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Topic subjectRE: New and need help modding
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=92&topic_id=2028&mesg_id=2031
2031, RE: New and need help modding
Posted by ozeclipse99, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Ya know, having an auto car for a "race car" isn't the worst thing. In fact if you can get past the "my friends think i'm a loser because my car isn't a stick" having an automatic in a drag car is relatively a good thing. Now depending on what kinda power you have, the tranny would need upgrades. Converting to a manual transmission is a lot of work. It's up to you whether or not your skill is up to par. A lot of guys i track with have converted there manual cars to automatics. This is rather easy compared. First things first though, with an NA car...you gotta let her breathe.
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