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Topic subjectNew guy from Olympia Washington
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2030, New guy from Olympia Washington
Posted by ozeclipse99, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Hey guys! My name is Taylor, I am from Olympia Washington. I have been a member on dsmtalk for awhile now, however alot of my posts are related to my 420a and sometimes their not able to help me. Nothing against them at all! I love it there but thought I would further my "forum-ness" I now own two DSM's. My first car, which was a 99 eclipse gs, and now a 97 gsx. Right now the 420a is a 2.3l, has 12:1 pistons, full crower valve train with stage 3 cams, ACT clutch and the list goes on. To go along with all this, a snapped head stud and a blown head gasket. I achieved high 12's with a good tune. It was my dream to get an "all motor" car in the 12's but now that i'm there I want to be faster. Anyways i'm looking forward to a new forum!
2033, RE: New guy from Olympia Washington
Posted by 2ndGen-ElTalon, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Cool Man. Glad to see you finally took my advice.

You will learn to navigate this site very quick, its easy, it doesn't have hundreds of dead links, and you don't deal with all the 420A Haters.

Now, welcome to the Forums! You will see a chat Icon on the 2gnt.com toolbar. It usually says how many people are in chat. I know with you're HG problem over on DSMTalk, we could've gotten you much quicker answers here!

Enjoy the Site Man! Pics of Car NAOW! Seems like you've really got some money tied up in her.

2035, RE: New guy from Olympia Washington
Posted by ozeclipse99, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Jeff, very cool. Thank you for the welcome. Yeah...there sure is a story behind that thing. Pics? ah! Once i put it back together I will. And I am saving money right now because I believe if i want to go much faster I will need to turbo it. Which will require a full rebuild because i have 12:1's in there now :( The head and block are in the machine shop now! I will post my build thread once I start getting the parts for the turbo build. I DESPISE nitrous, and that is how I got my time.
2034, RE: New guy from Olympia Washington
Posted by CODE4, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
I am interested to hear about said motor and all related parts - give us a full rundown if you do not mind. Specs/brands/etc.
2036, RE: New guy from Olympia Washington
Posted by ozeclipse99, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
You betcha! Just let me figure out how this forum works first haha! And those shirts. I just missed them. Bummer.
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