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2083, New guy
Posted by STEP8605, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
ok so i am new to the dsm scene so forgive me ahead of time for not being to up to par on terms and abreviations. First off i have a bone stock 99 rs auto with an oil leak . From what i have read its a common proble with the 420a's . i know that the a604 is not that great of an transaxle so i am currently in the process of getting my parts together for the well know at to manual swap. I have plans for my car but i am married with three kids and well look at the economy lol. I have done alot of research and found that the 2gennt has alot of potential. I am not a racer but like to have the cool stuff as if i were one lol. I have just about got everything figured out on how to do the swap but just one question to ask can i drop jut the trans or will i have to take the full motor and trans out together kinda dumb question but thought i would ask but to know before hand . thanks to anyone that respondes with advice in advance
2084, RE: New guy
Posted by CODE4, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Welcome to the site.

Familiarize yourself with forum layouts and pay attention to the section topics.

There is a wealth of information contained in the WIKI and by using the search feature.
2085, RE: New guy
Posted by STEP8605, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I realized it after I posted it that I was in the wrong section . And oddly enough I was trying not to get tagged by you for bad grammar lol.
2086, RE: New guy
Posted by TurbchargdSpydr, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by STEP8605
I realized it after I posted it that I was in the wrong section . And oddly enough I was trying not to get tagged by you for bad grammar lol.

Lol, well welcome to the site, and wheather you should take out the engine with the tranny is debatable! Some people prefer taking the whole thing out, however most people will tell you to just take out the axles, jack the engine up a little so it doesn fall! Unscrew the drivers side motor mount and the front tranny mount, as well as the tranny bolts, and just yank it out. As you can see, this could be a bit of an issue to do especially if your working in your garage on the floor!

Hope this helps!
2087, RE: New guy
Posted by BoostedEclipse, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Ive pulled my motor 4 times and everytime I pulled both at once. Ive never had any problems.
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