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Topic subject2g 420a 97GS...................T(soon)
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=92&topic_id=2293
2293, 2g 420a 97GS...................T(soon)
Posted by IbangUGK, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Hi everyone thank you for having me. Just bought my first DSM a month ago. Unfortunately it has a blown head gasket, possibly even a cracked head as there is coolant in spark plug hole. And my oil looks like Beyonce's skin lol. :+

My name is Brian btw and I currently reside in Northern California Redding/Chico area. If there is anyone in the surrounding area that is knowledgeable or remotely interested in a tear down and forged 420a rebuild with Forced Induction please msg or email me I want to get started asap when the holidays are over and would love the company/help :D
I will feed and water you!
2294, RE: 2g 420a 97GS...................T(soon)
Posted by Rtistyk, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Welcome to the forums.
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