, Mar-28-02 05:18 PM, #7
RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, Teamdougie2, Mar-28-02 06:58 PM, #8
RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, HadesOmega, Mar-28-02 07:15 PM, #9
      RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, thedawg, Apr-01-02 12:07 PM, #10
           RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, xEclipsE RaceRx, Apr-01-02 01:12 PM, #11
           RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, FuSi0N, Apr-02-02 04:50 AM, #12
           RE: What do I need to do to beat a stock GS-T?, kriot, Apr-02-02 05:37 AM, #13
Info on Underdrive Pulley [View all]JohannS07Apr-02-02 04:25 AM
by Michael_97RS
6129 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Info on Underdrive Pulley, SonicYan, Apr-01-02 06:01 AM, #1
RE: Info on Underdrive Pulley, 95EclipseGSPA, Apr-01-02 03:14 PM, #2
      RE: Info on Underdrive Pulley, bedlam32570, Apr-01-02 07:00 PM, #3
           RE: Info on Underdrive Pulley, JohannS07, Apr-02-02 12:56 AM, #4
                RE: Info on Underdrive Pulley, 99GS, Apr-02-02 02:35 AM, #5
                     RE: Info on Underdrive Pulley, TeamMichael_97RS, Apr-02-02 04:25 AM, #6
oil [View all]IntenseEclipseApr-02-02 04:03 AM
by Breezio
2132 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: oil, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Apr-02-02 01:25 AM, #1
RE: oil, Breezio, Apr-02-02 04:03 AM, #2
CAI vs Short ram [View all]SaberKhanApr-02-02 01:20 AM
by Kaptain_Mike
2127 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: CAI vs Short ram, JohannS07, Apr-02-02 01:04 AM, #1
RE: CAI vs Short ram, Kaptain_Mike (Guest), Apr-02-02 01:20 AM, #2
NGK plugs and wires...(maintence related) [View all]eclipsekaiserApr-01-02 05:52 PM
by eclipse804
1113 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: NGK plugs and wires...(maintence related), Teameclipse804, Apr-01-02 05:52 PM, #1
Gude Performance [View all]BlitzdEclipse99Apr-01-02 05:27 PM
by Breezio
4135 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Gude Performance, Breezio, Apr-01-02 03:08 PM, #1
RE: Gude Performance, Kiku, Apr-01-02 03:14 PM, #2
      RE: Gude Performance, BlitzdEclipse99, Apr-01-02 03:34 PM, #3
           RE: Gude Performance, Breezio, Apr-01-02 05:27 PM, #4
code 31? [View all]slacker911Apr-01-02 04:10 PM
by JUNJUN712
1133 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: code 31?, JUNJUN712, Apr-01-02 04:10 PM, #1
powdercoating short intake [View all]engine5Apr-01-02 03:59 PM
by Super20G
2129 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: powdercoating short intake, JohannS07, Apr-01-02 03:36 PM, #1
RE: powdercoating short intake, Super20G, Apr-01-02 03:59 PM, #2
Throttle Body!!?!? [View all]natebombApr-01-02 03:29 PM
by JohannS07
4126 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Throttle Body!!?!?, mitseclps, Mar-30-02 05:11 AM, #1
RE: Throttle Body!!?!?, 99Eclipse, Mar-30-02 05:17 AM, #2
      RE: Throttle Body!!?!?, Amish_Eclipse, Mar-30-02 04:27 PM, #3
           RE: Throttle Body!!?!?, JohannS07, Apr-01-02 03:29 PM, #4
Does CAI add more [View all]mattyApr-01-02 03:19 PM
by JohannS07
4113 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Does CAI add more, George L, Mar-26-02 02:51 AM, #1
RE: Does CAI add more, Marctronixx, Mar-26-02 07:55 AM, #2
      RE: Does CAI add more, skinny_one, Mar-31-02 05:25 PM, #3
           RE: Does CAI add more, JohannS07, Apr-01-02 03:19 PM, #4
Turbo kit on ebay super cheap! [View all]HondaHater21Apr-01-02 02:01 PM
by HondaHater21
8175 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Turbo kit on ebay super cheap!, poolflyer, Mar-31-02 02:41 PM, #1
RE: Turbo kit on ebay super cheap!, vegasdsmr, Mar-31-02 03:25 PM, #2
      RE: Turbo kit on ebay super cheap!, Breezio, Mar-31-02 05:28 PM, #3
           RE: Turbo kit on ebay super cheap!, Forged420a, Mar-31-02 07:26 PM, #4
                RE: Turbo kit on ebay super cheap!, PowerEclipses, Apr-01-02 05:22 AM, #5
                     RE: Turbo kit on ebay super cheap!, xEclipsE RaceRx, Apr-01-02 08:28 AM, #6
                          RE: Turbo kit on ebay super cheap!, grneclipse, Apr-01-02 11:45 AM, #7
                               RE: Turbo kit on ebay super cheap!, HondaHater21, Apr-01-02 02:01 PM, #8
EGR blockoff? what is this?? [View all]Talon95StangApr-01-02 01:24 PM
by Breezio
4123 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: EGR blockoff? what is this??, Lord_Khan, Apr-01-02 07:01 AM, #1
RE: EGR blockoff? what is this??, vegasdsmr, Apr-01-02 07:07 AM, #2
      RE: EGR blockoff? what is this??, babybeclipse, Apr-01-02 08:52 AM, #3
           RE: EGR blockoff? what is this??, Breezio, Apr-01-02 01:24 PM, #4
Help Needed ASAP cont. !!!! Can't get motor OUT!!!!! AUTO TRANNY [View all]95EclipseGSPAApr-01-02 12:43 PM
by 95EclipseGSPA
3258 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Help Needed ASAP cont. !!!! Can't get motor OUT!!!!! AUTO TRANNY, 99Eclipse, Mar-31-02 10:46 PM, #1
RE: Help Needed ASAP cont. !!!! Can't get motor OUT!!!!! AUTO TRANNY, The1Bill, Apr-01-02 04:10 AM, #2
      all fixed, 95EclipseGSPA, Apr-01-02 12:43 PM, #3
What octane should I use? [View all]Talon95StangApr-01-02 11:37 AM
by dougie2
7164 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What octane should I use?, RoboTechDSM, Apr-01-02 06:18 AM, #1
RE: What octane should I use?, Breezio, Apr-01-02 06:20 AM, #2
      RE: What octane should I use?, Talon95Stang, Apr-01-02 06:28 AM, #3
           RE: What octane should I use?, TeamJeff_99gs, Apr-01-02 07:21 AM, #4
                RE: What octane should I use?, Marctronixx, Apr-01-02 07:32 AM, #5
                     RE: What octane should I use?, 1TuffRS, Apr-01-02 11:26 AM, #6
                          RE: What octane should I use?, Teamdougie2, Apr-01-02 11:37 AM, #7
2 bent valves and a warning [View all]Black97GSApr-01-02 11:05 AM
by 99GS
2251 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 2 bent valves and a warning, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Apr-01-02 10:41 AM, #1
RE: 2 bent valves and a warning, 99GS, Apr-01-02 11:05 AM, #2
It's clutch time!!! [View all]Doug96GSApr-01-02 09:11 AM
by HadesOmega
14217 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: It's clutch time!!!, Weezle745, Mar-27-02 05:56 PM, #1
RE: It's clutch time!!!, Fast420A, Mar-27-02 08:09 PM, #2
      RE: It's clutch time!!!, Doug96GS, Mar-28-02 04:43 AM, #3
           RE: It's clutch time!!!, Fast420A, Mar-28-02 10:47 AM, #4
                RE: It's clutch time!!!, Doug96GS, Mar-28-02 10:57 AM, #5
                     RE: It's clutch time!!!, 2GNTCUTIE, Mar-28-02 02:49 PM, #6
                          RE: It's clutch time!!!, eclipticrider, Mar-29-02 06:34 AM, #7
                               RE: It's clutch time!!!, HadesOmega, Mar-29-02 09:24 AM, #8
                                    RE: It's clutch time!!!, 2GNTCUTIE, Mar-29-02 10:52 AM, #9
                                         RE: It's clutch time!!!, skinny_one, Mar-31-02 04:57 PM, #10
                                              RE: It's clutch time!!!, skinny_one, Mar-31-02 04:58 PM, #11
                                                   RE: It's clutch time!!!, Fast420A, Mar-31-02 05:40 PM, #12
                                                        RE: It's clutch time!!!, SaberKhan, Mar-31-02 07:17 PM, #13
                                                             RE: It's clutch time!!!, HadesOmega, Apr-01-02 09:11 AM, #14
Anyone hear of a aftermarket tranny for us ?? [View all]LbcgearApr-01-02 08:04 AM
by Fast420A
3149 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Anyone hear of a aftermarket tranny for us ??, soldier101, Apr-01-02 05:50 AM, #1
RE: Anyone hear of a aftermarket tranny for us ??, Lbcgear, Apr-01-02 05:51 AM, #2
      RE: Anyone hear of a aftermarket tranny for us ??, Fast420A, Apr-01-02 08:04 AM, #3
HELP!! TPS QUESTION [View all]Moderator992gntApr-01-02 07:27 AM
by 99GS
3196 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HELP!! TPS QUESTION, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Apr-01-02 06:58 AM, #1
RE: HELP!! TPS QUESTION, Moderator992gnt, Apr-01-02 07:12 AM, #2
      RE: HELP!! TPS QUESTION, 99GS, Apr-01-02 07:27 AM, #3
Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T [View all]fasterGSApr-01-02 05:59 AM
by SonicYan
12164 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, RAIZIN, Mar-30-02 01:32 PM, #1
RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, fasterGS, Mar-30-02 01:40 PM, #2
      RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, IntenseEclipse, Mar-30-02 04:52 PM, #3
           RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, Fate, Mar-30-02 04:58 PM, #4
                RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, Nitrous_RS1997, Mar-30-02 06:03 PM, #5
                     RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, fasterGS, Mar-30-02 06:51 PM, #6
                          RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, fasterGS, Mar-30-02 06:53 PM, #7
                               RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, SonicYan, Mar-30-02 07:26 PM, #8
                                    RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, Creamo3, Mar-31-02 04:53 PM, #9
                                         RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, LunarEclipse, Apr-01-02 05:28 AM, #10
                                              RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, FuSi0N, Apr-01-02 05:36 AM, #11
                                                   RE: Greddy EVO muffler VS stock GS-T, SonicYan, Apr-01-02 05:59 AM, #12
Oil Pump failure? Help!! [View all]PettyCashApr-01-02 04:36 AM
by DarkOne
4138 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Oil Pump failure? Help!!, BlueEclipseGuy, Apr-01-02 03:57 AM, #1
RE: Oil Pump failure? Help!!, PettyCash, Apr-01-02 04:06 AM, #2
      RE: Oil Pump failure? Help!!, PettyCash, Apr-01-02 04:07 AM, #3
           RE: Oil Pump failure? Help!!, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Apr-01-02 04:36 AM, #4
OBX Exhaust [View all]97RSApr-01-02 03:35 AM
by Breezio
10276 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: OBX Exhaust, ForsakenEclipse, Mar-20-02 04:07 PM, #1
RE: OBX Exhaust, PettyCash, Mar-21-02 01:44 AM, #2
      RE: OBX Exhaust, 1TuffRS, Mar-21-02 09:44 AM, #3
           RE: OBX Exhaust, babybeclipse, Mar-21-02 10:47 AM, #4
                RE: OBX Exhaust, 1TuffRS, Mar-21-02 12:01 PM, #5
                     RE: OBX Exhaust, babybeclipse, Mar-21-02 12:50 PM, #6
                          RE: OBX Exhaust, 1TuffRS, Mar-21-02 01:44 PM, #7
                               RE: OBX Exhaust, me612, Mar-31-02 06:12 PM, #8
                                    RE: OBX Exhaust, Fast420A, Mar-31-02 06:50 PM, #9
                                         RE: OBX Exhaust, Breezio, Apr-01-02 03:35 AM, #10
wich O2 sensor do I need? [View all]HondaHater21Mar-31-02 03:26 PM
by eclipse804
1138 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: wich O2 sensor do I need?, Teameclipse804, Mar-31-02 03:26 PM, #1
Help Needed ASAP.!!!!!..... Taking BOTTOM End out TONIGHT!!! Need Weight Estimate [View all]95EclipseGSPAMar-31-02 03:18 PM
by 95EclipseGSPA
7534 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Help Needed ASAP.!!!!!..... Taking BOTTOM End out TONIGHT!!! Need Weight Estimate, TeamJeff_99gs, Mar-30-02 01:41 PM, #1
RE: Help Needed ASAP.!!!!!..... Taking BOTTOM End out TONIGHT!!! Need Weight Estimate, Breezio, Mar-30-02 05:48 PM, #2
      RE: Help Needed ASAP.!!!!!..... Taking BOTTOM End out TONIGHT!!! Need Weight Estimate, 95EclipseGSPA, Mar-30-02 06:09 PM, #3
           RE: Help Needed ASAP.!!!!!..... Taking BOTTOM End out TONIGHT!!! Need Weight Estimate, Fast420A, Mar-31-02 02:02 AM, #4
                RE: Help Needed ASAP.!!!!!..... Taking BOTTOM End out TONIGHT!!! Need Weight Estimate, Super20G, Mar-31-02 12:56 PM, #5
                     RE: Help Needed ASAP.!!!!!..... Taking BOTTOM End out TONIGHT!!! Need Weight Estimate, turbosrule, Mar-31-02 01:31 PM, #6
                          RE: Help Needed ASAP.!!!!!..... NEW PROBLEM, 95EclipseGSPA, Mar-31-02 03:18 PM, #7
compression test [View all]run4cvrMar-31-02 03:12 PM
by run4cvr
6121 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: compression test, Breezio, Mar-30-02 07:28 AM, #1
RE: compression test, 99GS, Mar-30-02 04:40 PM, #2
      RE: compression test, 97GS AT, Mar-31-02 01:47 PM, #3
           RE: compression test, slodsm, Mar-31-02 02:05 PM, #4
                RE: compression test, BlueEclipseGuy, Mar-31-02 02:51 PM, #5
                     RE: compression test, run4cvr, Mar-31-02 03:12 PM, #6
shifting [View all]IntenseEclipseMar-31-02 01:00 PM
by Semperboost
6138 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: shifting, Twiste, Mar-31-02 04:36 AM, #1
RE: shifting, Breezio, Mar-31-02 04:57 AM, #2
      RE: shifting, GorkoRacing, Mar-31-02 05:06 AM, #3
           RE: shifting, bigbrent88, Mar-31-02 05:17 AM, #4
                RE: shifting, EclipzeGamer, Mar-31-02 10:35 AM, #5
                     RE: shifting, Semperboost, Mar-31-02 01:00 PM, #6
Where to get Royal Purple...please help. [View all]BLACKWIDOWDSMMar-31-02 11:20 AM
by Thunderous_Talon
8150 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Where to get Royal Purple...please help., TeamMichael_97RS, Mar-30-02 04:07 AM, #1
RE: Where to get Royal Purple...please help., 99Eclipse, Mar-30-02 05:09 AM, #2
      RE: Where to get Royal Purple...please help., BLACKWIDOWDSM, Mar-30-02 07:52 AM, #3
           RE: Where to get Royal Purple...please help., TeamMichael_97RS, Mar-30-02 09:38 AM, #4
                RE: Where to get Royal Purple...please help., Thunderous_Talon, Mar-30-02 10:01 AM, #5
                     RE: Where to get Royal Purple...please help., BLACKWIDOWDSM, Mar-30-02 06:28 PM, #6
RE: Where to get Royal Purple...please help., xEclipsE RaceRx, Mar-31-02 11:19 AM, #7
RE: Where to get Royal Purple...please help., Thunderous_Talon, Mar-31-02 11:20 AM, #8
how to transport engine?? [View all]farmdogg55Mar-31-02 10:15 AM
by Jeff_99gs
4153 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: how to transport engine??, eclpsed7, Mar-31-02 09:18 AM, #1
RE: how to transport engine??, Breezio, Mar-31-02 09:29 AM, #2
RE: how to transport engine??, farmdogg55, Mar-31-02 10:11 AM, #3
RE: how to transport engine??, TeamJeff_99gs, Mar-31-02 10:15 AM, #4
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