Not sure what the problem is but i go today to replace my old filter seeing that its and old pos and god only knows when/if it has ever been replaced.
But after install it keeps leaking from the rear(toward the back of the car rear). I made sure i have both brass washers in(both new) and yet it still leaks. I am wondering now if the pump is backwards(from the look of my repair manual it looks right)
___________________________________________________________________________ 13psi on a built bottom end with a stock now mtx, check mate.
#118056, "RE: new fuel filter keeps leaking" In response to Reply # 0 Oct-03-07 03:39 PM by susafuss
still leaking and i tried a new filter and new brass rings, does anyone know how tight i need to make it. I was thinking 22ftlbs but i can't get a torque wrench in there. And it is leaking like crazy from both ends now
___________________________________________________________________________ 13psi on a built bottom end with a stock now mtx, check mate.
#118058, "RE: new fuel filter keeps leaking" In response to Reply # 2 Oct-03-07 07:13 PM by susafuss
Thanks terry. I went back in after a recovery break, torqued the hell out of it and it fixed the leak. Damn i had no idea that thing had to be so tight:eek
___________________________________________________________________________ 13psi on a built bottom end with a stock now mtx, check mate.