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Top Team 2GNT Community The Pits v3.1 topic #49177
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Subject: "Another year over" Previous topic | Next topic
ModeratormicyekDec-30-22 08:45 PM
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#49177, "Another year over"


Hi 2gnt:)

Even though I lurk around here a couple of times a year...unlike back in the day this place was a staple in my life...I saw a 2nd gen gsx on Facebook marketplace recently and it had me feeling very nostolgic. So I thought I'd stop by and say hello!

Just over 11 years ago my twins boys were born, and not long after that I started detuning my 98 talon selling off the parts and eventually the car itself. I never really missed it much. I loved wrenching on it and learning new things about it and mechanics in general. But life took me in another direction. Since then, I've been divorced, moved several times, lost a job of 14 years, had many relationships and "relationships" of varying degrees of success, and finally found a love that can put up with me

So after 11 years of not having a toy to drive around I finally allowed myself to spoil myself and picked up a 2014 Camaro SS. I love just being able to jump into it, stomping on the gas, burn some dead dinosaurs, and have a grin from ear to ear. I gotta tell ya though, the bug to modify is strong, and hard to resist. But for now I just want to enjoy it for what it is.

I truly hope all that read this are doing well and have a very happy new year!

getty up


'98 Talon...gone, but not forgotten

Attachment #1, (jpg file)


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Another year over [View all] , Moderatormicyek, Dec-30-22 08:45 PM
  RE: Another year over, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-30-22 08:53 PM, #1
RE: Another year over, Moderatormicyek, Dec-30-22 09:08 PM, #2
RE: Another year over, Global Ruler Of All ThingsDarkOne, Dec-31-22 06:41 PM, #5
RE: Another year over, Moderator992gnt, Dec-30-22 09:13 PM, #3
      RE: Another year over, Moderatormicyek, Dec-30-22 09:37 PM, #4
      RE: Another year over, Moderator992gnt, Jan-01-23 06:19 AM, #6
           RE: Another year over, cms, Jun-05-23 07:49 AM, #7
                RE: Another year over, KaptainMyke, Jun-09-23 09:09 PM, #8
      RE: Another year over, ModeratorCorbin, Oct-14-23 05:27 PM, #9

Top Team 2GNT Community The Pits v3.1 topic #49177 Previous topic | Next topic
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