#2033, "RE: New guy from Olympia Washington" In response to In response to 0
Cool Man. Glad to see you finally took my advice.
You will learn to navigate this site very quick, its easy, it doesn't have hundreds of dead links, and you don't deal with all the 420A Haters.
Now, welcome to the Forums! You will see a chat Icon on the 2gnt.com toolbar. It usually says how many people are in chat. I know with you're HG problem over on DSMTalk, we could've gotten you much quicker answers here!
Enjoy the Site Man! Pics of Car NAOW! Seems like you've really got some money tied up in her.
Originally posted by 740TurboBrick
"Dsms run on Gasoline, DSMers run on Alcohol...Id bring a tank to refuel the DSMers..."