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Topic subjectHello 2GNT community
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2127, Hello 2GNT community
Posted by 95eclipseagle, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Hello all,
I've been a member for awhile, I just never got around to the intro.

I wanted to say thanks to everyone on here who knows what they are talking about!
There is a ton of very useful info in this site thanks to you guys, and it is much appreciated!

I've referred to the "search" so many times on here and never had to post, so here is my first!

I currently have a 1995 Eclipse RS, just a few minor mods; Energy motor/trans mounts, header, full exhaust, CAI, Sachs "power clutch" (great clutch for the price in my opinion), AC Delete, Battery relocation for easy access to the transmission and everything in that area... and to get that damn battery bracket out of the way!, new timing belt, Talon front bumper cover, badgeless(no "RS" or "eclipse" on the back of the car anymore..you'd be surprised at how many people this confuses), black primer...stealth bomber style.

I picked up the car for $550 last year as a project, it had a bad clutch, the transmission made a hellish noise(I didn't figure that out until I put the new clutch in..I had to drop it back out and put another one in), the drivers side fender and door was mangled up...I turned it into my daily driver with some time, money, sweat, and blood...I saved another one from the junkyard!

I previously had a 93' eagle talon 1.8 4g37...not too bad for the dog car of them all...this brought me into the dsm world, and I could never escape!

DSM's can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but you gotta love them!

Thanks again! Great site!
2129, RE: Hello 2GNT community
Posted by DarkOne, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Awesome! We're glad to have you!
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