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Topic subjectIdentify these brackets
Topic URLhttp://forums.2gnt.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=105994
105994, Identify these brackets
Posted by kevoxxx, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Hey guys, I'm finally putting my car back together after five long years of watching it collect dust and I've forgotten where some of the brackets go. I'm hoping you will be able to identify these 3 in particular!

I'm guessing the U-shaped bracket is for the battery tray but I'm not 100% sure and I haven't the foggiest idea what the other 2 could be....

thanks for your help! It's exciting to finally be reassembling everything - bay gets painted on Friday :D
105995, RE: Identify these brackets
Posted by Corbin, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Those pictures show up as postage stamps on my computer. It is really hard to tell what is what. The U shaped bracket is definitely under the battery tray. I think the center one with the large hole is holding up the bottom of the windshield washer reservoir. The one on the right is a little bit of a mystery, but it reminds me of one that holds up a fuse box in the engine bay. I suppose you'll find out when you go to assemble everything. I scrapped my 2GNT three years ago, so I can't go out and verify.

'97 GSX dressed like a '95 ESi
105996, RE: Identify these brackets
Posted by kevoxxx, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
yeah they show up small on my computer too and I don't understand why since they're a copy from photobucket.com which is a fullscreen image :S

The windshied washer reservoir guess sounds pretty good to me! I'll try and see if the other one holds the fusebox in any way....

The main reason I ask is because these are the last brackets I found in my boxes of unorganized parts that are not yet powdercoated so I want to send them off to get powdercoated before everything gets put back together! But I'm moving the battery to the trunk and the windshield reservoir to the cabin so there's no need for those brackets....I guess I'll roll the dice and see what happens lol. Thanks for the help.

PS if you sold your 2g years ago, do you have a 1g now? If not, why do you still post here? lol
105997, RE: Identify these brackets
Posted by Corbin, Dec-31-69 06:00 PM
Originally posted by kevoxxx
PS if you sold your 2g years ago, do you have a 1g now? If not, why do you still post here? lol

I still have a 2G, just the wrong engine/trans for this forum. I've been here long enough that nowhere else feels right.

'97 GSX dressed like a '95 ESi
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