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Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views Rating
clutch problems [View all]Mattcky2kOct-18-04 06:24 AM
by DSMTunerS95
3417 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: clutch problems, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-16-04 07:15 PM, #1
RE: clutch problems, Mattcky2k, Oct-17-04 04:59 PM, #2
      RE: clutch problems, DSMTunerS95, Oct-18-04 06:24 AM, #3
clutch problems [View all]Mattcky2kOct-18-04 06:24 AM
by DSMTunerS95
0294 ---
Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16? [View all]BigBaldOct-15-04 05:33 PM
by Vandy420a
11461 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16?, Vandy420a, Oct-13-04 03:15 PM, #1
RE: Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16?, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-13-04 07:38 PM, #2
      RE: Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16?, BigBald, Oct-14-04 03:56 AM, #3
           RE: Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16?, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-14-04 08:20 AM, #4
                RE: Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16?, BigBald, Oct-14-04 08:24 AM, #5
                     RE: Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16?, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-14-04 12:49 PM, #6
                          RE: Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16?, BigBald, Oct-14-04 02:25 PM, #7
                               RE: Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16?, Vandy420a, Oct-14-04 11:20 PM, #8
                                    RE: Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16?, BigBald, Oct-15-04 04:40 AM, #9
                                         RE: Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16?, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-15-04 08:08 AM, #10
                                              RE: Highest amount of timing on a stock block with vp c16?, Vandy420a, Oct-15-04 05:33 PM, #11
injector duty cycles (split from "fuel ques" post) [View all]ModeratoreclipzGSTOct-14-04 03:52 AM
by BigBald
5354 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: injector duty cycles, kelvinb1, Oct-13-04 12:28 PM, #1
RE: injector duty cycles (split from "fuel ques" post), HybriDSM, Oct-13-04 01:33 PM, #2
RE: injector duty cycles (split from "fuel ques" post), ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-13-04 01:49 PM, #3
      RE: injector duty cycles (split from "fuel ques" post), DSMTunerS95, Oct-14-04 03:19 AM, #4
           RE: injector duty cycles (split from "fuel ques" post), BigBald, Oct-14-04 03:52 AM, #5
I finally got this thing together [View all]BigBaldOct-13-04 02:20 PM
by PowerEclipses
15632 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I finally got this thing together, HybriDSM, Oct-09-04 05:38 PM, #1
RE: I finally got this thing together, Diceman19, Oct-09-04 05:43 PM, #2
RE: I finally got this thing together, Diceman19, Oct-09-04 06:59 PM, #5
RE: I finally got this thing together, BigBald, Oct-09-04 06:03 PM, #3
      RE: I finally got this thing together, HybriDSM, Oct-09-04 06:13 PM, #4
           RE: I finally got this thing together, invaznGST, Oct-09-04 08:08 PM, #6
                RE: I finally got this thing together, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-09-04 09:37 PM, #7
                     RE: I finally got this thing together, chrysler kid, Oct-09-04 10:05 PM, #8
                     RE: I finally got this thing together, BigBald, Oct-10-04 03:48 AM, #9
                          RE: I finally got this thing together, FlyinEsi, Oct-10-04 04:47 AM, #10
                     RE: I finally got this thing together, Hult250R, Oct-10-04 07:11 AM, #11
                          RE: I finally got this thing together, Vandy420a, Oct-10-04 07:49 AM, #12
RE: I finally got this thing together, er0ckz, Oct-10-04 01:39 PM, #13
RE: I finally got this thing together, BigBald, Oct-11-04 04:29 AM, #14
      RE: I finally got this thing together, PowerEclipses, Oct-13-04 02:20 PM, #15
Fuel Question [View all]BigBaldOct-13-04 12:30 PM
by eclipzGST
6607 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Fuel Question, Vandy420a, Oct-13-04 07:08 AM, #1
RE: Fuel Question, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-13-04 08:40 AM, #2
      RE: Fuel Question, Vandy420a, Oct-13-04 08:49 AM, #3
           RE: Fuel Question, BigBald, Oct-13-04 09:44 AM, #4
Would an ACT 2100 work with this? [View all]420a-TnthewerksOct-13-04 11:29 AM
by Initial DSM
181144 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, TeamJeff_99gs, Oct-11-04 05:08 AM, #1
RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, BigBald, Oct-11-04 06:03 AM, #2
      RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, DSMTunerS95, Oct-11-04 06:07 AM, #3
           RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, TeamJeff_99gs, Oct-11-04 07:31 AM, #4
           RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, Vandy420a, Oct-11-04 08:01 AM, #5
           RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, BigBald, Oct-11-04 08:24 AM, #6
                RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, HybriDSM, Oct-11-04 10:48 AM, #7
                     RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, BigBald, Oct-11-04 06:09 PM, #8
                          RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, HybriDSM, Oct-11-04 06:55 PM, #9
                               RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, thedawg, Oct-11-04 08:11 PM, #10
                               RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, 420a-Tnthewerks, Oct-12-04 07:54 AM, #14
                                    RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, BigBald, Oct-12-04 10:11 AM, #15
                                         RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, Initial DSM, Oct-12-04 07:09 PM, #16
                                              RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, 420a-Tnthewerks, Oct-13-04 12:25 AM, #17
                                                   RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, Initial DSM, Oct-13-04 11:28 AM, #18
                               RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, BigBald, Oct-12-04 04:31 AM, #11
                                    RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, HybriDSM, Oct-12-04 05:02 AM, #12
                                         RE: Would an ACT 2100 work with this?, TeamJeff_99gs, Oct-12-04 07:34 AM, #13
Having problem starting my GST (need help) [View all]MoreBoostOct-12-04 08:30 AM
by 97gsx
10638 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Having problem starting my GST (need help), TeamJeff_99gs, Oct-11-04 07:29 AM, #1
RE: Having problem starting my GST (need help), Vandy420a, Oct-11-04 08:04 AM, #2
RE: Having problem starting my GST (need help), MoreBoost, Oct-11-04 09:59 AM, #3
      RE: Having problem starting my GST (need help), Vandy420a, Oct-11-04 11:22 AM, #4
           RE: Having problem starting my GST (need help), HybriDSM, Oct-11-04 12:03 PM, #5
                RE: Having problem starting my GST (need help), ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-11-04 01:48 PM, #6
                RE: Having problem starting my GST (need help), Vandy420a, Oct-11-04 05:56 PM, #7
                     RE: Having problem starting my GST (need help), HybriDSM, Oct-11-04 06:51 PM, #8
                          RE: Having problem starting my GST (need help), Diceman19, Oct-11-04 08:13 PM, #9
RE: Having problem starting my GST (need help), 97gsx, Oct-12-04 08:30 AM, #10
What's the stock vaccum? [View all]invaznGSTOct-11-04 08:14 PM
by Diceman19
3506 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What's the stock vaccum?, Diceman19, Oct-11-04 04:53 PM, #1
RE: What's the stock vaccum?, invaznGST, Oct-11-04 07:50 PM, #2
      RE: What's the stock vaccum?, Diceman19, Oct-11-04 08:14 PM, #3
My damn tire blew. tire question... [View all]420a-TnthewerksOct-11-04 07:09 PM
by 420a-Tnthewerks
2529 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: My damn tire blew. tire question..., Vandy420a, Oct-11-04 05:52 PM, #1
RE: My damn tire blew. tire question..., 420a-Tnthewerks, Oct-11-04 07:09 PM, #2
question about base timing [View all]Diceman19Oct-11-04 01:53 PM
by Diceman19
5395 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: question about base timing ****big pic, Diceman19, Oct-11-04 06:20 AM, #1
RE: question about base timing ****big pic, HybriDSM, Oct-11-04 06:32 AM, #2
      RE: question about base timing ****big pic, Diceman19, Oct-11-04 09:21 AM, #3
           RE: question about base timing ****big pic, HybriDSM, Oct-11-04 10:46 AM, #4
                RE: question about base timing ****big pic, Diceman19, Oct-11-04 01:53 PM, #5
1g talon transmission - diff between turbo and nt? [View all]qc dsm tsiOct-11-04 04:17 AM
by qc dsm tsi
2398 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 1g talon transmission - diff between turbo and nt?, TeamJeff_99gs, Oct-10-04 07:51 PM, #1
RE: 1g talon transmission - diff between turbo and nt?, qc dsm tsi, Oct-11-04 04:17 AM, #2
1g talon transmission - diff between turbo and nt? [View all]qc dsm tsiOct-11-04 04:17 AM
by qc dsm tsi
0340 ---
Exhaust popping noise while accelerating [View all]Ryan_HesOct-10-04 04:09 PM
by eclipzGST
2396 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Exhaust popping noise while accelerating, Vandy420a, Oct-10-04 07:48 AM, #1
RE: Exhaust popping noise while accelerating, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-10-04 04:09 PM, #2
datalogging [View all]Diceman19Oct-09-04 05:47 PM
by HybriDSM
11377 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: datalogging, Ark, Oct-07-04 05:32 PM, #1
RE: datalogging, TeamJeff_99gs, Oct-07-04 06:01 PM, #2
      RE: datalogging, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-07-04 06:31 PM, #3
           RE: datalogging, Diceman19, Oct-07-04 07:53 PM, #4
                RE: datalogging, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-07-04 08:33 PM, #5
                     RE: datalogging, Diceman19, Oct-07-04 08:56 PM, #6
                          RE: datalogging, Diceman19, Oct-09-04 02:09 AM, #7
                               RE: datalogging, BigBald, Oct-09-04 03:55 AM, #8
                                    RE: datalogging, HybriDSM, Oct-09-04 02:05 PM, #9
                                         RE: datalogging, Diceman19, Oct-09-04 05:18 PM, #10
                                              RE: datalogging, HybriDSM, Oct-09-04 05:47 PM, #11
exhaust on!!!! YAY [View all]Diceman19Oct-09-04 05:14 PM
by Diceman19
7296 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: exhaust on!!!! YAY, Hult250R, Oct-02-04 07:22 AM, #1
RE: exhaust on!!!! YAY, Diceman19, Oct-02-04 08:36 AM, #2
      RE: exhaust on!!!! YAY, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-04-04 02:24 PM, #3
           RE: exhaust on!!!! YAY, Diceman19, Oct-05-04 04:32 PM, #4
                RE: exhaust on!!!! YAY, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-05-04 05:06 PM, #5
                     RE: exhaust on!!!! YAY, Diceman19, Oct-05-04 07:12 PM, #6
                          RE: exhaust on!!!! YAY pics, 5 meg worth. huge. 56k stay away or take a nap, Diceman19, Oct-09-04 05:14 PM, #7
Should I or Shouldn't I? [View all]AggressionOct-08-04 07:39 PM
by invaznGST
18593 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, PowerEclipses, Oct-04-04 05:54 AM, #1
RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, FlyinEsi, Oct-04-04 07:05 AM, #2
RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, Vandy420a, Oct-04-04 07:06 AM, #3
      RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, Aggression, Oct-04-04 11:09 AM, #4
           RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, FlyinEsi, Oct-04-04 01:38 PM, #5
                RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-04-04 02:12 PM, #6
                     RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, HybriDSM, Oct-04-04 03:13 PM, #7
                          RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, Aggression, Oct-05-04 02:10 AM, #8
                               RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, FlyinEsi, Oct-05-04 05:26 AM, #9
                                    RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-05-04 07:52 AM, #10
                                    RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, Aggression, Oct-05-04 08:26 AM, #11
                                         RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, HybriDSM, Oct-05-04 02:25 PM, #12
                                              RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, Aggression, Oct-07-04 08:33 AM, #13
                                                   RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, HybriDSM, Oct-07-04 09:30 AM, #14
                                                        RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-07-04 10:27 AM, #15
                                                             RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, Aggression, Oct-08-04 01:42 AM, #16
                                                                  RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, Diceman19, Oct-08-04 02:50 AM, #17
                                                                       RE: Should I or Shouldn't I?, invaznGST, Oct-08-04 07:39 PM, #18
98 GSX auto [View all]rolln_on_emOct-07-04 02:50 PM
by silvreclipsers
3380 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 98 GSX auto, thedawg, Oct-07-04 11:56 AM, #1
RE: 98 GSX auto, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-07-04 12:26 PM, #2
      RE: 98 GSX auto, silvreclipsers, Oct-07-04 02:50 PM, #3
Potential of an EVOIII 16G- check it out... [View all]ModeratoreclipzGSTOct-07-04 03:43 AM
by HybriDSM
2400 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Potential of an EVOIII 16G- check it out..., Diceman19, Oct-07-04 02:51 AM, #1
RE: Potential of an EVOIII 16G- check it out..., HybriDSM, Oct-07-04 03:43 AM, #2
What do you guys get for gas mileage? [View all]FlyinEsiOct-06-04 07:19 PM
by Diceman19
11445 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: What do you guys get for gas mileage?, DSMTunerS95, Oct-06-04 06:37 AM, #1
RE: What do you guys get for gas mileage?, FlyinEsi, Oct-06-04 06:48 AM, #2
      RE: What do you guys get for gas mileage?, soulcontroller, Oct-06-04 07:45 AM, #3
           RE: What do you guys get for gas mileage?, FlyinEsi, Oct-06-04 07:55 AM, #4
           RE: What do you guys get for gas mileage?, Vandy420a, Oct-06-04 07:59 AM, #5
                RE: What do you guys get for gas mileage?, JReynosa, Oct-06-04 02:05 PM, #6
                     RE: What do you guys get for gas mileage?, Diceman19, Oct-06-04 05:07 PM, #7
                          RE: What do you guys get for gas mileage?, Vandy420a, Oct-06-04 05:17 PM, #8
                               RE: What do you guys get for gas mileage?, FlyinEsi, Oct-06-04 05:41 PM, #9
                                    RE: What do you guys get for gas mileage?, TeamJeff_99gs, Oct-06-04 07:11 PM, #10
                                         RE: What do you guys get for gas mileage?, Diceman19, Oct-06-04 07:19 PM, #11
my engine decided to eat itself (long post i need advice [View all]chrysler kidOct-05-04 03:16 PM
by eclipzGST
7401 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: my engine decided to eat itself (long post i need advice, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-04-04 07:48 PM, #1
RE: my engine decided to eat itself (long post i need advice, BigBald, Oct-05-04 03:32 AM, #2
      RE: my engine decided to eat itself (long post i need advice, TeamJeff_99gs, Oct-05-04 01:04 PM, #3
           RE: my engine decided to eat itself (long post i need advice, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Oct-05-04 01:22 PM, #4
                RE: my engine decided to eat itself (long post i need advice, soulcontroller, Oct-05-04 01:36 PM, #5
                     RE: my engine decided to eat itself (long post i need advice, HybriDSM, Oct-05-04 02:23 PM, #6
                          RE: my engine decided to eat itself (long post i need advice, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-05-04 03:16 PM, #7
I have a 2g Install Kit for Sale [View all]BigBaldOct-05-04 11:43 AM
by eclipzGST
6339 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: I have a 2g Install Kit for Sale, 420a-Tnthewerks, Oct-02-04 04:11 PM, #1
RE: I have a 2g Install Kit for Sale, PowerEclipses, Oct-02-04 07:49 PM, #2
RE: I have a 2g Install Kit for Sale, BigBald, Oct-02-04 08:55 PM, #3
      RE: I have a 2g Install Kit for Sale, BigBald, Oct-04-04 05:54 PM, #4
           RE: I have a 2g Install Kit for Sale, 420a-Tnthewerks, Oct-05-04 10:21 AM, #5
                RE: I have a 2g Install Kit for Sale, ModeratoreclipzGST, Oct-05-04 11:43 AM, #6
Car keeps jumping timing [View all]sd240Oct-04-04 07:12 AM
by Vandy420a
14402 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Car keeps jumping timing, Vandy420a, Sep-28-04 08:56 PM, #1
RE: Car keeps jumping timing, Diceman19, Sep-28-04 10:41 PM, #2
RE: Car keeps jumping timing, thedawg, Sep-29-04 06:14 AM, #3
      RE: Car keeps jumping timing, Vandy420a, Sep-29-04 09:35 AM, #4
           RE: Car keeps jumping timing, HybriDSM, Sep-29-04 10:47 AM, #5
                RE: Car keeps jumping timing, sd240, Sep-30-04 11:34 AM, #6
                     RE: Car keeps jumping timing, sd240, Sep-30-04 11:40 AM, #7
                          RE: Car keeps jumping timing, Diceman19, Sep-30-04 04:26 PM, #8
                               RE: Car keeps jumping timing, sd240, Sep-30-04 05:36 PM, #9
                                    RE: Car keeps jumping timing, Diceman19, Sep-30-04 06:08 PM, #10
                                         RE: Car keeps jumping timing, sd240, Oct-01-04 12:26 PM, #11
                                              RE: Car keeps jumping timing, Diceman19, Oct-01-04 08:49 PM, #12
                                              RE: Car keeps jumping timing, sd240, Oct-02-04 07:37 PM, #13
                                              RE: Car keeps jumping timing, Vandy420a, Oct-04-04 07:11 AM, #14
another 1G question! (ATX fill port) [View all]ModeratorDR1665v2Oct-03-04 02:55 PM
by Vandy420a
4379 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: another 1G question! (ATX fill port), JReynosa, Oct-02-04 08:50 AM, #1
RE: another 1G question! (ATX fill port), Hult250R, Oct-02-04 11:31 AM, #2
      RE: another 1G question! (ATX fill port), ModeratorDR1665v2, Oct-02-04 01:58 PM, #3
           RE: another 1G question! (ATX fill port), Vandy420a, Oct-03-04 02:55 PM, #4
1G ATX shifting issues [View all]ModeratorDR1665v2Oct-02-04 03:09 PM
by JReynosa
1487 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: 1G ATX shifting issues, JReynosa, Oct-02-04 03:09 PM, #1
Car started, finally, a month later after the turbo rebuild... [View all]PowerEclipsesOct-01-04 10:22 PM
by chrysler kid
1297 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Car started, finally, a month later after the turbo rebuild..., chrysler kid, Oct-01-04 10:22 PM, #1
Base timing tweaks? [View all]ModeratorDR1665v2Oct-01-04 10:22 PM
by HybriDSM
1343 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Base timing tweaks?, HybriDSM, Oct-01-04 10:22 PM, #1
My DAMN turbo blew because of a crimped oil return line, SOO I bought this! (PIC) [View all]PowerEclipsesSep-30-04 02:53 PM
by Star Turbo Talon
10289 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: My DAMN turbo blew because of a crimped oil return line, SOO I bought this! (PIC), BigBald, Sep-19-04 02:36 PM, #1
RE: My DAMN turbo blew because of a crimped oil return line, SOO I bought this! (PIC), AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Sep-22-04 12:53 PM, #2
      RE: My DAMN turbo blew because of a crimped oil return line, SOO I bought this! (PIC), PowerEclipses, Sep-22-04 03:25 PM, #3
           RE: My DAMN turbo blew because of a crimped oil return line, SOO I bought this! (PIC), DarKReaLity, Sep-22-04 06:56 PM, #4
                RE: My DAMN turbo blew because of a crimped oil return line, SOO I bought this! (PIC), chrysler kid, Sep-22-04 06:58 PM, #5
                     RE: My DAMN turbo blew because of a crimped oil return line, SOO I bought this! (PIC), BigBald, Sep-22-04 07:07 PM, #6
                          RE: My DAMN turbo blew because of a crimped oil return line, SOO I bought this! (PIC), widebodied, Sep-24-04 03:46 AM, #7
                               RE: My DAMN turbo blew because of a crimped oil return line, SOO I bought this! (PIC), BigBald, Sep-24-04 04:43 AM, #8
                                    RE: My DAMN turbo blew because of a crimped oil return line, SOO I bought this! (PIC), widebodied, Sep-24-04 04:59 AM, #9
                                         RE: My DAMN turbo blew because of a crimped oil return line, SOO I bought this! (PIC), AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Sep-30-04 02:53 PM, #10
Car is smoking... Wheres it comin from?? [View all]Hult250RSep-30-04 02:49 PM
by PowerEclipses
5339 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: Car is smoking... Wheres it comin from??, Vandy420a, Sep-30-04 12:25 PM, #1
RE: Car is smoking... Wheres it comin from??, Hult250R, Sep-30-04 12:49 PM, #2
      RE: Car is smoking... Wheres it comin from??, loudgs, Sep-30-04 12:51 PM, #3
      RE: Car is smoking... Wheres it comin from??, TeamJeff_99gs, Sep-30-04 02:34 PM, #4
           RE: Car is smoking... Wheres it comin from??, PowerEclipses, Sep-30-04 02:49 PM, #5
blown head, need your opinions [View all]chrysler kidSep-27-04 03:28 PM
by SaberKhan
13427 ---
Replies to this topic:
RE: blown head, need your opinions, BigBald, Sep-14-04 09:55 AM, #1
RE: blown head, need your opinions, chrysler kid, Sep-14-04 10:02 AM, #2
      RE: blown head, need your opinions, FlyinEsi, Sep-14-04 10:19 AM, #3
           RE: blown head, need your opinions, Pitchblack98, Sep-14-04 10:57 AM, #4
                RE: blown head, need your opinions, PowerEclipses, Sep-14-04 12:12 PM, #5
                     RE: blown head, need your opinions, FlyinEsi, Sep-14-04 12:35 PM, #6
                          RE: blown head, need your opinions, Pitchblack98, Sep-14-04 12:48 PM, #7
                               RE: blown head, need your opinions, chrysler kid, Sep-14-04 05:37 PM, #8
                                    RE: blown head, need your opinions, PowerEclipses, Sep-14-04 05:58 PM, #9
                                         RE: blown head, need your opinions, PowerEclipses, Sep-14-04 06:03 PM, #10
                                         RE: blown head, need your opinions, Hult250R, Sep-14-04 06:30 PM, #11
                                              RE: blown head, need your opinions, HybriDSM, Sep-15-04 05:52 AM, #12
                                                   RE: blown head, need your opinions, SaberKhan, Sep-27-04 03:28 PM, #13
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