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Top 2GNT Technical Handling/Suspension topic #32791
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Subject: "Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims" Previous topic | Next topic
ModeratorCorbinMar-30-10 07:48 PM
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#32791, "Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims"


I need more traction than my 215 tread width tires can provide, so I am looking to squeeze as much rubber underneath the car as possible. I want to properly support that rubber with the appropriate width wheel. I am OK with running the wheel flush with the side of the car, but it cannot noticeably stick out. I do need to turn corners, so the tire must not touch the fender liners. The car is fairly high with only a 1-1.2" drop (H&R OE). I would like to hear from a few people running 235-245 tread width tires on 8.5-9" wheels. Ideally, I want to know the offset of the wheel you run and if there are any issues. After some searching, I believe that an 8.5" wheel with 42 mm offset and 235 tread width tires will fit. If I could go 9" and 245 tread, that would be worth considering. Anyone running these combinations sucessfully?

'95 ESI-T

Now with more power and fewer leaks

Humble servant of the Wiki


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Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims [View all] , ModeratorCorbin, Mar-30-10 07:48 PM
  RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, AdministratorCODE4, Mar-30-10 08:41 PM, #1
RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, baconater3000, Mar-30-10 09:37 PM, #2
      RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, AdministratorCODE4, Mar-30-10 09:46 PM, #3
           RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, baconater3000, Mar-30-10 11:26 PM, #4
                RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, Moderatorxcasbonx, Mar-31-10 07:54 AM, #5
                     RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, RoninEclipse2G, Mar-31-10 10:44 AM, #6
                          RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, baconater3000, Apr-01-10 02:32 AM, #7
                               RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, RoninEclipse2G, Apr-01-10 10:28 AM, #8
                                    RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, ModeratorCorbin, Apr-01-10 07:37 PM, #9
                                         RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, electrohead, Apr-01-10 08:45 PM, #10
                                              RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, AdministratorStar Turbo Talon, Apr-06-10 09:27 PM, #11
RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, ez, Apr-07-10 11:35 AM, #12
RE: Need people with 8.5" and 9" wide rims, ModeratorCorbin, Apr-15-10 06:57 PM, #13
      RE: Need people with 8.5, Warmage12, Jun-12-10 11:46 AM, #14
           RE: Need people with 8.5, ModeratorCorbin, Apr-02-13 07:40 PM, #15
RE: Need people with 8.5, Speedmonger, Apr-03-13 07:47 PM, #16
RE: Need people with 8.5, TurbchargdSpydr, Aug-01-13 01:12 PM, #17

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