Hey guys i've done some research I cant seem to find the answer forgive me if i've missed it.
I replaced the broken passenger door handle with one from a scrapyard. However the handle only moves the actuator a tiny bit when its fully pulled-not nearly enough to open the door. How can i adjust this? Did i install it incorrectly?
Also, when I pull the interior door handle, the exterior one moves as well . This doesn't happen on the drivers side ( the side i did not touch) so again i'm wondering what i did wrong. Thanks in advance.
#105959, "RE: Door handle replacement" In response to Reply # 0
You need to take the door panel off and inspect your rods that move the handle. Sometimes the plastic hardware has Alot of play not allowing full movement of the handle.
#105961, "RE: Door handle replacement" In response to Reply # 1
Yeah, basically what he mentioned above. There are a few metal rods that have to go back exactly the way you took them off for everything to work properly. It's a royal PITA to get your hands in there but it can be done.
#105962, "RE: Door handle replacement" In response to Reply # 2
You can stick a bolt between that rod to shorten play, but eventually they are gonna brake I wish some one had a 3d printer or the coordinates to make the aluminum ones again.