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Forum nameIntroductions
Topic subjectAwesome Video
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=92&topic_id=2144
2144, Awesome Video
Posted by season_of_ages, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Made me feel like I was signing up for Taco Bell employment all over again!
Anywayz, I'm here cuz I got an Avenger. Thought I'd sign up n see what I can contribute here! aha
Mostly interested in buyin parts
anywho, hi everyone
See ya around
2145, RE: Awesome Video
Posted by 2ndGen-ElTalon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Hello, Welcome. You can browse the BST forums I believe, though I think there is some type of lurker period until you can actually make threads/replies for that sub forum.

Anyways, we are very big here on sticking to the basics, starting simple, doing PLENTY of research, & the fundamentals of auto mechanics. When you get down to it, its only as smart as you are. If you are NOT smart enough, SEARCH, or ASK questions here.

ONE huge thing we are complete assholes about, again, just can't stress this enough man. Proper Grammar, Spelling, & Punctuation go a long ways around here. Look at it like this, if someone is competent & mature enough to use a vocabulary above 1st grade. Then they can type in full words, sentences, & post accordingly. "not lke Disssss" -- We do not like that.

Other than that, There are thousands of bits & pieces of information here, many of which are sticked in the Articles section. You will find your stay here enjoyable, & the people who we interact with are definitely, some of the smartest out there you can find.

Good Luck, Lets see the Car!

2146, RE: Awesome Video
Posted by Fotowntalon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I'm confused, where is the "Awesome Video"?
2147, RE: Awesome Video
Posted by season_of_ages, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
the video located under the "Mandatory for new members." thread? I believe it is stickied, the first in this subforum
2148, RE: Awesome Video
Posted by Fotowntalon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Wow, I never noticed that.
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