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Dec-31-17 05:55 AM
2.4 pt eclipse...
by neon11
698 topics
6170 messages
Auto Trans- A604
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For questions, problems, or performance concerning the Chrysler A604 4 speed automatic transaxle.
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Apr-29-15 10:20 PM
RE: What auto transm...
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Manual Trans - NV-T350
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For questions or problems concerning the New Venture-built 5 speed manual NV-T350 transaxle
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Oct-15-18 09:06 AM
RE: I need help on a...
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Dec-26-16 12:18 PM
OBD2 app recommendat...
by VX100
764 topics
5809 messages
Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
Manifold bolt install [View all]MitsuEclipseGSSep-10-05 02:28 PM
by DR1665
1148 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Manifold bolt install, TeamDR1665, Sep-10-05 02:28 PM, #1
Throttle body play [View all]knight ryda 99Sep-09-05 05:10 PM
by 96eclipse2nr
3153 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Throttle body play, tim97rs, Sep-08-05 12:49 PM, #1
RE: Throttle body play, knight ryda 99, Sep-08-05 02:33 PM, #2
      RE: Throttle body play, 96eclipse2nr, Sep-09-05 05:10 PM, #3
Camshaft Bearing Cap bolt [View all]EggiesSep-09-05 11:19 AM
by WickedESi
6143 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Camshaft Bearing Cap bolt, CarbonFiberRST, Sep-08-05 03:07 PM, #1
RE: Camshaft Bearing Cap bolt, eclipse982nrRST, Sep-08-05 03:26 PM, #2
      RE: Camshaft Bearing Cap bolt, CarbonFiberRST, Sep-08-05 03:38 PM, #3
           RE: Camshaft Bearing Cap bolt, techboy, Sep-08-05 05:28 PM, #4
                RE: Camshaft Bearing Cap bolt, Eggies, Sep-08-05 06:31 PM, #5
RE: Camshaft Bearing Cap bolt, WickedESi, Sep-09-05 11:19 AM, #6
Speedo and odometer problem [View all]95greenhrcgsSep-08-05 05:30 PM
by techboy
6168 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Speedo and odometer problem, TeamDR1665, Sep-07-05 11:32 AM, #1
RE: Speedo and odometer problem, CarbonFiberRST, Sep-07-05 11:44 AM, #2
      RE: Speedo and odometer problem, totaleklipse97, Sep-07-05 01:59 PM, #3
           RE: Speedo and odometer problem, TeamDR1665, Sep-07-05 03:57 PM, #4
                RE: Speedo and odometer problem, totaleklipse97, Sep-08-05 03:45 AM, #5
                     RE: Speedo and odometer problem, techboy, Sep-08-05 05:30 PM, #6
Can an intake leak NOT cause high idle? (still vac probs) [View all]ErikSep-07-05 01:37 PM
by gilee_8
9236 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Can an intake leak NOT cause high idle? (still vac probs), TeamDR1665, Oct-01-03 05:55 AM, #1
RE: Can an intake leak NOT cause high idle? (still vac probs), Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-01-03 06:36 AM, #2
      RE: Can an intake leak NOT cause high idle? (still vac probs), Erik, Oct-01-03 06:58 AM, #3
           RE: Can an intake leak NOT cause high idle? (still vac probs), L2RTSiAWD, Oct-01-03 07:15 AM, #4
                RE: Can an intake leak NOT cause high idle? (still vac probs), Erik, Oct-01-03 09:16 AM, #5
                     RE: Can an intake leak NOT cause high idle? (still vac probs), TeamMichael_97RS, Oct-01-03 02:39 PM, #6
                          RE: Can an intake leak NOT cause high idle? (still vac probs), Erik, Oct-01-03 02:44 PM, #7
                               vac problem still and I'm pissed $10 to the first that can help me fix this!, Erik, Oct-02-03 05:59 AM, #8
                                    RE: vac problem still and I'm pissed $10 to the first that can help me fix this!, gilee_8, Sep-07-05 01:37 PM, #9
How long will a battery last without an alternator??????????? [View all]speedtekSep-06-05 01:48 PM
by XtremeRS
7273 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: How long will a battery last without an alternator???????????, knight ryda 99, Sep-05-05 03:15 PM, #1
RE: How long will a battery last without an alternator???????????, joeck76, Sep-05-05 03:19 PM, #2
RE: How long will a battery last without an alternator???????????, jonhix, Sep-05-05 07:04 PM, #3
      RE: How long will a battery last without an alternator???????????, TeamDR1665, Sep-06-05 05:12 AM, #4
           RE: How long will a battery last without an alternator???????????, ModeratorEvuLFleA, Sep-06-05 06:23 AM, #5
                RE: How long will a battery last without an alternator???????????, FlyinEsi, Sep-06-05 09:08 AM, #6
                     RE: How long will a battery last without an alternator???????????, TeamXtremeRS, Sep-06-05 01:48 PM, #7
TUrbo muffler for 420a [View all]speedtekSep-06-05 05:15 AM
by DR1665
11355 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: TUrbo muffler for 420a, GreenRicer, Aug-26-05 05:30 PM, #1
RE: TUrbo muffler for 420a, injendsm, Aug-26-05 07:11 PM, #2
      RE: TUrbo muffler for 420a, Dracas, Aug-26-05 07:38 PM, #3
           RE: TUrbo muffler for 420a, slowmitsu, Aug-27-05 04:21 AM, #4
           RE: TUrbo muffler for 420a, speedtek, Aug-29-05 10:00 AM, #5
                RE: TUrbo muffler for 420a, cougar694u, Aug-29-05 10:14 AM, #6
                     RE: TUrbo muffler for 420a, Dracas, Aug-29-05 01:12 PM, #7
                          RE: TUrbo muffler for 420a, Silv Blt, Sep-02-05 08:12 PM, #8
                               RE: TUrbo muffler for 420a, TeamDR1665, Sep-03-05 07:29 AM, #9
                                    RE: TUrbo muffler for 420a, silverarrow, Sep-06-05 02:55 AM, #10
                                         RE: TUrbo muffler for 420a, TeamDR1665, Sep-06-05 05:14 AM, #11
whats next? [View all]talon749Sep-06-05 05:07 AM
by DR1665
17516 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: whats next?, coppereclipse95, Aug-29-05 11:27 AM, #1
RE: whats next?, WIDECLIPSE, Aug-29-05 11:38 AM, #2
RE: whats next?, Keith2172, Aug-30-05 12:42 PM, #3
RE: whats next?, eclipse982nrRST, Aug-30-05 01:45 PM, #4
      RE: whats next?, madhatter210, Aug-30-05 04:07 PM, #5
RE: whats next?, injendsm, Aug-30-05 05:27 PM, #6
RE: whats next?, TeamDR1665, Aug-31-05 01:56 PM, #8
      RE: whats next?, injendsm, Aug-31-05 04:58 PM, #9
RE: whats next?, ForceFed, Aug-30-05 08:45 PM, #7
RE: whats next?, WIDECLIPSE, Sep-01-05 03:02 AM, #10
      RE: whats next?, TeamDR1665, Sep-01-05 07:24 AM, #11
           RE: whats next?, Keith2172, Sep-01-05 12:53 PM, #12
                RE: whats next?, WIDECLIPSE, Sep-02-05 02:42 AM, #13
                RE: whats next?, injendsm, Sep-02-05 05:09 AM, #14
                     RE: whats next?, slowmitsu, Sep-03-05 08:56 AM, #15
                     RE: whats next?, Keith2172, Sep-06-05 04:44 AM, #16
                          RE: whats next?, TeamDR1665, Sep-06-05 05:07 AM, #17
2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap?? [View all]titans_arrowSep-05-05 01:17 PM
by HadesOmega
17925 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, BlackMagic, Aug-14-05 07:44 PM, #1
RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, 96rs-t, Aug-14-05 07:49 PM, #2
      RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, destruckeclipse, Aug-14-05 08:28 PM, #3
           RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, thedawg, Aug-15-05 04:32 AM, #4
RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, ModeratorCorbin, Aug-15-05 07:22 AM, #5
RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, tim97rs, Aug-15-05 07:35 AM, #6
RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, ForceFed, Aug-22-05 09:09 PM, #7
RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, totaleklipse97, Aug-22-05 09:20 PM, #8
      RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, TeamMichael_97RS, Aug-24-05 12:20 PM, #9
           RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, techboy, Aug-27-05 07:01 PM, #10
                RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, TeamDR1665, Aug-27-05 09:12 PM, #11
                     RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, totaleklipse97, Aug-28-05 12:09 AM, #12
                          RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, TeamDR1665, Aug-28-05 07:42 AM, #13
                               RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, totaleklipse97, Aug-28-05 08:02 AM, #14
                                    RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, HardaTaq, Aug-30-05 06:34 PM, #15
                                         RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, mcgyvr, Aug-31-05 04:10 AM, #16
                                              RE: 2.0L to 3.0L VR-4 swap??, HadesOmega, Sep-05-05 01:17 PM, #17
Quick ? Crane HI-6 [View all]totaleklipse97Sep-05-05 12:57 PM
by XtremeRS
6192 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Quick ? Crane HI-6, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Sep-04-05 04:58 PM, #1
RE: Quick ? Crane HI-6, djtrickee, Sep-04-05 05:01 PM, #2
      RE: Quick ? Crane HI-6, totaleklipse97, Sep-04-05 07:08 PM, #3
           RE: Quick ? Crane HI-6, TeamXtremeRS, Sep-05-05 05:24 AM, #4
                RE: Quick ? Crane HI-6, totaleklipse97, Sep-05-05 07:33 AM, #5
                     RE: Quick ? Crane HI-6, TeamXtremeRS, Sep-05-05 12:57 PM, #6
car still over heating!!! [View all]talonguy2005Sep-05-05 10:21 AM
by hs_elrod
4159 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: car still over heating!!!, TeamDR1665, Sep-03-05 07:19 AM, #1
RE: car still over heating!!!, talonguy2005, Sep-03-05 01:33 PM, #2
      RE: car still over heating!!!, TeamDR1665, Sep-04-05 08:18 AM, #3
           RE: car still over heating!!!, hs_elrod, Sep-05-05 10:21 AM, #4
Fuel Filter bolt... [View all]DarkEclips96Sep-05-05 06:28 AM
by djtrickee
10164 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Fuel Filter bolt..., Ducking_Fumbass, Sep-04-05 06:35 AM, #1
RE: Fuel Filter bolt..., DarkEclips96, Sep-04-05 07:13 AM, #2
      RE: Fuel Filter bolt..., DarkEclips96, Sep-04-05 08:10 AM, #3
           RE: Fuel Filter bolt..., TeamDR1665, Sep-04-05 08:21 AM, #4
           RE: Fuel Filter bolt..., DarkEclips96, Sep-04-05 08:21 AM, #5
           RE: Fuel Filter bolt..., djtrickee, Sep-04-05 04:59 PM, #6
                RE: Fuel Filter bolt..., WickedESi, Sep-04-05 07:37 PM, #7
                     RE: Fuel Filter bolt..., jonhix, Sep-04-05 10:01 PM, #8
                          RE: Fuel Filter bolt..., DarkEclips96, Sep-05-05 03:38 AM, #9
                               RE: Fuel Filter bolt..., djtrickee, Sep-05-05 06:28 AM, #10
Help, car is running like shit [View all]OneHowtDSMSep-05-05 06:18 AM
by OneHowtDSM
6228 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Help, car is running like shit, WickedESi, Sep-04-05 07:39 PM, #1
RE: Help, car is running like shit, CarbonFiberRST, Sep-04-05 07:50 PM, #2
RE: Help, car is running like shit, OneHowtDSM, Sep-05-05 04:38 AM, #3
RE: Help, car is running like shit, hs_elrod, Sep-05-05 05:40 AM, #4
      RE: Help, car is running like shit, OneHowtDSM, Sep-05-05 05:52 AM, #5
RE: Help, car is running like shit, OneHowtDSM, Sep-05-05 06:18 AM, #6
Need some help [View all]HardaTaqSep-05-05 05:49 AM
by HardaTaq
2181 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Need some help, joeck76, Sep-04-05 07:02 PM, #1
RE: Need some help, HardaTaq, Sep-05-05 05:49 AM, #2
Another site for WBO2 sensor. [View all]gilee_8Sep-04-05 07:38 AM
by ner947
9644 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Another site for WBO2 sensor., Kirby, Sep-02-05 10:40 AM, #1
RE: Another site for WBO2 sensor., Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Sep-02-05 10:56 AM, #2
      RE: Another site for WBO2 sensor., TeamAvenger, Sep-02-05 11:14 AM, #3
      RE: Another site for WBO2 sensor., gilee_8, Sep-02-05 11:19 AM, #4
      RE: Another site for WBO2 sensor., Kirby, Sep-02-05 12:01 PM, #5
           RE: Another site for WBO2 sensor., willmayo, Sep-02-05 02:52 PM, #6
                RE: Another site for WBO2 sensor., ForceFed, Sep-03-05 05:00 PM, #7
                     RE: Another site for WBO2 sensor., willmayo, Sep-03-05 06:09 PM, #8
RE: Another site for WBO2 sensor., Teamner947, Sep-04-05 07:36 AM, #9
sorry for the newb question but wasn't sure how to search [View all]Moderatorcs82685Sep-03-05 11:20 AM
by cs82685
3472 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: sorry for the newb question but wasn't sure how to search, BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Sep-02-05 03:36 PM, #1
RE: sorry for the newb question but wasn't sure how to search, TeamDR1665, Sep-03-05 07:27 AM, #2
      RE: sorry for the newb question but wasn't sure how to search, Moderatorcs82685, Sep-03-05 11:20 AM, #3
where to get/how much for complete used engine? [View all]Moderatorcs82685Sep-03-05 11:19 AM
by cs82685
4523 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: where to get/how much for complete used engine?, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Sep-02-05 05:08 PM, #1
RE: where to get/how much for complete used engine?, madhatter210, Sep-02-05 07:58 PM, #2
      RE: where to get/how much for complete used engine?, TeamDR1665, Sep-03-05 07:31 AM, #3
           RE: where to get/how much for complete used engine?, Moderatorcs82685, Sep-03-05 11:19 AM, #4
Have you seen anyting like this yet? [View all]l6u9k6e9Sep-02-05 05:06 AM
by Kirby
4801 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Have you seen anyting like this yet?, Erik, Aug-31-05 05:33 AM, #1
RE: Have you seen anyting like this yet?, TeamDR1665, Sep-01-05 07:37 AM, #2
      RE: Have you seen anyting like this yet?, techboy, Sep-01-05 07:46 AM, #3
           RE: Have you seen anyting like this yet?, Kirby, Sep-02-05 05:06 AM, #4
what part is this? [View all]Jacob LucsSep-02-05 05:05 AM
by Kirby
91114 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: what part is this?, ModeratorCorbin, Aug-31-05 06:42 AM, #1
RE: what part is this?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Aug-31-05 07:02 AM, #2
      RE: what part is this?, Jacob Lucs, Aug-31-05 08:29 AM, #3
           RE: what part is this?, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Aug-31-05 10:01 AM, #4
                RE: what part is this?, DegreE, Aug-31-05 10:19 AM, #5
                     RE: what part is this?, Moderatormicyek, Sep-01-05 08:33 AM, #6
                          RE: what part is this?, BOOSTED ECLIPSE, Sep-01-05 12:55 PM, #7
                               RE: what part is this?, Jacob Lucs, Sep-02-05 02:43 AM, #8
                                    RE: what part is this?, Kirby, Sep-02-05 05:05 AM, #9
codes codes and more codes [View all]Dead ManSep-01-05 06:07 PM
by knight ryda 99
6632 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: codes codes and more codes, knight ryda 99, Aug-24-05 08:38 PM, #1
RE: codes codes and more codes, cougar694u, Aug-25-05 02:48 AM, #2
RE: codes codes and more codes, Dead Man, Aug-26-05 03:09 AM, #3
      RE: codes codes and more codes, cougar694u, Aug-26-05 06:20 AM, #4
           RE: codes codes and more codes, Dead Man, Aug-27-05 05:48 PM, #5
                RE: codes codes and more codes, knight ryda 99, Sep-01-05 06:07 PM, #6
starting and hestitation problems [View all]MitsuEclipseGSAug-31-05 03:19 AM
by MitsuEclipseGS
5481 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: starting and hestitation problems, WIDECLIPSE, Aug-30-05 03:38 AM, #1
RE: starting and hestitation problems, TeamDR1665, Aug-30-05 04:12 AM, #2
      RE: starting and hestitation problems, MitsuEclipseGS, Aug-30-05 04:25 AM, #3
           RE: starting and hestitation problems, MitsuEclipseGS, Aug-30-05 12:05 PM, #4
                RE: starting and hestitation problems, MitsuEclipseGS, Aug-31-05 03:19 AM, #5
HELP....car won't start. [View all]EclipseStarAug-30-05 12:36 PM
by bloodyangel1
7375 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: HELP....car won't start., joeck76, Aug-29-05 08:51 AM, #1
RE: HELP....car won't start., EclipseStar, Aug-29-05 09:02 AM, #2
      RE: HELP....car won't start., knight ryda 99, Aug-29-05 10:44 AM, #3
           RE: HELP....car won't start., EclipseStar, Aug-29-05 02:31 PM, #4
                RE: HELP....car won't start., oMInOUs97RS, Aug-29-05 05:40 PM, #5
                     RE: HELP....car won't start., EclipseStar, Aug-30-05 07:37 AM, #6
                          RE: HELP....car won't start., bloodyangel1, Aug-30-05 12:36 PM, #7
Oil pressure sending unit adaptor [View all]oMInOUs97RSAug-30-05 06:49 AM
by Corbin
1249 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Oil pressure sending unit adaptor, ModeratorCorbin, Aug-30-05 06:49 AM, #1
Spark plug heat range and gap for hicompression [View all]HadesOmegaAug-29-05 03:22 PM
by HadesOmega
2257 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Spark plug heat range and gap for hicompression, VendorAFX_Manufacturing, Aug-29-05 03:28 AM, #1
RE: Spark plug heat range and gap for hicompression, HadesOmega, Aug-29-05 03:22 PM, #2
new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts [View all]bloodyangel1Aug-29-05 11:34 AM
by bloodyangel1
15292 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, TeamDR1665, Aug-23-05 04:05 PM, #1
RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, bloodyangel1, Aug-23-05 04:18 PM, #2
      RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, bloodyangel1, Aug-24-05 06:25 AM, #3
           RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, cougar694u, Aug-24-05 06:50 AM, #4
                RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, bloodyangel1, Aug-24-05 12:27 PM, #5
                     RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, Kirby, Aug-25-05 07:26 AM, #6
RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, Teamner947, Aug-25-05 07:35 AM, #7
RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, bloodyangel1, Aug-25-05 11:14 AM, #8
      RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, Kirby, Aug-26-05 04:05 AM, #9
           RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, cougar694u, Aug-26-05 06:13 AM, #10
                RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, bloodyangel1, Aug-26-05 06:22 AM, #11
                     RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, cougar694u, Aug-26-05 06:35 AM, #12
                          RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, bloodyangel1, Aug-26-05 11:47 AM, #13
                               RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, cougar694u, Aug-29-05 05:39 AM, #14
                                    RE: new head, new cam gears, timing wont line up, runs rough IF it starts, bloodyangel1, Aug-29-05 11:34 AM, #15
Newbie install of Crower Stage Three Cams... Car falls on its face [View all]EggiesAug-29-05 10:00 AM
by cougar694u
7315 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Newbie install of Crower Stage Three Cams... Car falls on its face, Blizare, Aug-28-05 10:15 AM, #1
RE: Newbie install of Crower Stage Three Cams... Car falls on its face, TeamDR1665, Aug-28-05 11:59 AM, #2
      RE: Newbie install of Crower Stage Three Cams... Car falls on its face, ForceFed, Aug-28-05 02:27 PM, #3
           RE: Newbie install of Crower Stage Three Cams... Car falls on its face, cougar694u, Aug-29-05 05:20 AM, #4
                RE: Newbie install of Crower Stage Three Cams... Car falls on its face, Eggies, Aug-29-05 07:55 AM, #5
                     RE: Newbie install of Crower Stage Three Cams... Car falls on its face, mcgyvr, Aug-29-05 08:17 AM, #6
                     RE: Newbie install of Crower Stage Three Cams... Car falls on its face, cougar694u, Aug-29-05 10:00 AM, #7
TB question...probably no big deal but I thought I would check [View all]nonameratAug-28-05 06:36 PM
by nonamerat
4192 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: TB question...probably no big deal but I thought I would check, 96NTeclipse, Aug-28-05 04:52 AM, #1
RE: TB question...probably no big deal but I thought I would check, nonamerat, Aug-28-05 08:10 AM, #2
      RE: TB question...probably no big deal but I thought I would check, DegreE, Aug-28-05 04:56 PM, #3
           RE: TB question...probably no big deal but I thought I would check, nonamerat, Aug-28-05 06:36 PM, #4
Car insists on pissing gas on floor after Vortech FMU install... (long) [View all]BumpinTalonAug-28-05 04:58 PM
by BumpinTalon
2250 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Car insists on pissing gas on floor after Vortech FMU install... (long), techboy, Aug-27-05 06:53 PM, #1
RE: Car insists on pissing gas on floor after Vortech FMU install... (long), BumpinTalon, Aug-28-05 04:57 PM, #2
Greddy E-manage [View all]CARWASH216Aug-28-05 10:13 AM0219 ---
Oil Pressure sending unit [View all]GeronamoAug-28-05 09:19 AM
by DR1665
4192 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Oil Pressure sending unit, WickedESi, Aug-27-05 02:57 PM, #1
RE: Oil Pressure sending unit, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Aug-27-05 06:10 PM, #2
      RE: Oil Pressure sending unit, techboy, Aug-27-05 06:36 PM, #3
           RE: Oil Pressure sending unit, TeamDR1665, Aug-28-05 09:19 AM, #4
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