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Search logic: Or And

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If applicable, recursively search all children forums?
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How to search the discussion forums using advanced search form

  1. Enter a keyword or keywords. If you are submitting more than one keyword, use a blank space to separate each keyword.
  2. Specify search criteria. Select 'Word' if you want the keywords to match as a word. Otherwise, select 'Pattern' to match keywords as a part of words.
  3. If you specified more than one keyword, define search logic. If you choose 'Or' logic, the search will return any topics containing any one of the keywords. If you choose 'And' logic, the search will return topics that matches the entire string.
  4. Select a conference or a forum to search. If you select a conference, it will search all the forums in that conference. NOTE: Limiting the number of forums to search will be much quicker.
  5. If you wish to recursively search a forum and all its children forums, select 'Yes' for this option.
  6. Specify a particular field you wish to search.
  7. Specify the date range of topics you wish to search
  8. .
  9. Specify the number of results to display per page
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