Yeah literally. My car has been lowered for almost 2 years now and I have Ingalls cambers on the fronts. Well I just replaced both my upper control arms because the passenger side nearly snapped itself off where the camber meets the lower arm.
So I was putting the driver side back together and I was having a bitch of a time getting the nut to thread back onto the bolt for the camber. Well I never got it. It's stripped itself so bad or somehow it just won't thread at all. So trying to tighten it just spins the ball joint in the camber and makes it impossible. I ruined the boot completely in the process of trying to find stupid ways to get it tight.
So I need a single Ingalls camber. Not two. I'm having a hard time finding a site that sells just one. I'm sure it's going to cost me about 70 bucks for a single Ingalls camber but I need it asap. If anyone has one available or knows of a site that sells singles, I'll pay extra to get it shipped fast.
I thought about grinding the bolt down to skip the beginning since that is where it messed the threading up, but I already ruined the bolt trying countless times to get the nut on so I don't even care anymore.
Go figure, I can't finish anything on this damn DSM without a stupid problem like this coming up. I really don't like my car lately.