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Team 2GNT encourages members to actually DO something with their cars. There's no point in building race car you never race, right? This forum is dedicated to those among us who make going fast with class more than just a catch phrase. NO STREET RACING. THIS IS REAL RACING.
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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
698 topics
6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
by electrohead
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Manual Trans - NV-T350
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
by 420agreenvilleSC
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Engine Management Systems & Controllers
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All questions,comments and updates on Electronic Engine Management Controllers such as the DFI, SAFC, MegaSquirt, and 034 EIC extra Injector controller go here. Forum will be STRICTY MODERATED for mis-placed posts!
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
OBD2 app recommendat...
by VX100
764 topics
5809 messages
Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
How to use this engine hoist (no hook) [View all]mgleason007Jun-07-14 09:05 PM
by mgleason007
21810 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: How to use this engine hoist (no hook), Grothe3297avenger, Jun-07-14 09:00 PM, #1
RE: How to use this engine hoist (no hook), mgleason007, Jun-07-14 09:05 PM, #2
is this an oem downpipe bracket [View all]ezJun-05-14 01:38 PM
by ez
21929 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: is this an oem downpipe bracket, DirtMegirt, Jun-05-14 03:06 AM, #1
RE: is this an oem downpipe bracket, ez, Jun-05-14 01:38 PM, #2
What does this bolt on the backside of my engine do? [View all]Th3DooMJun-04-14 05:32 PM
by ej420a
31750 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What does this bolt on the backside of my engine do?, DirtMegirt, May-01-14 08:06 AM, #1
RE: What does this bolt on the backside of my engine do?, Th3DooM, May-02-14 12:55 AM, #2
      RE: What does this bolt on the backside of my engine do?, ej420a, Jun-04-14 05:32 PM, #3
The demise of New Process Gear [View all]jazzkeysJun-04-14 05:24 PM
by ej420a
11660 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: The demise of New Process Gear, ej420a, Jun-04-14 05:24 PM, #1
3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo. [View all]AFrostyStrangerJun-02-14 03:59 PM
by eclipse982nrRST
153419 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., Moderatorxcasbonx, May-29-14 05:48 AM, #1
RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., AFrostyStranger, May-29-14 06:03 AM, #2
      RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., Moderatorxcasbonx, May-29-14 06:51 AM, #3
           RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., AFrostyStranger, May-29-14 06:57 AM, #4
                RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., Moderatorxcasbonx, May-29-14 07:02 AM, #5
                     RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., AFrostyStranger, May-29-14 07:05 AM, #6
                          RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., Moderatorxcasbonx, May-29-14 07:38 AM, #7
                               RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., AFrostyStranger, May-29-14 07:47 AM, #8
                                    RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., Moderatorxcasbonx, May-29-14 09:20 AM, #9
                                         RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., AFrostyStranger, May-29-14 09:26 AM, #10
                                              RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., AFrostyStranger, Jun-02-14 10:25 AM, #11
                                                   RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., eclipse982nrRST, Jun-02-14 01:35 PM, #12
                                                        RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., AFrostyStranger, Jun-02-14 02:15 PM, #13
                                                             RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., Moderatorxcasbonx, Jun-02-14 02:25 PM, #14
                                                             RE: 3inch Downpipe options for Hahn 16g turbo., eclipse982nrRST, Jun-02-14 03:59 PM, #15
Leaking coolant [View all]jazzkeysMay-31-14 02:59 PM
by jazzkeys
42189 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Leaking coolant, ez, May-21-14 11:59 PM, #1
RE: Leaking coolant, jazzkeys, May-22-14 01:25 PM, #2
RE: Leaking coolant, jazzkeys, May-22-14 04:28 PM, #3
RE: Leaking coolant, jazzkeys, May-31-14 02:59 PM, #4
car dies when i test fcd [View all]TurbchargdSpydrMay-22-14 09:55 AM
by TurbchargdSpydr
61997 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: car dies when i test fcd , Bluehaze420ars, May-19-14 12:48 PM, #1
RE: car dies when i test fcd , ez, May-19-14 10:30 PM, #2
      RE: car dies when i test fcd , TurbchargdSpydr, May-19-14 11:16 PM, #3
           RE: car dies when i test fcd , Bluehaze420ars, May-21-14 09:25 AM, #4
                RE: car dies when i test fcd , ez, May-22-14 12:04 AM, #5
                     RE: car dies when i test fcd , TurbchargdSpydr, May-22-14 09:55 AM, #6
ASD bypass- ECU pinout [View all]PrimecutMay-13-14 09:49 PM
by Primecut
22124 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ASD bypass- ECU pinout, chipdogg, May-13-14 09:03 PM, #1
RE: ASD bypass- ECU pinout, Primecut, May-13-14 09:49 PM, #2
Fuel Issue (Sorta Lengthy) [View all]barza21May-12-14 06:56 AM
by xcasbonx
41918 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Fuel Issue (Sorta Lengthy), barza21, May-08-14 10:33 PM, #1
RE: Fuel Issue (Sorta Lengthy), Moderatorxcasbonx, May-09-14 06:24 AM, #2
      RE: Fuel Issue (Sorta Lengthy), barza21, May-10-14 08:55 AM, #3
           RE: Fuel Issue (Sorta Lengthy), Moderatorxcasbonx, May-12-14 06:55 AM, #4
420A Head Job (sorta) Conundrum (maybe) [View all]97 Talon HackMay-03-14 03:24 PM01455 ---
Stock intake/exhaust manifold stud length [View all]VendorRed90SevMay-02-14 09:45 PM01349 ---
Data log [View all]barza21Apr-30-14 07:12 AM
by J
31759 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Data log, ez, Apr-29-14 11:59 PM, #1
RE: Data log, Fallen4ng31, Apr-30-14 05:36 AM, #2
      RE: Data log, J, Apr-30-14 07:12 AM, #3
OBX TB Spacer question (Not what you think) [View all]electroheadApr-26-14 05:47 PM
by Corbin
11637 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: OBX TB Spacer question (Not what you think), ModeratorCorbin, Apr-26-14 05:47 PM, #1
Passing Emissions with Megasquirt [View all]RfOeCnKdOeNrApr-24-14 10:58 AM
by Corbin
43044 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Passing Emissions with Megasquirt, AdministratorCODE4, Oct-17-13 10:30 AM, #1
RE: Passing Emissions with Megasquirt, ModeratorCorbin, Oct-17-13 06:16 PM, #2
      RE: Passing Emissions with Megasquirt, RfOeCnKdOeNr, Apr-23-14 06:38 PM, #3
           RE: Passing Emissions with Megasquirt, ModeratorCorbin, Apr-24-14 10:58 AM, #4
HELP!!!! New car wont start. [View all]01ssApr-21-14 07:04 PM
by CODE4
173552 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., Bluehaze420ars, Jan-04-14 12:00 PM, #1
RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., AdministratorCODE4, Jan-04-14 04:31 PM, #2
      RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., 01ss, Jan-05-14 03:27 PM, #3
      RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., AdministratorCODE4, Jan-05-14 03:28 PM, #4
           RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., 01ss, Jan-05-14 03:30 PM, #5
                RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., AdministratorCODE4, Jan-05-14 03:31 PM, #6
                     RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., 01ss, Jan-05-14 04:03 PM, #7
                          RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., Bluehaze420ars, Jan-06-14 11:46 AM, #8
                               RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., 01ss, Jan-07-14 03:57 PM, #9
      RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., 01ss, Jan-08-14 11:03 PM, #10
           RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., AdministratorCODE4, Jan-09-14 08:47 AM, #11
                RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., 01ss, Jan-09-14 08:03 PM, #12
                     RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., 01ss, Jan-09-14 09:53 PM, #13
                          RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., AdministratorCODE4, Jan-10-14 12:12 PM, #14
                               RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., 01ss, Jan-10-14 07:27 PM, #15
                                    RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., scorpo86, Apr-21-14 07:01 PM, #16
                                         RE: HELP!!!! New car wont start., AdministratorCODE4, Apr-21-14 07:04 PM, #17
p0106 :( [View all]TurbchargdSpydrApr-20-14 09:07 AM
by TurbchargdSpydr
51923 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: p0106 :(, Dstach, Apr-17-14 09:36 AM, #1
RE: p0106 :(, TurbchargdSpydr, Apr-18-14 07:48 AM, #2
      RE: p0106 :(, TurbchargdSpydr, Apr-18-14 11:16 PM, #3
           RE: p0106 :(, Dstach, Apr-19-14 12:42 AM, #4
                RE: p0106 :(, TurbchargdSpydr, Apr-20-14 09:07 AM, #5
EGR friendly cams [View all]electroheadApr-18-14 08:53 PM01315 ---
ticking/peckin [View all]mfancherApr-10-14 08:00 AM
by Fallen4ng31
11663 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: ticking/peckin, Fallen4ng31, Apr-10-14 08:00 AM, #1
my first 2g eclipse 420a powered automatic [View all]cwindsorApr-07-14 06:32 PM
by cwindsor
41999 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: my first 2g eclipse 420a powered automatic , AdministratorCODE4, Mar-27-14 07:39 AM, #1
RE: my first 2g eclipse 420a powered automatic , John99RS, Apr-05-14 03:58 PM, #2
      RE: my first 2g eclipse 420a powered automatic , ModeratorCorbin, Apr-07-14 06:08 PM, #3
           RE: my first 2g eclipse 420a powered automatic , cwindsor, Apr-07-14 06:32 PM, #4
Restoring my '99 OZ Eclipse... Finally [View all]electroheadMar-27-14 01:55 PM
by electrohead
42200 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Restoring my '99 OZ Eclipse... Finally, Moderatorxcasbonx, Feb-28-14 10:49 AM, #1
RE: Restoring my '99 OZ Eclipse... Finally, RallyEclipse98, Mar-01-14 06:48 PM, #2
      RE: Restoring my '99 OZ Eclipse... Finally, AdministratorCODE4, Mar-16-14 08:59 AM, #3
           RE: Restoring my '99 OZ Eclipse... Finally, electrohead, Mar-27-14 01:55 PM, #4
Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum [View all]ezMar-20-14 09:41 AM
by J
132903 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, ez, Feb-12-14 12:03 AM, #1
RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, J, Feb-25-14 10:53 AM, #2
      RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, ez, Feb-26-14 11:59 PM, #3
           RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, J, Feb-27-14 08:57 AM, #4
                RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, ez, Mar-04-14 09:46 PM, #5
                     RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, J, Mar-05-14 08:10 AM, #6
                          RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, ez, Mar-05-14 02:15 PM, #7
                               RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, ez, Mar-08-14 11:46 AM, #8
                                    RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, ez, Mar-09-14 08:15 PM, #9
                                         RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, J, Mar-10-14 07:43 AM, #10
                                              RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, ez, Mar-11-14 07:43 PM, #11
                                                   RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, ez, Mar-19-14 11:13 PM, #12
                                                        RE: Car goes into open loop near 0 vacuum, J, Mar-20-14 09:40 AM, #13
Wiring 2step and WOT box [View all]VendorRed90SevMar-18-14 04:29 PM
by Red90Sev
154950 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, AdministratorCODE4, Mar-10-12 11:49 AM, #1
RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, SilvrEclips, Mar-12-12 05:42 AM, #2
      RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-05-12 04:12 AM, #3
           RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-08-12 07:05 AM, #4
                RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-14-12 01:50 AM, #5
                     RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, SilvrEclips, Apr-14-12 09:12 AM, #6
                          RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-14-12 05:18 PM, #7
                               RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, VendorRed90Sev, Apr-16-12 10:15 PM, #8
                                    RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, megaskillz, Apr-17-12 09:20 AM, #9
                                    RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, iNoise, Feb-26-14 05:50 PM, #10
                                         RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, VendorRed90Sev, Mar-01-14 04:20 AM, #11
                                              RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, iNoise, Mar-17-14 11:38 AM, #12
                                                   RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, VendorRed90Sev, Mar-17-14 08:56 PM, #13
                                                        RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, iNoise, Mar-18-14 01:05 PM, #14
                                                             RE: Wiring 2step and WOT box, VendorRed90Sev, Mar-18-14 04:29 PM, #15
2.4 EDZ Help [View all]Captain_kjrMar-11-14 05:22 AM
by xcasbonx
21884 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 2.4 EDZ Help , Dstach, Mar-10-14 11:09 PM, #1
RE: 2.4 EDZ Help , Moderatorxcasbonx, Mar-11-14 05:22 AM, #2
2.4 edz build questions/help [View all]Captain_kjrMar-07-14 11:08 PM
by Captain_kjr
21970 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 2.4 edz build questions/help, Dstach, Mar-07-14 11:02 PM, #1
RE: 2.4 edz build questions/help, Captain_kjr, Mar-07-14 11:08 PM, #2
problems with engine build [View all]EglTalon_ESiFeb-26-14 09:34 AM
by EglTalon_ESi
21675 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: problems with engine build, SilvrEclips, Feb-24-14 09:00 PM, #1
RE: problems with engine build, EglTalon_ESi, Feb-26-14 09:34 AM, #2
95 fuel line solution (from filter to rail) [View all]VendorRed90SevFeb-12-14 05:50 AM
by DirtMegirt
62116 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 95 fuel line solution (from filter to rail), Moderatorxcasbonx, Feb-11-14 08:22 AM, #1
RE: 95 fuel line solution (from filter to rail), VendorRed90Sev, Feb-11-14 08:24 AM, #2
      RE: 95 fuel line solution (from filter to rail), Moderatorxcasbonx, Feb-11-14 08:25 AM, #3
      RE: 95 fuel line solution (from filter to rail), Fallen4ng31, Feb-11-14 08:27 AM, #4
           RE: 95 fuel line solution (from filter to rail), ez, Feb-11-14 09:46 PM, #5
                RE: 95 fuel line solution (from filter to rail), DirtMegirt, Feb-12-14 05:50 AM, #6
N/T 420a build. using Crower stage 3 cams got a few questions [View all]dsm420motox219Feb-11-14 03:56 AM
by Red90Sev
41977 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: N/T 420a build. using Crower stage 3 cams got a few questions, Bluehaze420ars, Feb-06-14 03:45 PM, #1
RE: N/T 420a build. using Crower stage 3 cams got a few questions, Slo2g, Feb-07-14 07:55 AM, #2
      RE: N/T 420a build. using Crower stage 3 cams got a few questions, Fotowntalon, Feb-07-14 08:30 AM, #3
           RE: N/T 420a build. using Crower stage 3 cams got a few questions, VendorRed90Sev, Feb-11-14 03:56 AM, #4
Ms3 setup [View all]DstachFeb-07-14 03:23 PM
by Dstach
41860 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Ms3 setup, SymTech Labs, Feb-07-14 07:41 AM, #1
RE: Ms3 setup, Dstach, Feb-07-14 09:43 AM, #2
      RE: Ms3 setup, SymTech Labs, Feb-07-14 09:46 AM, #3
           RE: Ms3 setup, Dstach, Feb-07-14 03:23 PM, #4
DSM Graveyard [View all]1gr8420aJan-23-14 04:25 AM01367 ---
Fuel line problems [View all]jrberriosJan-22-14 01:24 PM
by MCubed45
102338 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Fuel line problems, Grothe3297avenger, Dec-29-13 08:18 PM, #1
RE: Fuel line problems, jrberrios, Dec-31-13 03:27 PM, #3
      RE: Fuel line problems, AdministratorCODE4, Dec-31-13 03:37 PM, #4
RE: Fuel line problems, AdministratorCODE4, Dec-29-13 08:33 PM, #2
RE: Fuel line problems, Grothe3297avenger, Dec-31-13 07:54 PM, #5
      RE: Fuel line problems, jrberrios, Dec-31-13 10:22 PM, #6
           RE: Fuel line problems, Grothe3297avenger, Jan-01-14 01:01 AM, #7
                RE: Fuel line problems, jrberrios, Jan-18-14 04:15 PM, #8
                     RE: Fuel line problems, AdministratorCODE4, Jan-18-14 04:43 PM, #9
                          RE: Fuel line problems, MCubed45, Jan-22-14 01:24 PM, #10
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