so i think i'm finally gonna get around to redoing my suspension. I'm just shy of 200k on stock everything so it's about time.
I took it in to get an alignment and they gave me a list of things that need replacement before they can do an alignment:
shock - leaking L/R inner tie rod - excess play R&P - leaking rear knuckle upper bushing - missing
sooo I was thinking i'd get some new shocks (prolly kyb's or tokicos), a new r&p (includes inner tie rods), and a prothane bushing kit. The upper rear knuckle bushing are almost completely gone. I'll probably try and do most of the other bushings while I've got everything apart..
Is there anything else I might as well replace at the same time?
I think the prothane kit comes with some of the bushings for the shocks. Is there any other hardware on the shocks that will probably also need to be replaced?